Cheats & Guides

Superliminal Cheats For PC

  1. Sprinkler system

    If you click on any fire alarm in the game it will activate and remain activated for the rest of the playthrough. If you click on all fire alarms in the game (clicking once on the alarms in the Clone level counts as activating them, even though they do not appear to be activated until you reload the level), a fire alarm option will appear in the main menu. Clicking on it causes a sprinkler system to activate in the menu screen.

    Contributed by: darkknight109 

  2. Flaming fire extinguishers

    If you click on any fire extinguisher in the game several times, it will eventually run empty and let out a gasping noise. Fire extinguishers emptied this way are saved as you progress through the game. If you empty all fire extinguishers in the game, from that point onward they will spray flames when clicked on.

    Contributed by: darkknight109 

  3. Secret chess game

    Scattered throughout the game are hidden red and blue chess pieces that burst into light and disappear when clicked on. If you collect all of the hidden chess pieces, a hidden area will be unlocked. Load into any level between Level 2 and Level 7; in the reception area, click on the computer monitor that has a chessboard on it. You will be teleported to a hidden room in Level 8 and placed in front of a chessboard. If you place the pieces (only two of which are movable) into a position to checkmate the red king, you will receive an achievement.

    Contributed by: darkknight109 

  4. Playable Title Screen

    Hidden in chapters 2-8 are hidden rooms (one per chapter) containing a starry vista. Within each room, if you stand in a specific spot, a clickable constellation will become visible. If you click on all seven constellations, a new option will appear on the main menu. Clicking on it will spawn the player in the room where the title screen is set, allowing them to wander around and interact with several unique items.

    Contributed by: darkknight109 

  5. Secret Avocado Room

    Scattered throughout the game are hidden blueprints that fill in when you click on them (15 in total). If you find all of them, return to Chapter 6 and explore the hallway outside of the bedroom. A new door will have opened up, leading to a room filled with avocados and a message from Dr. Pierce.

    Contributed by: darkknight109 

Superliminal Cheats For PlayStation 4

  1. Trophies

    Complete each requirement to unlock the specified trophy.

    Find all secret chess pieces Chess Master
    Place a soda can in a recycling bin Environment Saved!
    Pull enough fire alarms Expert Fire Alarmist
    Find all blueprints Feeling Blue
    Pull one fire alarm Fire Alarmist
    Pull all the fire alarms Fire Safety Achieved
    Empty all fire extinguishers Fires Extinguished
    Make the last move Kasparov
    Obtain all trophies Perception is Reality
    Put a soda can in the wrong place instead of recycling Please Recycle
    Find the nook in Optical Please Use Other Door
    Find the hidden trophy Polite Recognition
    Drink all sodas Soda Connoisseur
    An apple for a head Son of Man
    Beat the game in under an hour Speed Runner
    Complete all constellations Stars Align
    Break a soda can Sugar Crash
    Beat the game in under 30 minutes Superluminal
    Fail at throwing away trash Take Your Trash Elsewhere
    Congratulations on doing something! Vaguely Activated Achievement
    Beat the game Wake Up
    Clone an object way too many times Why Are You Like This?

    Contributed by: Mookiethebold