Why's Sony constantly digging its own grave with the PS3?

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#1 Opalescent
Member since 2006 • 247 Posts

Firstly, let's take a look at hardware. The PS3 has had so many SKUs over the last year it's bewildering. It's also bewildering as to what Sony is thinking; lest we forget, this is what Sega did as well (first the Sega CD, then the 32X, then the Neptune which never saw the light of day, finally the Dreamcast, by which point the game developers got so fed up they decided to avoid Sega's consoles like they were a bunch of lepers). The PS3 has had a 20GB, a 40GB, a 60GB, and an 80GB, all with varying differences that anyone but somebody who followed Sony's consoles closesly would confuse. Quick! Which one has full backwards compatibility but no WiFi? But wait! There's more. Sony's decided four isn't enough, and now they're discontinuing the 80GB too. Rumor has it a 120GB version might be coming out. Way to go Sony, go and confuse your consumer base some more, why dontcha?

Another thing to notice with the PS3 is the number of people who buy third-party games that are multiplatform. Notice that in almost every case, when a game comes out for both the PS3 and the Xbox 360, the Xbox 360 versions sell more than the PS3 versions? According to VG Chartz (look, I know they aren't the MOST accurate site, but the differences are so huge they can't be off by THAT much), Call of Duty 4 sold around 4.6 million on the 360. Only 2.25 million for the PS3. 3.32 million for Assassin's Creed on the 360, 2.15 million on the PS3. As for Devil May Cry 4, at the time I last checked the numbers were not in yet, but I would not be at all surprised if the Xbox 360 version sold about twice as many, despite the fact that Devil May Cry has always been a Playstation staple.

Why is this? Part of it can be attributed to the fewer PS3 consoles sold, but that can't be the whole story. There's a whole lot more than 4.6 million Playstation 3 consoles out there, yet why are there only 2.25 million of them with Call of Duty 4 playing? And why isn't Sony doing anything about this? They seem to be digging their grave even deeper, not trying to get out of it like they should. They're constantly tinkering with their higher end SKU, even though the price has always been a sore point and they ought to be doing everything they can to lower the price of their low-end SKU.

And the biggest issue, the games, they're not doing anything about. They've lost Grand Theft Auto and Devil May Cry exclusivity already, they're looking like they might even lose Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy (to Xbox 360), and possibly even LittleBigPlanet (to Wii, although the source for this one is very unreliable) as well, which if they do means they've lost nearly all their big-name franchises. Even if they don't, losing any exclusives shows weakness, which is not a good thing for any console. Not to mention; we've not heard of any major third-party Xbox or Wii-exclusives jumping ship and going multi-platform, just PS3 exclusives.

This isn't so much a PS3 bashing thread as a thread in wonderment at Sony's seeming blindness to their own situation. Instead of going into damage control and trying to salvage what they can, they blindly march forward like nothing's wrong. They release a new SKU even though they already have too many, they do nothing about the third-party developers whose exclusives are jumping ship one after another, and instead of apologising to the millions of PS3 owners about forcing a disk format that had no business being in a gaming console onto them, they gloat about how they were able to use those gamers like mules to win their format war.

I'm just curious as to what those folks at Sony are thinking. Perhaps they really are blind to their situation? Since they make the console I suppose its only natural they're all rabid Playstation fanboys, it just makes sense, but it doesn't make any business sense to be blind to the obvious; fanboys or not if the ship's sinking it's still a good idea to board up the leak before any more water gets in. If Sony continues along this path, it's quite likely the PS3 will end up much like the GameCube did last generation; not neccessarily dead, but dead last in the race with very little support. (and this is not to say Sony's finished, while the GameCube lagged behind the PS2 and the Xbox, it allowed Nintendo to survive long enough for the Wii to come out, so Sony still has a fighting chance if it gets its act together)

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#2 herezjarchus
Member since 2007 • 316 Posts

ummm... another PS3 hate thread???

EDIT: "This isn't so much a PS3 bashing thread as a thread in wonderment at Sony's seeming blindness to their own situation."

Sorry, didn't saw this... but what situation? I think Sony is doing fine...

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#3 daymo93
Member since 2007 • 244 Posts
dosen't the xbox 360 only have one less sku then the ps3, with the core, the arcade, the elite and the rumored one with hd-dvd attachment as standed
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#4 gasmaskman
Member since 2005 • 3463 Posts

I don't think you know what you're talking about. Losing a third-party exclusive isn't a sign of "weakness" it's a business idea. As in, $.

