Cheats & Guides

Alfonzo's Arctic Adventure Cheats For PC

  1. Passwords

    Enter these passwords at the title screen.

    END-GAME-RUN Boss rush mode
    RAW-FISH-YUM Level select with open map and 99 lives
    PJT-UVWK-RKE Near end of game with 94/95 gold fish and 99 lives

    Contributed by: bngrybt 

Alfonzo's Arctic Adventure Cheats For Xbox One

  1. Passwords

    Passwords can be entered at the title screen.

    END-GAME-RUN Boss rush mode
    RAW-FISH-YUM Level select with open map and 99 lives
    PJT-UVWK-RKE Near end of game with 94/95 gold fish and 99 lives

    Contributed by: bngrybt