Best Forza game to date (2018)

User Rating: 9 | Forza Horizon 4 PC

I played almost all Forza games since the start. I was not a big fan of Forza Motorsport at first. Gran Turismo was the best racing game at the time. Until the launch of Forza Horizon, the first game. Forza Horizon has the best soundtrack (tune selection) of any racing game out there including Forza Horizon 4 today. Just because of that it is worth playing it again and again in the superb open world of Colorado US. Forza Horizon 2 was.... blaa. No better location, Some cars removed from the Forza Horizon franchise. New cars coming from Forza Motorsport 5, Drivatars system and better sounds, controls. Forza Horizon 3 cames out with a new open world location of course , some FM6 vehicles added but the most important... The port To Windows PC. FH3 was OK with all the elements of the previous game. Some better sound, graphics rendering, better editor and vehicle controls but the sountrack stay bla.... the gameplay stay the same but the Hot wheels DLC adds a nice original driving experience. AND NOW Forza Horizon 4... Here is what I can say. Yes it is the same gameplay, better soundtrack than FH2 and FH3, Better looking and nicely chosen open world (in England). Better lighting effects, new nice online gameplay elements you don't have in the previous games. Forza Horizon 4 is so well made you forget about the crap of the previous versions. Yes it is the SAME gameplay but you have a lot of new things going on like season change and events related to the season. In the editor you can discover how bad your previous paint was with bad shaded off, etc. Because the light change during the day and you can see all the details in all style of lighting. Just the trees in the wood are so well arranged this is a pleasure riding in the wood. You have places to do all kind of activities at the extreme if you want. Stunt jumps, Drag racing, Near water, over water (glace), Snow racing, timed race, mixed races, many drift location and events (and specific cars doing just that).

At first this look like another bla... Forza Horizon game but more you discover stuff more you can truly say this is the best Forza Game out there. Of course some stuff can be better.... mostly the online part. But the open world itself is very hard to beat. In fact no other game offers that. The only thing missing for an open world is going outside of your car and enter the buildings like you can do in GTA5. And oh! the cars from Forza Horizon (the first) are back. :D

Worth a buy at Black friday ;)