And LBP is never going to leave Sony.

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#5 bigLLL
Member since 2005 • 3688 Posts
people rag on the ps3 but somehow forget ps3 outsells 360 worldwide now, and 360 has this major RROD problem that still isnt fixed and they have one whole market they basically dont excist in (japan) and yet sony gets all the hate, if I was a 360 fanboy id be more worried about ur own console than the ps3 at the moment.
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#6 big_smoke_666
Member since 2005 • 871 Posts

ugh i couldnt read all of that due to extreme fatigue but i got the gist. . .

yeah i wouldnt say "digging its own drave" thats a tad extreme if you ask me Sony has a qonsole that will sell alot more over its lifetime mostly because as hardware gets better and more efficient and cheaper to make sony will make more money off them and prices will go down attracting new customers in a less well off demographic who make up a large chunk of the market

if at some point you were going to say its dead or dieing it is far from it's demise it should have a good 5 or 6 years left in it. . .

. . . and please dont compare sony to sega again its not going to go down the same road cos of many reasons despite all the SKUs

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#7 JiveT
Member since 2005 • 8619 Posts

I don't know why anyone wants a PS3 but I guess it was smart they put blu-ray in it because the only people I know who have it just use it for that. If Netflix didn't exist they would be in even worse trouble.

As a game machine it's god awful. They really needed to come up with a new controller this gen instead of rehashing the same old design then making it worse with the useless motion sensing and terrible trigger design.

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#8 SpinoRaptor
Member since 2006 • 2419 Posts
Oh great, another wall of text. You really need to cut down on words if you want people to read that. Nobody is going to sit there and read all of that.
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#9 sam280992
Member since 2007 • 3754 Posts

Explain to me how is it God awful???

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#10 big_smoke_666
Member since 2005 • 871 Posts

I don't know why anyone wants a PS3 but I guess it was smart they put blu-ray in it because the only people I know who have it just use it for that. If Netflix didn't exist they would be in even worse trouble.

As a game machine it's god awful. They really needed to come up with a new controller this gen instead of rehashing the same old design then making it worse with the useless motion sensing and terrible trigger design.


i know you have ur opinion and all but you do know they tried to make a new controller and there was a backlash besides many people myself included love the Dualshock design i have used it for ages and its my prefered controller of any gen the introduction of triggers was cool imo and motionsensing is pretty cool in games to i dont see whats not to like? infact the last person who told me they hated the design after i showed him mine and what it could do in game and gave them a go at it they fell inlove with it maybe you should give it a try?

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#11 bigLLL
Member since 2005 • 3688 Posts
Im sorry but who would the new controller suit best? you a sony hater? who wouldnt by the console anyway or just keep it the same and keep sony fans happy because they luv the controller and dont think it needs to be changed at all, along with the 100million plus people that bought the ps2....ur just a sony hater nobody should take u seriously.

I don't know why anyone wants a PS3 but I guess it was smart they put blu-ray in it because the only people I know who have it just use it for that. If Netflix didn't exist they would be in even worse trouble.

As a game machine it's god awful. They really needed to come up with a new controller this gen instead of rehashing the same old design then making it worse with the useless motion sensing and terrible trigger design.

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#12 fuzzysquash
Member since 2004 • 17374 Posts

I don't know why anyone wants a PS3 but I guess it was smart they put blu-ray in it because the only people I know who have it just use it for that. If Netflix didn't exist they would be in even worse trouble.

As a game machine it's god awful. They really needed to come up with a new controller this gen instead of rehashing the same old design then making it worse with the useless motion sensing and terrible trigger design.


it doesn't have the simplest architecture, but it's powerful...and it's reliable.

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#13 deactivated-61010a1ed19f4
Member since 2007 • 3235 Posts
the answer to quite alot of these questions is, a big percentage of ps3 owners have only brought it for the blu-ray player , they may have brought one or two games, thus contributing to the poor attach rate and software sales
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#14 ejstrup
Member since 2005 • 2192 Posts
hmm..yeah... this thread is no good
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#15 Afrikanxl
Member since 2006 • 1112 Posts
TC and JiveT are funny characters... I really do hope you guys get paid kick back for the BS you guys spew....
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#16 bigLLL
Member since 2005 • 3688 Posts

ps3 pretty much has better software sales outside of America, stop living in the past, the 360 is now being outsold by everything worldwide, it's amazing how 360 fanboys are holding on to America only thinking they excist and the rest of the world doesnt, what happens when ps3 starts doing really well in America and in the top ten you see, metal gear solid4, Resistance 2, little big planet, killzone2, final fantasy 13, and so on. 360 will have nothing left.

