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#1 swordmaster3
Member since 2008 • 571 Posts

Hello everyone. I made this topic to show updates to my game know as "Twilight" (I'm thinking about changing the title though since I don't want people to think it's the book :P) which I am making using rpg maker 2003 and that I am going to try to make it available to everyone via download when I finish it. Anyway on this topic I will be posting chacter models, visual effects, music (from youtube links), and towns and dungeons in my game. I will be trying to work on my game everyday but I also have to tend to my college applications first so until I have gotten those in my game will be made a little slowly since I am a little stressed out about college at the moment. But I am planning to send out the applications on Saturday so I am feeling happier.

Anyway I would like to ask everybody if any of you would like to become a part of the game (make a chacter for me to put into the game). I will accept every single request but if my party member count get's too high I might change your chacter to an important npc instead. The only reason why I am going to do this is because Suikoden 4 had over 50 party members and it was nearly impossible to manage all of them. So as you can see I don't want to overwealm the players with leveling up chacters (because it would become way to tedious).

Anyway if you do want to make a chacter for the game please include the following:

1. Whether you will be a dragon slayer, a normal human, or a dragon, I might include wolf men too (because I noticed some battle chacters like that).

Oh and just a quick description of my kind of dragon slayer in my own opinion (so that way people don't think that my dragon slayers are evil (well some of them are but that's not the point). Ok basically there are these humans with incredible powers that rival the dragons might. And since they possess this power they have been know as dragon slayers since they possess the power withstand a dragons might and kill it. BUT a dispute aroused over the killing of dragons. On one side were the light slayers who believe that it was wrong to kill innocent dragons who did no harm to people while on the other side were the dark slayers bent on killing dragons so they could absorb their souls into their blade to make themselves stronger. A war broke out because of these clashing beliefs and so that is where my game will take place.

If you decide to create a dragon slayer you will be on the light slayer side (I won't make you evil). Also I should let you know that each species has different special powers. Which I will let you know some other time because this post is going to take me forever to write and I have a physics test tomarrow ^_^.

2. Name of chacter

3. Description of chacter

4.elemnt and certain powers you want your chacter to posses (I can do pratically anything for the game).

Well I hope all of you are interested in the game and I hope you will look forward to my updates.

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#2 swordmaster3
Member since 2008 • 571 Posts

Also this is the original main storyline of the game (well the first few moments of it at least):

The storyline for Twilight goes like this Sieg meets a girl named Sarah who he falls in love with for many years. But then one day a magic spell on Sarah began to break and she slowly changed back into a hatchling dragon. Sieg finds her hiding and promised to stay with her until her parents returned home. Sarah's parents told of a great war between light slayers and dark slayers that had been going on for many years. The dark slayers turned people into dragons and killed them so they could steal the dragon soul and increase their power even more. Sarah's parent's left the world to live in peace but they now see it was no longer possible. Sarah and her parents left through a portal never to return. Sieg feels miserable afterwards. He kept on thinking about Sarah. But then dark slayers attacked Sieg's home town and was about to transform Sieg's best friend into a dragon. But then Sieg gained the powers of his inner darkness and destroyed all the dragon slayers but not before being struck with dragon poison. The light slayers quickly came to Sieg's world and transformed Sieg into a dragon so he could have a chance at surviving the poison. When Sieg wakes up he finds himself in a cave and his body has been turned into a dragon. The leader of the light slayers Ovan, tells Sieg he was in his first day of dragon slayer training.

The storyline is probally going to change slightly though because I have been getting more and more inspiration ever since I started watching more anmes and listening to more game soundtracks. Also if you would like to know how my storyline had evoloved over the years please view my blog entry:


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#3 Dakuu
Member since 2006 • 286 Posts

Wow, thats sonds incredibly hard, I mean i'm majoring in 3D animation so I know how hard it is to make 3D models, riging, texturing, scenery, lighting... dude... thats crazy hard, your gonna make a game all on your own!? Best of luck O_O

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#4 Iceferno
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Oh, one thing I think I should ask, will there be voice-acting, subtitles or both? I suppose it might be better if there were just subs since putting voices to game characters doesn't often get good results.
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#5 swordmaster3
Member since 2008 • 571 Posts

To answer your question Iceferno, yes I am going to only have subs because I don't want to deal with the complications of applying voices to chacters and it would seem kind of weird.

