Games you were excited for but which flopped (in your opinion; no scores)

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#1 mjarantilla
Member since 2002 • 15721 Posts

For me, personally:

Assassin's Creed
When this was finally announced for the 360, I was so happy I was jumping with joy. Finally, an open-ended assassination game with a focus on pursuit and evasion! An open-ended platformer from the team behind Prince of Persia! Who could not be excited?

Then the game was actually released, and all my expectations evaporated up in a cloud of smoke. There was no pursuit and evasion. There was no platforming. All there was, was "Hold the button" gameplay. "Hold the Jump button to go anywhere." "Hold the Parry button to block any attack."

Mass Effect
Along with Super Mario Galaxy and Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect was one of my top three most anticipated games for 2007, if not this generation. It certainly was my #1 most anticipated game last year. I expected a return to form for BioWare. I knew it wouldn't have the epic scale or combat intricacy of Baldur's Gate II, but I at least expected it to match Knights of the Old Republic.

Boy, did THAT go wrong.

Major conversations led nowhere. Oftentimes, during major cutscenes, I would be presented with three dialogue options, but no matter which dialogue option I chose, Shepard would just say the same damn thing. FFS, why even bother with the dialogue options, then? And then there was the disjointed storyline, which was half the scope of KotOR's, and made even less sense. There was no continuity between the three main quest planets at all. Only Virmire seemed anywhere near right, while the other two felt like they should've been sold on XBLA as downloadable content

Overall, a major disappointment.

Resident Evil 4: GC and PS2 editions
First let me say that I love RE4: Wii Edition.

Second, let me also say that RE4 for the GC and PS2 has some of the WORST CONTROLS EVER MADE. Not nearly as bad as previous Resident Evil games, but that's like moving up from crapping in a hole in the ground to crapping in a hole in the ground inside an outhouse. It's seriously terrible, and made the game unplayable for me. No wonder RE4 sold poorly at first.

That said, the Wii version fixes all the control issues of the previous versions. I won't play RE5 for the sole reason that it doesn't have a freehand pointer. I'll wait for the Wii 2 if I have to.

World in Conflict
Much hype was made about WiC in recent months. It was hyped up to be a change in the way RTSes would be designed.

Bull. IMO, it just didn't work. Then again, I'm not a multiplayer gamer. While WiC is fun on a multiplayer level, it falls completely flat in single player. At no time do you get the opportunity to enact strategy, or even tactics. Most missions can be blown through using rush tactics.

Maybe if WiC had the same level of tactical depth as Company of Heroes, it would be different. Company of Heroes added so many variables to its combat system that battles truly became tactical duels that had to be managed. With WiC, more emphasis was placed on convenience than tactics, and combat became more about luck than anything else. The special abilities and support abilities were nice, but at the same time felt like they compromised the focus on the game.

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#2 thrones
Member since 2004 • 12178 Posts

Assassin's Creed

Mass Effect

Splinter Cell: Double Agent

World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade (Only because it made my epics irrelevant :|)

Halo 3 (singleplayer.)

Gears of War, Call of Duty 2/3 was a much better game :|


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#3 black_awpN1
Member since 2004 • 7863 Posts
Lair. My heart still aches.
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#4 Meu2k7
Member since 2007 • 11809 Posts

Assassin's Creed

Mass Effect

Splinter Cell: Double Agent

World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade (Only because it made my epics irrelevant :|)

Halo 3 (singleplayer.)

Gears of War, Call of Duty 2/3 was a much better game :|



I never understood that logic, it was obvious from day 1 an expansion and level cap rise would void all previous gear ... it would be pretty stupid otherwise.

Back on topic.

Hellgate: London ... do I need to explain this? "The next Diablo" ... but it wasnt.

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#5 Lebron181
Member since 2008 • 837 Posts
Wild Arms XP, what was i thinking...
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#6 coltonnaslund
Member since 2005 • 3793 Posts

RE4 is one of the best games of last dare you diss that beautiful creation!!!

I bought a 360 Solely for Halo 3....biggest flop ever....nobody even plays it anymore...everyone is playing COD4

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#7 Meu2k7
Member since 2007 • 11809 Posts

RE4 is one of the best games of last dare you diss that beautiful creation!!!