Dead in japan, last in europe and will decline in America, good future right there for the 360.

the answer to quite alot of these questions is, a big percentage of ps3 owners have only brought it for the blu-ray player , they may have brought one or two games, thus contributing to the poor attach rate and software salesscottiescott238

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#17 the_one34
Member since 2004 • 1105 Posts

Your point lost all credibility when you mentioned how Sony might lose MGS, FF and LBP. The rumors just...won't...DIE!

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#18 mabris
Member since 2007 • 240 Posts

Firstly, let's take a look at hardware. The PS3 has had so many SKUs over the last year it's bewildering. It's also bewildering as to what Sony is thinking; lest we forget, this is what Sega did as well (first the Sega CD, then the 32X, then the Neptune which never saw the light of day, finally the Dreamcast, by which point the game developers got so fed up they decided to avoid Sega's consoles like they were a bunch of lepers). The PS3 has had a 20GB, a 40GB, a 60GB, and an 80GB, all with varying differences that anyone but somebody who followed Sony's consoles closesly would confuse. Quick! Which one has full backwards compatibility but no WiFi? But wait! There's more. Sony's decided four isn't enough, and now they're discontinuing the 80GB too. Rumor has it a 120GB version might be coming out. Way to go Sony, go and confuse your consumer base some more, why dontcha?


What's wrong with have two different SKUs currently on the market (40 & 80?) XBOX currently has 4 differnt models (Arcarde, Premium, Elite, Halo).

Another thing to notice with the PS3 is the number of people who buy third-party games that are multiplatform. Notice that in almost every case, when a game comes out for both the PS3 and the Xbox 360, the Xbox 360 versions sell more than the PS3 versions? According to VG Chartz (look, I know they aren't the MOST accurate site, but the differences are so huge they can't be off by THAT much), Call of Duty 4 sold around 4.6 million on the 360. Only 2.25 million for the PS3. 3.32 million for Assassin's Creed on the 360, 2.15 million on the PS3. As for Devil May Cry 4, at the time I last checked the numbers were not in yet, but I would not be at all surprised if the Xbox 360 version sold about twice as many, despite the fact that Devil May Cry has always been a Playstation staple.


One year headstart means that the XBOX has twice the consoles on the market, hence twice the sales. How is that so hard to understand. The gap will close as the PS3 outsells the Xbox.

Why is this? Part of it can be attributed to the fewer PS3 consoles sold, but that can't be the whole story. There's a whole lot more than 4.6 million Playstation 3 consoles out there, yet why are there only 2.25 million of them with Call of Duty 4 playing? And why isn't Sony doing anything about this? They seem to be digging their grave even deeper, not trying to get out of it like they should. They're constantly tinkering with their higher end SKU, even though the price has always been a sore point and they ought to be doing everything they can to lower the price of their low-end SKU.


What's wrong with a 50% attach for COD4 (accroding to the incorrect numbers you quote)? Your argument fails in so many ways.

Yes, the PS3 has lost exlculsives, and that will probably hurt it mre than anything else. This is mostly due to the fact that there is currently a much larger 360 market out there. It's a larger market because the 360 got a one year head start. To get that head start, MS sold everyone a POS console. They have admitted that EVERY SINGLE CONSOLE SOLD IN THE FIRST YEAR IS DEFECTIVE. MS has ruined its log term reputation in the gaming world. Everyone will be equating MS with faulty consoles for years, even if they do eventually fix the RROD.

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#19 mistervengeance
Member since 2006 • 6769 Posts

Firstly, let's take a look at hardware. The PS3 has had so many SKUs over the last year it's bewildering. It's also bewildering as to what Sony is thinking; lest we forget, this is what Sega did as well (first the Sega CD, then the 32X, then the Neptune which never saw the light of day, finally the Dreamcast, by which point the game developers got so fed up they decided to avoid Sega's consoles like they were a bunch of lepers). The PS3 has had a 20GB, a 40GB, a 60GB, and an 80GB, all with varying differences that anyone but somebody who followed Sony's consoles closesly would confuse. Quick! Which one has full backwards compatibility but no WiFi? But wait! There's more. Sony's decided four isn't enough, and now they're discontinuing the 80GB too. Rumor has it a 120GB version might be coming out. Way to go Sony, go and confuse your consumer base some more, why dontcha?

