PS3 owner for 10 months. My take. (L-O-N-G, but WORTH IT.) Regulars welcome.

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#1 TripleXAlexXx
Member since 2006 • 867 Posts

Okay... I rarely make actual threads in SW, because it's easy to get owned or made fun of when thousands of people are looking over everything you type with a magnifying glass. However, I do have an opinion that I really want to voice, and I believe that my opinion is as credible and close to fact as an opinion can be, as I have no bias toward any company. I play games. I enjoy fun experiences. It doesn't matter to me what console I get those on, just so long as I get them. Because of this, how I feel about any given console is credible. I have "ethos".

I'm actually amazed at how short Sony fell with their next gen machine, the ps3. I'm not saying this is a bad console. There are definitely good things about it. I do feel that the ps3 will slightly pass the xbox360 in terms of graphics/visuals. However, The overall experience the console provides is pale in comparison to it's competition, the 360. Allow me to explain.

Sony promised us a console that would make our jaws drop. I'm not going to paste a bunch of quotes, because I think that's a way of being immature orirritating ps3 fans. But let's be honest.We were told to expect graphics and visuals that will blow away what the 360 has to offer. We were told that the 360 would look like the "xbox180" or "xbox1.5" after experiencing what the ps3 would offer us. We were told a lot of amazing things.

It's VERY CLOSE to the one-year mark of the ps3 in the US, (Maybe japan as well?) and I have seen absolutely nothing that has blown me away, or even made me completely satisfied with owning the console. I see ps3 fans and 360 fans bickering about the differences in multi-plat games, and I've seen several ps3 fans bragging or even touting victory when A ps3 multi-plat looks equal or better than the 360 version. This amazes me. Honestly, I'm even shocked when people are just "okay" or "satisfied" with a ps3 mult-plat that looks equal or slightly better in areas. Why? A couple reasons. Once again, (I feel like I have to repeat this every paragraph, as I see people forget it in every other post.) Sony told us to expect something that was going to blow us, and the 360 away. Ps3 was supposed to make the 360 look last-gen, remember? And, while Sony has recently adjusted the price, or added special deals to make the ps3 cost less, or more "worth the money", most of us paid $600 for this console. In some cases $500, but more people paid $600. That is $200 more than the favored $400 xbox360 console. (At launch price.)

The ps3 is NOT providing the quality experience that we were told we would get. The ps3 has not blown me, or anything on the 360, away at all. From what we were told (and charged), we should have something that is miles ahead of the 360. I should have been "wowed" from day one. I DEFINITELY should have been "wowed" within one year of the consoles release. (At LEAST once.) Well, I haven't been, and anyone that has experienced everything the xbox360 or a high-end PC has to offer should not have been either. EVERY multi-plat should have been more than marginally better on the ps3 than on 360. Any ps3 exclusive should not be arguably better than anything seen on the 360. It should flat out blow anything on 360 away. But it hasn't, and I would bet that it never will. The ps3 will never have a game that looks MORE than marginally better than the 360's best. And the sad part is, it should.

I'm not saying the 360 is a perfect machine in any way, shape, or form. I'm not a fanboy of any console or company. The 360 has/hadserious internal design flaws, resulting in almost certain doom of any given console. Yes, MS extended the warranty to 3 years, theyreimbursed everyone that paid to have their console repaired, and apologized to the gaming community. But it really sucks to turn on your (at the most, less than 2 year old console) console only to find that it has fallen victim, and needs to be repaired. You can't play it for about 3 weeks to a month. And i've heard many worse stories. So, while MS has made sure that no PERMANANT damage has been done, many 360-owners have had to go through a lot of crap. HOPEFULLY, this problem has been resolved with therevised cpu and gpu heat-sink. I, personally, think this will fix the problem, as heat has always been the enemy of the 360. Units will still fail, ofcourse, but hopefully the number of them will reduce to the expected failure rate of most consoles.

Although that is a big issue, I find that to be the only real issue with the xbox360. But, there area LOT of things the 360 does RIGHT. Most importantly, the xbox 360 DELIVERS. In fact, it does it well. I'm not just talking about tech specs and visuals. If you take advantage of everything the xbox 360 has to offer, (If you won't pay $50 a year for a superior/awesome experience, or if you don't like mics and think XBL is nothing but racist 10-year-olds screaming, your loss, and you're wrong.) you will get an incredible gaming experience that meets (and exceeds, IMO) the hype of it.

P L E A S E, try your hardest to not let any bias, dedication, fanboyism, or anything else to keep you from reading and understanding this thread. This thread is not meant to "bash" the ps3, or "praise" the 360, as I have to bias to or against any company or console. This thread is not meant to rub how good the 360 is in other people's faces. This thread is not meant to make ANYONE feel bad about their purchase decision, or what they received as a gift. I've tried my hardest to turn my experiences to words and give what I feel is real and true. I've tried my hardest to make a debate thread that doesn't make any other fan-group want retaliate (sp?) or "fight back". So try to hear, understand, and acknowledge (if you will) what I say, and honestly think about how it may be true.

What does the ps3 do that the 360 doesn't, what can it do better, what does it have to offer that's better? (This applies to videogames, gaming, and videogame experiences.)
(Very important things are marked with #)

-It's more reliable.
-Graphics may have slight edge in near future.
-The controller hastilt functions, but they have not proved themselves. Rumble in the future.
-It has a small amount of exclusives that many people enjoy.#

What has the ps3 innovated or evolved that has become an integral part ofa good video-gaming experience?
(Very important things are marked with#)

Free online, although it pales in comparison to XBL.
-Home has the possiblity of being good.

Honestly, that's all I can think of that the ps3 has overthe 360, and none of thos are concrete, and could change at any time. Now, let'sanalyze the 360. I'm going to try my bestto not be judgmental at all. Obviously, some statements cannot be "backed up", "linked",or have a source, but if it isn't apparent to you that it's true, then prehaps this thread wasn't meant for you anyways.

What does the360 do that theps3 doesn't, what can it do better, what does it have to offer that's better? (This applies to videogames, gaming, and videogame experiences.)
(Very importantthings are marked with #)

It has more games.#
-Currently, it has more variety. (Yes, it has plenty more than shooters and racers.)
-It has better games than what the ps3 offers.# (see gamespot, gamerankings, and metacritic or whatever it's called)
-It's less expensive.
-It has rumble.
-It, like ps3, has a small amount of exclusives that many people enjoy.#

What has the 360 innovated or evolved that has become an integral part ofa good video-gaming experience?
(Very important things are marked with #)

