They don't make games like this anymore...and it's free :P

User Rating: 9.5 | Freespace 2 Gold PC
Freespace 2 is not just a space sim. It is not just about blasting ships out of space. Actually it is but so much more.

Fisrt thing that strikes you are the complicated controls. The controls literally use almost the entire keyboard.

This is a game with incredible depth. You can match target speed, accelerate, use afterburners, bank, adjust shields, guns and engine power, switch weapon fire rate etc.

Freespace 2 also allows you to issue commands to not just 1 wing (4 pilots) but up to 4 wings of pilots (I think).

You can order them to attack targets, disable it, rearm your weapons, guard an important target etc.

Each ship has specific subsystems(nav, comm, engine etc.) while larger ships such as Destroyers have mutiple turrets as well. Disabling subsystems/turrets will weaken the ship realistically. E.g. Disabling the engines would mean that ship becomes a sitting duck.

This may all sound a little overwhelming and it did frustrate me a few times but this is a game you need to practice to master. This is definatey not a brainless turkeyshoot.

I recommend remapping the keys to suit you best.

The graphics look dated, obviously compared to newer, shiner games. However, with the open source project comstantly upgrading the FS2 source code, the graphics have improved radically.

Storywise it is the most engaging I have ever experienced. The exposition is relatively light, but the minimal dialouge actually enhances the sense of urgency as in a real battle.

The main plot is not complex but what stands out are the surprises that occur during missions. I will not spoil anything but expect the unexpected in FS2.

Freespace 2 is a masterpiece from IMO the golden age of gaming (Late 90s). Refreshing to play, it reminds us of how games used to be fun yet challenging instead of the loads of crap we are spoon fed now (by the media i.e. HYPE)