Elder Scrolls V - Your Ideas

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#1 _Samsung_
Member since 2007 • 39 Posts

Tell me what you want in the possible upcoming RPG

Here are my hopes

Full map of Tamriel

More Races

More Guilds (such as Blackwood Company)

NO technical issues

I know this sounds selfish, considering how long the hours are on oblivion. But I want more hours of gameplay just so it will win awards which will bring on expansions

Make it online compatible and multiplayer. For online you could have your friends in your world so you might bump into your friend while buying a sword in a shop and you can talk to each other through headset. Also, updates could be made evry week so more quests, items and stuff would be added and theere will always something to do.

If this game had all these features I would be stunned. Tell me you thoughts of what would be good in this possible game.

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#2 jack_michael
Member since 2007 • 1162 Posts
one thing i dont want in the next ES is online play.
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#3 desertrat_90
Member since 2004 • 376 Posts

The full map of Tamriel would be apocalyptically big and by the time a game of such epic proportions would be made, the system it was made for would have been superceded by a new one.

I wouldn't mind some online play as in fighting your friends in the arena but having your friends in your world is moving into the territory of MMORPGs and I DO NOT want to have to pay an additional monthly subscription to play TES V.

With regards to improvements, the combat system feels very clunky and could do with a bit more fluidity and options other than a few types of attack with each weapon. I want to feel like my sword is controlled, with precision, by me.

Also I want the character to feel more believable. Giving him a voice would be a good start.

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#4 Dexz
Member since 2003 • 94 Posts

I wouldn't mind the AI of the enemies to be alot better. If they just polished the "less good" parts and add in the awesome parts from fallout 3 it would be an EPIC Game fo shiizzlee

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#5 tratyu92
Member since 2006 • 1773 Posts
I want better combat....something like Dark Messiah : M&M. Also NO online play.
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#6 cronew1
Member since 2004 • 494 Posts
two seperate campaigns one good one evil, I'm selfish the more Elderscrolls i can get the better. I wish that they would make the third person animation and combat better, but please don't make the combat anything like fallout 3, i put 130 hrs into oblivion and 10 into fallout 3 that auto target ruined the game for me but the guns/gameplay were not accurate enough to play w/o it.
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Member since 2004 • 367 Posts
I would like to see each races appearance and culture portrayed as more unique and diverse. Even though every race has their own history and whatnot, they all act too alike.
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#8 darkad1
Member since 2005 • 665 Posts

I'm glad you all are saying no online play, i really don't want elder scrolls to become a MMORPG.

Why did you not like the VATS system in Fallout 3? I really like it tbh, better than the combat system in Oblivion by far.

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#9 MsCortana
Member since 2007 • 10565 Posts
I would like to see a better variation of character models. They all sounded and looked alike. It wouldn't kill them to dedicate some attention to detail and diversity for a change.
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Member since 2004 • 367 Posts
I would like to see a better variation of character models. They all sounded and looked alike. It wouldn't kill them to dedicate some attention to detail and diversity for a change.MsCortana
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#11 cronew1
Member since 2004 • 494 Posts

I'm glad you all are saying no online play, i really don't want elder scrolls to become a MMORPG.

Why did you not like the VATS system in Fallout 3? I really like it tbh, better than the combat system in Oblivion by far.


The Vats system took all skill out of combat. The game was way too easy even with the difficulty ramped up, but it you didn't use the Vats the game was too hard because of terrible shooting mechanics I would hate to see something like that in Oblivion.

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#12 Razieluk
Member since 2004 • 146 Posts

Oblivion has taken over my game-playing life. I haven't played anything else for ages.

Agree with all of the above, and wouldn't want online play.

But I'd like to see a little more "intelligence" in the game. For example, if you're in someone's house or shop you shouldn't be called a thief until you've actually left with an item you have picked up, but that you haven't paid for or been given.

NPCs should remember they have spoken to you before, especially if you've done business with them, or have maxed out the disposition. It's only a small thing, but it does jar when you go up to talk to them and they introduce themselves again. Perhaps you could get better treatment if you shop in the same place all the time - say bigger discounts, or more money paid for the items you are selling, or you get more well known by the population of a town or city if you reside there, or spend a lot of time - I'm generally based in Skingrad, for example.

