This game is the most boring game i have ever played in my life!!!

User Rating: 2.3 | Game Tycoon PC
You start out by crafting a game engine. To do so you must direct your cartoonish main character to an office, click on the computer, and go through a sort of game engine wizard. If you want sound effects you click one box, another box is for 2-D sprite effects, a third if you’d like to include a save-game feature. Now you need cash, so a quick trip to the bank is in order to get a loan. Then you then wander over to a local university, hire a couple of students on contract, and sit still and watch progress bars move from left to right. Now, thats that sound fun????? well i no you are not intrested in how the gameplay is. So i will move on to the next topic.

the worsrt part of all, how the game works is no where close to how a game is really developed. the game is way off.

The game has a simple look to it. it has stumpy characters who wander through a cartoonish office. They all share the same simple look. The positive thing about the game is that , the game never gets frustrating. The in-game PDA is more likely to pop up and deliver stupid and poorly-translated information. info. like “You won the award for a perfect 100% rating, then you woke up.” Now thats funny.

The Music to the game is pretty simple but suits the look of the game(this doesn't mean its good). Well the voiceover isn’t as terrible as you might expect given the rest of the game.

The box for Game Tycoon itself doesn’t include a printed manual, which says a lot about what you should expect here. The game doesn't completely suck, its just not fun.

game tycoon is a 1 out of 5
" " is a 2.3 out of ten