Also Dakuu I'm not making 3D models (OMG that would so hard by myself it would take me 5 years to create a game!) It's actully 2D like the classic rpg's like the super nintendo I will get a picture to show you this after I finish my homework.

Also while I'm writing I might as well post the species powers:

Dragon Slayer: Posses strong physical attacks, strong defenses against both physical and magical attacks, and can use very powerful elemental magic. But they are only able to concentrate on one type of elemental spell. Also dragon slayers can only posses 1 weapon but their weapon evolves as they level up. Magic for them does cost more for them to use a spell. Some dragon slayers can also transform themselves into a burst form of their element (which is incredibly powerful but drains your life and it costs all of your mp to use). They are also the slowest type of chacter.

Normal human: Can equip every single kind of sword, have high agility (ATB guage fills up faster and can dodge more enemy attacks). Has weak attack, weak defense, very weak magic and magic defense but all the different kinds of armor and weapons they can equip increases their stats to the more desired chacteristics and so if you work well with a normal human and get him many equipment the chacter will become a valued ally.

Dragon: Has Super powerful attacks and defense, magic attacks are very powerful but not as powerful as the dragon slayers and their magic defense is moderate. Like the dragon slayers they can only master 1 element. Dragons can't equip any weapons. They can equip armors and accesories though. Also their spells (breaths) level up as they level up becoming more powerful and costing less and less mp to use. But since dragons are more orientated towards their elements if they were attacked with the opposite elemental attack they would take double damage from the attack. Dragons also have moderate speed.

Wolfman/beastman: (I think there might be more than one type of battle chacter besides wolfman. I will let you know what battle chacters I find if you choose this species type and you can choose your look from that selection). Has moderate attack, defense, magic, magic defense, and agility (basically a balanced chacter). Beastman are the only ones who can utilize every single element (so they are kind of like your mage) and they also posses cure, stat altering, and defensive spells. But they can only use rod weapons and they can only use certain kinds of armors and accesories.

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#6 bd0g5
Member since 2007 • 7317 Posts

It sounds cool.

I'd like to be in it. We can be dragons, right?

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#7 swordmaster3
Member since 2008 • 571 Posts

Yeah be anything you want.

People already in my game: SoadJoe's, Essences, and Drago's chacters (there all dragons too).

So currently I have: 9 dragon slayers (each of my own creation) and 3 dragons (4 if you include a special chacter I am creating).

I'm thinking of toping party members off at 30 party members (I didn't use that many chacters in Suikoden 4 so 30 it's okay). Also to make level manageing easier at certain story points I will make chacters jump up levels (I don't how to do this right now but I will figure it out somehow or maybe I will just increase whoever is required to come along increase in experience....actully that might work ok were good). So even if you didn't use a certain chacter too much at certain key points when you need the chacter for a certain situation it will increase in level. Or maybe I can make a training gym which will allow you to level up one chacter while you go off on adventures.

So many possiblitys.

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#8 SOADjoe19
Member since 2007 • 3061 Posts
This is great man! Like I said, I wish you the best of luck with everything! No matter what, we'll be behind you the entire way! Anything you need we'll be happy to help! 8)
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#9 swordmaster3
Member since 2008 • 571 Posts

An animation of my main chacter attacking a enemy (his actual name will be Sieg, I was just using preset party members so I wouldn't have to bother with stat stuff yet and so I could test the animations out):

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#10 bd0g5
Member since 2007 • 7317 Posts

Looks good.

