Cheats & Guides

Ball Breakers Cheats For Dreamcast

  1. Unlock All Prisons

    Hold down the left trigger and enter the following code at the Prison Select screen: A, B, A, X, A, Y, A, A, B, A, X, X, A, Y, A

    Contributed by: CChan 

  2. Unlock Bonus Prison

    Hold down the left trigger and enter the following code at the Prison Select screen: A, A, A, B, A, X, X, X, B, A, X, X, Y.

    Contributed by: NiGHTS 

  3. Unlock Doctor

    Hold down the left trigger and enter the following code at the Single Player Character Select screen: A, A, B, Y, X, B, Y, A, X, B, B, X.

    Contributed by: NiGHTS 

  4. Display Version Number

    Hold down the left trigger and enter the following code at the Main Menu: A, A, A, B, Y, A, A, A, Y, X.

    Contributed by: NiGHTS