Microsoft has 4 SKU's....

core/arcade, premium, halo 3, elite.

it's not that much worse.

Another thing to notice with the PS3 is the number of people who buy third-party games that are multiplatform. Notice that in almost every case, when a game comes out for both the PS3 and the Xbox 360, the Xbox 360 versions sell more than the PS3 versions? According to VG Chartz (look, I know they aren't the MOST accurate site, but the differences are so huge they can't be off by THAT much), Call of Duty 4 sold around 4.6 million on the 360. Only 2.25 million for the PS3. 3.32 million for Assassin's Creed on the 360, 2.15 million on the PS3. As for Devil May Cry 4, at the time I last checked the numbers were not in yet, but I would not be at all surprised if the Xbox 360 version sold about twice as many, despite the fact that Devil May Cry has always been a Playstation staple.

Why is this? Part of it can be attributed to the fewer PS3 consoles sold, but that can't be the whole story. There's a whole lot more than 4.6 million Playstation 3 consoles out there, yet why are there only 2.25 million of them with Call of Duty 4 playing? And why isn't Sony doing anything about this? They seem to be digging their grave even deeper, not trying to get out of it like they should. They're constantly tinkering with their higher end SKU, even though the price has always been a sore point and they ought to be doing everything they can to lower the price of their low-end SKU.

more people have 360's and live. live is a better network if you're looking for online social play with friends, which is what the vast majority of consumers like, so they go to microsoft.

And the biggest issue, the games, they're not doing anything about. They've lost Grand Theft Auto and Devil May Cry exclusivity already, they're looking like they might even lose Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy (to Xbox 360), and possibly even LittleBigPlanet (to Wii, although the source for this one is very unreliable) as well, which if they do means they've lost nearly all their big-name franchises. Even if they don't, losing any exclusives shows weakness, which is not a good thing for any console. Not to mention; we've not heard of any major third-party Xbox or Wii-exclusives jumping ship and going multi-platform, just PS3 exclusives.

that's true, although i don't know where you got those MGS4, FF13, or LBP rumors. those were all debunked Ages ago.

This isn't so much a PS3 bashing thread as a thread in wonderment at Sony's seeming blindness to their own situation. Instead of going into damage control and trying to salvage what they can, they blindly march forward like nothing's wrong. They release a new SKU even though they already have too many, they do nothing about the third-party developers whose exclusives are jumping ship one after another, and instead of apologising to the millions of PS3 owners about forcing a disk format that had no business being in a gaming console onto them, they gloat about how they were able to use those gamers like mules to win their format war.

people said the ps3 was too expensive: sony releases the 40 gb.

how is doing what the consumers want a bad decision?

and short of paying devs off, it's not like sony can FORCE them to stay with ps3.

rather than hinder gaming, sony's clever use of blu ray in combination with the standard hard drive allows for much shorter loading if properly used.

I do agree though, blu-ray will not be needed until next gen.

However, you tell me which is worse: sony not apologising for forcing an unneeded HD format on their buyers, or Microsoft putting a faulty, broken product out in the open market.

and even before you respond to that, the actual fact that the RROD exists doesn't bother me much, because M$ "fixes" it for free, as they should. the thing that bothers me, is that m$'s multimillion dollar corporation, with it's brilliant engineers, is still not able to FIX the RROD. i mean, seriously. do they just look in side the 360 and go "WTF they didn't teach us this at MIT?"

completely unexusable.

I'm just curious as to what those folks at Sony are thinking. Perhaps they really are blind to their situation? Since they make the console I suppose its only natural they're all rabid Playstation fanboys, it just makes sense, but it doesn't make any business sense to be blind to the obvious; fanboys or not if the ship's sinking it's still a good idea to board up the leak before any more water gets in. If Sony continues along this path, it's quite likely the PS3 will end up much like the GameCube did last generation; not neccessarily dead, but dead last in the race with very little support. (and this is not to say Sony's finished, while the GameCube lagged behind the PS2 and the Xbox, it allowed Nintendo to survive long enough for the Wii to come out, so Sony still has a fighting chance if it gets its act together)

I agree the games are short as of now, but at the end of this year we should see a similar number of stellar exclusives on the 360 and the ps3.