-It sports a newly designed controller that is loved by many. The only downside is the D-pad, which could be changed.
-Xbox Live.### Explanation: It's hard to get fans of other consoles or people who haven't experienced XBL with and open mind to understand what all the fuss is about.
You can point out the flaws if you want.
1. Yeah, tightwads refuse to cough up $50 a year. Or maybe you can't stand the fact that it's P2P.
2. You'll read ps3 fans saying mics are overrated.
3. You might hear about "the dreaded lag" that slaughters every game all the time.
4. You'll probably hear the one that says there are nothing but 12 year olds screaming profanity in their mics.
5. Don't even think about getting by without hearing that every single person on XBL is completely racist, and are always overly vocal about it.
1. Yes, I would rather not pay the $50, but it gives you a service and experience that is untouched on other consoles.
2. If you don't like using a mic, that's just you. A lot of people love it.Just because you don't like something XBL offers, that doesn'tmeaneveryone else hates it. It's there, and people like it.
3. There is NOT a lot of lag on XBL, and you can easily avoid it if encountered.
4. Yes, there are young kids on XBL, and they may act immature, but you can mute them, and avoid them. I hear FAR more older people than young kids, and just because a person is young, doesn't mean they always have to be a-holes. If you think for a second this DOESN'T exist on PSN, you're fooling yourself.
5. Here's a good one: Racism. Think for one second. Guess how many people in your city have said something racist today? Most likely, a lot of them. I'm guessing 1/3 to 1/2 of the population of the US (Probably in most countries, too.) are racist. There are just as many racists on XBL as there are on PSN. If YOU are a minority, you should know that, unfortunately, you're going to have to deal with racism your ENTIRE LIFE. Doesn't matter where you go. Unfortunately, you won't be able to change that. You're just going to have to deal with it in the right ways. If you never want to hear a racist remark ever again, then hide under a rock and stay they there until you die. BUT, there are things you can do to help yourself and others. You can always avoid racists.You can leave them negative feedback or report them. You can change rooms, or kick them if you have the power. You can confront them, and tell them (nicely, if possible) that it's offending you. Just except the reality that a lot of people out there are heartless, and don't think that what they are going to say will offend someone. Ignore them. Don't let them get you upset. If you truely are a minority, than you should know this applies to every-day life. So don't put the blame on XBL, only.
Now I can finally talk about why XBL is a great experience.
1. Just about everyone has a mic, and more use it than not. Voice chat during games can most definitely make a videogame that much more fun. Whether you're just talking about random things, or if you're coming up with strategies for the game you're playing. PSN has this too, but I KNOW very, very few people usemics. I don't know if they don't have them, or just don't use them, but it'ssimply just not there. I'm being generous when I say this: If I start up Warhawkand join 10 randomly selected games, 5 of them will have absolutely no voice communication, even if I attempted to talk.Three of them will have maybe one single person, who will rarely talk anyways. And two of them will have MAYBE3 people talking, but not many more. I'm honestly being generous and realistic. And remember, it doesn't matter if you find the feature worthless, because the majority likes it and uses it.
2. Marketplace. This place has it all. Yeah, MS will nickle and dime you for the simplest things like themes and gamerpics, but you don't need them. Infact, I hear there is a way to make your own themes. ;)The marketplace is CONSTANTLY getting demos of games. I'd say at least 2 and at most 5 a week. And most of the time, the demos come out a pretty good amount of time before the actual games. Plus, more than some demos have online multiplayer.PSN is getting better with demos, I'll say that. It used to hardly get any demos, but now you can expect 1 to 2 a week. One thing I might add, XBL gets any particular demo first 9 times out of 10, and I have yet to see an online multiplayer demo on PSN.Other than demos, The market place has a few unique things for a few unique people. Ofcourse it has vids, trailers, and whatnot, but so does PSN. (note: I'm leaving out XBL's video market place, as it has nothing to do with games.)
3. XBL Arcade. This thing is awesome, and as long as you can spend a couple bills, you can easily land yourself a very addictive and awesome game. The collection dwarfs PSN's. In my PERSONAL opinion, it is also much better than Wii's VC because it has so much new original content, but old-school gamers may beg to differ.
4. Here's a biggie. THE INTERFACE. You know, the dashboard and the guide. The meat and potatos of XBL. You can listen to your own music in any game you want. You can be an achievement fanatic. If I'm playing CoD4, and my dude Brent is playing Halo3, all I have to do is bring up his name and select invite. Or I could send him a voice or text message telling him to make a new room and invite some people. Or I could select "chat" if I wanted to talk to him for a few minutes without sending messages back and forth. Did I mention you can do that while playing whatever game you want? In mid game, I can check the unified friend list and see who's online or offline, what they're playing and what they're doing in that game, or what an offline person has done last. If I meet someone cool, I can easily browse the list of people I've played with recently and add him/her as a friend. I can send pictures, or have video-chat. I can do ALL that stuff right in themiddle of a game. Actually, I can do just about all that stuff right now, on my work computer. (Work sucks, how else do you think i got the time to type all of this. lol) It's the most streamlined online service on consoles. A lot of people try to say PSN almost has everything XBL has, or it's catching up. They say that they get "just about" what xbl gives you for free. NO. Not even close. Yeah, you may get demos more often now, and in the future Sony is going to make things a little easier, but ANYONE that has used PSN and XBL for a good length of time, and has an open mind about it, can easily say XBL miles upon miles better than PSN. And you know what? It's the little things that make it so good.
The Guide button.### Explanation: Uh oh. You better believe I'm giving 360 the credit of this. THE GUIDE BUTTON.The guide button is the very back-bone of XBL. That one single button is how EVERYTHING is done. Every console this gen has one. Not only did 360 have it first, (Please, don't tell me the PSP deserves the cred. It doesn't.) but the 360 has it done RIGHT. It seems like ps3 and wii just use it to go back to the actual console menu from a game, or to turn off a controller or the console itself, and that's it. The guide button is your favorite "do-it-all" button that puts the whole xbl service at your command. Ps3 guide button functions will definitely improve in the future, but will never match or surpass was 360 has done with it. At least, I highly doubt it.

That would be it for the 360. Remember, I only listed things that were BETTER than what the other console has. Any good things the consoles have but are equal at doing, I left out. Anything not pretaining to gaming, I left out.

This is going to close kinda fast, because it's about time for me to leave work, but please read this thread over carefully and honestly think about it. I am not bias, and I do NOT favor and console or company because of who they are or what they made. I favor a console if it gives the best experience I can get. Right now, I favor the 360. I'm no farm animal, and I believe everything I've said in this thread is credible. None of it is far-fetched. Owning both consoles for a good bit of time, I can easily say the ps3 has failed at delivering what we were told we would get. It's underwhelming, slow starting, and not really picking up steam. If the ps3 was made by some no-name company, and wasn't hyped to hell and back, I would think it was a really good console, and a great attempt. But I was lead to believe I was getting a supercomputer, and all I got was a console that's been beat in multiple areas by the less expensive Xbox 360.

All I care about is having the best, most fun experience possible with a videogame console. Sony has not delivered, and I don't expect them to. Not for a while, at least.

Well, I gotta go.


I'll appreciate them all. And please, try to be open-minded, and keep the fanboy trash out of here.

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#2 PSP107
Member since 2007 • 18825 Posts
I click and scroll down. But i will take the time a read it.
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#3 DrinkDuff
Member since 2004 • 6762 Posts


I read about 1/4th of it before I gave up. What I read was interesting though.

