Cheats & Guides

Nickelodeon Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Cheats For Xbox 360

  1. Achievements

    Leo is upgraded to the max! Awesome Sauce!
    Mikey is upgraded to the max! Booyakasha!
    Cleared out the Fortune Cookie Factory! Clearin' the Cookies
    Raph is upgraded to the max! Cowabunga!
    Defeated Dogpound. Curbed the Dog
    Defeated Baxter Stockman. Dexter Blockhead
    All combo attacks purchased for Donnie. Don's Got the Touch
    Defeated Fishface. Filet o' Fishface
    Completed Environment 4 in Time Attack! Good Timing!
    Found 50% of the Mutagen Canisters! Half Full
    Reached wave 10 in Survival Mode! Hero in a Half Shell!
    Destroyed 100 objects. I Like Breakin' Stuff
    Threw 10 enemies at the screen. In Your face!
    All combo attacks purchased for Leo. Leo's Sweet Moves
    Discovered 100% of the secrets! Master of Secrets!
    All combo attacks purchased for Mikey. Mikey's Magic
    Found 100% of the Mutagen Canisters! Mutagen Maestro
    Had 10,000 Energy Shards available to spend. Need Bigger Pockets
    Destroyed 10 objects by thrown enemies! Ninja Aim Yo!
    Found your first Secret! On the Right Path
    Finished the first level. Ooo, aren't you talented?
    Completed Environment 5 in Time Attack! Perfect Timing!
    Completed Environment 3 in Time Attack! Pride of Splinter!
    Cleared out the Shellraiser. Raising Shell!
    All combo attacks purchased for Raph. Raph's a Beast!
    Defeated Shredder! Shredded!
    Trapped 10 enemies in containers! Snag 'Em and Bag 'Em
    Discovered 50% of the secrets! Sorta Master of Secrets
    Cleared out the Kraang Warehouse. Squishy Brain Freaks
    Completed Environment 2 in Time Attack! Stoppin' the Clock!
    Defeated the Kraang Tank. Tanks for Nothin'!
    Beat the Mega Mouser! That's a Big Mouser
    Completed Environment 1 in Time Attack! Time for Pizza!
    Beat wave 35 in Survival Mode! Turtle Power!
    Donnie is upgraded to the max! Turtley Cool!
    Defeated Justin the Supermutant! What Was THAT?!

    Contributed by: Guard Master 

  2. Mega Mutant Attack

    In the codes section, type in an altered version of the classic Konami code, Up, Down, Left, Right, A, B, Start. This will unlock the "Mega Mutant Attack".

    Up, down, left, right, B, A, Start Mega Mutant Attack

    Contributed by: Sonic2Shadow 

  3. Exclusive codes

    Select "exclusive codes" from the main menu

    Left, down, right, B, B, B Pizza power
    Right, right, A, B, A, down Tiny turtles

    Contributed by: DDskary 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
In-Depth FAQs Achievement Guide by Bombdirt 16K

Nickelodeon Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Cheats For 3DS

  1. Exclusive Codes

    Enter codes in Exclusive Codes section (bottom of selection screen) after pressing Continue button
    Enter said exclusive codes one by one three times (because there are 3 codes) and press the Start button to activate entered codes

    Up , Down, Left , Right , B , A , Start , Start Mutagen Attack
    Left , Down , Right , B , B , B , Start Pizza Power
    Up, Left , Down , Right , B , B , Start Unlimited Smoke Bombs

    Contributed by: Ron325