Cheats & Guides

Speedy Eggbert 2 Cheats For PC

  1. Cheat codes

    Anywhere in the game, type one of these words to get the listed effect: Note:Tank,Skateboard and Heli-pack cheats cannot be activated while outside of a level. (ex:title screen)

    Effect Effect
    layegg Adds one more life
    cleanall Clean all the stages
    killegg Deletes one life
    alltreasure Gets all the treasure of the stage
    birdlime Gets maximum glue suppliment
    showsecret Indicates the secret blocks
    megablupi Invincibility (only die by pit.)
    endgoal Jumps to the goal
    showsecret Mark invisible blocks
    drivetank Obtain a glue tank instantly
    givecopter Obtain a heli-pack instantly
    funskate Obtain a skateboard instantly
    tenbombs Obtains 10 "Personal Bombs"
    udynamite Obtains a "Dynamite"
    quicklollipop Obtains a "Lollipop"
    roundshield Obtains a "Shield"
    wellkeys Obtains a red, a green and a blue key
    opendoors Open all doors of the stage
    znetdebug Possibly a debug mode in multiplayer mode
    netpacked Possibly a multiplayer cheat, I dunno what it does
    givecopter Ride the helicopter
    iovercraft Ride the hovercraft
    jeepdrive Ride the jeep
    funskate Ride the skate
    drivetank Ride the tank
    powercharge Start charging Eggbert

    Contributed by: VinceTehMan, Arizonan