Cheats & Guides

Summer Carnival '92: Recca Cheats For NES

  1. Sound Test + Odd Image

    To access the Sound Test menu in Recca, hold Select and press a confiramtion button at the title screen (after the Naxatsoft logo). If you get to a small menu that says ''Change Limit'', just press B and you'll go to the title screen where you'll be able to use the code.

    Contributed by: Morzas 

  2. Second part of the game.

    When you cleared the game, and are confronted with the "to be continued" message, don't shutdown your console! Reset it, and you'll start the amazing second part of the game, featuring new levels even harder than the first ones.

    Contributed by: Danjuro 

  3. Zanki Attack

    "Zanki Attack" is a hidden mode. It takes place in the Normal Game stages, but the player starts with 50 lives. Small enemies release 4 suicide bullets in random directions, and large enemies release more. Score is ranked by remaining lives.

    Code: Reset the game, and hold A+B. Press and hold Start to begin a normal game, without releasing A+B. Finally, press and hold Up+Select (5 buttons total).

    Contributed by: tidegear 

  4. Stage Select

    Access the sound test without releasing Start. Press A+B+Select, and a number should appear in the lower right, indicating the starting stage. Pressing A+B+Select again will increment that number. 01-04 correspond to Normal Game stages, 05-11 are Hard Game stages, and 12 is the Score/Time Attack stage. If Hard Mode is active, 05 will show to begin with. Press Start when done, and choose Normal Game.

    Contributed by: tidegear 

  5. Change Limit and Infinite Lives

    Change Limit: After a reset, before the title screen, some swirling text appears. Hold Select while this text fades, and a dialog saying "CHANGE LIMIT" will appear. Press Start to exit.

    Infinite Lives: Access the Change Limit screen. While holding A+B+Up+Select, press Start to return to the main menu, and begin any game mode (including Zanki Attack).

    Contributed by: tidegear 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by EntropicLobo 58K
In-Depth FAQs Stage One Walkthrough by The Lost Gamer 4K