I really think something is wrong with Nintendo.

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#1 sonicthemegaman
Member since 2008 • 3783 Posts

Ok sure, anyone who has seen my post knows I don't like the Wii but, it's for a reason. It's because the Wii really is worse than previous consoles Nintendo has made and it really can't compete on the same level as the other consoles. What's worse that Nintendo isn't even trying to compete but, instead opened what some see as a goldmine for Nintendo and what I see as a Pandora's Box to gaming.

Let me start with what Nintendo did in the past to make the Wii such a disappointment. I think most of us can agree that NES andSNES were the saviors of console gaming back in the day and Genesis was the SNES's only real competition. There weren't many gaming options back then but, Nintendo did raise a lot of bars back then. Even when they ventured into the 3D with the N64, they still had games such Banjo, Pokemon Stadium, Zelda OoT and MM, the highly praised Mario 64. Things were great but, Sony had brought their own game console to the table that really rivaled the N64. Some would even say it was better.

Where am I going with this? Well hold on because case I have more to say. You see, Nintendo had their fair share of innovations even then. Sadly, most of them didn't work well. Hey You Pikachu tried to give players the ability to actually talk to Pikachu but, the end result was pretty poor. I'm sure most of you know of the failure that was Virtua Boy as well but it wasn't all bad. Pokemon Snap gave players the chance to make pictures using snapshots they got in the game. Back in day, you could even get the pictures converted into real live stickers. I guess what I'm saying is that Nintendo has tried to innovate games before but, really only had little to general success unlike the massively successful Wii.

Still don't get it? Well that's because there's more. Years went by and Nintendo released Gamecube and GBA and things were still ok but, Nintendo was no longer the only gaming giant. MS entered the picture introducing their massively popular Halo series which basically sold their system. Sony was also working on an innovated yet ultimately pointless gimmick called EyeToy, the Natal of the last generation. It failed just like Sixaxis really didn't catch on for PS3 so really, it was nothing.

Nintendo had their own innovations atthe time however. The DK Bongos andGBA motion sensor were just a few of the things Nintendo did to change gaming but, still didn't spark with the masses in the same sense as the Wii. Only a few games even used those features and they were argueably bad even for their time. Really, Jungle Beatis the only thing I truly remeber from the GC age as far as GOOD innovative games. Everything else during that entire generation from all consoles were pretty standard in end. I mean having a dance pad in your own home really isn't that big a deal.

So what is wrong with Nintendo? They seem ok even now right? Well if the sudden drought in Nintendo franchises like Kirby, Starfox, and DK haven't flashed any signals in decline, my upcoming points might. As the current generation we're in now came along, Sony began to brag about their system and MS releases the 360 with the RROD putting fright to the hearts of many consumers. Things were weird back then and the fact that Nintendo offered to go "new gen" rather than "next gen" was even stranger.

Then Nintendo revealed what has become the biggest gaming craze yet, the Wii. The promises of games the whole family can love and people swinging Wiimotes around caught on amazingly well. PS3 games like Eye of Judgement offered innovation but, simply vanished as the Wii and its motion controls conquered the other consoles.....in sales.

Ok sure, the Wii has its fair share of good titles. Games like Galaxy, Zelda, Smash Bros., and Metroid have graced the system though honestly, I'm not to crazy for those games myself. What really annoys me is that not only is the Wii selling off of a family friendly gimmick that was really just released at the right time but, the selection of games for the system along with its price is what helps it sell. That's good for Nintendo but, really, this bad news for gamers becausesome of the best selling Wii games have been Wii Fit and Wii Play.

Catching on now? No? Let me explain. Now I don't know about you but, Wii Fit, Wii Play, We Ski, My Sims, and all those other family friendly games aren't really real games to me. Anyone can play them and as many have said before, casual gamers are the Wii's main targets. You see the Wii isn't selling as a game console persay. I know some of you are going to freak when I say this but, the Wii seems to be selling more as a toy than a game console in the same sense as the hula-hoop craze or any other popular fad though if Wii is a fad, it's a pretty long one.

Remember when I said Nintendo opened a Pandora's Box. This is what I meant. Wii isn't a fad, it's a trend and apretty strong one at that. Notice that MS and Sony are trying to copy Nintendo to cash in on the new trend. A trend so popular that it could change gaming but, is this change a good thing? Well to me, the Wii trend is scary beyond belief mainly because Nintendo proved that you just barely need to improve anything to make money. Just appeal to the masses and watch the money roll. MS and Sony want some of that money too so expect them to start cutting corners too.

