Final Fantasy MEGA DEFENSE THREAD (PART 2)(no 56k!)

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#1 Koalakommander
Member since 2006 • 5462 Posts


What are you looking at?

Final Fantsy Mega Defense Thread Part 2

(because no one can handle too much reading here on...a forum...)


1. If you reply in 20 seconds within this thread submition, or without reading my thread and say something completely unproductive, you fail and will be ignored (i.e."wall of text")

2. This thread was not made to persuade you into liking anything, it is merely a call for respect for a franchise that deserves it.

3. You can disagree (of course), but flaming hurts my feelings.

4. This thread is about the main installments of FF only, because obviously, the spin offs often arn't as deserving.

Previously on Final Fantasy Mega Defense:

We debunked the following statements:

1. "Final Fantasy went downhill after Final Fantasy (insert number here)."

2. "The newer games are garbage"

4. "It's milked and has lost all of its quality"

5. "Overrated"

7. "The games are just plain garbage"

We learned a valuable lesson about respect, personal taste, and just plain common sense. Overall the thread went well with some good arguments and very few ignorant statements.

Link to thread:


Now we will look at the last few common attacks on the Final Fantasy franchise:

3. "They ruined everything with FF12"

6. "Who wants to play as a girly man?"

This should get interesting, as the last statement is very controversial.

So let's go:

3. "They ruined everything with FF12"

When someone says this I usually begin by asking them, "How?". And they go on to explain that:

The battle system was terrible

The story was bad

Some of the characters were useless in the story

Can I start out by asking all you a serious question? Would you have rather had FF continue with the turn based random encounters and turn out like games such as Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey? Or would you like to take that chance, at something new, innovative, and fresh?

A Final Fantasy without random encounters and the petty turn taking -- it's a dream to many FF fans. But for some reason, some people think it's the end of FF as we know it.

Let's see what the critics have to say:

Game rankings-FFXII 90.9%

Now as we learned in the previous thread, you can dislike a game simply because you didn't enjoy it, but to call a game terrible or garbage requires much deeper reasoning. If the average score out of all those critics is AAA for FFXII, is it really as bad as you make it sound?

No. It's just different. And that can be good or bad depending on whether you have an open mind or not. The gambit system requires deep customization in order to enjoy it to its fullest. I know most of the people who hated the system did so because they had to constantly pause and nitpick skills and attacks every other second. If you know how to work the system, the game plays very smoothly -- and watching your gambits work out perfectly is an enjoyable accomplishment. FFXII was not made to have you pause the game and manually cure your party -- it was made to be less annoying and smooth, something many critics agreed with.

A more legitmate complaint would be that you could make every character just as good at anything -- swords, magic etc...

But you have to remember, this is a different approach to FF. It was made by the people who did FFT, and is even set in the world of Ivalice. In FFT you could make your characters whatever ****you wanted to -- and you see that in FF12 as well.

The story and characters were another complaint. This where FF bashers/"fans" really confuse me. (no spoliers)

Before, everyone would complain about how they were sick of groups of teenagers saving the world from an evil man. The stories of previous FF were more focused on a select few characters.

Well now FF12 tries something fresh, and the arguments turned around. FF12's setting is much broader, it is based on war and politics. We are finally given a more realistic approach to a fantasy story. The story is largely viewed from a street urchin named Vaan -- not a superhuman/clone/elite or hero in any sort of way. He is just normal and plays his part very well. He gets caught up in something much bigger and he actually does add value to the overall plot.

Because the setting was so broad, there was less character focused dialogue -- but we still got plenty of information on their personalities on how they developed -- if you were paying attention. There is no main bad guy, and we get to see alot of cool scenes of the enemy such as the dialogue among all the Judges.

At the end of the day -- FF12 sold millions, gamers loved it, critics loved it, and if you didn't -- is it so hard to see why other people did?

If you didn't enjoy it I would understand -- the game is pretty different from what you are used to. But the franchise had to change sometime, we can't be selfish and ask for the same thing over and over again. Games need to appeal to newer generations of gamers who don't have the patience for turn based random encounters. We have new technology -- we can do more, and for the better. FF changed itself and you should be proud that it did a pretty fine job of doing so.

So now let's look at the last popular "insult" to FF.


6. "Who wants to play as a girly man?"

Right? Who wants to play as a guy who likes a girl? You must be homosexual!