Since we can be dragons, can I be one, please? :)

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#11 swordmaster3
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Sure bdog just follow the instructions on the first post of the topic for making a chacter and I will begin creating it (I should note however that I was only able to find one good battle animation for a dragon so the dragon chacters will fight similarly but I can assure you their breath attacks will be different. Also this is a picture of my main chacter next to his house which I am still in the process of creating (like I said I probally won't be working on this much until after saturday when I get all my college applicatons in):

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#12 swordmaster3
Member since 2008 • 571 Posts

Okay that was kind of hard to read in my last post so I will re-print it down here:

Sure bdog just follow the instructions on the first post of the topic for making a chacter and I will begin creating it (I should note however that I was only able to find one good battle animation for a dragon so the dragon chacters will fight similarly but I can assure you their breath attacks will be different. Also this is a picture of my main chacter next to his house which I am still in the process of creating (like I said I probally won't be working on this much until after saturday when I get all my college applicatons in):

Sorry for the little picture trouble I will put the pictures in seperately after I said what I wanted to say about it.

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#13 Iceferno
Member since 2007 • 8371 Posts
Oh boy. Bad memories of that program. :? Thanks for answering my question, though. :)
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#14 bd0g5
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I'm feeling a bit lazy right now, so I'll try to put stuff about my character after.
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#15 SOADjoe19
Member since 2007 • 3061 Posts
The game looks amazing, Eric!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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#16 swordmaster3
Member since 2008 • 571 Posts
I'm glad you like the game I'm making Joe :D. But you have seen nothing yet. Just wait until I start making the magic attacks, they will blow you away! (at least I will try, I spend awhile on animation stuff so I can make sure they work perfectly to the way I envisioned them).
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#17 godofmadness43
Member since 2008 • 891 Posts
sounds kool sword, i think i'll be a dragon slayer. oh and whats ur ign on mabinogi? I've been playing it for a while and i didn't see you or montecristo either.
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#18 swordmaster3
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Okay sure dude I will make you a dragon slayer. Please tell me the name, description, and powers of your chacter when you have time and I will put it into the game. Also I haven't been on Mabinoji because the graphics card is not very good on my computer and so the game for me is kind of a trial for me to play on the computer (high graphics = very very very very very very slow computer). So that's why I haven't been on. It's not that I don't like the game it's just I don't like the slowness feel when I play it. When I go to college though and get my own computer I will make sure it comes with a very powerful graphics card so I can play the game.
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#19 bd0g5
Member since 2007 • 7317 Posts

I guess I'll fill it in now.

Species: Dragon.

Name: Bdog.

Description: I'll do this one after, because I don't know what I'm going to put right now.

Element/Powers: I'll have my element as fire. Can you heal in battles? If we can, then the only power I really want is healing. 

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#20 swordmaster3
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Hmmmmm do you want me to give you a holy power (light or whatever you want to call it). Light includes healing, and also light elemental attacks.
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#21 bd0g5
Member since 2007 • 7317 Posts
Sure, that would be good.
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#22 swordmaster3
Member since 2008 • 571 Posts

Ok, I will then. Also if you want you might want to be a white dragon since white = light.

Also can I ask you something? Do you have another name besides bdog? (I'm sorry for asking that but I think it would be a little weird to be calling someone like that all the time in the game).

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#23 bd0g5
Member since 2007 • 7317 Posts

White is ok.

I'll change the name. Once I think of something, I'll PM you it.

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#24 swordmaster3
Member since 2008 • 571 Posts

Thank you I will begin work on your chacter startinggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg, NOW!

And I shall do it while listening to my favorite song which I am thinking of downloading for the game:


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#25 swordmaster3
Member since 2008 • 571 Posts

How do you think of this look for your chacter (upper left corner):

If you want me to change anything please let me know (I don't want to redo a whole scheme thats why I'm showing you one image first).

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#26 bd0g5
Member since 2007 • 7317 Posts

Looks ok. :)

I look like a white Charizard, yay!