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#20 hongkingkong
Member since 2006 • 9368 Posts

PS3 has a load of SKUs :roll:






halo 3 ltd edition

premium w. forza 2 & VP ....

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#21 bballm10
Member since 2006 • 1025 Posts
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#22 The_Crucible
Member since 2007 • 3305 Posts

Its digging itself a hole yet selling better and better every month.

Just because more buy the 360 version of a multiplat doesn't make it proven 360 is better or PS3 is worse. Yes, there were those titles last year, like mAdden, that caught so much publicity. But that publicity lead to this BS hype about all multiplats being better on the 360. When, in fact, for some tiem now multiplats are equal or better on the PS3. Soem of the "slight differences" we see now with the PS3 over the 360, were the same "big" differences people saw in 360 over PS3 in 2007.

A lot of PS3's 2007 failures were self inflicted. But a ton of it was due to fakeboys talking out of their butts about Lair, price, weak dev whining, and "teh multiplats are better on the 360."

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#23 jimm895
Member since 2007 • 7703 Posts

Sony has kept the basic same hardware in every SKU, the only thing is the 20 gig didn't have wifi built in and the 40 gig had no BC with PS2 games and no card readers. All SKU's had HDD and Blu-Ray along with HDMI.

The 360 stsrted with a basic DVD and no HDD (nothing more). Then they came out with a SKU with a HDD. Then they released a SKU with HDMI after a while. But to get wifi the cost was outragesly high for the hardware, to get a HDD the cost was outragesly high, and then they want to charge to play online after all that.

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#24 Eddie-Vedder
Member since 2003 • 7810 Posts
By digging it's own grave do you mean outselling the 360? thought so.
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#25 limitless_rage
Member since 2006 • 134 Posts

What are you talking about? If anyone is digging their own grave its MS.

1:RROD ... nuff said

2:Hard drive - $180 for a 120gb hdd? What is it like 1997 or something!! And why is 120gb the biggest drive you got?

3:Premature Release - they blew their wad in 07. Got nothing in 08 (with a few exceptions like NG2 ... well thats pretty much it)

4:Sales - in america they are a solid #2(for now) ... rest of the world #3. Ps3 is outselling worldwide.

5:Extras - as in I gotta buy all this extra crap to make my system worthwhile ... battery paks, wireless adapters, hd movie add on(they will come out with a blu-ray add on as well ... mark my words), and pay for play xbox live.

Sony has them beat in every category mentioned here

1:Very low failure rate (call it a yrod if you want, only 1 in 1000 has it as opposed to 1 in 3)

2:upgrade to any 2.5 inch sata ... 250 gb for the win!

3:Awesome release year for 08 plus they have the largest in house development in the world (even over nintendo ... as weird as that is) so they will have plenty of awesome titles for years to come

4:Outselling 360 world wide and after mgs4 and resistance 2 ... in america as well

5:all those extras are included with the system

So why is MS digging their own grave?

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#26 jetpropilot
Member since 2008 • 420 Posts

wall of text

no read

if you're a wii fan, congrats

if not, I find it amazing you can criticize a system that managed to outsell the 360 last year despite having no games at all

good going

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#27 prodiqy32
Member since 2007 • 1624 Posts
the PS3 is getting better nad better. going up, not down.
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#28 ReverseCycology
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Everybody makes mistakes and Sony isn't immune. But Sony made a lot of mistakes and I believe they're aware and they're trying to do something about it. This is why there's so many PS3 SKUs because Sony is still scrambling trying to find that sweet spot that one SKU that will appeal to the masses. Also Sony just seemed like they wanted the PS3 to do everything, from playing blu ray moives to curing cancer, but unfortunately all these things just mad the thing still have the highest start price for a video gaming console.

In the last couple of gens, the Playstation brand was on top, so I believe Sony got over confident with a bit of arrogance and they under estimated the competition. They were probably thinking since MS and Nintendo wasn't in their level the last gen, that they wouldn't catch up this gen. But little did they know MS and Nintendo were planning a take over. MS attacked first by coming out first with the 360 and Nintendo tried to do the opposite the PS3 was doing, and that was focusing on gameplay and not graphics and keeping the Wii at a low price, way lower than the PS3. And these attacks were on target because now Sony is dead last and they're still dead last.

