Cheats & Guides

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Treasure of Tarmin Cheats For Intellivision

  1. Pause Game

    During gameplay, press 1 and 9 on the keypad.

    Contributed by: jh51681 

  2. Quick increase in War HP trick

    When playing the game, and you have built up a good amount of armor against War weapons (this is your left hand stat on the 2nd row down in the lower right hand corner, if you are not sure which I'm talking about), there is a little trick you can do to get lots of HP for War. Along your way through the dungeon, you'll likely find a book that turns your War HP score blue, beige, or white. These books make it easier for you to gain points by resting after a battle. If you have one of these activated, it makes the trick a lot more effective. After you have found one, and you've used it, you need to purposely run out of arrows for your bow. It might take a while, if you've picked up a lot. When you are out of arrows, go up to a weak enemy and attack it using the bow. Obviously, you'll get a loud buzzing tune, saying you don't have arrows. The monster will retaliate. Press the attack button again. Again, you'll not have anything to shoot, and the monster will again retaliate. Each time you do this, you have potential to gain 1 HP in war after the battle is over. If you have used an enhancement book like I mentioned above, it's almost a certain point. Repeat the process until you are satisfied. Then switch to another weapon and slay the monster. When the monster perishes, hit ''rest''. However many points you earned will be added to your HP score, provided you have enough food to cover the increase (1 unit of food per point gained, and there are 6 food units in each sack of flour you find in the maze).

    Contributed by: Zhuge_Liang 

  3. See What's Hidden Behind Doors

    This only works on an Intellivision II.
    Go to a "hall of doors" - doors that line up on either side of you. Put an object down, and then GLANCE left or right. When you glance, if there is anything behind the door, the object you put down may blink for an instant. If it does, that means that an object is one or two spaces away in the direction you glanced. When you return back to your original direction, it may blink again. Sometimes, when it blinks, it momentarily turns into the object (or part of the sprite) that was hidden. For example, if a spear is behind the door, the item may briefly become a spear, and then return to whatever it was. It becomes easier to see if you glance one way, and then hit the other glance the other before you come back to your original position.

    Contributed by: Foppe 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides FAQ by Zhuge_Liang 32K