I bought a 360 Solely for Halo 3....biggest flop ever....nobody even plays it anymore...everyone is playing COD4


Ditto to that aswell.

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#8 RobbieH1234
Member since 2005 • 7464 Posts
  • BioShock
  • Oblivion
  • Gears of War
  • Twilight Princess
  • PDZ

And of course, Deus Ex Invisible War.

EDIT: Add Dead Rising and Age of Empires 3.

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#9 munkeypoo45
Member since 2008 • 3221 Posts

warhawk was disappointing!!!!!

and the same with frontlines!!!!!!


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#10 Lebron181
Member since 2008 • 837 Posts

RE4 is one of the best games of last dare you diss that beautiful creation!!!

I bought a 360 Solely for Halo 3....biggest flop ever....nobody even plays it anymore...everyone is playing COD4


RE4 was awesome, but you have to consider the controls. No straffing....

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#11 Chutebox  Online
Member since 2007 • 50666 Posts

Halo 3

Assassin's Creed

Lair. How can you mess up a bunch of dragons killing **** so badly!? At least I have a wonderful soundtrack to listen to.

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#12 meetroid8
Member since 2005 • 21152 Posts

Super Paper Mario- Why did they get rid of all of the RPG elements for this crap?

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#13 BioShockOwnz
Member since 2006 • 52901 Posts

-Perfect Dark Zero



-Turning Point

-Halo 3


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#14 Ze_ALEX
Member since 2007 • 1793 Posts
Warhawk, Assasins creed, twilight princess, SSBB (online), Killzone 1, LAIR (cries)
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#15 SpruceCaboose
Member since 2005 • 24589 Posts
Assassin's Creed was not all I thought it would be, and I am not liking SSBB nearly as much as I thought I would.
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#16 Bubblehash
Member since 2004 • 2914 Posts

Well Call of Duty 4 comes to mind. I was really pumped to get this game. Until it came out, then the hyped died and turn to disappointment. I was ready for a nice long singleplayer and was let down with a short singleplayer which made me not get the game. I can't think of any others. All the other high scoring games that I don't want, I was never hyped for in the first place.

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#17 clone01
Member since 2003 • 29827 Posts
for me, Lair. i was SO excited about that game. i already had my 360, and i was ready to run out and plunk down $600 for a PS3. i didn't. come on, MGS4 bundle!
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#18 aliasfreak
Member since 2004 • 2878 Posts

For me, personally:

Mass Effect

And then there was the disjointed storyline, which was half the scope of KotOR's, and made even less sense.


Odd, I thought that the storyline made sense. This game is still probably my favorite of the generation (maybe tied with Bioshock, which I made more difficult by not using Vita Chambers).

Anyway, the only one I can think of right now is FFXII. Hated the combat. Other than that, I've not been disappointed by games. Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Crackdown, Gears, Halo 3, C&C3, Lost Planet, etc. all met or exceeded my expectations (I wasn't one of those people who thought Halo 3 was going to be the best game ever, so I thoroughly enjoyed it rather than ending up disappointed).

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#19 heretrix
Member since 2004 • 37881 Posts
Stranglehold. Assassin's Creed.Perfect Dark Zero. Many, many VC games from my childhood. The Wii.
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#20 Sully28
Member since 2003 • 5097 Posts
COD4. I loved cod 1 and 2 on PC and possibly spent the most time i ever have on a game with COD2 on search and destroy realism mods. So cod 4 comes around and i go out buy it first day, i love it for the first month. But every day the greatness of the game slowly wore off untill i hated it. I will still play a match or two but the game is really cheap and generic IMO. All i got out of cod 4 was more antcipation for games like MGS4, killzone 2, and socom.
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#21 mjarantilla
Member since 2002 • 15721 Posts

For me, personally:

Mass Effect

And then there was the disjointed storyline, which was half the scope of KotOR's, and made even less sense.


Odd, I thought that the storyline made sense. This game is still probably my favorite of the generation (maybe tied with Bioshock, which I made more difficult by not using Vita Chambers).

Anyway, the only one I can think of right now is FFXII. Hated the combat. Other than that, I've not been disappointed by games. Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Crackdown, Gears, Halo 3, C&C3, Lost Planet, etc. all met or exceeded my expectations (I wasn't one of those people who thought Halo 3 was going to be the best game ever, so I thoroughly enjoyed it rather than ending up disappointed).