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#4 DragonfireXZ95
Member since 2005 • 26652 Posts


I read about 1/4th of it before I gave up. What I read was interesting though.


I read the whole thing, and you make valid points.

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#5 Chetnik07
Member since 2007 • 272 Posts
i read the whole thing and it screams FANBOY in a sheeps clothing.
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#6 EmperorSupreme
Member since 2006 • 7686 Posts
Your whole post seems to revolve around promises that weren't met with PS3. Lets understand one thing the PS3 that is out now is not the PS3 that was originally conceived. Due to MS rushing their product out the door a year early and horribly defective. Sony also had to revise their plans for PS3. Remember PS3 was originally supposed to have two cell processors each with more SPUs than they have now, but Sony had to revise it down to one cell processor and the RSX. Personally I think the PS3 delivers far more than X360. I can use it for all my music, pictures, it interacts with my DVR where I can watch my TV anywhere via PSP. I enjoy the Blu-ray movies. And it has already surpassed X360 graphically. PS3 also has more games that I like available. What does X360 have to compete with Heavenly Sword, Ninja Gaiden Sigma or Ratchet and Clank. Really enjoying Eye of Judgement as well. Of course we get all the good crossplats as welll like COD4 which I got yesterday. Personally now that PS3 is $399 I don't know any reason why anyone would buy X360.
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#7 Brmarlin
Member since 2006 • 2559 Posts
Very good read. Good arguments, fair, balanced.
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#8 ProductNumber49
Member since 2006 • 3840 Posts

can you resume this in one word?

all i got is that the ps3 is not what it was supposed to be...

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#9 Mythbuster4ever
Member since 2007 • 2846 Posts


I read about 1/4th of it before I gave up. What I read was interesting though.


Mr. TripeXAlexXx

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#10 Nugtoka
Member since 2003 • 1812 Posts
Summarize!! For God's sake man
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#11 DragonfireXZ95
Member since 2005 • 26652 Posts

Your whole post seems to revolve around promises that weren't met with PS3. Lets understand one thing the PS3 that is out now is not the PS3 that was originally conceived. Due to MS rushing their product out the door a year early and horribly defective. Sony also had to revise their plans for PS3. Remember PS3 was originally supposed to have two cell processors each with more SPUs than they have now, but Sony had to revise it down to one cell processor and the RSX. Personally I think the PS3 delivers far more than X360. I can use it for all my music, pictures, it interacts with my DVR where I can watch my TV anywhere via PSP. I enjoy the Blu-ray movies. And it has already surpassed X360 graphically. PS3 also has more games that I like available. What does X360 have to compete with Heavenly Sword, Ninja Gaiden Sigma or Ratchet and Clank. Really enjoying Eye of Judgement as well. Of course we get all the good crossplats as welll like COD4 which I got yesterday. Personally now that PS3 is $399 I don't know any reason why anyone would buy X360.EmperorSupreme

Aww look at the little PS3 fanboy...

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#12 EmperorSupreme
Member since 2006 • 7686 Posts

[QUOTE="EmperorSupreme"]Your whole post seems to revolve around promises that weren't met with PS3. Lets understand one thing the PS3 that is out now is not the PS3 that was originally conceived. Due to MS rushing their product out the door a year early and horribly defective. Sony also had to revise their plans for PS3. Remember PS3 was originally supposed to have two cell processors each with more SPUs than they have now, but Sony had to revise it down to one cell processor and the RSX. Personally I think the PS3 delivers far more than X360. I can use it for all my music, pictures, it interacts with my DVR where I can watch my TV anywhere via PSP. I enjoy the Blu-ray movies. And it has already surpassed X360 graphically. PS3 also has more games that I like available. What does X360 have to compete with Heavenly Sword, Ninja Gaiden Sigma or Ratchet and Clank. Really enjoying Eye of Judgement as well. Of course we get all the good crossplats as welll like COD4 which I got yesterday. Personally now that PS3 is $399 I don't know any reason why anyone would buy X360.DragonfireXZ95

Aww look at the little PS3 fanboy...

Thats me and about 5 million others, catching up to all the puffy X360 owners. Be scared.. Already outselling you :) 1 million +++ and counting this year.

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#13 PullTheTricker
Member since 2006 • 4749 Posts

You guys are beingpretty disrespectfull for doing that way to someone who took that much effort to write that all down. Stop the zomg wallzoftext because this is a forum and being able to read is necessary :P

I will begin reading it shortly... looks interesting ;)

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#14 BreakingPoint8
Member since 2007 • 3347 Posts

[QUOTE="EmperorSupreme"]Your whole post seems to revolve around promises that weren't met with PS3. Lets understand one thing the PS3 that is out now is not the PS3 that was originally conceived. Due to MS rushing their product out the door a year early and horribly defective. Sony also had to revise their plans for PS3. Remember PS3 was originally supposed to have two cell processors each with more SPUs than they have now, but Sony had to revise it down to one cell processor and the RSX. Personally I think the PS3 delivers far more than X360. I can use it for all my music, pictures, it interacts with my DVR where I can watch my TV anywhere via PSP. I enjoy the Blu-ray movies. And it has already surpassed X360 graphically. PS3 also has more games that I like available. What does X360 have to compete with Heavenly Sword, Ninja Gaiden Sigma or Ratchet and Clank. Really enjoying Eye of Judgement as well. Of course we get all the good crossplats as welll like COD4 which I got yesterday. Personally now that PS3 is $399 I don't know any reason why anyone would buy X360.EmperorSupreme

Aww look at the little PS3 fanboy...

Thats me and about 5 million others, catching up to all the puffy X360 owners. Be scared.. Already outselling you :) 1 million +++ and counting this year.

Too bad your 5 million others aren't buying GAMES to go with that shiny PS3.

All the games you listed flopped hard in sales, not to mention the fact that Ninja Gaiden Sigma is a port of an Xbox game.

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#16 The_Crucible
Member since 2007 • 3305 Posts
Sorry dude. This is blog worthy and blog only. This is waaaaay too much stuff to cover in any one discussion/thread here in SW.
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#17 RedMarzBoy
Member since 2004 • 1298 Posts
I have hope that next year will be much better. But this year there really wasnt much in terms of exclusives. Maybe it was the fact that Sony is still supporting the ps2(although its less now) and that takes some resources away and games. Imagine if Persona 3 and GoW2 were on PS3 with slightly better graphics. Then the ps3 exclusives wouldn't look so bad imo.
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#18 BreakingPoint8
Member since 2007 • 3347 Posts
Sorry dude. This is blog worthy and blog only. This is waaaaay too much stuff to cover in any one discussion/thread here in SW.The_Crucible
The truth scares you doesn't it?
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#19 beavisofcod2
Member since 2007 • 445 Posts

i got to the point where you talk about xbox live, and thought "how much more is there?" and scrolled down and was like "screw that!"

can we get some cliff notes here?

