Cheats & Guides

Tenchi o Kurau II: Shokatsu Koumei Den Cheats For NES

  1. Item Duplication

    Before you try duplicating an item, you'll need to have a few things set up. First, you need the character at the front of your army to have his inventory full, with the desired item in it. Also, you'll need a weapon equipped. To start, simply drop the item you want to duplicate. Now, have that character unequip his weapon and then immediately equip it again. Then, use the Check option to check the spot where you dropped your item. You should pick it back up again.

    Now go back into that character's inventory and drop the item again. You'll notice that even after dropping the item, it's still in your inventory. Even though you still have the item, check the ground and you'll pick it back up, duplicating the item. This trick only duplicates one item each go, so if you want to make extra copies beyond the first you'll have to start the process from scratch.

    Contributed by: Black Rabite 

  2. Recover A Dropped Item

    If you discard an item, but you later want to pick it up again. Just step into the same spot where you dropped it and Search the floor to get it back.

    Contributed by: ReyVGM 

  3. Chapter Select

    Start a new game and at the name entry screen, press Up 4 times, Right 2 times, Down 8 times and Left 1 time. After pressing that button sequence, enter the following Japanese names below to start in the desired chapter. You'll start at Level 0 though. The format is Row #, Column #.

    Effect Effect
    - 2,7 - 1,8 - 6,2 - 2,2 - Chapter 2
    - 5,1 - 5,1 - 2,3 - 5,5 - Chapter 3
    - 6,4 - 2,10 - 10,3 - 3,1 - Chapter 4
    - 5,2 - 2,7 - 1,8 - Chapter 5
    - 1,4 - 4,2 - 1,5 - 1,2 - Chapter 6

    Contributed by: ReyVGM 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Game Genie Codes Game Genie Codes by THedstrom 1K
General FAQs FAQ/Strategy Guide by KR Zhang 133K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by lordyuanshu 149K
General FAQs Hints and Tips by Kuniokun 9K
In-Depth FAQs Character Guide by Binta 31K