The overall story made sense, but the plotlines of the planets didn't make any sense except for Virmire. The Thorian? The Rachni? They were just introduced out of the blue and then removed. SOME foreshadowing and denouement would've been nice for those plots. As well as a stronger connection to the main story than, "They know something."

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#22 Anti-Gamer
Member since 2007 • 1025 Posts
one game, BLUE DRAGON!!! I mean what the hell?
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#23 SuperMario_46
Member since 2006 • 4960 Posts

Super Paper Mario

No more Heroes

Brothers in Arms: hill 30

Soul Calibur III

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#24 leejohnson7
Member since 2007 • 2909 Posts

Halo 3 briefly:

I always play games I get 630 achievements with each game to ensure I have played it out (in most cases anyway; I would continue with Mass Effect but my 360 is one red lighted). Halo 3 has a good SP experience, and after one play through and a few online games I felt like I was wasting my time otherwise. I thought the achievements were too easy to get and got 800 before going on to other games again. Now I only play if invited to unranked games by people I know in real life. The game had a good action filled feeling, but the combat didn't feel dynamic. I actually enjoyed the original Time Splitters on PS2 for about a year (before EA killed it).

The issue is, the game isn't as expansive as you would expect (large combat free exploration areas), and winds up being a bullet grind. Brutes are easy to kill and the battle rifle is over powered, where the assault rifle is pathetic. When I played Halo 1 on PC, I was astonished at how on the harder difficulties a covenant elite would be able to effectively dodge bullets while sustaining a shield that was difficult to break. It was hard and I never got all that far on Legendary.

The graphics are appalling compared to the 06 trailer, and the game isn't even HD. Even little things like the flood being mostly destructible was dependant on which flood you fought, the ones that fire spikes don't break into bits at all when you would expect them to, and the large ones don't either. As trivial as it sounds it just takes from the overall experience.

MP issues are that grenades are too numerous, and there are too many different types of grenades. Nobody really cycles through and appreciates what they are actually throwing at the target, they just spam grenades. I have always had a problem with tracer sniper rifle bullets too, because that gun/ammo would NOT get commissioned. Vehicles that are meant to be armoured and instead redirect damage to the passengers and driver is just a bad concept. Personally, I didn't enjoy the series as much as others, but they could have at least have stepped forward in the series.

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#25 clone01
Member since 2003 • 29827 Posts

Super Paper Mario

No more Heroes

Brothers in Arms: hill 30

Soul Calibur III


really? i liked super paper mario.

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#26 aliasfreak
Member since 2004 • 2878 Posts

For me, personally:

Mass Effect

And then there was the disjointed storyline, which was half the scope of KotOR's, and made even less sense.


Odd, I thought that the storyline made sense. This game is still probably my favorite of the generation (maybe tied with Bioshock, which I made more difficult by not using Vita Chambers).

Anyway, the only one I can think of right now is FFXII. Hated the combat. Other than that, I've not been disappointed by games. Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Crackdown, Gears, Halo 3, C&C3, Lost Planet, etc. all met or exceeded my expectations (I wasn't one of those people who thought Halo 3 was going to be the best game ever, so I thoroughly enjoyed it rather than ending up disappointed).

The overall story made sense, but the plotlines of the planets didn't make any sense except for Virmire. The Thorian? The Rachni? They were just introduced out of the blue and then removed. SOME foreshadowing and denouement would've been nice for those plots. As well as a stronger connection to the main story than, "They know something."

Okay, I see and can even agree. I keep hoping that your choice with the Rachni will have some impact in the second game. That would be interesting.

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#27 flowdee79
Member since 2007 • 4483 Posts

For me, personally:

Mass Effect

And then there was the disjointed storyline, which was half the scope of KotOR's, and made even less sense.


Odd, I thought that the storyline made sense. This game is still probably my favorite of the generation (maybe tied with Bioshock, which I made more difficult by not using Vita Chambers).

Anyway, the only one I can think of right now is FFXII. Hated the combat. Other than that, I've not been disappointed by games. Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Crackdown, Gears, Halo 3, C&C3, Lost Planet, etc. all met or exceeded my expectations (I wasn't one of those people who thought Halo 3 was going to be the best game ever, so I thoroughly enjoyed it rather than ending up disappointed).