"Cutting corners? Sonic the Megaman, you silly fanboy, Nintendo isn't cutting corners". Well in both hardware and software they kinda are. Let me explain. It's obvious that the Wii has the weakest technology but, it's severely lacking in many aspects. For example, you can't download demos with the Wii and DS downloads must be made via the Wii and have distrubution datelines. What this means is that if you want to try a game, you need to rent it or just buy it and be disappointed. PS3/360 allow for demo dowmloads so when inFamous came out, all you need to do was download the demo and decide if it's worth $60.

Let's not forget that the Wii is the only system that has online play heavily reliant on friend codes. That's just flat out annoying. It can't play movies which is something even PS2 could do and simply just isn't pushing any technical boundaries. The Wii's graphics are just a result of this but, it gets worse. Wii gets what can easily be considered the worst version of a multiplat almost everytime. Sometimes games that would multiplat with Big N consoles in the past like SC2 for GC skip right over the Wii. Instead of SC4, Wii gets SCL, a game that I consider to be flat out embarrasing in the same senseas Death by Degrees.

Oh, and have you noticed the vast amount of re-releases on the Wii. Pikmin, Mario Tennis, Klonoa, Okami, RE4, and even Jungle Beat only without the bongos. There is even a Phatom Brave re-release along with the Metroid Prime trilogy which is just a Wii game you've played before and two GC games you've played before. For a "new gen" system, Nintendo is green-lighting a lot of old games. It's like many gamers have said before, "It's a GC with motion controls."

Well PS3 and 360 aren't that much better right? Well that's hard to say because the Wii appeals mainly to a totally different crowd. However, the increase in family friendly games and amazing price drop of the 360 has seen some increase in sales. Now I may not be looking at any sales chart when I say this but, I think the appeal the Wii has is what MS is trying to copy and it seems to have increased sales. Not to mention it's cheap now and the 360 apparently doesn't need all the bells and whistles to sell. The PS3 is struggling yet the most "fun for the family" is probably Buzz! the Quiz game.

See what the problem is? Sure, casual gaming isn't bad but, it's what is selling and online play, HD graphics, and tons of horse power mean nothing. Wouldn't be a so bad if the Wii was at least better than the GC but, it isn't and it's easily worse than N64 and SNES in terms of quality hardcore games. What's gonna happen if Sony and MS follow in Big N's footsteps? What reason will companies have to improve on systems if Nintendo can earn tons of cash with what's pretty much a last generation system?

Be honest, you can't compare Wii to Ps3/360 because Nintendo has a totally different goal in mind, making money. Sure that's every companies' goal but, Nintendo has "sold out" so to speak in terms of giving up on stronger technology to start a rabid new craze that earns they big bucks. Sure, a lot of you will disagree or like the Wii more and that's fine. I don't blame. This really just my opnion anyway. I just wanted SW forum to know what I thought of the Wii and maybe give people an idea of why I dislike the Wii so much. I spent an hour writing this so hopefully we can start and nice, long, healthy dicussion in this topic.

I apologize for any who were offended or any spelling errors. I thank you for your patience if you took the time to read this loooooong OP:D

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#2 dbzultimate3134
Member since 2004 • 759 Posts

i agree i personally hate the wii, its a piece of junk with barely any games to keep me occupied for long, with bowling and tennis with a little stick in your hand its pathetic. Ill stick with my xbox 360 and hopefully future ps3.

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#3 PopeReal
Member since 2005 • 1303 Posts

"Be honest, you can't compare Wii to Ps3/360 because Nintendo has a totally different goal in mind, making money."


yes and sony and microsoft are in the business to save kittens

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#4 Lothenon
Member since 2003 • 1177 Posts

Nintendo is doing fine, and the Wii's library blows the N64, the NES and the SNES out of the water in comparison what they had in their third year.

The only reason people don't like playing Wii: They have no idea of what's available.

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#5 Cherokee_Jack
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Oh my god. How long did that take to type?
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#6 Lothenon
Member since 2003 • 1177 Posts

TC, have you played DeBlob? LKS? RRR:TVP? WiiFit? Zack&Wiki? Dawn of Discovery? Any of these?

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#7 sonicthemegaman
Member since 2008 • 3783 Posts
Oh my god. How long did that take to type?Cherokee_Jack
About an hour.
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#8 dbzultimate3134
Member since 2004 • 759 Posts

Nintendo is doing fine, and the Wii's library blows the N64, the NES and the SNES out of the water in comparison what they had in their third year.

The only reason people don't like playing Wii: They have no idea of what's available.


your kidding riight?

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#9 Jekken6
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I think the Wii was fun for a few hours, but there's really only 1 or 2 games on it that interest me. That's why i prefer my PS3 and gaming pc ( i don't have a 360 right now. Might get one at some point if more exclusives come out that interest me)

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#10 Thunderdrone
Member since 2009 • 7154 Posts
Oh GOD, you again? I recomend therapy. Buy a punching bag, write nintendo/Wii on it and release all that rage and all those tears once and for all. For your sake
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#11 sonicthemegaman
Member since 2008 • 3783 Posts

TC, have you played DeBlob? LKS? RRR:TVP? WiiFit? Zack&Wiki? Dawn of Discovery? Any of these?


