Very fun stages, Very fun game!

User Rating: 9.5 | Frogger PC
(No Frogs were hurt in the making of this review) This was a game i always enjoyed playing. It is not like some of the other froggers. Just a small frog who doesn't wear overalls hoping around trying to get the other frogs and proceeding stage by stage, level by level. This is a very easy game to play and is very simple. I don't like how just about everything kills little frogger. But the game is very addictive and has a truck load of stages. I don't completely understand why gamespot gave this game a 5.0 but frogger on the PS1 a 6.8. I don't get it but anyway i would buy this game if i were you. Also, some levels in my opinion get hard. Very hard. Very, Very, Hard. Very, Very, Very, Well....You get the point. Anyway i am very happy to have this game on my shelf. I even have the original CD case for it believe it or not. Anyway, if you are trying to find a game that is fun than get this game.
-The Arena Master