The overall story made sense, but the plotlines of the planets didn't make any sense except for Virmire. The Thorian? The Rachni? They were just introduced out of the blue and then removed. SOME foreshadowing and denouement would've been nice for those plots. As well as a stronger connection to the main story than, "They know something."

Jeez Bioware weren't developing on unlimited time. Cut them some slack, and the Rachni are going to be used more in future games depending on that important decision on Noveria.

Also Noveria was definitely involved in the main questline, Benezia (sp?) was Saren's puppet. But with that said, ME flopped in many areas such as side quests and performance.

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for me assassin creed.

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#29 pakman3000
Member since 2008 • 420 Posts

MGS4. Crazy, huh? I'm disappointed because they split up the campaign and the full online portion. Will have to buy two games for the full experience.

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#30 jaisimar_chelse
Member since 2007 • 1931 Posts


hey dont get me wrong i ADORE it. i was actually one of the few who were REALLY hyped for this game. after i saw all those trailers i was like "wtf this will be so awesome".

but the puzzles were not that brainstroming. YES my only and i mean only probl;em with it is the puzzles. everything else is A OKAY

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#31 leejohnson7
Member since 2007 • 2909 Posts

For me, personally:

Mass Effect

And then there was the disjointed storyline, which was half the scope of KotOR's, and made even less sense.


Odd, I thought that the storyline made sense. This game is still probably my favorite of the generation (maybe tied with Bioshock, which I made more difficult by not using Vita Chambers).

Anyway, the only one I can think of right now is FFXII. Hated the combat. Other than that, I've not been disappointed by games. Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Crackdown, Gears, Halo 3, C&C3, Lost Planet, etc. all met or exceeded my expectations (I wasn't one of those people who thought Halo 3 was going to be the best game ever, so I thoroughly enjoyed it rather than ending up disappointed).

The overall story made sense, but the plotlines of the planets didn't make any sense except for Virmire. The Thorian? The Rachni? They were just introduced out of the blue and then removed. SOME foreshadowing and denouement would've been nice for those plots. As well as a stronger connection to the main story than, "They know something."

Jeez Bioware weren't developing on unlimited time. Cut them some slack, and the Rachni are going to be used more in future games depending on that important decision on Noveria.

Also Noveria was definitely involved in the main questline, Benezia (sp?) was Saren's puppet. But with that said, ME flopped in many areas such as side quests and performance.

Y'know, for an extinct race the Rachni sure did make a few appearances.

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#32 aliasfreak
Member since 2004 • 2878 Posts


hey dont get me wrong i ADORE it. i was actually one of the few who were REALLY hyped for this game. after i saw all those trailers i was like "wtf this will be so awesome".

but the puzzles were not that brainstroming. YES my only and i mean only probl;em with it is the puzzles. everything else is A OKAY


Have you tried the last Portal levels with the conditions applied? Such as limiting the number of portals used, steps taken, and time taken? That makes you think through it a lot more, IMO.

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#33 O_Lineman17
Member since 2005 • 1128 Posts

Assasin's Creed and Oblivion.

Wow...Oblivion...biggest let down. Great game, but nowhere near what was promised. Even with Mods it still isn't all that it was cracked up to be.I expected one of the best RPG's I had ever played, they made it sound so epic. Turned out to be very bland, with no much character in the game. I was highly dissapointed.

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#34 thrones
Member since 2004 • 12178 Posts

MGS4. Crazy, huh? I'm disappointed because they split up the campaign and the full online portion. Will have to buy two games for the full experience.

pakman3000 They're bundled...sheesh. Two discs, but same package.

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#35 jaisimar_chelse
Member since 2007 • 1931 Posts


hey dont get me wrong i ADORE it. i was actually one of the few who were REALLY hyped for this game. after i saw all those trailers i was like "wtf this will be so awesome".

but the puzzles were not that brainstroming. YES my only and i mean only probl;em with it is the puzzles. everything else is A OKAY


Have you tried the last Portal levels with the conditions applied? Such as limiting the number of portals used, steps taken, and time taken? That makes you think through it a lot more, IMO.

but they arnt the "official" puzzles are they ?

they shud have added those in the game.

