Cheats & Guides

Hidden Agenda Cheats For PlayStation 4

  1. Trophies

    Complete each requirement to get the specified trophy.

    Felicity convinces Judge Vanstone to release Finn Ace in the Hole
    Finn teams up with Adam Antitrust
    Becky uncovers Adam's backstory Bad Blood
    Becky finds the spycam Blue Movies
    Becky defuses a bomb Bomb Squad
    Unanimously identify who has the Hidden Agenda Busted
    Vernon LeMay falls to his death Butter Fingers
    The Trapper is arrested Case Closed
    The investigation hits a deadend Chinatown
    Make your first choice Choose Wisely
    Find every clue in a single search CSI
    The Trapper dies Dead or Alive
    Win a Hidden Agenda Deception
    Takeover a takeover Double Jeopardy
    Becky links the hooker to two previous murders Dressed to Kill
    Daniella Cárdenas identifies the Trapper Echoes
    Succeed on a Quick Time Event Fastest Finger
    Felicity burns to death Fourth Degree
    Finn escapes from police custody Fugitive
    The Trapper tries to commit suicide Goodbye World
    Becky murders her sergeant Gross Misconduct
    Complete the game without ever using a weapon Gun Shy
    Complete an Endgame Agenda Mastermind
    Becky shoots Judge Vanstone Mercy Kill
    Becky is drugged Mickey Finn
    Complete Story Mode Movie Night
    Felicity breaks into Simon's residence Night Moves
    Foil a Hidden Agenda No Dice
    Unanimously agree on a Trust question Open and Shut
    Becky's partner helps her escape the cops Partners in Crime
    Don't shoot during a combat event Peacemaker
    Earn all other trophies Platinum
    Felicity tricks the killer into an ambush Rat in the Trap
    Becky dies in an explosion Red Wire, Blue Wire
    Becky finds Father Rominski's "Play Room" Sins of the Father
    Becky catches a prowler in the cabin Stalker
    Becky swears at her partner The F Bomb
    Simon is revealed as the Trapper The Killer Unmasked
    Complete Competitive Mode The Rivals
    Finn leads Becky to Adam Trust
    Becky tells Finn about Calvary's murder Truth Hurts
    Becky and Felicity both die Wipeout

    Contributed by: Mookiethebold