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#20 DragonfireXZ95
Member since 2005 • 26652 Posts

[QUOTE="EmperorSupreme"]Your whole post seems to revolve around promises that weren't met with PS3. Lets understand one thing the PS3 that is out now is not the PS3 that was originally conceived. Due to MS rushing their product out the door a year early and horribly defective. Sony also had to revise their plans for PS3. Remember PS3 was originally supposed to have two cell processors each with more SPUs than they have now, but Sony had to revise it down to one cell processor and the RSX. Personally I think the PS3 delivers far more than X360. I can use it for all my music, pictures, it interacts with my DVR where I can watch my TV anywhere via PSP. I enjoy the Blu-ray movies. And it has already surpassed X360 graphically. PS3 also has more games that I like available. What does X360 have to compete with Heavenly Sword, Ninja Gaiden Sigma or Ratchet and Clank. Really enjoying Eye of Judgement as well. Of course we get all the good crossplats as welll like COD4 which I got yesterday. Personally now that PS3 is $399 I don't know any reason why anyone would buy X360.EmperorSupreme

Aww look at the little PS3 fanboy...

Thats me and about 5 million others, catching up to all the puffy X360 owners. Be scared.. Already outselling you :) 1 million +++ and counting this year.

Actually, I'm a hermit first and foremost. But I do enjoy the large selection of games the 360 has to offer. :P

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#21 EmperorSupreme
Member since 2006 • 7686 Posts

[QUOTE="EmperorSupreme"]Your whole post seems to revolve around promises that weren't met with PS3. Lets understand one thing the PS3 that is out now is not the PS3 that was originally conceived. Due to MS rushing their product out the door a year early and horribly defective. Sony also had to revise their plans for PS3. Remember PS3 was originally supposed to have two cell processors each with more SPUs than they have now, but Sony had to revise it down to one cell processor and the RSX. Personally I think the PS3 delivers far more than X360. I can use it for all my music, pictures, it interacts with my DVR where I can watch my TV anywhere via PSP. I enjoy the Blu-ray movies. And it has already surpassed X360 graphically. PS3 also has more games that I like available. What does X360 have to compete with Heavenly Sword, Ninja Gaiden Sigma or Ratchet and Clank. Really enjoying Eye of Judgement as well. Of course we get all the good crossplats as welll like COD4 which I got yesterday. Personally now that PS3 is $399 I don't know any reason why anyone would buy X360.DragonfireXZ95

Aww look at the little PS3 fanboy...

Thats me and about 5 million others, catching up to all the puffy X360 owners. Be scared.. Already outselling you :) 1 million +++ and counting this year.

Actually, I'm a hermit first and foremost. But I do enjoy the large selection of games the 360 has to offer. :P

Me too, why did you get an X360 then? You could've got a PS3 and had the best of both worlds. Since everything that comes out on X360 comes out on PS3 and PC too.

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#22 BadgerNSW
Member since 2007 • 29 Posts
So basically your main arugument in favour of the xbox is xbox live?
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#23 Pangster007
Member since 2004 • 4426 Posts

More suited as a blog.

But here's a tissue *hands out a Super Mario Galaxy printed tissue*

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#25 Miles0T0Prower
Member since 2007 • 1990 Posts

Wow great agrument and I agree with the racist comment I hate it its on xbl,pc, psn and if wii had a mic it would be on the Wii too. Im sick of hearing n#####, I dont hear it much but still.

great post Im still getting a ps3 though but I fully agree

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#26 TripleXAlexXx
Member since 2006 • 867 Posts


I read about 1/4th of it before I gave up. What I read was interesting though.


I read the whole thing, and you make valid points.

Very good read. Good arguments, fair, balanced.Brmarlin

Thankyou guys. I appreciate it.
If only other people would take the time to read instead of shrugging it off like it's more fanboy dribble and not worth their time. Hey, I tried, right? ;)

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#27 gamenux
Member since 2006 • 5308 Posts
Damn, you blinded me with your wall-of-text.

So I gues you like the ps3. Yeah, I like it too.. Isn't that better?
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#28 russdmoore
Member since 2004 • 261 Posts

Well done. I have a 60 gig PS3 and a 360. I agree with most of your points. When it all comes down to it there will not be much of a difference between the two consoles. All I know I will enjoy both.


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#29 PullTheTricker
Member since 2006 • 4749 Posts

I agree on pretty much all points you described. I've been 1 of those cows 3 years ago with very unrealistic expectations from Sony. Logicly as they were the market leader. Been anticipating the succesor to the PS2 for a very long time.

It all started on E3 05 with a CGI movies of F1 Racing,Motorstorm and some other games I forgot. Many people were debating wheter it was actual gameplay or not. All the PS3 fans were incredibly excited and convinced that it would completely stamp the competition.

I am one of the early adaptors of the Xbox 360 launch. Have bought it immediately at midnight Europe launch, with a copy ofPGR4. And I was a bit disapointed of what the 360 had to offer compared to all the fancy Motorstorm and F1 racing video's.

Of course then later that year at E3 06 everyone was completely disappointed to find out thatallthe games were hugely downgraded. And this time arround Microsoft were getting all the credits for showing real gameplay footages that actually looked VERY impressive. Gears of War, Alan Wake and Mass Effect were 2 incredibly impressive games... MINDBLOWING!

Sony didn't deliver and failed to live up our unrealistic expectations. This was a pretty bad period of time to be a Cow and Sony supporter on System Wars.

Bad news! Bad news! bad news! Nothing but bad news kept following over and over and over again for over a year long. Media were heavily bashing Sony and criticizing their console... that kept getting delayed and failed to deliver the promises that were made. more dissapointed cows wich led to many PS3 fans buying a 360.

Then the final big blow came along. PS3 AGAIN delayed but only for Europe due to limited supply. When I heard this I never looked back again.

Then E3 07 came and they fixed their bad reputation with Ninja Gaiden Sigma, GT5 tech demo's, Little Big Planet, Home and much more. At this point everyone and the Media stopped bashing the PS3 so much and people moved forward.

But still doesn't change the fact that MS still offers a better experience for a gamer like me. And in my view Sony still failed to deliver what they promised. My heart as a ex- Sony supporter is still broke from that05 incident.Although I lol when I look back now.

''This game takes place in Ancient Japan...So there is this Giant enemy Crab''

''Hit him in the weak Spot for MASSIVE DAMAGE''

''Real Time Weapon Change...The Next-Level!''

I can never forget the E3 05 incident :lol:

My main system is PC platform however so it didn't affect THAT much.With the 360 as second platform.(still working perfectly mind you,since EU launch from 05 ;) )

Right now I'm not planning to buy the PS3 anymore for a long time. MGS4 delayed (once again), Final Fantasy XIII delayed and won't be released untill 09. Not to mention Europe release is always a half year later. Just as was with FFXII for PS2 wich I was VERY frustrated about as FF fan.

Gran Turismo 5... the biggest game to be released on PS3 and as a big racing games fanatic I cannot let go ofthis game. I have All of the series from 1 till 4. Even though GT4 was a bit dissapointing compared to Forza I am convinced GT5 will be incredibly HOT!

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#30 thepwninator
Member since 2006 • 8134 Posts

TC, please do not allow those who lack the ability to read get you down. There are those of us who really DID read your entire post.