Yes I have rented some of those games. I've played DeBlob and Zack&Wiki out of what you have listed. I'll see about LKS and DoD but they really aren't genres I like. I've also played Deadly Creatures which I simply didn't like. The combat was glitchy to the point I couldn't be bothered. I've also played Klonoa which was ok but, sorta lacking like the NiGHTS Wii game I actually bought instead of rented. DeBlob and Z&W are ok but, I've played PS3/360 games I enjoyed way more and that's the reason I'm getting a new system very soon. In terms of my own personal taste, Sonic and Black Knight has been the most fun I've had with the Wii. Wario Land, Galaxy, Metroid, etc. have all been topped in my opnion but, they're still good in their own right. I also stated that I thought Wii Fit wasn't a real game so I have no idea why you mentioned it.

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#12 Thunderdrone
Member since 2009 • 7154 Posts

"Be honest, you can't compare Wii to Ps3/360 because Nintendo has a totally different goal in mind, making money."


yes and sony and microsoft are in the business to save kittens

No, no, no. Sony and Microsoft are fueled by the laughter and happiness of real hardcore gamers. They have no interest in money, they do it to make sonicthemegaman and other kids feel joy and pride. M$ and Sony for presidents
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#13 shutdown_202
Member since 2005 • 5649 Posts

Sorry dude, your cool (because you love fighters like me)but im not going to read all of that (not right now anyway). But heres what i will say.

The Wii is not a traditional gaming console.

Nintendo did not even try to go the same route as MS/Sony so theres no point comparing so theres no point comparing both directly.

I think it was pretty obvious what the Wii set out to do in the beginning (im not saying you), which makes me laugh when people buy the console fully aware of what it is and then complain that its not what they wanted.

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#14 Thunderdrone
Member since 2009 • 7154 Posts

In terms of my own personal taste, Sonic and Black Knight has been the most fun I've had with the Wii. Wario Land, Galaxy, Metroid, etc. have all been topped in my opnion but sonicthemegaman

Okay, now i know you're just insane :lol:

You could've added that in the thread title and save us the trouble.

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#15 sonicthemegaman
Member since 2008 • 3783 Posts
Oh GOD, you again? I recomend therapy. Buy a punching bag, write nintendo/Wii on it and release all that rage and all those tears once and for all. For your sakeThunderdrone
What? I'm just expressing my thoughts and looking for feedback. Remember, I've been trying to be postive about this system but, it just doesn't work. Sorry if I'd rather play my PS2 but, that's just me.
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#16 deactivated-58b6232955e4a
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I want Luigi's mansion 2 :(
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#17 sonicthemegaman
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[QUOTE="sonicthemegaman"] In terms of my own personal taste, Sonic and Black Knight has been the most fun I've had with the Wii. Wario Land, Galaxy, Metroid, etc. have all been topped in my opnion but Thunderdrone
Okay, now i know you're just insane :lol: You could've added that in the thread title and save us the trouble.

So you're saying that if Sonic Wii exclusives are the games I happen to like for Wii over current rendentions of flagship Nintendo titles, I'm crazy? Ignore that I said those games were good and that I simply don't like them myself. Real smooth.
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#18 Kurdish-Gamer
Member since 2008 • 802 Posts
Good article bro, you are right I can't stand the Wii. I'm perfectly happy with my PS3 . Sony has been good to me with awesome exclusives and many more to come God of War III Uncharted 2: Among Thieves The Last Guardian Gran Turismo 5 Sony please make a new Twisted Metal .
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#19 Thunderdrone
Member since 2009 • 7154 Posts

What? I'm just expressing my thoughts and looking for feedback. Remember, I've been trying to be postive about this system but, it just doesn't work. Sorry if I'd rather play my PS2 but, that's just me.sonicthemegaman

Good for you no-one cares. The Wii isnt gonna cry if it doesnt get your blessing and you cant seriosuly think anyone here is gonna be compelled to defend it with such weak flame bating hyperbole statements as those found in your posts.

I'm sure the world will cry a river of tears the day you go to your local store to trade your Wii and your Sonic and the Black Knight for one of the HD twins, but i think humanity will endure the horrors of such an event.

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#20 amaneuvering
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I can honestly say that as someone who has loved Nintendo and their games/consoles for many many years I really do feel that the more I play the Wii the more I am starting to really dislike it.

I just played Wii Sports Resort the other day and I was mostly dissapointed with the experience again. Most of the games still didn't feel very good or respond as I would have liked and still had a load of issues with control and calibration and so on.