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#27 Dragon66116
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Charizard FTW
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#28 bd0g5
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Actually, Mudkip ftw! :D
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#29 Iceferno
Member since 2007 • 8371 Posts
Meh. For the lose, I'd say... cuz Charizard beats Mudkip, hands down. :P
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#30 Dakuu
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wow ok so like a 2D FF1 style rpg... that's so awesome lmao, is there any sorta deadline or a point when you can't add characters anymore? because I have a dragon character or 2, but i'm sorta working on an enraged/dark version of him. I'm sure i'll have mroe questions later when I'm ready to present my characters to you. :) Got me all excited about this now lol. Oh, one more question, are you making all the sprites for each character from scratch on your own, or does the program have like, pre-existing sprites that you just change color options, or is it like a mix of both, just curiouse?

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#31 swordmaster3
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A deadline for chacters....uhhhhhhh I'm not really gonna make one just give me the chacter you want when you can and I will get him into the game :). As for the sprites I don't make them from scratch. I download them from a website from people who make it (who I need to credit at the end of the game) and I basically edit their coloring a bit. There are some models that come with the game but I decided to not use those....when I get the chance I will show you why I don't like their battle chacters. There map models look pretty good though and I might use them for chacters.
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#32 godofmadness43
Member since 2008 • 891 Posts
wow, even though i can't see the pic i say its wawesome, i wonder what mine will be like?
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#33 SOADjoe19
Member since 2007 • 3061 Posts
It looks great, gom43, too bad you can't see it though. :?
We can only wait and see....You can't rush perfection. ;)
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#34 _Drago_
Member since 2008 • 1038 Posts

FINALLY! We get to see the progress of your work Eric. :D

It looks like it's coming along great. Let us know when you need some bug testers or someone to play a demo of it. I'll be the first in line, and I mean it. ;)

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#35 swordmaster3
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I'm glad you are enjoying how the game is looking Drago :). Well today I haven't been able to work on it (a small band pratice in the cold for a parade and a finacial aid presentation) so yeah....more stuff will most likly be up by tomarrow.

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#36 swordmaster3
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I am going to ask this if anyone is interested in helping me out a bit. It takes me a while to re-color sprites to put in the game (it's over 4 hours and thats just for one set of sprites for a chacter). Because of this my game making has been slowed down considerbly. So if anyone wants to give me a hand in re-coloring sprites please say so. Two things will come out of this if someone decides to help me out:

1. Since someone is doing the re-coloring part for the chacters I will have a lot more time to program/work on the game. And since that I can make the game at a much faster rate.

2. Anyone who helps me will be included in the credits of the game.

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#37 SOADjoe19
Member since 2007 • 3061 Posts
Well, Eric. You've found them! I'd love to help in your work and help recolor the sprites. ;)
And I said "them" because I know for a fact that Eddy would love to help you also. Just give us the pictures, what colors you want them, and you'll see them in about half a week! :D

For anyone else, help is needed! Please come out and show your support!
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#38 bd0g5
Member since 2007 • 7317 Posts

I'd help with it, for sure.

Would I need any special program, though? All I have is paint...:(

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#39 swordmaster3
Member since 2008 • 571 Posts
Thank you both times a bilion! Also I made that first model of your chacter with paint so paint's perfect. But yeah thanks for helping! I am very busy with tests, homework, college applications, letters of recomandation, band things, western regionals, and later this year scholrships and what not. So as you can see my time for working on the game is somewhat limited. I can program the game really fast but I just don't have too much time for editing the sprites since I have to carefully re-color everything. So you guys are doing a huge favor for me ^_^. I will put up the sprites that need editing tomarrow (some will repeat (dragons for example) since they are similar). Just highlate the picture, right click, save picture as, and you can load it up on paint or GIMP for editing. I will also include what parts of the chacter will get a certain color so you know what needs to be done. Again thank you so much for helping me out.
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#40 godofmadness43
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kool, btw sword, u no my character in my stories Mark the Dragon King (or DK Mark as montecristo calls him) I just realized he's like a Hispanic version of Dante, with Revan (his brother) like Vergil. You no what i mean, and since you read my stories you should already know what he looks like. I wonder what he'll look like, try sending a link from a site that shows what he would look like k?
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#41 bd0g5
Member since 2007 • 7317 Posts
If you say what part to colour, I'll still try my best. Paint isn't even that bad.
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#42 SOADjoe19
Member since 2007 • 3061 Posts
Well, it sounds good, Eric! You know have three people to help you out! Just give us each one sprite chart and let the transformation begin!!!! 8)
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#43 swordmaster3
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Okay this is godofmadness' chacter Mark (as you can see I already started it) but I need to change the coat color (I forgot what it was it was either gold or black) anyway his chacter involves only his coat being edited so it's not too hard:

http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e360/That_Guy_Joe/Markhuman.png - I'm going to put my pictures in links from now on since it's more convenient.

