A game that didn't accomplish everything it set out to do, but it's still great in its own way.

User Rating: 8.5 | Freelancer PC
Gameplay is great. The control system lets even noobs learn to play very quickly, but there's still a lot of advanced tactics you can use. The AI is pretty good, weaving around you, dropping mines when you get an their tail, using countermeasures when you fire missles, etc. Graphics are good. I have no tolerance for a few of the other people who give this game high marks in everything but graphics because they're too stupid to realize that Freelancer wasn't made yesterday. In space, everything looks great. vapor trails coming off your wings, your wingmate's wings, the enemy's wings, etc. The models are great. I have only 1 complaint. Nebulae are everywhere. If you just fly out into deep space away from everything, stop, and look around, all you see are nebulae. Realisticly, all you would see would be stars. But it still looks great.

Ssound is okay. The sound effects are good. The generic "laser" can get a little annoying in the middle of a fight. The speech, in cutscenes, is great. lip-syched, sounds real, everything. Speech, outside of cutscenes, is horrible. They have a generic "1" sound, a generic "2" sound, etc. oh, and theres only 3 different people saying it. Guy, girl, robot. Tthats it. So whenever you dock somewhere you hear something like what happens when you take a recorded conversation, and cut up the words and move them around. Everything is accented wrong. But realisticly, if they didn't do that, then the game would have several hours of speech just for docking procedures. Value is great. This is a game that you play over and over. I've played it around 5 times, and I'm not the kind of person who plays games more than once. There's an infinite amount of things to do, you can go mining, you can go join a pirate group, you can be a trader, you can accept missions from almost every planet and space station, you can go out and pillage wrecks and get rare weapons from them. You can smuggle drugs into the capital planet. (which is highly profitable, by the way) The only thing you can't do is walk around on a planet. Which doesn't matter anyway. I dont have any tolerance for people who say "This game sucks because you can't walk around on planets." You know what i say to that? ITS A SPACE SIM. End of discussion

I tilted this game high because...I dont know why. I just did. Its a good game. You should play it. Do yourself a favor. If you see this game anywhere, don't think, just buy it and ask questions later. You won't regret it.