Anyways, to the topic at hand, I agree with your post quite substantially, in spite of the fact that I do not actually own a PS3.

Even though I may sound like a lemming in the following paragraph, I do not think I am (in spite of the relatively crappy compy I have, I am still a hermit at heart [despite the fact that I own {and enjoy} a 360, my favorite games are Deus Ex, Total Annihilation, Monkey Island 3, and Warcraft 3]). Anyonepresent is entitled to their opinion regarding me in much the same way I am entitled to my opinions regarding the PS3.

The PS3 is a wonderful piece of hardware, even better than the 360, in fact. However, it has done absolutely nothing that the 360 has not done, be it graphics, gameplay, or the sheer scope of the games (indeed, the 360, with Mass Effect, significantly trumps anything on the PS3 thus far in that regard). The blu-Ray disc format (I am speaking about games, not movies) has not granted any boons to the PS3 whatsoever thus far. Every game that has been made on the format that is in excess of the 9 gigabyte maximum of the DVD9 format could easily be compressed down to DVD9 size, as evidenced by the compressed total file sizes of games that are absolutely huge (Mass Effect at approximately 6.5 gigabytes and Oblivion at approximately 4 gigabytes). While the format may offer advantages in the future, it does not do so today, and we live in the now, not the tomorrow. In addition, the Cell processor is significantly more powerful than the Xenon. However, the developers, both first and third party, have yet to take advantage of its immense potential. If you look at the launch titles for the 360 then look at the titles released a year later (especially Gears of War), you can see a tremendous difference, one larger even than the jump between the XBOX and 360. However, I have yet to see such a jump for the PS3. The titles released today, this week, this month should be absolutely crushing those released a year ago, but they are not; they are, for all intents and purposes, simply fine-tuned versions (in terms of graphics) of the launch titles. No matter what you say, Halo 3's lighting is better than that of any game on the PS3. BioShock's graphics are better than those of any game on the PS3. This should definitely not be the case. By this time, the PS3 should have leaped far ahead of the 360, but it has not. The 360 could create a graphics revolution for itself within a year, and the PS3 should have as well. No matter what you say, no matter how you argue, it has not.

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#31 shaji84
Member since 2005 • 314 Posts
Pretty good I read most of it (skipped some of the Xbox live part) and I agree with what you say. You should probably do this as a blog though.
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#33 Grive
Member since 2006 • 2971 Posts

Your whole post seems to revolve around promises that weren't met with PS3. Lets understand one thing the PS3 that is out now is not the PS3 that was originally conceived. Due to MS rushing their product out the door a year early and horribly defective. Sony also had to revise their plans for PS3. Remember PS3 was originally supposed to have two cell processors each with more SPUs than they have now, but Sony had to revise it down to one cell processor and the RSX. Personally I think the PS3 delivers far more than X360. I can use it for all my music, pictures, it interacts with my DVR where I can watch my TV anywhere via PSP. I enjoy the Blu-ray movies. And it has already surpassed X360 graphically. PS3 also has more games that I like available. What does X360 have to compete with Heavenly Sword, Ninja Gaiden Sigma or Ratchet and Clank. Really enjoying Eye of Judgement as well. Of course we get all the good crossplats as welll like COD4 which I got yesterday. Personally now that PS3 is $399 I don't know any reason why anyone would buy X360.EmperorSupreme

Several things.

1.- Sony actually delayed their machine, not rushed it in, so it kinda kills your point.

2.- The dual cell system was scrapped because frankly, it's nonsensical. I don't know who on earth wouldn't notice that 2 general-purpose CPUs would be better than a high-power CPU and a high-power GPU.

3.- You're basically asking everyone to forget that Sony promised and failed to deliver, and don't take that into account. Sorry bub, doesn't work like that anywhere. Or at least, shouldn't work like that: If you fail your promise, you're judged on the goal you boasted about, not the one you reached. Otherwise, everyone would deserve the highest accolades every time.

4.- Don't even start the games argument... oh, and Ninja Gaiden Sigma? that will murder your point faster than Ryu even could.

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#34 deactivated-60bf765068a74
Member since 2007 • 9558 Posts

TC i got a point out ive been VERY Long term gamer

and yes games do make the system but before that THE system makes the system

let me work this out for you

if you hav the best games and multiplayer experience over ur competiton but UR SYSTEM BREAKS DOWN cuz of bad hardware design or the dvd-rom is crap quality THAT IS NOT a good gaming experience period

the 360 has garbage hardware so even if it had the best games an best online the experience is the worst cuz ur AFRAID UR CONSOLE is breaking down or is making noises or worryin too much about the quality of it

with the nes/snes/psx/ps2 i was in gaming blyss because it was great hardware that i could depend on an great games taht were diverse an good multiplayer controllers

the xbox and the 360 will never be the best the biggest mainstream until there hardware is perfected like nintendo/sony and there controller is perfected like theres

right now there d-pad on there controller is garbage and id rate the original xbox and the 360 controllersome of the worst of all timethere dvd-drives are of low quality and there hardware designdoes not spread the heat within the system equally the fans make way too much noise which ruins immersion experience with ur game, the dvd-rom is of poor cheap quality an is known to scratch discs an get disc errors for many many xbox gamers including myself i owned the original xbox

the game quality on xbox games an polishfor theredecent to medicoreis not nearly as good asgood ason earlier gen like nes/snes/psx/ps2 games for average games and are much more sloppy

i dont think ppl will ever remember the xbox brand as being mainstream or great experiences lined up against true masters of both hardware/software of sony and nintendo's earlier stuff

sony may lack the games this round but i wouldnt be caught dead paying 400 dollars for a 360 ill stick with my ps2 for now an wait for next gen for sony/microsoft to get it right like last gen

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#35 PullTheTricker
Member since 2006 • 4749 Posts

[QUOTE="EmperorSupreme"]Your whole post seems to revolve around promises that weren't met with PS3. Lets understand one thing the PS3 that is out now is not the PS3 that was originally conceived. Due to MS rushing their product out the door a year early and horribly defective. Sony also had to revise their plans for PS3. Remember PS3 was originally supposed to have two cell processors each with more SPUs than they have now, but Sony had to revise it down to one cell processor and the RSX. Personally I think the PS3 delivers far more than X360. I can use it for all my music, pictures, it interacts with my DVR where I can watch my TV anywhere via PSP. I enjoy the Blu-ray movies. And it has already surpassed X360 graphically. PS3 also has more games that I like available. What does X360 have to compete with Heavenly Sword, Ninja Gaiden Sigma or Ratchet and Clank. Really enjoying Eye of Judgement as well. Of course we get all the good crossplats as welll like COD4 which I got yesterday. Personally now that PS3 is $399 I don't know any reason why anyone would buy X360.Grive

Several things.

1.- Sony actually delayed their machine, not rushed it in, so it kinda kills your point.

2.- The dual cell system was scrapped because frankly, it's nonsensical. I don't know who on earth wouldn't notice that 2 general-purpose CPUs would be better than a high-power CPU and a high-power GPU.