To defend FF against this level of ignorance is hard -- because it depends on how well you can be accepting of other people's cultures.

FF bashers like to use this picture most as "ownage":


Let's see here:

A.) Vaan is the youngest FF main character, and it would make sense for him to seem less "man grown".

B.) If you didn't notice -- he's ripped.

C.) It's concept art.

For people who actually played, did Vaan ever go into that stance or anything like it? Did he ever try to seduce you? Blow kisses to the camera? No, he did not. He is a street urchin, and looks more like Aladdin if you ask me. If you arn't comfortable with your sexuality I can understand your concern with the above picture.

Also, you need to understand that Final Fantasy is a Japanese made franchise,and for those who don't step outside their houses -- Japan is not the same as America or the U.K or wherever you are from. You also need to understand that a large amount of woman play Final Fantasy as well -- especially in Japan.

In western cultures we look up to men that look like this:


In easternr asian cultures, they look more like:


Basically, pretty boys are popular in Eastern Asia. I've been to Japan, and neither fat or muscular people exist there (exaggeration but pretty close). The guys walking around with the babes are skinny as hell, and are wearing incredibly stylish clothes and have some crazy hair****.

If this culture bothers you, or confuses your sexuality -- continue to stay inside your house. Hopefully most of you can respect other people's cultures and their values. Not to mention none of the FF characters were pansies.

And personally I think the metro ****looks more badass. When I see: sadfsadf

I think to myself:

That looks cool/badass

I wish I could pull that hair off


omg he is an emo girl and im not going to touch this game because of it

Based off of sales and popularity, it's safe to say more people agree that the characters look cool and unique over emo and girly. I like having a wide variety games with different looking characters. If everyone looked like Sam Fisher and Rambo -- it'd get old fast.

Are they prettied up beyond realism? Of course. But you see it in all forms of entertainment.

And calling someone homo for playing this games will always backfire on you because you are basically saying you only want to play as muscular manly man.

Neither side is homo (and if they're any gay people on this forum i mean no offense). It is completly natural to look at someone like Cloud or Sam Fisher and think, "Damn they look cool..."

And if you seriously don't like they way they look and it makes you very uncomfortable -- keep your mouth shut and have some respect.

Hey, and now for FFXIII the main character is a chick -- so we all win =).


I hope you all enjoyed the FF mega defense threads but I think this wraps it up. Again I did not make these to make you go back and play a game and say, "oh I guess I was wrong about this game, you rule Koalakommander!". I made these to give some insight on a truly well made string of games and why they should be respected -- even if you didn't personally enjoy them.

Make sure to vote for the next defense topic! And of course -- discuss this one =P.

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#2 Jared2720
Member since 2007 • 2200 Posts
Cool thread/post, but none of the 14 year old, pimple-faced, ADHD-Halo 3 Mountain Dew-drinking, G4-watching dorks will bother to read it. "WALL OF TEXT!!!!!! AHHHAhhahhha I cant read all fo that!!!!!!"
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#3 Koalakommander
Member since 2006 • 5462 Posts

Cool thread/post, but none of the 14 year old, pimple-faced, ADHD-Halo 3 Mountain Dew-drinking, G4-watching dorks will bother to read it. "WALL OF TEXT!!!!!! AHHHAhhahhha I cant read all fo that!!!!!!"Jared2720

the last one took off rather well, but you got a point.

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#4 Juggernaut140
Member since 2007 • 36011 Posts
The main character in FF13 is a guy?
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#5 Sparky04
Member since 2006 • 3390 Posts
Very good argument. Personally XII is my second favourite Final Fantasy. My favourite is VII, and my third is VI.
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#6 Koalakommander
Member since 2006 • 5462 Posts

The main character in FF13 is a guy?Juggernaut140

Funny man.

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#7 BreakingPoint8
Member since 2007 • 3347 Posts

Defend this.

Final Fantasy - 1987

Final Fantasy II - 1988

Final Fantasy III - 1990

Final Fantasy IV - 1991

Final Fantast V - 1992

Final Fantasy VI (III) - 1994

Final Fantasy VII - 1997

Final Fantasy VIII - 1999

Final Fantasy IX - 2000

Final Fantasy X - 2001

Final Fantasy XI online - 2002

post merger:

Final Fantasy XII - 2006

Final Fantasy XIII - TBD

I don't think anyone can say it was good for the Final Fantasy franchise when Square merged with Enix. They spend more time with the spin offs and cell phone games then they do preparing a new true Final Fantasy title.