I personally think Nintendo has embraced this motion control technology very early and it has 1oo% imo been at the expense of the overall quality of the control experience.

I just want controls that work reliably and that feel really good to use, because for me that is actually what makes them FUN and not just the fact that I can sort of motion in a semi realistic way (but that never really does what I think it should regardless), and I really don't feel like I'm getting that from Wii at all.

IMO it's just a very dissapointing machine all round and the controls are only 1 aspect of this.

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#21 surrealnumber5
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real games.... sir if it would not make me modable i would flame you to some ends..... only because i dont like foundation less arguments based on your opinion. so i will just say nintendo is doing great on all ends, they are increasing the market and giving people what they want. if it is not what you want *insert not my problem reggie pic* you cant please everyone and i dont think nintendo cares about some one that does nothing but flames their products day in day out on message boards

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#22 sonicthemegaman
Member since 2008 • 3783 Posts

Sorry dude, your cool (because you love fighters like me)but im not going to read all of that (not right now anyway). But heres what i will say.

The Wii is not a traditional gaming console.

Nintendo did not even try to go the same route as MS/Sony so theres no point comparing so theres no point comparing both directly.

I think it was pretty obvious what the Wii set out to do in the beginning (im not saying you), which makes me laugh when people buy the console fully aware of what it is and then complain that its not what they wanted.

I hear ya. See my problem was when PS3/360, I actually thought they were terrible. High prices, RROD, and the games weren't that great. Gundam Crossfire was awful, Sonic 06 flopped(I don't think it's that bad but those glitches were awful), Resistance was the only high rated launch game for PS3 and I don't even like shooters. Everything else failed. It was scary and Nintendo seemed like they were about games and not fancy graphics. My folks get hyped and we buy a Wii, the cheapest system at the time. It felt great....for about a week. Then it got stolen. One year later, PS3/360 still look like they're struggling and my folks were in love with the Wii so we buy it again. I was finally back to having fun......for a month. After finishing Brawl and finding out Secret rings blew chunks, months just went by. Barely anyone was playing the Wii anymore. My mom was too busy to play Wii Sports and friends simply got tired of it. I plugged my PS2 and finally realized the Wii blows and that's why I sound so angry when talking about it.
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#23 sonicthemegaman
Member since 2008 • 3783 Posts

real games.... sir if it would not make me modable i would flame you to some ends..... only because i dont like foundation less arguments based on your opinion. so i will just say nintendo is doing great on all ends, they are increasing the market and giving people what they want. if it is not what you want *insert not my problem reggie pic* you cant please everyone and i dont think nintendo cares about some one that does nothing but flames their products day in day out on message boards

Ok....well I'm glad you didn't flame me. Did I upset you? Yeah this topic is really my opnion but the Wii isn't factually bad, just bad in a senseor depending on perspective. I told why I didn't like and that's that. All because some people are satisfied doesn't stop me from being dissatisfied. Also, this is SW so I should be allowed to say Wii is the worst system and so on. The forum is not factual in the slightess but, I supported my opnion. You just sound irritated. Sorry.....
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#24 sonicthemegaman
Member since 2008 • 3783 Posts

[QUOTE="sonicthemegaman"] What? I'm just expressing my thoughts and looking for feedback. Remember, I've been trying to be postive about this system but, it just doesn't work. Sorry if I'd rather play my PS2 but, that's just me.Thunderdrone

Good for you no-one cares. The Wii isnt gonna cry if it doesnt get your blessing and you cant seriosuly think anyone here is gonna be compelled to defend it with such weak flame bating hyperbole statements as those found in your posts.

I'm sure the world will cry a river of tears the day you go to your local store to trade your Wii and your Sonic and the Black Knight for one of the HD twins, but i think humanity will endure the horrors of such an event.

So basically, you're not saying anything worth beyond "I don't care what you!" Dare I ask why the hell you bothered posting in this thread if you honestly don't care what I think nor give any reasoning for why I'm so horribly wrong?
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#25 deactivated-5fc30280b8881
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So, basically:

"The Wii series aren't games because everyone can play them"

"People want actual game consoles instead of crappy multimedia PCs. This is bad."

I've come to realize that the people on this board generally fail to understand the concept of "too good". After all, supremacy has been defined by having more powerful tech for, what, ten years now? The fact is that approximately the Wii's level of graphical power is enough. Past that point, the general populace has difficulties in absorbing the improvements. In other words, they don't see much value in the increased graphical power. As we've seen, it's currently far more beneficial to push other values - such as motion control - if you want to get people interested in a product.

It's the same thing with online multiplayer. People tend to scoff at Nintendo's lack of online service, but take a moment to consider one thing: What does the competition offer? Online multiplayer. The PC, the Playstation 3 and the Xbox 360 are all very much focused on online multiplayer. What are they not concentrating on? Local, split-screen multiplayer. Why should they? Supremacy is determined by technical merit, and online is far more complex than split-screen.

