Almost 20 years later, this slightly addictive game still annoys me.

User Rating: 6.3 | Frogger X360
When I was a kid, for a short time this game was my nemesis. I left it in anger, at an age where I probably wasn't old enough to play games anyway, this was one of the ones I was trying to play before I was even in 1st grade.
Now the re-release of this game, offers co-op, some good achievements and decent settings, but game play wise it is still ultimately just Frogger, and the controls can get slightly finicky on occasion.
There wasn't really much of an upgrade graphically which is fine by me. Just like in the past, it loses it's luster even with achievement allure in less than 2 weeks. Somehow though, it was still slightly addictive enough for me to log at least 10 hours on in those 2 weeks, and I think that is worth $5.