3.- You're basically asking everyone to forget that Sony promised and failed to deliver, and don't take that into account. Sorry bub, doesn't work like that anywhere. Or at least, shouldn't work like that: If you fail your promise, you're judged on the goal you boasted about, not the one you reached. Otherwise, everyone would deserve the highest accolades every time.

4.- Don't even start the games argument... oh, and Ninja Gaiden Sigma? that will murder your point faster than Ryu even could.

NGS despite being a graphiclyrehashedold port of the original Xbox version its still one hell of a good game, and the PS3's selling point as a AAA title. That just proves the greatness of Ninja Gaiden :P

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#36 amorbis1001
Member since 2007 • 2281 Posts
lol to ps3 and its fanboys.
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#37 caseypayne69
Member since 2002 • 5395 Posts

I read 90% of the what TC wrote.

About the games promised to be better. Don't blame SOny, blame the developers not taking advantage of the hardware. I mean Sony can only do so much, and then the rest is in the developers hands.

XBL vs PSN. Yea, we know its better but some of us just don't care. I personally won't support MS in the gaming war.

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#38 PullTheTricker
Member since 2006 • 4749 Posts

TC i got a point out ive been VERY Long term gamer

and yes games do make the system but before that THE system makes the system

let me work this out for you

if you hav the best games and multiplayer experience over ur competiton but UR SYSTEM BREAKS DOWN cuz of bad hardware design or the dvd-rom is crap quality THAT IS NOT a good gaming experience period

the 360 has garbage hardware so even if it had the best games an best online the experience is the worst cuz ur AFRAID UR CONSOLE is breaking down or is making noises or worryin too much about the quality of it

with the nes/snes/psx/ps2 i was in gaming blyss because it was great hardware that i could depend on an great games taht were diverse an good multiplayer controllers

the xbox and the 360 will never be the best the biggest mainstream until there hardware is perfected like nintendo/sony and there controller is perfected like theres

right now there d-pad on there controller is garbage and id rate the original xbox and the 360 controllersome of the worst of all timethere dvd-drives are of low quality and there hardware designdoes not spread the heat within the system equally the fans make way too much noise which ruins immersion experience with ur game, the dvd-rom is of poor cheap quality an is known to scratch discs an get disc errors for many many xbox gamers including myself i owned the original xbox

the game quality on xbox games an polishfor theredecent to medicoreis not nearly as good asgood ason earlier gen like nes/snes/psx/ps2 games for average games and are much more sloppy

i dont think ppl will ever remember the xbox brand as being mainstream or great experiences lined up against true masters of both hardware/software of sony and nintendo's earlier stuff

sony may lack the games this round but i wouldnt be caught dead paying 400 dollars for a 360 ill stick with my ps2 for now an wait for next gen for sony/microsoft to get it right like last gen


You make a very good point on this matter. However... me personally I haven't had any problems with it. Have bought mine since EU launch 05. And my friend has one also wich he bought shortly after launch.

Both still functioning perfectly. You just need to take care of cooling and threat it well. Though... the RROD issues are very strange and red light pop up mysteriously. I'l give you that... MS really needs to fix it.

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#39 Apathetic-Irony
Member since 2006 • 1391 Posts


I read about 1/4th of it before I gave up. What I read was interesting though.


The only wall of text part was the XBOX Live part.

Seriously, do you people not know what a wall of text is? Do I have to add another comment to my signature? A wall of text is a post that contains a LOT of writing with no form of paragraphs or breaks. If somebody writes a 10,000 page essay of a post, but has paragraphs that only take up about 5 lines each, it is not a wall of text. *Flys away*

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#40 thepwninator
Member since 2006 • 8134 Posts


I read about 1/4th of it before I gave up. What I read was interesting though.


The only wall of text part was the XBOX Live part.

Seriously, do you people not know what a wall of text is? Do I have to add another comment to my signature? A wall of text is a post that contains a LOT of writing with no form of paragraphs or breaks. If somebody writes a 10,000 page essay of a post, but has paragraphs that only take up about 5 lines each, it is not a wall of text. *Flys away*

See my above response for a REAL "wall of text." The "rant" paragraph is around 20 lines without any spacing whatsoever.

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#41 racastro65
Member since 2006 • 1081 Posts

nice post..very good points...

I guess the sales show exactly what youre talking about

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#42 _AsasN_
Member since 2003 • 3646 Posts

[QUOTE="EmperorSupreme"]Your whole post seems to revolve around promises that weren't met with PS3. Lets understand one thing the PS3 that is out now is not the PS3 that was originally conceived. Due to MS rushing their product out the door a year early and horribly defective. Sony also had to revise their plans for PS3. Remember PS3 was originally supposed to have two cell processors each with more SPUs than they have now, but Sony had to revise it down to one cell processor and the RSX. Personally I think the PS3 delivers far more than X360. I can use it for all my music, pictures, it interacts with my DVR where I can watch my TV anywhere via PSP. I enjoy the Blu-ray movies. And it has already surpassed X360 graphically. PS3 also has more games that I like available. What does X360 have to compete with Heavenly Sword, Ninja Gaiden Sigma or Ratchet and Clank. Really enjoying Eye of Judgement as well. Of course we get all the good crossplats as welll like COD4 which I got yesterday. Personally now that PS3 is $399 I don't know any reason why anyone would buy X360.DragonfireXZ95

Aww look at the little PS3 fanboy...

What a surprise. That was even more useless than your first post. He shared his opinion, and it was relevant to the topic at hand. Yours isn't. Move on if you can't muster something decent to discuss.

Back to the topic. TC, I can see what you mean about the PS3 not quite delivering what Sony had originally talked about, but things change all the time, and the most hype regarding what the PS3 could do came from the fanboys. I don't recall Sony ever saying the PS3 would be leaps and bounds beyond the 360. Of course they're going to say it's better, but as far as I know, they didn't go that far. When it comes to things like 120 FPS @ 1080p, I'm not worried about it. 1080p was something we all knew it would have for sure, and while 120 FPS would be alright, it's not necessary. A steady 60 FPS is plenty. Even a locked 30FPS is nice and smooth.

As far as PSN vs. XBL, I'm going with Sony on this one. The main reason is games like Motorstorm, and Warhawk. I find the exclusives with online functionality better on the PS3. Most importantly, they're more fun. You're right in saying that $50.00 isn't much for XBL, but when I'm getting lag free gaming ona free service, I would expect the same from a pay service, and I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that's reasonable. I do agree the 360 of course has variety, but when it comes to games that are buy worthy, in almost every case they're shooters. I like shooters, so that's not a bad thing to me, but variety and quality combined is key for a more worthwhile experience. The addition of Home is definitely a good thing, and I for one am really looking forward to it.

When talking about hardware, I would say the consoles are definitely close, but like many, I think the PS3 has already shown better visuals with games like Heavenly Sword, R&C, and Uncharted. Other than that, nobody can deny the superior quality of the PS3 hardware in regards to reliability. The 360's high defect rate isa pretty big mark against it. Even the noise, while only a minor issue, is quite a big difference. The PS3 is whisper quiet in comparison to the 360.