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#8 Koalakommander
Member since 2006 • 5462 Posts

Defend this.

Final Fantasy - 1987

Final Fantasy II - 1988

Final Fantasy III - 1990

Final Fantasy IV - 1991

Final Fantast V - 1992

Final Fantasy VI (III) - 1994

Final Fantasy VII - 1997

Final Fantasy VIII - 1999

Final Fantasy IX - 2000

Final Fantasy X - 2001

Final Fantasy XI online - 2002

post merger:

Final Fantasy XII - 2006

Final Fantasy XIII - TBD

I don't think anyone can say it was good for the Final Fantasy franchise when Square merged with Enix. They spend more time with the spin offs and cell phone games then they do preparing a new true Final Fantasy title.


We still get our timely main installment. So how could I complain if they are trying new genres?

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#9 DucksBrains
Member since 2007 • 1146 Posts
I'll still say the series started losing its magic after VII.
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#10 Juggernaut140
Member since 2007 • 36011 Posts

[QUOTE="Juggernaut140"]The main character in FF13 is a guy?Koalakommander

Funny man.

No seriously, I had heard people saying it was a girl. WTF?

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#11 Veterngamer
Member since 2007 • 2037 Posts

I'm kinda torn.... I feel like "Final Fantasy" is definately used too much by SquareEnix.... but since almost every game has a different setting, the only thing really the same is the name..... I absolutely loved old school JRPG's.... FFVI, Breath of Fire II, Shining Force II are some of my favorites of all time....

... but as I've gotten older and have come to expect more, I feel like the JRPG is kinda sitting still as far as gameplay goes.

... come to think of it.... the biggest problem I have is the absolutely predictable stories and same (anti) hero, feminine main characters. Who are called out of their mediocre lives to SAVE THE WORLD! Because... they are special somehow.... ughh....

but obviously this is not just FF, this pertains to pretty much every JRPG.

IN closing, I'll be surprised if FFXIII is any different from what I've come to expect from JRPG's.

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#12 BreakingPoint8
Member since 2007 • 3347 Posts

Kingdom Hearts was before the merger, what new franchises came out that were better then the stuff back in the day?

Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, Vagrant Story, Parasite Eve, Xenogears, Secret of Mana...I'm going to stop because I'm making myself sad. :(

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#13 Koalakommander
Member since 2006 • 5462 Posts

I'm kinda torn.... I feel like "Final Fantasy" is definately used too much by SquareEnix.... but since almost every game has a different setting, the only thing really the same is the name..... I absolutely loved old school JRPG's.... FFVI, Breath of Fire II, Shining Force II are some of my favorites of all time....

... but as I've gotten older and have come to expect more, I feel like the JRPG is kinda sitting still as far as gameplay goes.

... come to think of it.... the biggest problem I have is the absolutely predictable stories and same (anti) hero, feminine main characters. Who are called out of their mediocre lives to SAVE THE WORLD! Because... they are special somehow.... ughh....

but obviously this is not just FF, this pertains to pretty much every JRPG.

IN closing, I'll be surprised if FFXIII is any different from what I've come to expect from JRPG's.


it's very different 0_o. I take it you didnt read much of my post..

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#14 kiruyama
Member since 2006 • 1205 Posts

The main character in FF13 is a guy?Juggernaut140


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#15 Koalakommander
Member since 2006 • 5462 Posts

Kingdom Hearts was before the merger, what new franchises came out that were better then the stuff back in the day?

Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, Vagrant Story, Parasite Eve, Xenogears, Secret of Mana...I'm going to stop because I'm making myself sad. :(


They are busy with:


FXIII Versus


Last Remnant

Infinite Undiscovery

All of those look promising, and two new IPs. I honestly can't complain. But yes -- they do make too many FF spinoffs.

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#16 Dopemonk736
Member since 2006 • 2731 Posts
LOL, who looks up to that guy? I could kick that guy's ass with my pinky finger.
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#17 Koalakommander
Member since 2006 • 5462 Posts

LOL, who looks up to that guy? I could kick that guy's ass with my pinky finger.Dopemonk736

Oh I'm sure...

