This is a great FMA title, better than the first!!

User Rating: 8.6 | Fullmetal Alchemist 2: Curse of the Crimson Elixir PS2
I rented this game a few days ago, and it's a very fun and addictive game. You play as Edward Elric, the 'Fullmetal Alchemist'. You can do the standard hit and kick moves, but you can also use alchemy to defeat your enemies. You can create many things with alchemy, like swords, hammers, copies of Ed, and even bulldozers! Your enemies are mostly these things called golems, which are made from soil, and come in many variations. The graphics have improved a lot; I love the cel-shading, and also you can command Alphonse, Al, Ed's younger brother, to help you fight. The game is an overall improvement of the first one. Good job, Squenix!!