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#36 deactivated-5f89ab8e63049
Member since 2007 • 3182 Posts

Forza 2. I was hoping for an Xbox 360 version of GT4 (which I love, for the most part) but I ended up finding it really boring and slow with limited tracks. I found the damage system pretty constricting and dull aswell.

Gears of War. I like a good story in a game, but Gears of War's story came off like it was written by a three year old fed entirely on testosterone and absinthe.

I thought Mass Effect's exploration was pretty limited aswell. Barren planets are pretty boring.

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#37 Gunraidan
Member since 2007 • 4272 Posts

Ridiculously inconsistent. Yes it has it's moments that's for sure but there are times where the game was frustrating as eating turds. Not to mention that it took 3D combat back 10 years.

The general consensus of people who played Vanillaware's games is that this one is far superior to Odin Sphere. What a joke that was. Sure it's a unique RTS but besides that and the pretty graphics it's nothing that Blizzard or Creative Assembly to turn their cheeks. Not to mention Odin Sphere had far deeper gameplay.

:lol: This is it? :lol: This is the incredible revolutionary game of our time? This is the Ocarina of Time of this generation? The Half-Life of this generation? :lol: OMG this game takes a step back in nearly every aspect for the First Person Action-Adventure genre. What a joke. I mean there are ARROWS telling me where to go...that alone explains how pathetic this game is in comparison to previous games amongst this sub-genre. And don't even get me started with this "it's immersive" crap, the game is less interactive then many games from the 32/64 bit era. I'm sorry but I don't find in-game cutscenes very immersive, gameplay is truly immersive, in-game cutscenes are only immersive to a degree.

Not as bad as it could've been I mean they got the Contra difficulty just not the level design.

Took out Half-Life 2 series unique adventure elements and just had it be just another shooter.

Probably the most shallow RPG I've played since Kingdom Hearts.

JRPG? I see no JRPG here just a single player MMO (if that makes sense).

Could be just nostalgia but this doesn't even come close to the greatness that was Raiden and Raiden II.


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#38 mjarantilla
Member since 2002 • 15721 Posts

For me, personally:

Mass Effect

And then there was the disjointed storyline, which was half the scope of KotOR's, and made even less sense.


Odd, I thought that the storyline made sense. This game is still probably my favorite of the generation (maybe tied with Bioshock, which I made more difficult by not using Vita Chambers).

Anyway, the only one I can think of right now is FFXII. Hated the combat. Other than that, I've not been disappointed by games. Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Crackdown, Gears, Halo 3, C&C3, Lost Planet, etc. all met or exceeded my expectations (I wasn't one of those people who thought Halo 3 was going to be the best game ever, so I thoroughly enjoyed it rather than ending up disappointed).

The overall story made sense, but the plotlines of the planets didn't make any sense except for Virmire. The Thorian? The Rachni? They were just introduced out of the blue and then removed. SOME foreshadowing and denouement would've been nice for those plots. As well as a stronger connection to the main story than, "They know something."

Jeez Bioware weren't developing on unlimited time. Cut them some slack, and the Rachni are going to be used more in future games depending on that important decision on Noveria.

Also Noveria was definitely involved in the main questline, Benezia (sp?) was Saren's puppet. But with that said, ME flopped in many areas such as side quests and performance.

a) BioWare is a AAA developer if ever there was one, on par in terms of reputation with Valve, and just below Blizzard (IMO). They're one of the few (formerly) independent Western developers whose name is as recognizable as their games, and their RPGs are virtually guaranteed bestsellers. They could've secured the cash for a longer development.

b) Even if they couldn't, this is story we're talking about. The writers and designers should've been able to structure the game to flow more fluidly without extending development.

c) Yeah, and Benezia appeared how many times? In one cutscene after the first planet. Oh, and you rescue her daughter, as if Liara being her daughter actually makes a difference in how the story plays out. Benezia is as much of a throwaway character as the Thorian and the Rachni.

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#39 pakman3000
Member since 2008 • 420 Posts

MGS4. Crazy, huh? I'm disappointed because they split up the campaign and the full online portion. Will have to buy two games for the full experience.

thrones They're bundled...sheesh. Two discs, but same package.