What is Nintendo offering? Local multiplayer. Why fight on the online front with giants like Microsoft and Sony, or established veterans like Blizzard? A small company like Nintendo is quite likely to lose. So they offer local multiplayer, which none of their competitors really focuses on, and thus offer their customers value, not by technological merit, but by choosing a different set of values to embody. That single idea is the heart of Wii's success: It's different in a sea of sameness, fishing in totally different, uncontested waters whereas the competition tears itself to bits forever improving the same old tech and competing amongst themselves.

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#26 hakanakumono
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I think there is something wrong with nintendo's approach to gaming, but I don't think you've managed to grasp what it is.

My thoughts: Nintendo never expected to strike gold with the Wii nor do they have any "understanding" of the casual base that sheep seem to think they have. The Wii used a gimmick that was surprisingly appealing to casual gamers. The problem is that Nintendo doesn't understand these casual gamers. Nintendo thinks the only way to keep the attention of these casual gamers is to make gaming seem "different" with the wii by gearing a number of titles exclusively towards this "new" base because we all know that Mario alone wasn't enough to entice these gamers in the PS2 and PS1 generations. Nintendo is trying to sell "gaming that doesn't feel like gaming" to these new nintendo consumers. At the same time, Nintendo seems to be worried that they could lose this "new" consumer base if they find gaming troublesome or difficult, so they're patenting functions to make gaming easier like the "skip" function and youtube-like puzzle solution video service.

As for the games being released for the Wii, its difficult to know where to place the blame. 3rd parties seem to have little interest in putting their biggest titles on the Wii and seem more interested in simply rereleasing old games with wii controls (here's looking at you capcom) or releasing shovelware. What's worrysome is that despite the fact that there ARE decent titles on the Wii, if you go to a blockbuster or target it's the shovelware games that are showcased. I don't quite understand it, but it could be a sign that shovelware games on the system sell. The fact that shovelware games come from what should be decent developers could mean that developers feel no need to produce high quality titles for the wii because the public will eat anything up when it comes to the wii, as long as motion controls are involved. And then there's Nintendo. In the SNES era, Nintendo was a tyrant who wouldn't let you manufacter your own SNES games and decided how many copies you could sell for you. So then there's the question of whether or not we should expect nintendo to tell developers what games they can and cannot produce for the system. But at the same time, developers seem to have no problem with simply developing their biggest titles outside of the Wii, so really, I'm not sure if we can blame nintendo for not "doing anything" about the situation.

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#27 Thunderdrone
Member since 2009 • 7154 Posts


[QUOTE="sonicthemegaman"] What? I'm just expressing my thoughts and looking for feedback. Remember, I've been trying to be postive about this system but, it just doesn't work. Sorry if I'd rather play my PS2 but, that's just me.sonicthemegaman

Good for you no-one cares. The Wii isnt gonna cry if it doesnt get your blessing and you cant seriosuly think anyone here is gonna be compelled to defend it with such weak flame bating hyperbole statements as those found in your posts.

I'm sure the world will cry a river of tears the day you go to your local store to trade your Wii and your Sonic and the Black Knight for one of the HD twins, but i think humanity will endure the horrors of such an event.

So basically, you're not saying anything worth beyond "I don't care what you!" Dare I ask why the hell you bothered posting in this thread if you honestly don't care what I think nor give any reasoning for why I'm so horribly wrong?

Look at the size of your OP. All that for basically a thread about "i dont like the Wii". You claim to be disapointed, and its fine by me, but then proceed to "back it up" with BS arguments, cliché statements, anecdotal evidence, hyperbole and blatant (though poor) attempts at flame-bait.

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#28 LiquidShnake
Member since 2009 • 295 Posts
I agree the Wii is not only a terrible and dated system but it's also having a negative effect on the gaming market, stuff like Natal is being developed instead of stuff for the hardcore.
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#29 NBSRDan
Member since 2009 • 1320 Posts
With the Wii, Nintendo gave a large, metaphorical slap-in-the-face to fans who grew up on their products and have supported them for decades. However, with Super Smash Bros. Brawl and the recent announcement about cheats and skips, I think they've redeemed themselves.
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#30 StrifeDelivery
Member since 2006 • 1901 Posts

Oh GOD, you again? I recomend therapy. Buy a punching bag, write nintendo/Wii on it and release all that rage and all those tears once and for all. For your sakeThunderdrone

Even though catharsis has been shown to not work to relieve stress or "rage" as you put it but to only incite more.

