Cheats & Guides

Captain Planet and the Planeteers (Europe 1991) Cheats For Amiga

  1. Cheat mode

    NOTE: A copy of the game Captive is required for this trick. Load Captain Planet and go until the level select screen, then replace the disc with the Captive disc. Press Fire, and you will get an error message saying "Disc Error". At this point, remove Captive and place your Captain Planet disc back in and continue playing to unlock cheat mode.

    Contributed by: TheProdigy 

  2. Select any level

    Start your game and go as usual until you reach the level select screen. Type "go planet" and then begin the game. At any time during game play press [F10] and [Enter]. You will jump back to the level select screen, except now all the levels will be unlocked.

    Contributed by: TheProdigy 

  3. Unlimited continues

    First complete the fire level, and then intentionally lose the water level. Enter the following at the high score name entry screen.

    Effect Effect
    BBBB Unlimited continues

    Contributed by: TheProdigy