A new idea for a tycoon game that has alot to it and can be quite fun!

User Rating: 8 | Game Tycoon PC
I flew in today from NYC to my house and on the way back I stopped at a Best Buy to see if there was anything on the PC Games section. Well I did not see much until I got to the very end of the line and I say Game Tycoon... Now I make software and movies for a living so I thought It would be something very intresting to try so I said what the hell and grabbed it. I am glad I did now, this is not the best tycoon game ever but this is definitly a great tycoon game that has quite a bit to offer even if some lf it is hidden. Now for the gameplay I give it an eight because there is alot to it, some will say there is barly any, but you have to dig deep into the game to get the good stuff, belive me there is... good stuff ;). Graphics are really cool a nice cartoony style with minor glitches, I liked it alot though. Now here is whats not so good, the sound is kind of anoying, you here the same songs over, the damn toutorial guy keeps repating and oh god, sometimes converstations can be frusterationg too. I think this game has a lot of value however! And the tilt is good with the cool enviroment and controls. So I end up giving this game a 8.0 and I reccoment it to fans of tycoons and someone who wants to try something cool and new! Thanks for reading my review please rate thanks!