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#31 Thunderdrone
Member since 2009 • 7154 Posts
I agree the Wii is not only a terrible and dated system but it's also having a negative effect on the gaming market, stuff like Natal is being developed instead of stuff for the hardcore.LiquidShnake
ITS ALL OVER GUIZE :( :( :( Time to clean our hardcore lockers. I wonder if the world is scary outside
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#32 sonicthemegaman
Member since 2008 • 3783 Posts

So, basically:

"The Wii series aren't games because everyone can play them"

"People want actual game consoles instead of crappy multimedia PCs. This is bad."

I've come to realize that the people on this board generally fail to understand the concept of "too good". After all, supremacy has been defined by having more powerful tech for, what, ten years now? The fact is that approximately the Wii's level of graphical power is enough. Past that point, the general populace has difficulties in absorbing the improvements. In other words, they don't see much value in the increased graphical power. As we've seen, it's currently far more beneficial to push other values - such as motion control - if you want to get people interested in a product.

It's the same thing with online multiplayer. People tend to scoff at Nintendo's lack of online service, but take a moment to consider one thing: What does the competition offer? Online multiplayer. The PC, the Playstation 3 and the Xbox 360 are all very much focused on online multiplayer. What are they not concentrating on? Local, split-screen multiplayer. Why should they? Supremacy is determined by technical merit, and online is far more complex than split-screen.

What is Nintendo offering? Local multiplayer. Why fight on the online front with giants like Microsoft and Sony, or established veterans like Blizzard? A small company like Nintendo is quite likely to lose. So they offer local multiplayer, which none of their competitors really focuses on, and thus offer their customers value, not by technological merit, but by choosing a different set of values to embody. That single idea is the heart of Wii's success: It's different in a sea of sameness, fishing in totally different, uncontested waters whereas the competition tears itself to bits forever improving the same old tech and competing amongst themselves.

Umm....no offense but, what you said sounds like something Nintendo should care about, not me. I just want fun games and you can't deny the Wii has weak teechnology that doesn't really focus on what the "hard-core" gamer so to speak would consider important. All because it appeals to different values and a different audience doesn't make it good. It makes it different and how well it sells doesn't matter to me. I want fun games and Wii just isn't delivering.
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#33 sonicthemegaman
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I think there is something wrong with nintendo's approach to gaming, but I don't think you've managed to grasp what it is.

My thoughts: Nintendo never expected to strike gold with the Wii nor do they have any "understanding" of the casual base that sheep seem to think they have. The Wii used a gimmick that was surprisingly appealing to casual gamers. The problem is that Nintendo doesn't understand these casual gamers. Nintendo thinks the only way to keep the attention of these casual gamers is to make gaming seem "different" with the wii by gearing a number of titles exclusively towards this "new" base because we all know that Mario alone wasn't enough to entice these gamers in the PS2 and PS1 generations. Nintendo is trying to sell "gaming that doesn't feel like gaming" to these new nintendo consumers. At the same time, Nintendo seems to be worried that they could lose this "new" consumer base if they find gaming troublesome or difficult, so they're patenting functions to make gaming easier like the "skip" function and youtube-like puzzle solution video service.

As for the games being released for the Wii, its difficult to know where to place the blame. 3rd parties seem to have little interest in putting their biggest titles on the Wii and seem more interested in simply rereleasing old games with wii controls (here's looking at you capcom) or releasing shovelware. What's worrysome is that despite the fact that there ARE decent titles on the Wii, if you go to a blockbuster or target it's the shovelware games that are showcased. I don't quite understand it, but it could be a sign that shovelware games on the system sell. The fact that shovelware games come from what should be decent developers could mean that developers feel no need to produce high quality titles for the wii because the public will eat anything up when it comes to the wii, as long as motion controls are involved. And then there's Nintendo. In the SNES era, Nintendo was a tyrant who wouldn't let you manufacter your own SNES games and decided how many copies you could sell for you. So then there's the question of whether or not we should expect nintendo to tell developers what games they can and cannot produce for the system. But at the same time, developers seem to have no problem with simply developing their biggest titles outside of the Wii, so really, I'm not sure if we can blame nintendo for not "doing anything" about the situation.

I see what you're saying. Really the "new gen" claim was Big N's moto when Wii was released. Now that they have this new fanbase, they'll do anything to keep them it seems. Like you said, Nintendo is trying to keep its fans with "different" games and thus the Wiimote was born. As for the shovelware, I'm speechless. I honestly can not explain how it happened. Every system has bad games but the Wii....what happened?
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#34 sonicthemegaman
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Good for you no-one cares. The Wii isnt gonna cry if it doesnt get your blessing and you cant seriosuly think anyone here is gonna be compelled to defend it with such weak flame bating hyperbole statements as those found in your posts.

I'm sure the world will cry a river of tears the day you go to your local store to trade your Wii and your Sonic and the Black Knight for one of the HD twins, but i think humanity will endure the horrors of such an event.