Notice how I stated FULL online portion. MGS4 ships with a MGSO starter pack. Sheesh.

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#40 Tenudin
Member since 2005 • 439 Posts
Halo 3 (Epic failure of a single player campaign.) Assassin's Creed Gears of War (Hated the MP except for Co-op. Campaign was too short.) Lair (As a previous poster said, how exactly do you f*** up dragons smashing s***? Seriously, how? This ranks up as one of the biggest disappointments for me.) Oblivion (While I did put in a lot of time to the game it didn't even come remotely close to the depth that Morrowind had.) Perfect Dark Zero (How exactly did this game get the score it did. Looking back, this game is more like a 7.5)
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#41 1vgfan
Member since 2004 • 1338 Posts
Mass Effect...I expected a huge free roaming universe and got a boring linear game.
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#42 NinjaMunkey01
Member since 2007 • 7485 Posts

burnout, dont know why I bought it really. I'm not usually that stupid to buy an EA game without checking it thoroughly first!

but yeah, it is really annoying. I am not a huge fan of racing games. but when racing you always have to check the map to see if you are going in the right direction, which means pausing the game.

Plus the in game ads are annoying. I was winning a race when a van saying "gillette fusion, the best a man can get" came round a corner and hit me. DAM YOU GILLETTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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#43 deactivated-5f26ed7cf0697
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Halo 3:

Unbalanced AI: Enemies are dumb, hard, and then extremely hard and then very easy. WTF is going on here? Enemies tend to randomly appear strategically poorly in some areas where they flank you and the firefight becomes a ridiculous Trial & Error Bull-sh*t over and over again (in Legendary). And the Weapons given or available don't seem to help at stopping them. An example would be: The level where Master Chief is in an underground base, and has to defend the hanger. Before defending the hanger, MC (and Arbiter) comes to an area flooded with those Pistol wielding flying insects, hundreds of them. In Legendary, it was ANNOYING as hell to shoot all of them down, especially duel wielding with SMG or using Assault Rifle.

Unbalanced Weapons: Seriously, this Carry ONLY 2 weapons at a time Bull-Sh*tneeds to go. And NOT being able to throw grenades while KEEPING duel wieldingweapons needs to go, as well. The weapons seem to lack that stopping power and feel weak. WTF happen to the 600 rd capacity Assault Rifle? The Battle Rifle is, frankly, gay as previously before (Halo 2). Where T F is the needler? It's become RARE to find. The amount of grenades given was pathetic. The TYPE of grenades offered were gay The Shotgun is weak. Halo 1 shotgun was the BEST. Flameflower? Weaksauce.

Vehicles: Warthog still drives like a blimp. Especially bad in the last stage with the collapsing floors. WHY? Not enough vehicles to ride. Unless it's MP, which frankly I don't care about.

Graphics: Bad and mean really pathetic, when you consider the 360's capabilities. Again, this is Bungie's 2nd time in RUSHING out the game too soon, like with Halo 2. Seriously, if Metroid Prime 3 was on HD, running on really powerful Wii hardware, hypothetically, it would BLOW Halo 3 out the water. Hell, I'll be mean.....MP3 looks slightly BETTER than Halo 3. And WTF is up with the few graphical pop-ups (seen prevelant in Halo 2) during cut-scene cinematics? 360's hardware should have rid of this eye-sore.

Unbalanced level design: Finding Cortana was really bad. Playing Coop Legendary didn't help much. Most of the levels were OK, but didn't feel long or wide open in some areas.

Short Single Player: Enough said.

Fewer Levels: than previous Halos. Halo 1 even felt LONGER.

Ending: Still an open-ending, especially the VERY last scene after all credits (finishing in Legendary). No closing to the story, the way I saw it. I wanted Bungie to end this damn series already.

Overall, Halo 3 was a GOOD game. I won't lie. But there's so many wrongs in this game, it just didn't seem worthy of a 9.5, more like an 8.8.

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#44 Lazy_Boy88
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Halo2. Prettymuch all I did 2002-4 is play Halo:CE LAN and coop with friends. I was so obsessed over Halo before Halo2 completely ruined the story and everything good about the campaign design and gameplay subtlties.The multiplayer was casual trash compared to Halo:CE and I didn't give a damn that it had online play because I'd played LAN and many PC games b4 that. Didn't expect Halo3 to be anything but more mediocrity and I got exactly what I expected. Don't get me wrong neither are bad games but they're just mediocre compared to the first and vastly overrated.

