New to the series i had only mediocre reviews, and my extreme fondness of square to go by.

User Rating: 8 | Front Mission 4 PS2
Front Mission 4 is extremely addictive for gamers who love to level their characters up, often beyond what is required of the current enemies. That's also said as a warning for the meek. I currently have about 60hours of time on the clock in the game, and about 40hours of that is playing through the "simulator." The simulator allows you to play most of the previously completed missions in the game with slight variations in order to rack up spendable experience points. Using these points wisely can be very rewarding. As other reviews have stated, you will find yourself thinking about this game when you are not playing it. Such as: "maybe i should by him new legs so he can keep up" or "i better change the links so my three gunners are all connected... and oh yeah boost up their AP too." With all this planning and contemplation it's possible to just plain make a mockery of pponnents.
That isn't to be taken lightly. The Wanzer setup, and pilot customization is so complicated you may find yourself with a notebook full of numbers and a calculator pulling your hair out. But it is this depth that makes the game so immersive. The story is by far enough to keep egging you on, interested as to where the plot is twisting, but the obsessive level-upper (at least in me) will have you postponing grattification until you have a very solid squad of wanzers at your disposal.

I have also found my self attempting a speed save of the game. Hardly any levelling up, just rush through the game with minimal setup. It doesn't work well, but it can be done. It stresses strategy over sheer destructive power. Sadly this "stategy" is basically to attempt to lure your opponents to you, a few at a time, heal your party back to reasonable and repeat. The AI is not quite what you would expect of 2096A.D. giant fighting robots to be. Especially odd is their inability to reallize that their fellow teammates are engaged in combat. Other than that, the fact that you are always far out numberred makes you slightly grateful for their mild incompitence.

All in all, i don't want to type anymore, this game will really pull you in if it's your type. But if you are not a fan of turn based battle systems, run and hide now 'cause i'm pretty sure more Front Missions are on the way.