So basically, you're not saying anything worth beyond "I don't care what you!" Dare I ask why the hell you bothered posting in this thread if you honestly don't care what I think nor give any reasoning for why I'm so horribly wrong?

Look at the size of your OP. All that for basically a thread about "i dont like the Wii". You claim to be disapointed, and its fine by me, but then proceed to "back it up" with BS arguments, cliché statements, anecdotal evidence, hyperbole and blatant (though poor) attempts at flame-bait.

Please explain because I don't see my arguements as BS, cliche, or flame-bait. You need to clearify why I'm wrong.
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#35 HAZE-Unit
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Nintendo gone downhill from the N64 era, but I m glad that nintendo is gaining alot of money from the Wii just because I didn't want to see Mario and Zelda on a PS or any other console, the way Sega did unfortunately.

Other than that, all I can say about the Wii that its the worst console ever, at least I'd played some amazing games back in the N64 and GC era, now not so much.

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#36 sonicthemegaman
Member since 2008 • 3783 Posts

Nintendo gone downhill from the N64 era, but I m glad that nintendo is gaining alot of money from the Wii just because I didn't want to see Mario and Zelda on a PS or any other console, the way Sega did unfortunately.

Other than that, all I can say about the Wii that its the worst console ever, at least I'd played some amazing games back in the N64 and GC era, now not so much.


I agree. I mean the isWii the only console I ever thought of selling. No console has ever done that to me, not even Game Gear.

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#37 Bigboss232
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Another blow is that the motion sensing controls were ment for the gamecube the tech is dated the games are flat. I cant wait till the new metroid but thats all no wii fit or resort. I want games nintendo not crap games.

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#38 HAZE-Unit
Member since 2007 • 10564 Posts


Nintendo gone downhill from the N64 era, but I m glad that nintendo is gaining alot of money from the Wii just because I didn't want to see Mario and Zelda on a PS or any other console, the way Sega did unfortunately.

Other than that, all I can say about the Wii that its the worst console ever, at least I'd played some amazing games back in the N64 and GC era, now not so much.


I agree. I mean the isWii the only console I ever thought of selling. No console has ever done that to me, not even Game Gear.

its bad but selling a console is worse so keep it, save for a PS3 or 360.

I think I saw some of the nintendo fanboys list some good RPGs so if you like RPGs, the wii have a bunch.

At the end of the day its your Wii and it is you who decide if you wanna keep it or not but all Im giving you is my recommendation :)

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#39 NinjaMunkey01
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"Be honest, you can't compare Wii to Ps3/360 because Nintendo has a totally different goal in mind, making money."


yes and sony and microsoft are in the business to save kittens

Ugghhh why not actually think about the OP before making a fool of yourself. What he means is thats all Nintedo are interested in. As in they dont care about innovation, pushing things forwards or trying. They dont need to beucase theyve got no reason to, becuase theyre gonna get cash either way. MS and sony though, yes they mainly want money, but tat the same time they are SPENDING HUGE AMOUNTS OF MONEY to improve gaming for us, really pushing their systems and trying to make each exclusive NEW and DIFERENT. Just look at LBP, and then halo 3's multiplayer, Forza 3 and GT5. Since when did the wii ever get a game which was truly groundbreaking??? Never... Becuase Nintento doesnt want to spend money, they just want to hoard it...
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#40 LordQuorthon
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"Be honest, you can't compare Wii to Ps3/360 because Nintendo has a totally different goal in mind, making money."


yes and sony and microsoft are in the business to save kittens


This thread should have ended here.

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#41 osan0
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ninty seem perfectly fine to me. their strategy reminds me of their strategy for the nes..i enjoyed the nes and i enjoy loads of games on the wii also. its not PC good (nothing is) but hell....i have more wii games than 360 and PS3 games combined. it lacks the high production value, special effect bonanzas.....but thats fine....what it lacks in those it makes up for in more interesting games that, frankly, devs wouldnt dare make on another platform (except maybe the PC). im currently enjoying little kings story and will be getting tiger woods 10 for it soon. ive already bought more wii games than PS3 and 360 games this year also and there are more wii games that im lookign forward to compared to 360 and PS3 games this year. so im chuffed with it. its not perfect...id love to see devs get more ambitous with it and perhaps a bit crazier with it. i would love to see devs try and basically creat new genres that play to the wiis strengths rather than trying to crowbar traditional game design onto the wii. i hope bethesda make a very kewl game on it...with a technical handicap, they can put more resources towards good writing and more content. but yeah...good console.
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#42 deactivated-5fc30280b8881
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I see what you're saying. Really the "new gen" claim was Big N's moto when Wii was released. Now that they have this new fanbase, they'll do anything to keep them it seems. Like you said, Nintendo is trying to keep its fans with "different" games and thus the Wiimote was born. As for the shovelware, I'm speechless. I honestly can not explain how it happened. Every system has bad games but the Wii....what happened? sonicthemegaman

What happened to the games was the third parties being stuck in the old power = value mindset so they saw the Wii's weaker hardware as a license to not even try. Add to this that they largely think of the Wii's Expanded Audience as complete retards that don't have any perception of quality instead of just customers with a different (generally more arcade-y, less cinematic) taste in games and you have a failure on your hands.

ninty seem perfectly fine to me. their strategy reminds me of their strategy for the nes.osan0

Hardly surprising. The NES was the last time Nintendo disrupted the gaming industry. The parallels, from weak hardware, new controllers, not aiming for the current elitist customer to the cries of the console ruining gaming and the console selling like mad are frightening in both number and accuracy.

Nintendo destroyed the 16-bit joystick-controlled gaming computers with it's weak 8-bit NES with a freaky gamepad twenty years ago just as it is going to kill the PS3 and the Xbox 360 with the Wii if it just plays it's cards right. It's probable that they've already done a misstep, and are using this year and NSMBWii, M+ and Galaxy 2 as a buffer to reset their strategy.

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#43 goblaa
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Now I don't know about you but, Wii Fit, Wii Play, We Ski, My Sims, and all those other family friendly games aren't really real games to me.


That's where you failed.

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#44 Thunderdrone
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[QUOTE="NinjaMunkey01"] As in they dont care about innovation, pushing things forwards or trying. They dont need to beucase theyve got no reason to, becuase theyre gonna get cash either way. MS and sony though, yes they mainly want money, but tat the same time they are SPENDING HUGE AMOUNTS OF MONEY to improve gaming for us,

:lol: :lol: What have these two identical companies done to "improve", "innovate", "push things forward"? What have they done that hasnt been done in the past but with less processing power, or that hasnt been done in another platform as the PC? NOTHING, Zero, zilch, nada! Same games, same controls, same direction, same tendency to turn they machins into Media Center/PCs to force their media formats/propriatary software on their consumers.
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#45 CreepyBacon
Member since 2005 • 3183 Posts

Pretty much agree. Do not like the path they took.

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#46 kergon07
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The wii is pure cack. İt has nothing going for it. Except the fact that it gives the same exact experience you had last -gen
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#47 fenwickhotmail
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Nintendo is doing fine, and the Wii's library blows the N64, the NES and the SNES out of the water in comparison what they had in their third year.

The only reason people don't like playing Wii: They have no idea of what's available.

Clearly you've had no experience of the N64, NES or SNES.
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#48 NinjaMunkey01
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[QUOTE="NinjaMunkey01"] As in they dont care about innovation, pushing things forwards or trying. They dont need to beucase theyve got no reason to, becuase theyre gonna get cash either way. MS and sony though, yes they mainly want money, but tat the same time they are SPENDING HUGE AMOUNTS OF MONEY to improve gaming for us, Thunderdrone
:lol: :lol: What have these two identical companies done to "improve", "innovate", "push things forward"? What have they done that hasnt been done in the past but with less processing power, or that hasnt been done in another platform as the PC? NOTHING, Zero, zilch, nada! Same games, same controls, same direction, same tendency to turn they machins into Media Center/PCs to force their media formats/propriatary software on their consumers.

I like how you cut off my quote where I gave an example... :| LBP, Modnation racers Imporved online gaming in consoles Each Exclusive shooter has been a different experience Forza 3 with added customisation Tons of XBL/PSN enhancements Facts are Sony and MS have done mucy more for gaming than Nintendo.
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#49 StealthMonkey4
Member since 2009 • 7434 Posts
I agree with almost all of your points. Nintendo has realized that with casual games that they don't really need hardcore gamers. They do just fine with casual. What's even worse is Sony and Microsoft are trying to copy. I just Sony/Microsoft motion controllers fail because as of now, I really hate the new casual approach on gaming.
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#50 Thunderdrone
Member since 2009 • 7154 Posts

LBP, Modnation racers

Imporved online gaming in consoles

Each Exclusive shooter has been a different experience

Forza 3 with added customisation

Tons of XBL/PSN enhancements


wat? Whats new here? Oh, bringing something thats been on PCs for years is new,...okay

1- thats not innovation, thats an upgrade. Live existed before this gen. Onlin console gaming existed out of the box since the Dreamcast.

2- thats not innovation, thats an upgrade?

3- lol?

4- lol2?

5- enhancements are not innovation, they are upgrads to old standards.

Facts are Sony and MS have done mucy more for gaming than Nintendo.NinjaMunkey01

You still failed to show that to me. And the funny thing is that i have yet to remind you that both sony and MS are making motion controllers now. yeah