Sony is already in a grave but they're slowly digging their way out. But unfortunately while their digging their way out, they're burrying some potential buyers. These buyers wanted something that played great games but there's more blu ray movies. These buyers wanted a low price, but $400 is the lowest it can go for now. Gamers wanted rumble but instead got last minute tilt motion. Gamers wanted the best graphics and better running games, but instead gamers are getting the identical graphics of what a 360 can do and installations.

Sony is trying to make a come back. They will never be on top again this gen but their effort might be good enough for people to realize that the Playstation brand is here to stay. Wether its first place or dead last. There will always be a Playstation for you. Play B3yond, This Is Living.

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#29 Udsen
Member since 2007 • 3389 Posts

I don't know why anyone wants a PS3 but I guess it was smart they put blu-ray in it because the only people I know who have it just use it for that. If Netflix didn't exist they would be in even worse trouble.

As a game machine it's god awful. They really needed to come up with a new controller this gen instead of rehashing the same old design then making it worse with the useless motion sensing and terrible trigger design.


Unfortunatley, you're wrong. But that's okay.

As for the topic, If anything, Sony is digging themselves out from their "grave". I had no idea outselling a system who releases its biggest game in '07 was being in the grave.

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#30 linkin_guy109
Member since 2005 • 8864 Posts
i love how some people can be so ignorant towards a console without knowing anything about business, sony is actually doing the exact opposite, they are trying it would seem, hard to fight there way back into this console race with m$
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#31 ParadiddleFill
Member since 2007 • 3506 Posts

PS3 has a load of SKUs :roll:








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#32 Ballroompirate
Member since 2005 • 26695 Posts

By digging it's own grave do you mean outselling the 360? thought so.Eddie-Vedder

*gasp* which one has better/more games? oh yea thats right the 360, sorry but actuall people dont give a damn who out sells who, they care about who has the games (people buy the console to play games) which so far the PS3 is getting punded by the Wii and 360 so stop being a fanboy.

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#33 elbow2k
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I think Sony has been making strides to improve the quality of their product, however the only thing that I see as a negative and a sign that they probably haven't learnt all that they should have, is Home.

They needed something for gaming, not something for a virtual community.

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#34 Udsen
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[QUOTE="Eddie-Vedder"]By digging it's own grave do you mean outselling the 360? thought so.Ballroompirate

*gasp* which one has better/more games? oh yea thats right the 360, sorry but actuall people dont give a damn who out sells who, they care about who has the games (people buy the console to play games) which so far the PS3 is getting punded by the Wii and 360 so stop being a fanboy.

In your opinion. I disagree.

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#35 jetpropilot
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[QUOTE="Eddie-Vedder"]By digging it's own grave do you mean outselling the 360? thought so.Ballroompirate

*gasp* which one has better/more games? oh yea thats right the 360, sorry but actuall people dont give a damn who out sells who, they care about who has the games (people buy the console to play games) which so far the PS3 is getting punded by the Wii and 360 so stop being a fanboy.

if the console doesn't work, then the games are useless

if one company's digging their own grave, it's the company who still can't get their hardware to an acceptable defective rate despite being in the market for 2+ years

AND has to spend a billion dollars on a repair service

when the other companies could use similar fund to put towards advertising, price drops, research, etc...

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Microsoft comes out with its 3 biggest titles to date (Bioshock, Halo 3 and Mass Effect) and within 2 months the PS3 passes it in weekly sales and continues to beat it each week there after....

Yeah, Sony must being doing something wrong.

And you brought up another very good point, the console with a one year head start and 7 million more owners beats the opposition...

thats not expected is it? lol

Sony is on the up and up my friend

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#37 numba1234
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I can't believe someone is comparing a 40 GB ps3 to the sega cd. The sega CD could only play sega CD games, the ps3 40 GB ps3 can play all the ps3 games.
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#39 numba1234
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Also if a game sells 2.15 million the ps3, then most titles will come to the ps3. Unlike the Gamecube, where not one third party game managed to break a million, the ps3 best selling games are third party titles. If a game sells enough (a million or two), then more games will eventually. Come on, don't expect that ea, activision, capcom, and many other developers want to lose 2 million sales. (especially if it costs around a million to 2 million dollars just to bring it to the ps3).
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Member since 2007 • 292 Posts

[QUOTE="Eddie-Vedder"]By digging it's own grave do you mean outselling the 360? thought so.Udsen

*gasp* which one has better/more games? oh yea thats right the 360, sorry but actuall people dont give a damn who out sells who, they care about who has the games (people buy the console to play games) which so far the PS3 is getting punded by the Wii and 360 so stop being a fanboy.