http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e360/That_Guy_Joe/whitedragon-1.png - I think you already know who's battle chacter this is already. As you can see I just barly started it but you can tell how I wanted it colored so I don't have to explain it.

http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e360/That_Guy_Joe/Sieg2.png - I also need this chacter to look like my chacter (blue eyes, red scarf, white hair, and black clothes) since theres a graphical glitch with the original chacter. - I would like this as soon as possible (well maybe not soon soon but he is my main chacter and you will be playing as this chacter for the most of the game (he's a normal person for the first few moments in his home town and get's all of his cool outfit later)).

http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e360/That_Guy_Joe/Graphics-1.jpg - it's a really tiny green dot that appears with the chacter whenever you walk left or right. (I'm pointing to it if you can't see it) Also thats the inside of Sieg's house btw.

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#44 SOADjoe19
Member since 2007 • 3061 Posts
You got it! I'll work on Mark the Human first. I'll send it to you through a PM on gamespot and chatango when I'm through. ;)
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#45 swordmaster3
Member since 2008 • 571 Posts

I am beginning to make the intro movie in my game. From this I will see how long it actully takes me to make a story cutscene. When I finish it I will show you guys a couple of clips of it if you want. Anyway before I go to bed I will put up the Rivelle town music (Sieg's home town):


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#46 _Drago_
Member since 2008 • 1038 Posts

I am beginning to make the intro movie in my game. From this I will see how long it actully takes me to make a story cutscene. When I finish it I will show you guys a couple of clips of it if you want. Anyway before I go to bed I will put up the Rivelle town music (Sieg's home town):



The opening movie?! I'm anxious to see it! From what you've done so far, it should be epic like most RPG's opening scenes. :D

Also, excellent choice for a town song. I've never played Legend of Legaia, or any "Legend of" game before (I REALLY SHOULD!), but that's nice, relaxing song which is good for the protagonist's home town. I see why you chose it. ;)

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#47 swordmaster3
Member since 2008 • 571 Posts
I got a demo of the game when I was 7 but I never asked for it for some reason which is weird because I liked it a lot. But I still remember the town song you hear ;). That song has always been stuck in my mind for years. Even though I will probally not find legaia 1 I do know I will be getting legaia 2.
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#48 bd0g5
Member since 2007 • 7317 Posts

Sounds like a great song for an RPG like this.

About the colouring, do you need help making all dragons white and gold? I'll work on it, if that's something you need help on.

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#49 swordmaster3
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Yes but I don't need a gold dragon. Your chacter is a white dragon, Essence's chacter is a little mixed I will list it here:

Name: Blayze

Appearance: deep blue scales, black claws with red tips. Tail fades from blue to purple to red (her chacter is probally the most difficult one to make).

Joe's chacter:

Hyperion was a huge steel grey dragon with piercing, knowledgeable orange eyes. Wings are orange like the eyes.

And Drago's chacter: I'm going to consider his chacter a green dragon for now according to the pictures he sent me. If this doesn't suit your chacter Drago please tell me a quick description (color wise since I want to avoid graphical glitches by adding stuff to models). Also I forgot the name of your chacter so if you don't mind could you tell me the name of him for me again?

Anyway that's all the dragon chacters for now which I need editing. I will wait until later to send the map models to use for the chacters (they look pretty good btw).

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#50 bd0g5
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See how all of them (except the first two) are red? Do you want me to colour them all like the second one? I'm a bit confused about what I'm supposed to be doing right now.