Cheats & Guides

Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson Cheats For 3DS

  1. Easily Defeat True Orochi Boss

    When you battle Orochi, make sure both team members are attacking. Now, while controlling Asuka, have her move far away from Orochi. As Homura continues her assault, Orochi will only have time to occasionally toss projectiles your way. Just avoid them. If you avoid them for long enough, Homura (who deals more damage than Asuka) will finish the job on your behalf for an easy win.

    Contributed by: ZeoKnight 

  2. Unlocking Crimson Homura and Ult. Asuka

    Beat the game. After beating the game reload your save file and go to player select on either Homura or Asuka press down or up.
    Doing this selects their ultimate forms.
    Complete with new skills and combos! :)

    Beat game reload your save file Ultimate Characters

    Contributed by: TheJRPGPro