I forgot how much fun I used to have playing this game. Now I remember.

User Rating: 7 | Frogger X360
Like a lot of the Xbox Live games that are available, Frogger is a classic. But the question is how it holds up today. Well the game is still really fun to play, is addiciting, and has achievement points to try to get. Sounds great, right? Well all is not perfect here. First off, the graphics have been re-done to look a little nicer. I personally like the new look of the game. If you are a purist, however, you can play with the classic graphics. The music is non-exsistant while playing most of the game for some reason. It's a very noticable exclusion and I don't understand why it happened.

The gameplay is as basic as it gets. The problem is that the 360 controller's D-pad is not as responsive as you would like. I had many deaths due to the fact that I pushed a direction to move and because I didn't instantly move (like I should have), I got ran over by a car. It's very frustrating. Other than that, that gameplay is basically unchanged. I really like how they used the achievement points. It's not too difficult (cough......Geometry Wars) or not too easy (Galaga). There is co-op play here, if you so choose. It's not that exciting though.

What else can I say? This is Frogger. If you didn't like the game before, you won't like it now. And if you loved it before (like me), this version will probably keep you happy till you get all the achievements. Either way, it's not a bad price for a classic game.