In your opinion. I disagree.

Assassins Creed, Warhawk, Resistance, Call of Duty 4, Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, Unreal Tournement 3, Oblivion, etc.

Yeah, I cant seem to find great games on my PS3 (they dont have to be exclusive to be good)...

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#41 Ballroompirate
Member since 2005 • 26695 Posts

[QUOTE="Eddie-Vedder"]By digging it's own grave do you mean outselling the 360? thought so.TYLERxDURDEN

*gasp* which one has better/more games? oh yea thats right the 360, sorry but actuall people dont give a damn who out sells who, they care about who has the games (people buy the console to play games) which so far the PS3 is getting punded by the Wii and 360 so stop being a fanboy.

In your opinion. I disagree.

Assassins Creed, Warhawk, Resistance, Call of Duty 4, Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, Unreal Tournement 3, Oblivion, etc.

Yeah, I cant seem to find great games on my PS3 (they dont have to be exclusive to be good)...

4/8 of those games you just listed are also on the 360 (5 if you want to say UT3 is a time exclusive)

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#42 Udsen
Member since 2007 • 3389 Posts

[QUOTE="Eddie-Vedder"]By digging it's own grave do you mean outselling the 360? thought so.Ballroompirate

*gasp* which one has better/more games? oh yea thats right the 360, sorry but actuall people dont give a damn who out sells who, they care about who has the games (people buy the console to play games) which so far the PS3 is getting punded by the Wii and 360 so stop being a fanboy.

In your opinion. I disagree.

Assassins Creed, Warhawk, Resistance, Call of Duty 4, Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, Unreal Tournement 3, Oblivion, etc.

Yeah, I cant seem to find great games on my PS3 (they dont have to be exclusive to be good)...

4/8 of those games you just listed are also on the 360 (5 if you want to say UT3 is a time exclusive)

Point being?

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#43 dkhw
Member since 2006 • 4045 Posts

[QUOTE="Eddie-Vedder"]By digging it's own grave do you mean outselling the 360? thought so.Udsen

*gasp* which one has better/more games? oh yea thats right the 360, sorry but actuall people dont give a damn who out sells who, they care about who has the games (people buy the console to play games) which so far the PS3 is getting punded by the Wii and 360 so stop being a fanboy.

In your opinion. I disagree.

Assassins Creed, Warhawk, Resistance, Call of Duty 4, Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, Unreal Tournement 3, Oblivion, etc.

Yeah, I cant seem to find great games on my PS3 (they dont have to be exclusive to be good)...

4/8 of those games you just listed are also on the 360 (5 if you want to say UT3 is a time exclusive)

Point being?

360 has better games...at least right now.

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#44 BK-Sleeper
Member since 2006 • 2686 Posts
Home won't appeal to the masses. Count on it.
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#45 Udsen
Member since 2007 • 3389 Posts

360 has better games...at least right now.


Come on. Those games are also on PS3. Why is it when a game is on 360 that's all that counts?

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#46 EPaul
Member since 2006 • 9917 Posts
Sony digging it's own grave? Microsoft release it's biggest hitters last year Mass effect,Bioshock and of course Halo 3 yet the PS3 still outsold
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#47 Ballroompirate
Member since 2005 • 26695 Posts

360 has better games...at least right now.


Come on. Those games are also on PS3. Why is it when a game is on 360 that's all that counts?

Those games that are also on the ps3 sell less compared to the 360 counterparts

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#48 BK-Sleeper
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Sony digging it's own grave? Microsoft release it's biggest hitters last year Mass effect,Bioshock and of course Halo 3 yet the PS3 still outsold EPaul

Pics or it didn't happen.

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#49 Lazy_Boy88
Member since 2003 • 7418 Posts
There's only ever been 2 PS3 SKUs at a time and with 4 360 SKUs out you're not making a very good point.
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#50 Zero5000X
Member since 2004 • 8314 Posts

I don't know why anyone wants a PS3 but I guess it was smart they put blu-ray in it because the only people I know who have it just use it for that. If Netflix didn't exist they would be in even worse trouble.

As a game machine it's god awful. They really needed to come up with a new controller this gen instead of rehashing the same old design then making it worse with the useless motion sensing and terrible trigger design.


hmmm.....this brings me to my next thought.... DON'T smoke crack.