All in all, both consoles are great, but in the end, I personally find the PS3 to be the better console in all aspects, and regardless of what the fanboys think, getting more bang for your buck is never a bad thing.
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#43 DragonfireXZ95
Member since 2005 • 26652 Posts

[QUOTE="EmperorSupreme"]Your whole post seems to revolve around promises that weren't met with PS3. Lets understand one thing the PS3 that is out now is not the PS3 that was originally conceived. Due to MS rushing their product out the door a year early and horribly defective. Sony also had to revise their plans for PS3. Remember PS3 was originally supposed to have two cell processors each with more SPUs than they have now, but Sony had to revise it down to one cell processor and the RSX. Personally I think the PS3 delivers far more than X360. I can use it for all my music, pictures, it interacts with my DVR where I can watch my TV anywhere via PSP. I enjoy the Blu-ray movies. And it has already surpassed X360 graphically. PS3 also has more games that I like available. What does X360 have to compete with Heavenly Sword, Ninja Gaiden Sigma or Ratchet and Clank. Really enjoying Eye of Judgement as well. Of course we get all the good crossplats as welll like COD4 which I got yesterday. Personally now that PS3 is $399 I don't know any reason why anyone would buy X360._AsasN_

Aww look at the little PS3 fanboy...

What a surprise. That was even more useless than your first post. He shared his opinion, and it was relevant to the topic at hand. Yours isn't. Move on if you can't muster something decent to discuss.

Back to the topic. TC, I can see what you mean about the PS3 not quite delivering what Sony had originally talked about, but things change all the time, and the most hype regarding what the PS3 could do came from the fanboys. I don't recall Sony ever saying the PS3 would be leaps and bounds beyond the 360. Of course they're going to say it's better, but as far as I know, they didn't go that far. When it comes to things like 120 FPS @ 1080p, I'm not worried about it. 1080p was something we all knew it would have for sure, and while 120 FPS would be alright, it's not necessary. A steady 60 FPS is plenty. Even a locked 30FPS is nice and smooth.

As far as PSN vs. XBL, I'm going with Sony on this one. The main reason is games like Motorstorm, and Warhawk. I find the exclusives with online functionality better on the PS3. Most importantly, they're more fun. You're right in saying that $50.00 isn't much for XBL, but when I'm getting lag free gaming ona free service, I would expect the same from a pay service, and I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that's reasonable. I do agree the 360 of course has variety, but when it comes to games that are buy worthy, in almost every case they're shooters. I like shooters, so that's not a bad thing to me, but variety and quality combined is key for a more worthwhile experience. The addition of Home is definitely a good thing, and I for one am really looking forward to it.

When talking about hardware, I would say the consoles are definitely close, but like many, I think the PS3 has already shown better visuals with games like Heavenly Sword, R&C, and Uncharted. Other than that, nobody can deny the superior quality of the PS3 hardware in regards to reliability. The 360's high defect rate isa pretty big mark against it. Even the noise, while only a minor issue, is quite a big difference. The PS3 is whisper quiet in comparison to the 360.

All in all, both consoles are great, but in the end, I personally find the PS3 to be the better console in all aspects, and regardless of what the fanboys think, getting more bang for your buck is never a bad thing.

You can add some information from my already useless posts to your otherwise not so accurately informed self directive; The 360 has a bigger and overall better game selection. Graphics aside, the 360 is winning in the gameplay department. Even though, in reality the 360 has proven better visuals with multiplats.

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#44 Drakier
Member since 2004 • 1444 Posts
I bow down to the Great Wall of Gamespot.
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#45 _AsasN_
Member since 2003 • 3646 Posts

[QUOTE="EmperorSupreme"]Your whole post seems to revolve around promises that weren't met with PS3. Lets understand one thing the PS3 that is out now is not the PS3 that was originally conceived. Due to MS rushing their product out the door a year early and horribly defective. Sony also had to revise their plans for PS3. Remember PS3 was originally supposed to have two cell processors each with more SPUs than they have now, but Sony had to revise it down to one cell processor and the RSX. Personally I think the PS3 delivers far more than X360. I can use it for all my music, pictures, it interacts with my DVR where I can watch my TV anywhere via PSP. I enjoy the Blu-ray movies. And it has already surpassed X360 graphically. PS3 also has more games that I like available. What does X360 have to compete with Heavenly Sword, Ninja Gaiden Sigma or Ratchet and Clank. Really enjoying Eye of Judgement as well. Of course we get all the good crossplats as welll like COD4 which I got yesterday. Personally now that PS3 is $399 I don't know any reason why anyone would buy X360.DragonfireXZ95

Aww look at the little PS3 fanboy...

What a surprise. That was even more useless than your first post. He shared his opinion, and it was relevant to the topic at hand. Yours isn't. Move on if you can't muster something decent to discuss.

Back to the topic. TC, I can see what you mean about the PS3 not quite delivering what Sony had originally talked about, but things change all the time, and the most hype regarding what the PS3 could do came from the fanboys. I don't recall Sony ever saying the PS3 would be leaps and bounds beyond the 360. Of course they're going to say it's better, but as far as I know, they didn't go that far. When it comes to things like 120 FPS @ 1080p, I'm not worried about it. 1080p was something we all knew it would have for sure, and while 120 FPS would be alright, it's not necessary. A steady 60 FPS is plenty. Even a locked 30FPS is nice and smooth.

As far as PSN vs. XBL, I'm going with Sony on this one. The main reason is games like Motorstorm, and Warhawk. I find the exclusives with online functionality better on the PS3. Most importantly, they're more fun. You're right in saying that $50.00 isn't much for XBL, but when I'm getting lag free gaming ona free service, I would expect the same from a pay service, and I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that's reasonable. I do agree the 360 of course has variety, but when it comes to games that are buy worthy, in almost every case they're shooters. I like shooters, so that's not a bad thing to me, but variety and quality combined is key for a more worthwhile experience. The addition of Home is definitely a good thing, and I for one am really looking forward to it.

When talking about hardware, I would say the consoles are definitely close, but like many, I think the PS3 has already shown better visuals with games like Heavenly Sword, R&C, and Uncharted. Other than that, nobody can deny the superior quality of the PS3 hardware in regards to reliability. The 360's high defect rate isa pretty big mark against it. Even the noise, while only a minor issue, is quite a big difference. The PS3 is whisper quiet in comparison to the 360.

All in all, both consoles are great, but in the end, I personally find the PS3 to be the better console in all aspects, and regardless of what the fanboys think, getting more bang for your buck is never a bad thing.

You can add some information from my already useless posts to your otherwise not so accurately informed self directive; The 360 has a bigger and overall better game selection. Graphics aside, the 360 is winning in the gameplay department. Even though, in reality the 360 has proven better visuals with multiplats.

Not all multiplats, and the 360 having a better overall game selection is just your opinion. Nothing more.