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#18 Dopemonk736
Member since 2006 • 2731 Posts

[QUOTE="Dopemonk736"]LOL, who looks up to that guy? I could kick that guy's ass with my pinky finger.Koalakommander

Oh I'm sure...

um yeah :roll: I work out Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays and Weekends. I'm 6'2" and 232 lbs. I'm pretty sure I could kick that guys ass ;)

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#19 BreakingPoint8
Member since 2007 • 3347 Posts

Kingdom Hearts was before the merger, what new franchises came out that were better then the stuff back in the day?

Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, Vagrant Story, Parasite Eve, Xenogears, Secret of Mana...I'm going to stop because I'm making myself sad. :(


They are busy with:


FXIII Versus


Last Remnant

Infinite Undiscovery

All of those look promising, and two new IPs. I honestly can't complain. But yes -- they do make too many FF spinoffs.

Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy versus XIII I can understand, but Agito is a cell phone game it can't be that big of a project.

The Last Remnant is a good sign, it's being handled by one of the original Square production teams I believe.

Infinite Undiscovery is being made by tri-Ace, so it isn't really Square pushing new ideas since tri-Ace has always been close with Enix.

It just feels like the Enix side of things is holding the Square teams back by making them pump out Final Fantasy spin offs to increase revenue instead of pushing for new IPs.

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#20 Koalakommander
Member since 2006 • 5462 Posts

[QUOTE="Dopemonk736"]LOL, who looks up to that guy? I could kick that guy's ass with my pinky finger.Dopemonk736

Oh I'm sure...

um yeah :roll: I work out Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays and Weekends. I'm 6'2" and 232 lbs. I'm pretty sure I could kick that guys ass ;)

Oh, sorry. Well that wasn't the point anyways. You look like rambo -- you're a beefcake. Other cultures value different looks though..

Being able to kick his ass doesn't really prove anything.

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#21 naval
Member since 2003 • 11108 Posts
hmm... although i still think ff games are terrible, your defense against the point that 'ff games have girly characters' was quite good i must say
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#22 Koalakommander
Member since 2006 • 5462 Posts

Kingdom Hearts was before the merger, what new franchises came out that were better then the stuff back in the day?

Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, Vagrant Story, Parasite Eve, Xenogears, Secret of Mana...I'm going to stop because I'm making myself sad. :(


They are busy with:


FXIII Versus


Last Remnant

Infinite Undiscovery

All of those look promising, and two new IPs. I honestly can't complain. But yes -- they do make too many FF spinoffs.

Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy versus XIII I can understand, but Agito is a cell phone game it can't be that big of a project.

The Last Remnant is a good sign, it's being handled by one of the original Square production teams I believe.

Infinite Undiscovery is being made by tri-Ace, so it isn't really Square pushing new ideas since tri-Ace has always been close with Enix.

It just feels like the Enix side of things is holding the Square teams back by making them pump out Final Fantasy spin offs to increase revenue instead of pushing for new IPs.

You speak the truth, but some of the spin offs are decent games in their own right. I wonder if Crisis Core will be any good...

I would rather see old franchises make a comeback. But like I said, this thread is about the main installments for a reason..

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#23 Dopemonk736
Member since 2006 • 2731 Posts

[QUOTE="Dopemonk736"]LOL, who looks up to that guy? I could kick that guy's ass with my pinky finger.Koalakommander

Oh I'm sure...

um yeah :roll: I work out Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays and Weekends. I'm 6'2" and 232 lbs. I'm pretty sure I could kick that guys ass ;)

Oh, sorry. Well that wasn't the point anyways. You look like rambo -- you're a beefcake. Other cultures value different looks though..

Being able to kick his ass doesn't really prove anything.

eh, guess not. I got a little carried away, just because I love me some Rambo!

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#24 odin2019
Member since 2006 • 4677 Posts

Kingdom Hearts was before the merger, what new franchises came out that were better then the stuff back in the day?

Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, Vagrant Story, Parasite Eve, Xenogears, Secret of Mana...I'm going to stop because I'm making myself sad. :(


They are busy with:


FXIII Versus


Last Remnant

Infinite Undiscovery

All of those look promising, and two new IPs. I honestly can't complain. But yes -- they do make too many FF spinoffs.

Yeah its been a long time since I wanted to play Square game. The last game that looked really good to me was FFX and its the last game that I enjoyed playing from them. I have yet to play FFXII and I might pick it up. I have heard people say that it has the most boring story though and if I didn't like the story I would consider the game to suck. Anyway as of now they have only put out one good ff game since the release of the ps2. It really is to bad because instead of taking a step foward they took two steps back with the ps2. I really hope the next ff game and the other games square is releasing turn out to be good. Then again though its not like there was a ton of other companies making good rpgs. What happened to breath of fire? Although Square was really the only company I pretty much did buy rpgs from.

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#25 jalexbrown
Member since 2006 • 11432 Posts
I think there were some better Square games back in the day, but all-in-all, I think they're doing their best to come back strong. Both of their new IPs look amazing, and I'm glad to see both are coming to the 360 and PS3. With all the 360 support, I must wonder why Final Fantasy XIII won't see the 360. It's evident to me that Square Enix has nothing against the 360, so why not give the 360 owners Final Fantasy XIII as well as the PS3 owners? That's my one gripe about Square Enix is that even with the obvious 360 support, they still won't give 360 owners Final Fantasy XIII.
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#26 beast667
Member since 2005 • 3397 Posts

I don't think anyone can say it was good for the Final Fantasy franchise when Square merged with Enix. They spend more time with the spin offs and cell phone games then they do preparing a new true Final Fantasy title.


al least square enix sounds a lot cooler than square soft.

seriously though, this would probly be a problem without the merge, considering how popular FF got.

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#27 Koalakommander
Member since 2006 • 5462 Posts

I don't think anyone can say it was good for the Final Fantasy franchise when Square merged with Enix. They spend more time with the spin offs and cell phone games then they do preparing a new true Final Fantasy title.


al least square enix sounds a lot cooler than square soft.

seriously though, this would probly be a problem without the merge, considering how popular FF got.

Yeah FF has become much more mainstream thanks to Enix.

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#28 Blackbond
Member since 2005 • 24516 Posts

We debunked the following statements:

1. "It's milked and has lost all of its quality"


This crap again? Sighs....

2007 and Beyond

  1. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronoicles Ring of Fates (Wii)
  2. Final Fantasy Tactics Lion Wars (PSP)
  3. Final Fantasy II (Mobile)
  4. Final Fantasy XI Wings of the Goddess (MMORPG)
  5. Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wings (DS)
  6. Final Fantasy XII Internation Zodiac Job System (PS2)
  7. Final Fantasy VI (GBA)
  8. Final Fantasy II Anniversary Edition (PSP)
  9. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronoicles The Crystal Bearers (DS)
  10. Final Fantasy Fables Chocobo Tales (DS)
  11. Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Fuuketsu no Grimoire (DS)
  12. Final Fantasy Crysis Core (PSP)
  13. Final Fanasty IV (DS)
  14. Dissidia Final Fantasy (PSP)
  15. Final Fantasy Agito XIII (Mobile)
  16. Final Fantasy I (Mobile)
  17. Final Fantasy Versus XIII (PS3)
  18. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Young King and the Promised Land (WiiWare)

The above list is just ridiculous. Oh and I can't wait for FFXIII and its two or is it three spinoffs....

Man I miss the gold old days. Days when Square made a variety of JRPGS that weren't all named Final Fantasy. Now all we have is Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts and Dragon Quest :|

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#29 Prid3r
Member since 2004 • 8643 Posts

[QUOTE="Dopemonk736"]LOL, who looks up to that guy? I could kick that guy's ass with my pinky finger.Dopemonk736

Oh I'm sure...

um yeah :roll: I work out Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays and Weekends. I'm 6'2" and 232 lbs. I'm pretty sure I could kick that guys ass ;)

the weight you can lift wont make you beat somebody in a fight .

no matter how much weight you can lift , if you don't know how to fight , there no point .

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#30 -TheSecondSign-
Member since 2007 • 9301 Posts

FF 12 kicked anus. It rocked my socks. It flamboozled my flambobulator.

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#31 a_chalz
Member since 2007 • 441 Posts
what is this? too long dude. and really who cares?
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#32 beast667
Member since 2005 • 3397 Posts

what is this? too long dude. and really who cares?a_chalz
lolz, you obviously didnt read the second post

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#33 DeliriumGlo
Member since 2006 • 938 Posts

[QUOTE="Juggernaut140"]The main character in FF13 is a guy?Juggernaut140

Funny man.

No seriously, I had heard people saying it was a girl. WTF?

FF XIII has a girl for the main character. FF XIII Versus has a guy as the main character. Apparently to appease all people they are making two loosely connected games one which plays like Kingdom Hearts the other which plays like Final Fantasy. Either way it's win win.