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#45 NinjaMunkey01
Member since 2007 • 7485 Posts

Halo 3 briefly:

I always play games I get 630 achievements with each game to ensure I have played it out (in most cases anyway; I would continue with Mass Effect but my 360 is one red lighted). Halo 3 has a good SP experience, and after one play through and a few online games I felt like I was wasting my time otherwise. I thought the achievements were too easy to get and got 800 before going on to other games again. Now I only play if invited to unranked games by people I know in real life. The game had a good action filled feeling, but the combat didn't feel dynamic. I actually enjoyed the original Time Splitters on PS2 for about a year (before EA killed it).

The issue is, the game isn't as expansive as you would expect (large combat free exploration areas), and winds up being a bullet grind. Brutes are easy to kill and the battle rifle is over powered, where the assault rifle is pathetic. When I played Halo 1 on PC, I was astonished at how on the harder difficulties a covenant elite would be able to effectively dodge bullets while sustaining a shield that was difficult to break. It was hard and I never got all that far on Legendary.

The graphics are appalling compared to the 06 trailer, and the game isn't even HD. Even little things like the flood being mostly destructible was dependant on which flood you fought, the ones that fire spikes don't break into bits at all when you would expect them to, and the large ones don't either. As trivial as it sounds it just takes from the overall experience.

MP issues are that grenades are too numerous, and there are too many different types of grenades. Nobody really cycles through and appreciates what they are actually throwing at the target, they just spam grenades. I have always had a problem with tracer sniper rifle bullets too, because that gun/ammo would NOT get commissioned. Vehicles that are meant to be armoured and instead redirect damage to the passengers and driver is just a bad concept. Personally, I didn't enjoy the series as much as others, but they could have at least have stepped forward in the series.


do you mean the burst fire gun with the scope, if so then yeah, that was overpowered!

that was my favourite gun, it was easy to get a headshot and ill enemys easily.

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#46 pakman3000
Member since 2008 • 420 Posts

Halo 3:

Unbalanced Weapons: Seriously, this Carry ONLY 2 weapons at a time Bull-Sh*tneeds to go. And NOT being able to throw grenades while KEEPING duel wieldingweapons needs to go, as well. VERTIGO47

OH NOEZ! Teh semi realism. Should he kick a grenade like a hackey sack?

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#47 Saturos3091
Member since 2005 • 14937 Posts

Resident Evil 4 (You should know my reasons by now.)

Bioshock (A major letdown, wasn't it supposed to last me until early '08? The characters were horrible as well, and the storyline didn't give me much incentive to keep playing (especially after I beat it).)

Assassin's Creed (Doing the same thing over and over, with some of the worst combat mechanics ever is not fun.)

Gears of War (I wasn't hyping it that much, so it wasn't a huge failure in my eyes, just wasn't the "360's Halo" as it was touted at the time.)

Mass Effect (Still great though, but really wasn't the best RPG released in '07 even)

EDIT: Oh, and Halo 3 but that one's been said by several people.

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#48 deactivated-5e0e425ee91d8
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red steel, i enjoyed it, but the multiplayer felt bare bones and tacked on last second, lets not ever go to the story, controls and such, so many promises ubi failed to live up to.
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#49 deactivated-5f26ed7cf0697
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Halo 3:

Unbalanced Weapons: Seriously, this Carry ONLY 2 weapons at a time Bull-Sh*tneeds to go. And NOT being able to throw grenades while KEEPING duel wieldingweapons needs to go, as well. pakman3000

OH NOEZ! Teh semi realism. Should he kick a grenade like a hackey sack?

No, MC should be able to throw grenades, and then still keep the 2 Duel Wielding Weapons, instead of just dropping one of them.

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#50 Gunraidan
Member since 2007 • 4272 Posts

OH NOEZ! Teh semi realism. Should he kick a grenade like a hackey sack?


Realism? It's a videogame LOL. By that logic Zangiefs/Hugo's pile-driver should kill everyone instantaniously because neck snapping leads to instant death.