Could not your character "marry"? Nothing major (and I'm not asking for virtual sex here) but the other person would aid you, not with main quests but with minor things. So you could send a message to your spouse to ask to stock up on certain items for when you return, or you leave items for them to sell on your behalf. It can be a chore having to keep going round shops or whatever. (You would need to leave them money to buy stuff, but then that does open up more quest options; what if your spouse was to run off with the money, have an affair and get you arrested etc.?)

Then it's down to really minor things, like currently the items in barrels and crates can change, but even in a property that no one but you has access to!

Oh, and one final thing, can't a lot of gold actually BE a lot? Without giving a spoiler, I did a quest where I was promised a lot of gold on completion. How much gold did I receive? 40! Grr. I expected at least a few hundred, if not thousand.

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#13 I_play_rockband
Member since 2008 • 169 Posts

I would like NO ONLINE.

Build your own weapons like in Fallout 3.

Also would like to see weapons damaged over time.

More Detailed KArma system that in Fallout 3. Where It's not just right or wrong as a whole. But diffrent people things you do effect the way diffrent people react to you. (Like how they were involved in the situation, or their race)

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#14 Razieluk
Member since 2004 • 146 Posts

Also would like to see weapons damaged over time.


Weapons do become damaged over time in Oblivion, you have to repair them with Repair Hammers. Or do you mean actually see the damage on the graphic?

As for building your own weapons, surely this means that the world would have to encompass technology that it is not currently advanced enough for, i.e. firepower, etc.?

There is a wide variety of weapons (that are in line with the type of world that the game is set in) already, I don't see how making your own sword or axe, etc., would really be that different.

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#15 Jluecke3
Member since 2008 • 57 Posts
the rumor is they are actually putting several parts, if not all, of tamriel into the next game. Thats the rumor atleast. i want a long game play time also.
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#16 gizmo12345
Member since 2006 • 1189 Posts
I want a GOOD story that I can sink my teeth into and real get involved in. I want more decisions and better AI. I want to interact more with the citizens of Tamriel. More crisp graphics, or even a completely new graphical style. Improvements to combat. More armour/clothing/weapons and bodily appearance choices. More quests (that arent all in caves). Deeper more exciting quests. Thats it for me, not much to ask haha
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#17 Razieluk
Member since 2004 • 146 Posts

the rumor is they are actually putting several parts, if not all, of tamriel into the next game. Thats the rumor atleast. i want a long game play time also. Jluecke3

How long is long, and how do you currently play the game?

A lot of people explore, do a lot of the side quests, etc., and therefore get hundreds of hours out of Oblivion. I guess those that simply follow the main quest will get a lot less playing time and probably feel disappointed.

So, "playing time" really does come down a lot to how someone plays the game.

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#18 Razieluk
Member since 2004 • 146 Posts

I want a GOOD story that I can sink my teeth into and real get involved in. I want more decisions and better AI. I want to interact more with the citizens of Tamriel.gizmo12345

Can you give examples of the sort of interaction you want with the citizens, what you mean by more decisions, etc.?

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#19 Heroldp813
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Likw World of Warcraft (Minus the online play), I wouldn't mind seing a nice variety of mounts to get around. Sometimes I just don't like fast traveling b/c I feel like I'm missing something
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#20 anber500
Member since 2005 • 25 Posts

I would like to see some of the things that made Morrow Wind so much fun brought back into the Elder Scrolls series.

In Morrow Wind you knew when you were in an area that you weren't ready for. Monsters and creatures wasn't spawned based on your experience but depended on the area of the map you were on.

Morrowind had a better economics system. You could buy and sell things for a profit. In Oblivion you get so screwed by the merchants, that it doesn't make sense doing business with them. You are better off picking stuff up.

In Morrowind, there was these annoying fish in the water from the beginning of the game as well as freaky crab people. In Oblivion, the fish only show up much later and they are still fairly scarce.

In Morrow Wind you could fly. I understand why they had to remove it in Oblivion, but it was still a nice touch in Morrow wind.

In Morrow Wind there were more secret caves and treasure to discover in the water, as well as sunken ships. In Oblivion you get the "breath under water" spells and potions, but there is no reason to go underwater because there is barely anything worth exploring.

Morrow Wind had more rare weapons you could only find in certain places. Oblivions weapons get better as you upgrade. That sucks a bit and I hardly ever felt that I truly found anything special. (Except for the skeleton key)

Morrow wind focused a lot more on the history of the country and there was more culture and laws. I remember wearing an Imperial amour in Vivec and was banned from going into Vivec after that. The guards just wanted to kill me for wearing an Imperial amour because it was against the law. In Oblivion, no one cares.

More guilds. Morrow Wind had a few guilds you could join.

In Morrow Wind, whenever you had go somewhere on the other side of the map, you had to trade and save money to pay the Mages to telleport you to your desired location. I like fast travel, but you loose that kind of interaction with the NPC.

In Morrow Wind, if you were sleeping, you sometimes would be awoken by some monster that stumbled on to you. It felt more realistic.

Anyway, I'm just player hating. Oblivion in still one of my favorite games and if the next Elder scrolls plays the same, I'll still be gay for it.

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#21 Razieluk
Member since 2004 • 146 Posts

I wouldn't mind seing a nice variety of mounts to get around. Sometimes I just don't like fast traveling b/c I feel like I'm missing somethingHeroldp813

Yes, mythical beasts you could ride would be great, possibly even flying ones? Sometimes the horses are a bit slow.

Oh, and that's another thing to add to the list, horses seem to be able to walk, canter, gallop along the sides of the steepest of hills with no problems... hmmm.

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#22 d3emondav3
Member since 2008 • 434 Posts

Oblivion was really amazing but I have a few requests about the game

1) It is very unrealistic. I'm not looking for total realism in a fantasy game, but there were times when I shot a guy with 20 arrows that stuck in him and he barely lost health. Of course that happened when I was first starting but still- it should take five well placed arrows to bring him down.

2) The large map was great, as in all Elder Scrolls games, but it was almost too large. I might travel for twenty minutes (real time) on foot (in game) and only find a crappy little cave or a secluded shack with nothing good in it. There should be more tiny settlements or bad guy camps. In Fallout 3, there is hardly a time without enemies trying to kill you. Even Fable I and II and lots of towns spreadout through the map.

3) Lastly I want a wepon cafting system. I could be like Fallout 3, but I'm geared more towards Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance II's or Fable's style. You choose a weapon and then imbed it with rune stones and various gems to give it different abilities like fire extra damage or frost attacks. This would be very cool, and you could possibly share your designs on LIVE.

Just some of my ideas for Elder Scrolls V.

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#23 MaxXxKRISHxX
Member since 2008 • 39 Posts
I want to be able to fight on a horse :P and is it just me or is the camera in IV not able to let you see your guys face?
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#24 Trogeton
Member since 2005 • 2776 Posts
Everything Elder Scroll 4 was great.. except the freezing, glitches and a few things with combat. Yeah NO ONLINE.. that would be sOOOO laggy, a bigger map.. that would be awesome... bettery physical combat system
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#25 kylekatarn08
Member since 2007 • 197 Posts
The rumur is the next Elder Scrolls will be an MMORPG. If this is the case I will probly not being spending my money to get it because it will show me that Bethesda is just another money hungry develeper who dosn't really care about the fans like Bioware for instance there move with making a Star Wars MMORPG instead of Knights of The Old Republic 3 dissapointed me I'll still probly play it cause I love Star Wars but it still shows me what a developer is really like they just want to clone the succes of WOW.
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#26 Avenger1324
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I want enemies to be a set difficulty regardless of your character. Oblivion's levelling system meant that you could beat the most powerful creatures in the game at level 1 because enemies were scaled to your level so that no fight was impossible. IMO there SHOULD be encounters that kill you if you are too weak. On the other hand weak creatures like rats should remain weak and pathetic throughout the game. Random bandits should not suddenly appear wearing daedric armour, which is supposed to be incredibly rare and certainly not what every bandit should be wearing. It won't be MMO so no need to worry about that. It won't contain multiplayer - TES games are single player RPGs. If you want online, play a different game that is designed to be played online. Better character models and more voice actors. Radiant AI sounded great, but turned out to be very repetitive with a lot of NPCs voiced by only a few actors.
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#27 penpusher
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I'd like to see a less fristrating leveling system, its a very versataile system and i tried to like it but i found being forced to take note of everysingle level up you make to avoid being over tken by the worlds inhabitants very annoying

I'm not saying give it a traditional system I'm saying adjust so those of us none hardcore can enjoy it more :)

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#28 NeoGen85
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Oblivion has taken over my game-playing life. I haven't played anything else for ages.

Agree with all of the above, and wouldn't want online play.

But I'd like to see a little more "intelligence" in the game. For example, if you're in someone's house or shop you shouldn't be called a thief until you've actually left with an item you have picked up, but that you haven't paid for or been given.

NPCs should remember they have spoken to you before, especially if you've done business with them, or have maxed out the disposition. It's only a small thing, but it does jar when you go up to talk to them and they introduce themselves again. Perhaps you could get better treatment if you shop in the same place all the time - say bigger discounts, or more money paid for the items you are selling, or you get more well known by the population of a town or city if you reside there, or spend a lot of time - I'm generally based in Skingrad, for example.

Could not your character "marry"? Nothing major (and I'm not asking for virtual sex here) but the other person would aid you, not with main quests but with minor things. So you could send a message to your spouse to ask to stock up on certain items for when you return, or you leave items for them to sell on your behalf. It can be a chore having to keep going round shops or whatever. (You would need to leave them money to buy stuff, but then that does open up more quest options; what if your spouse was to run off with the money, have an affair and get you arrested etc.?)

Then it's down to really minor things, like currently the items in barrels and crates can change, but even in a property that no one but you has access to!

Oh, and one final thing, can't a lot of gold actually BE a lot? Without giving a spoiler, I did a quest where I was promised a lot of gold on completion. How much gold did I receive? 40! Grr. I expected at least a few hundred, if not thousand.


You're probably one of a few who actually has so nice idea for the next Elder Scrolls game. I think a lot of players would like to enjoy a marriage system in the game. It would only immerse them more into the experience. I personally would like to see the return of past characters from the series; maybe even the Neveraine. A more unique weekly schedule for NPC characters. I would also like to see a improvement on the morality system.

As for online play in the Elder Scrolls I don't really care. But in the future I can definitely see a MMORPG with the Elder Scrolls name in it. I think it's bound to happen. I know one of the posters above me said that every developer was trying to cash in on the WoW experience. The reality is that the majority of new MMORPGs available after World of Warcraft were created by the same companies who have been developing games in the genre prior to Azeroth going online. Bioware has always wanted to create a MMORPG. I'm actually pretty excited for Star Wars: The Old Republic. As with Elder Scrolls V, just give me a single-player experience. If there is online play, make it so that you can choose to invite a "single" friend to your game world for assistance. That would just be enough.

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#29 Expo_Smacko
Member since 2007 • 2332 Posts
Do they even plan on making Elder Scrolls 5?
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Member since 2004 • 367 Posts
Id like to see mare varied scenery. such as how all the (dungeon) castles looked the same. And all the churches looked exactly the same. Also the leveling system had alot of flaws but it was a good premise. The should keep the idea, just incorperate more enemys that are too powerful for the player to defeat at low levels, but eventually be able to be better than all enemys while still keeping them all in the gameworld.
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#31 XSniperX21324
Member since 2004 • 340 Posts

i would like to see

-random bandit camps (like if i walk through the wilderness i encounter a bunch of bandits)

-your character to have a voice (kind of like mass effect)(( enemies or people shouldn't be able to blow you off or say 'yeah right' when you say your gonna

tear them a new one when you have like 10 swords and whooped like 100 people already

-gore, like in fallout out, i want to slash people and not leave a paper cut

-when i turn hard up, it became almost a chore to kill people, i slashed enemies like 100 times and that brought their health down a quarter, just make their attacks more deadly, not their health 100000/100000

-you weapon should grow with you, if you use a weapon alot, it should grow in power as you grow in level. the katana in IV was my favorite, but it took to long sometimes to kill people.

i think thats it...

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#32 Linkzelda
Member since 2003 • 767 Posts
real beards!
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#33 vannacut
Member since 2004 • 914 Posts

i dont think we need gems to install into our weapons, since oblivion has a large freedom of creating your own kinda weapon with many choices available thru enchanting.

besides the so called radiant ai in oblivion i d like to see more population which is similar to gta4 ai, it just spawns there , if you choose to follow it follows a certain path having a standart conversation which consists of a few lines. and this could be added to wherever you go , like camps, inns , settlements in the forest etc.

flights in between cities, like in wow. you ll have the choice to skip the animation pressing a button too.

better character models, skinny and fat models or in between.

ability to teleport in between mages guilds.

similar creativity and variety for side quests, and a better main quest, the war at the end of oblivion's main quest looked like a joke, that could have happenned in an isolated area where console saves the game and stops updating the positions of the rest of the radiant ai , so in that screen more npcs could be put on screen to make it more believable (well i actually dont know how it works, but just an idea)

i dont want an increase in graphical quality, they couldeven decrease it abit, covering it using some blur effect or colors or whatever just to make thegame run smoother with a higher population,and alittle longer viewing distance

no online of any kind, i dont want any online thing to be used as an excuse to deduct stuff from singleplayer mod, oblivion was long enough to keep me entertained for a long time with its content , so pls nothing online , just focus on singleplayer.

strong enemies should always be at a high level no matter what your level is, and more rewards for killing them, (like whatever you loot from them should have a higher value or use) as you reach their levels they could level up at a certain percentage of your levelling up maybe. there must be some area which is really dangerous to enter full of really high leveled creatures etc.

maybe we should be rewarded xp points as we do quests, and still be able to level up using the same skill over and over , but this should be made slower than levelling up getting xp points by doing quests.

better horse riding animations, you cant ride the horse slow in the game, they ve done it better in assassin's creed.

all these are just ideas and can be optimized to fit in game.

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#34 WhiteyJones
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Elder Scrolls 5, that would take a long time to come out with. Work began on oblivion in 2002, and came out in 2006-07. it took 4 years to create, so if they make another, it will probably take a long time, probably 2010+.

In The Elder Scrolls V, i would like to have:

A larger map, but not too large

More speech options


Showing damage on weapons

Gore (Dismembered Body Parts, slashes, etc)

More Guilds/Clans

More Things to do with your houses

Less Crime Suspicion (If you kill someone, they dont always automatically know)

Travelling Citizens (Traveling from one city to another)

Jobs (So its not so hard to earn money, but not a quest)

And a good story line

Hopefully that isnt too much to ask for...

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#35 denawayne
Member since 2005 • 581 Posts
Nobody has mentioned revising the clunky menu system. I hated scrolling through 4 billion items just to get to my Repair hammer.
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#36 djmillard2
Member since 2005 • 1372 Posts
i wish they could make an mmo and have a microsoft partnership so you wouldn't have to pay seperate...
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#37 death919
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Well I haven't even played 4 yet (I plan to get it very soon :D) so I don't even know what I would expect for a 5 lol.
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#38 Crucifier
Member since 2002 • 7195 Posts

i want more item diversity and more unique items, especially super unique weapons and armor that are godlike. also, i would like a challenge that would put those super unique weapons/armor to work. MUCH more enemy diversity. i want to face something fiersome, not some stupid ogre or alligator thing. like a dragon or something of the sort. I also want more non-quest adventuring incentive, like actually finding one of these super unique weapons just from exploring the world in some tomb or something. i want to be able to alter my characters stats moreso than in oblivion(more like morrowind). if you enhanced your srtength passed 100 in oblivion, you had no damage bonus, i thought that was ridiculous and stupid. i dont want to be able to make my character a god, though. In morrowind you could use alchemy to make your character super omega awesome, and that kinda broke the game.

basically i want the next elder scrolls to not be so generic and have something to keep me playing.

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#39 Omega_Destroyer
Member since 2009 • 25 Posts

I like the ElderScrolls games but there are a few things i would change.

1: I would love to have a layering system with the armor kinda like in Morrowind where you could equip clothing over certain parts of your armor.

2: I would add more Boss type Encounters

3: Put the way you could place items around on shelf's tables like in Morrowind back into the game'' instead of just tossing them down''.

4: Add an weapon and armor custimazation such as forging the way the weapons look from a Base Skin/Armor set .. Like adding Spikes' skulls' Gems on shoulders etc on the armors and Changing the blades' handles' adding skulls and gems to wepons

5: Add professions that would go with 4: Blacksmithing' Leatherworking' Glasscuting ' Woodworking the higher the skill you got the more options you unlock.