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#34 mlbslugger86
Member since 2004 • 12867 Posts
this is a very good thread...and i have nothing against final fantasy, only thing is that i can't find a single thing to like about it, its just not my thing
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#35 Koalakommander
Member since 2006 • 5462 Posts

We debunked the following statements:

1. "It's milked and has lost all of its quality"


This crap again? Sighs....

2007 and Beyond

  1. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronoicles Ring of Fates (Wii)
  2. Final Fantasy Tactics Lion Wars (PSP)
  3. Final Fantasy II (Mobile)
  4. Final Fantasy XI Wings of the Goddess (MMORPG)
  5. Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wings (DS)
  6. Final Fantasy XII Internation Zodiac Job System (PS2)
  7. Final Fantasy VI (GBA)
  8. Final Fantasy II Anniversary Edition (PSP)
  9. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronoicles The Crystal Bearers (DS)
  10. Final Fantasy Fables Chocobo Tales (DS)
  11. Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Fuuketsu no Grimoire (DS)
  12. Final Fantasy Crysis Core (PSP)
  13. Final Fanasty IV (DS)
  14. Dissidia Final Fantasy (PSP)
  15. Final Fantasy Agito XIII (Mobile)
  16. Final Fantasy I (Mobile)
  17. Final Fantasy Versus XIII (PS3)
  18. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Young King and the Promised Land (WiiWare)

The above list is just ridiculous. Oh and I can't wait for FFXIII and its two or is it three spinoffs....

Man I miss the gold old days. Days when Square made a variety of JRPGS that weren't all named Final Fantasy. Now all we have is Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts and Dragon Quest :|

but hasn't lost all of its quality..

but i understand what you are saying, just like before.

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#36 footfoe2
Member since 2007 • 3014 Posts

Cool thread/post, but none of the 14 year old, pimple-faced, ADHD-Halo 3 Mountain Dew-drinking, G4-watching dorks will bother to read it. "WALL OF TEXT!!!!!! AHHHAhhahhha I cant read all fo that!!!!!!"Jared2720
dont diss mountain dew but go ahead and dis g4 even thou im watching it right now

/tread good job man my major complaint with FF12 was the leveling up i didnt like it i would have rather put pionts straight into stats

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#37 neogeo419
Member since 2006 • 1474 Posts

[QUOTE="Dopemonk736"]LOL, who looks up to that guy? I could kick that guy's ass with my pinky finger.Prid3r

Oh I'm sure...

um yeah :roll: I work out Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays and Weekends. I'm 6'2" and 232 lbs. I'm pretty sure I could kick that guys ass ;)

the weight you can lift wont make you beat somebody in a fight .

no matter how much weight you can lift , if you don't know how to fight , there no point .

That's right. So your 232lbs. I'm 6'4 265, and work out on my Bowflex 2-3 times a week, but I gurantee someone like Jens Pulver or Takanori Gomi( both who I am about 7 inches, and over 100lbs bigger than) could take me down.
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#38 jg4xchamp
Member since 2006 • 64040 Posts
the combat in most rpgs suck IMO.

THe story was borderline stupid in 12.

11 sucked well not really, i just dont like MMOs.

12 was the worst FF IMO but come on even square has made mistakes before.

I think FF 13 is gonna be a ton of fun and the story will be really good, FF 12 was just a dumb main character, bad dialogue, and really a bit of a knock off.

so basically i dont hate Final Fantasy. 12 just sucked.
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#39 Blackbond
Member since 2005 • 24516 Posts

We debunked the following statements:

1. "It's milked and has lost all of its quality"


This crap again? Sighs....

2007 and Beyond

  1. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronoicles Ring of Fates (Wii)
  2. Final Fantasy Tactics Lion Wars (PSP)
  3. Final Fantasy II (Mobile)
  4. Final Fantasy XI Wings of the Goddess (MMORPG)
  5. Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wings (DS)
  6. Final Fantasy XII Internation Zodiac Job System (PS2)
  7. Final Fantasy VI (GBA)
  8. Final Fantasy II Anniversary Edition (PSP)
  9. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronoicles The Crystal Bearers (DS)
  10. Final Fantasy Fables Chocobo Tales (DS)
  11. Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Fuuketsu no Grimoire (DS)
  12. Final Fantasy Crysis Core (PSP)
  13. Final Fanasty IV (DS)
  14. Dissidia Final Fantasy (PSP)
  15. Final Fantasy Agito XIII (Mobile)
  16. Final Fantasy I (Mobile)
  17. Final Fantasy Versus XIII (PS3)
  18. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Young King and the Promised Land (WiiWare)

The above list is just ridiculous. Oh and I can't wait for FFXIII and its two or is it three spinoffs....

