Cheats & Guides

Onirim Cheats For iOS (iPhone/iPad)

  1. Google Play Achievements

    This title has a total of 58 Google Play Achievements. Meet the specified conditions, where applicable, to receive the Achievement.

    Win a game where you unlock all red doors before any others. A Red-Letter Night
    Win a game without manually discarding any location cards. Acceptance
    Use the Cyclobot to regain discarded crossroad key. Ancient Artifact
    Discard at least 3 nightmares with a single the Harpoon Hunter. Big Game Hunter
    Win a game after setting nightmare to be the next card in the deck using prophecy or squirrel spies. Bring It On
    Discard all dead ends in the deck only by triggering Escape. Chasing Dreams
    Use the chromatic chaos on the drawn door to immediately unlock it with a key. Chromatic Abberation
    Chain 2 sequences of cards of the same color in a row. Colorful Dreams
    Trigger 100 prophecies and incantations. Conjurer
    Lose 100 games. Consolation Prize
    Win the Crossroads and Dead Ends game with intersections variant enabled. Didn't Cross Your Mind
    Chain 3 sequences of cards in a row. Dream Cycle
    Unlock all the doors only by matching sequences of cards. Dream Runner
    Rally and use each unique denizen at least once. Dream Team
    Win the game reaching score of 6000. Elite Dreamer
    Unlock a door using 3 crossroad cards. Endless Possibilities
    Win the game reaching score of 7000. Famous Dreamer
    Feed 4 dead ends cards to nightmare. Fight Fire with Fire
    Win a game without any non-matched cards in the labyrinth. Flawless Design
    Play two cards from two Treasure Keepers in a row. Flooding the Market
    Win a game where you use only Doors to resolve Nightmares. Gatekeeper
    Win the Glyphs game without triggering any incantations. Glyph Keeper
    Win a game after unlocking only one door of each color first. Golden Pot at the End of the Rainbow
    Win the game after putting all the glyphs in the deck in the labyrinth. Graffiti Master
    Trigger Escape to get rid of 5 dead ends at once. Great Escape
    Discard at least 5 cards in a row using the Hammer Bird. Hammer Time
    Win a game where you unlock all green doors before any others. Have a Green Thumb
    Win a game without any Nightmares triggered. I'm in Dreamland!
    Win a game after resolving nightmares in all possible ways. I've Seen It All
    Unlock a door using an incantation. Incantation Adept
    Create a sequence of 3 cards of the same symbol by using the Architect. Jackpot
    Unlock Door to the Oniverse with the Crossroad key. Kaleidoscope
    Open a door with a key kept by the Treasure Keeper. Key Keeper
    After discarding all cards of the kind, use the Cyclobot to get one of them back. Last of its Kind
    Win the game reaching score of 8000. Legendary Dreamer
    Complete the tutorial. Let's Dream!
    Win the game after rallying 8 denizens. Levy in Mass
    Win a game where you unlock all brown doors before any others. Like an Open Book
    Win the Door to the Oniverse game without rallying any denizens. Loner
    Play the card kept with the Treasure Keeper after at least 20 turns. Long Term Investment
    Win 35 games. Lucid Dreamer
    Unlock a door with the crossroad key. Master Key
    Win 80 games. Master of Dreams
    Discard the last nightmare in the deck with the Harpoon Hunter. Moby Dick
    Win a game while feeding over 36 cards to nightmares. Nightmare Fuel
    Win the Crossroads and Dead Ends game without triggering Escape even once. No Escape
    Win a game where you unlock all blue doors before any others. Once in a Blue Moon
    Win a game with 10 or more Nightmares triggered. Paradoxical Sleep
    Unlock all the doors using only keys. Picklock
    Unlock Door to the Oniverse using incantation. Portal to the Oniverse
    Beat your previous high score. Recurring Dream
    Win a game while feeding no more than 12 cards to Nightmares. Starve Your Fears
    Win the Crossroads and Dead Ends game after discarding or resolving all dead ends and nightmares in the deck. Steamroller of Progress
    Win a game without triggering more than 5 Nightmares. Sweet Dreams
    Win a game with 15 cards or more in the deck. Take a Little Nap...
    Win 10 games. Trained Dreamer
    Win your first game. Wake Up
    Make a match of 3 cards without using any Sun and Moon cards. Weird Place

    Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer