Cheats & Guides

Super POTUS Trump Cheats For PC

  1. Achievements

    The winning has just begun 100 Winning Coins!
    You did it all! 100% Game Completion!
    Are you begging for the winning to stop?! 1000 Winning Coins!!!
    Are you tired of winning yet? 500 Winning Coins!!
    Thank you and good luck! Bought the Full Game!
    You've made over 24 bricks for the wall! Build That Wall!
    Congratulations! You got Donald J. Trump to the White House! Made it to the White House!
    Over 30 tweet attacks! Clearly you have learned from the master! Master Tweeter!
    You have extremely high energy! Max HP!
    Landing over 10 tweet attacks! Pro Tweeter!
    Find and play Vladmir's favorite song Putin's Favorite Song
    Won the game while wearing your MAGA hat! Winning with Style!

    Contributed by: Hardkoroff