6: Take away the instant travel but add Forms of Transportation shuch as ships and Carriers

7: Add more Eye style's Ear shapes Hairstyles And Make sure these dont go threw the Animations of the armor helms etc.

8: Add a type of Body-morphing to the game so that if you are Agility/stealth based your body becomes similar to that of Runner Basketball player etc But if you base your char as Melee/Strength he becomes more of a Football player / Weightlifter look and if he is based on Magic give him like a glowing aura or something.

9: Save the Character customization onto the hardrive then load the char into the world.

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#40 DPhunkT
Member since 2008 • 1803 Posts
I want a "build your own castle" mode. You can build walls, moats, dungeons, and populate the inner castle with training barracks for your hired men.
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Member since 2008 • 286 Posts
I wouldn't want it as an MMORPG, but make so you can meet people from your friends list who are currently playing the game like in Fable two (only not boring like Fable 2). Also - NO HORSE ARMOUR ;)
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#42 jeroentje001
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I would something more interesting to explore than the planes of oblivion, I thought the real world of oblivion wa fun enough, but damn those gates were boring
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#43 dragonslayerssj
Member since 2003 • 1974 Posts

I like the ElderScrolls games but there are a few things i would change.

1: I would love to have a layering system with the armor kinda like in Morrowind where you could equip clothing over certain parts of your armor.

2: I would add more Boss type Encounters

3: Put the way you could place items around on shelf's tables like in Morrowind back into the game'' instead of just tossing them down''.

4: Add an weapon and armor custimazation such as forging the way the weapons look from a Base Skin/Armor set .. Like adding Spikes' skulls' Gems on shoulders etc on the armors and Changing the blades' handles' adding skulls and gems to wepons

5: Add professions that would go with 4: Blacksmithing' Leatherworking' Glasscuting ' Woodworking the higher the skill you got the more options you unlock.

6: Take away the instant travel but add Forms of Transportation shuch as ships and Carriers

7: Add more Eye style's Ear shapes Hairstyles And Make sure these dont go threw the Animations of the armor helms etc.

8: Add a type of Body-morphing to the game so that if you are Agility/stealth based your body becomes similar to that of Runner Basketball player etc But if you base your char as Melee/Strength he becomes more of a Football player / Weightlifter look and if he is based on Magic give him like a glowing aura or something.

9: Save the Character customization onto the hardrive then load the char into the world.


I agree with just about all of those, especially the "body morphing" idea. That would be awesome, kinda like in crackdown (you look stronger and what not). Also i would like to be able to show off my weapons and armors i have found. I want to be able to mount my weapons on the wall of my house. Another thing is as someone previously mentioned... more RARE weapons, and more weapons and armor in general. There whould be a special armor and weapon that only certain classes get. It would be awesome if they somehow made the items you get like in PSO (phantasy star universe) with the loot stytem. Thats my idea.

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#44 freshgman
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that game needs live and more comedy. it was so dry and boring
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#45 Razieluk
Member since 2004 • 146 Posts

I've been away from the forum for a couple of days, so am just catching up...

1) It is very unrealistic. I'm not looking for total realism in a fantasy game, but there were times when I shot a guy with 20 arrows that stuck in him and he barely lost health. Of course that happened when I was first starting but still- it should take five well placed arrows to bring him down.

Who were you fighting? Did they have a lot of armour, or a large total health? Did you poison your arrows? Yes, early in the game it can take a lot to take down someone with arrows, but, like with any of the weaponry, as you progress you get better. If you persevre with the bow and arrow you eventually get a zoom option. Of course, as you get further in the game and get better armour that also cuts down the amount of health you lose when being attacked with arrows. After all would you like to die after "five well placed arrows"?

2) The large map was great, as in all Elder Scrolls games, but it was almost too large. I might travel for twenty minutes (real time) on foot (in game) and only find a crappy little cave or a secluded shack with nothing good in it. There should be more tiny settlements or bad guy camps. In Fallout 3, there is hardly a time without enemies trying to kill you. Even Fable I and II and lots of towns spreadout through the map.

There are times when you get randomly set on, but usually by only one bad guy - not a camp of them. If you want to explore a part of a map, fast travel to the nearest point and then just explore, this cuts down a lot on your travelling time.