Considering the 360's one year lead, I personally think the game selection is lacking.
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#46 jet052006
Member since 2007 • 859 Posts

TC i got a point out ive been VERY Long term gamer

and yes games do make the system but before that THE system makes the system

let me work this out for you

if you hav the best games and multiplayer experience over ur competiton but UR SYSTEM BREAKS DOWN cuz of bad hardware design or the dvd-rom is crap quality THAT IS NOT a good gaming experience period

the 360 has garbage hardware so even if it had the best games an best online the experience is the worst cuz ur AFRAID UR CONSOLE is breaking down or is making noises or worryin too much about the quality of it

with the nes/snes/psx/ps2 i was in gaming blyss because it was great hardware that i could depend on an great games taht were diverse an good multiplayer controllers

the xbox and the 360 will never be the best the biggest mainstream until there hardware is perfected like nintendo/sony and there controller is perfected like theres

right now there d-pad on there controller is garbage and id rate the original xbox and the 360 controllersome of the worst of all timethere dvd-drives are of low quality and there hardware designdoes not spread the heat within the system equally the fans make way too much noise which ruins immersion experience with ur game, the dvd-rom is of poor cheap quality an is known to scratch discs an get disc errors for many many xbox gamers including myself i owned the original xbox

the game quality on xbox games an polishfor theredecent to medicoreis not nearly as good asgood ason earlier gen like nes/snes/psx/ps2 games for average games and are much more sloppy

i dont think ppl will ever remember the xbox brand as being mainstream or great experiences lined up against true masters of both hardware/software of sony and nintendo's earlier stuff

sony may lack the games this round but i wouldnt be caught dead paying 400 dollars for a 360 ill stick with my ps2 for now an wait for next gen for sony/microsoft to get it right like last gen


How can you say that the psx and ps2 were gaming blyss because of their hardware, I guess you never heard of the countless people having to play there psx's upside down and other problems, or the PS2 with its DRE problems that finally caused sony to be sued and to this day people are still complaining about it:

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#47 Titus_WoWplayer
Member since 2005 • 702 Posts
Very enjoyable read! Very enjoyable for all those who are capable or reading it, i.e. tweens phail at this and say wall of text. lol
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#48 DragonfireXZ95
Member since 2005 • 26652 Posts

[QUOTE="EmperorSupreme"]Your whole post seems to revolve around promises that weren't met with PS3. Lets understand one thing the PS3 that is out now is not the PS3 that was originally conceived. Due to MS rushing their product out the door a year early and horribly defective. Sony also had to revise their plans for PS3. Remember PS3 was originally supposed to have two cell processors each with more SPUs than they have now, but Sony had to revise it down to one cell processor and the RSX. Personally I think the PS3 delivers far more than X360. I can use it for all my music, pictures, it interacts with my DVR where I can watch my TV anywhere via PSP. I enjoy the Blu-ray movies. And it has already surpassed X360 graphically. PS3 also has more games that I like available. What does X360 have to compete with Heavenly Sword, Ninja Gaiden Sigma or Ratchet and Clank. Really enjoying Eye of Judgement as well. Of course we get all the good crossplats as welll like COD4 which I got yesterday. Personally now that PS3 is $399 I don't know any reason why anyone would buy X360._AsasN_

Aww look at the little PS3 fanboy...

What a surprise. That was even more useless than your first post. He shared his opinion, and it was relevant to the topic at hand. Yours isn't. Move on if you can't muster something decent to discuss.

Back to the topic. TC, I can see what you mean about the PS3 not quite delivering what Sony had originally talked about, but things change all the time, and the most hype regarding what the PS3 could do came from the fanboys. I don't recall Sony ever saying the PS3 would be leaps and bounds beyond the 360. Of course they're going to say it's better, but as far as I know, they didn't go that far. When it comes to things like 120 FPS @ 1080p, I'm not worried about it. 1080p was something we all knew it would have for sure, and while 120 FPS would be alright, it's not necessary. A steady 60 FPS is plenty. Even a locked 30FPS is nice and smooth.

As far as PSN vs. XBL, I'm going with Sony on this one. The main reason is games like Motorstorm, and Warhawk. I find the exclusives with online functionality better on the PS3. Most importantly, they're more fun. You're right in saying that $50.00 isn't much for XBL, but when I'm getting lag free gaming ona free service, I would expect the same from a pay service, and I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that's reasonable. I do agree the 360 of course has variety, but when it comes to games that are buy worthy, in almost every case they're shooters. I like shooters, so that's not a bad thing to me, but variety and quality combined is key for a more worthwhile experience. The addition of Home is definitely a good thing, and I for one am really looking forward to it.

When talking about hardware, I would say the consoles are definitely close, but like many, I think the PS3 has already shown better visuals with games like Heavenly Sword, R&C, and Uncharted. Other than that, nobody can deny the superior quality of the PS3 hardware in regards to reliability. The 360's high defect rate isa pretty big mark against it. Even the noise, while only a minor issue, is quite a big difference. The PS3 is whisper quiet in comparison to the 360.

All in all, both consoles are great, but in the end, I personally find the PS3 to be the better console in all aspects, and regardless of what the fanboys think, getting more bang for your buck is never a bad thing.

You can add some information from my already useless posts to your otherwise not so accurately informed self directive; The 360 has a bigger and overall better game selection. Graphics aside, the 360 is winning in the gameplay department. Even though, in reality the 360 has proven better visuals with multiplats.

Not all multiplats, and the 360 having a better overall game selection is just your opinion. Nothing more.

Considering the 360's one year lead, I personally think the game selection is lacking.

Ok fine, most multiplats, was there any that looked better on the PS3? I don't remember any...

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#49 Pimpshigity21
Member since 2005 • 1896 Posts

Good post...

...but the cows won't like what they read.

The truth hurts very deeply. :|

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#50 JiveT
Member since 2005 • 8619 Posts

We all remember what happened with the announcement of PS3 at E3 2005 and the bullshot videos. OMG folks lookie here we got ourselves a frigging supercomputer with movie quality CG gameplay and a silver boomerang controller that will take its place in the art world with the Mona Lisa and the Grand Canyon. And everybody was so pumped and excited we were all so glad we were so blanking merry we nearly spit because the mud in the Motorstorm video splattered about so prettily and isn't the deformed terrain so luscious and good OMG look at the dirt bike rider?! We knew Sony had lied before with the PS2 when they showed a video of FFVIII CGI as if the PS2 was somehow capable of displaying those graphics but this is 2005 people and anything is possible right? The six hundred dollar price tag seemed to confirm that what they were showing was true and the 360 was going to be dead before it even began. Now we are here and the PS3 is the laughingstock of humanity. Like Claucewitz said "The food is bad." If you want to really dig back you can find people saying things like "PS3 FTW" Now the PS3 can barely sell software let alone hardware and what has been sold is to the hardcore AV enthusiasts who "need 1.3" not the sixth version of Ratchet and Clank Sony has published in the past few years.

Geez I can't even begin to match the TC in length. Good job TC for writing so much but it seems I've heard all your arguments before OVER AND OVER AND OVER.