Cheats & Guides

Lethal Skies Elite Pilot: Team SW Cheats For PlayStation 2

  1. Free Flight Maps

    To unlock any of the free flight maps, earn an S-Ranking on the respective mission.

    Contributed by: sevenstars 

  2. Unlockable planes

    Follow the given methods.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Finish mission 3 "Eastern Parade" with an A rank or higher. F-15E Strike Eagle
    Complete Mission 13 "Aurora Attack" in less than one minute. F-25 Black Owl
    Finish mission 8 "Powerbalance" with an A-rank or higher Su-27k Flanker
    In mission 14 "Silent Touchdown", do not destroy base runway and successfuly land at the end of the mission, Su-47 Berkut
    In mission 6 "New beginning", destroy the building and complete the mission. X-16S Haggard
    Finish Mission 11 "Mission of the L.A" with an A-rank or higher YF-23 Black Widow

    Contributed by: glowsquid 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by SDumblauskas 38K