3) Lastly I want a wepon cafting system. I could be like Fallout 3, but I'm geared more towards Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance II's or Fable's **** You choose a weapon and then imbed it with rune stones and various gems to give it different abilities like fire extra damage or frost attack.

And you can do similar with enchanting weapons in Oblivion.

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#46 Razieluk
Member since 2004 • 146 Posts

I would something more interesting to explore than the planes of oblivion, I thought the real world of oblivion wa fun enough, but damn those gates were boringjeroentje001

Well, I think Oblivion was supposed to represent hell, and whoever said hell wasn't boring. If you hate it, then it must be working!:D

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#47 Crucifier
Member since 2002 • 7195 Posts

I've been away from the forum for a couple of days, so am just catching up...

1) It is very unrealistic. I'm not looking for total realism in a fantasy game, but there were times when I shot a guy with 20 arrows that stuck in him and he barely lost health. Of course that happened when I was first starting but still- it should take five well placed arrows to bring him down.

Who were you fighting? Did they have a lot of armour, or a large total health? Did you poison your arrows? Yes, early in the game it can take a lot to take down someone with arrows, but, like with any of the weaponry, as you progress you get better. If you persevre with the bow and arrow you eventually get a zoom option. Of course, as you get further in the game and get better armour that also cuts down the amount of health you lose when being attacked with arrows. After all would you like to die after "five well placed arrows"?

2) The large map was great, as in all Elder Scrolls games, but it was almost too large. I might travel for twenty minutes (real time) on foot (in game) and only find a crappy little cave or a secluded shack with nothing good in it. There should be more tiny settlements or bad guy camps. In Fallout 3, there is hardly a time without enemies trying to kill you. Even Fable I and II and lots of towns spreadout through the map.

There are times when you get randomly set on, but usually by only one bad guy - not a camp of them. If you want to explore a part of a map, fast travel to the nearest point and then just explore, this cuts down a lot on your travelling time.

3) Lastly I want a wepon cafting system. I could be like Fallout 3, but I'm geared more towards Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance II's or Fable's **** You choose a weapon and then imbed it with rune stones and various gems to give it different abilities like fire extra damage or frost attack.

And you can do similar with enchanting weapons in Oblivion.

wow did you even play the game? the further you progress, the MORE arrows it takes because everything levels with you and arrows SUCK at lv 20+. and enchanting like weapon crafting... wow i dont even need to explain your logical fallacy on that one
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#48 Iqen
Member since 2007 • 551 Posts
Oblivion was just simply amazing. To put it simple, a masterpiece. But for every great thing, there is always a few slight flaws that could be tweaked to improvement. Such few examples for the 5th Elder Scrolls are: -Better combat gameplay. -Even more guilds(such as the Dark Brotherhood) -More armor and weapon choices -More and longer expansion packs If Elder Scrolls V actually improves in these aspects, then we might just have a second masterpiece in our hands.
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#49 i-shud-b-workin
Member since 2009 • 25 Posts

yea, they need to put more guilds there needs to be either more cities or more small settlements cuz i loved finding a little village and learning its history etc PLEASE BETHESDA PLEASE, NO SEXUAL REFERENCES or things like having children and prostitutes and stuff like taht, it would be bad, im sorry but that kind off crap shouldnt be in a fantasy game, it just doesnt fit in and it ruins the whole expierience . marriage may be ok but barley

p.s shivering isles expansion was pretty bad, the weapons and new armour and stuff was cool, but there was only one city, everybody was a fruitcake, not too many quests, just. . . bad. :( but they did a good job with oblivion overall. . .. yea those gates where it was all red and spiky was ok for images but got extremely repeditive and boring

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#50 Cherokee_Jack
Member since 2008 • 32198 Posts
Okay, here we go: 1. NO OBLIVION GATES OR ANYTHING OF THE SORT. 2. An actual story that contains no black-and-white characterization (especially of the Daedra, who have become the Official Enemies). 3. More interesting & varied environments, including dungeons (hint: make them worth raiding). 4. Better optimization (and no console menus in the PC version). 5. More balanced character-building with a working level system. 6. More secrets and weird stuff hidden away in dungeons to make them more interesting. 7. Deeper factions. 8. No lionizing the Thieves' Guild.