Man I miss the gold old days. Days when Square made a variety of JRPGS that weren't all named Final Fantasy. Now all we have is Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts and Dragon Quest :|

but hasn't lost all of its quality..

but i understand what you are saying, just like before.

So how can you say its not milked? There are more Final Fantasy's on the horizon then Megaman, Sonic, and Mario games combined.....

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#40 jg4xchamp
Member since 2006 • 64040 Posts

We debunked the following statements:

1. "It's milked and has lost all of its quality"


This crap again? Sighs....

2007 and Beyond

  1. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronoicles Ring of Fates (Wii)
  2. Final Fantasy Tactics Lion Wars (PSP)
  3. Final Fantasy II (Mobile)
  4. Final Fantasy XI Wings of the Goddess (MMORPG)
  5. Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wings (DS)
  6. Final Fantasy XII Internation Zodiac Job System (PS2)
  7. Final Fantasy VI (GBA)
  8. Final Fantasy II Anniversary Edition (PSP)
  9. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronoicles The Crystal Bearers (DS)
  10. Final Fantasy Fables Chocobo Tales (DS)
  11. Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Fuuketsu no Grimoire (DS)
  12. Final Fantasy Crysis Core (PSP)
  13. Final Fanasty IV (DS)
  14. Dissidia Final Fantasy (PSP)
  15. Final Fantasy Agito XIII (Mobile)
  16. Final Fantasy I (Mobile)
  17. Final Fantasy Versus XIII (PS3)
  18. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Young King and the Promised Land (WiiWare)

The above list is just ridiculous. Oh and I can't wait for FFXIII and its two or is it three spinoffs....

Man I miss the gold old days. Days when Square made a variety of JRPGS that weren't all named Final Fantasy. Now all we have is Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts and Dragon Quest :|

exactly where is vagrant story, where is parasite eve.

I mean ever since square and enix merged they both sucked.

Its the whole monopoly over jrpgs. They milk everything now.
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#41 Koalakommander
Member since 2006 • 5462 Posts

We debunked the following statements:

1. "It's milked and has lost all of its quality"


This crap again? Sighs....

2007 and Beyond

  1. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronoicles Ring of Fates (Wii)
  2. Final Fantasy Tactics Lion Wars (PSP)
  3. Final Fantasy II (Mobile)
  4. Final Fantasy XI Wings of the Goddess (MMORPG)
  5. Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wings (DS)
  6. Final Fantasy XII Internation Zodiac Job System (PS2)
  7. Final Fantasy VI (GBA)
  8. Final Fantasy II Anniversary Edition (PSP)
  9. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronoicles The Crystal Bearers (DS)
  10. Final Fantasy Fables Chocobo Tales (DS)
  11. Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Fuuketsu no Grimoire (DS)
  12. Final Fantasy Crysis Core (PSP)
  13. Final Fanasty IV (DS)
  14. Dissidia Final Fantasy (PSP)
  15. Final Fantasy Agito XIII (Mobile)
  16. Final Fantasy I (Mobile)
  17. Final Fantasy Versus XIII (PS3)
  18. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Young King and the Promised Land (WiiWare)

The above list is just ridiculous. Oh and I can't wait for FFXIII and its two or is it three spinoffs....

Man I miss the gold old days. Days when Square made a variety of JRPGS that weren't all named Final Fantasy. Now all we have is Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts and Dragon Quest :|

but hasn't lost all of its quality..

but i understand what you are saying, just like before.

So how can you say its not milked? There are more Final Fantasy's on the horizon then Megaman, Sonic, and Mario games combined.....

it is milked. but not in a negative way like sonic is. they are squeezing money out of a franchise, but at least they are trying to make the games decent.

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#42 Hoobinator
Member since 2006 • 6899 Posts

[QUOTE="Dopemonk736"]LOL, who looks up to that guy? I could kick that guy's ass with my pinky finger.Dopemonk736

Oh I'm sure...

um yeah :roll: I work out Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays and Weekends. I'm 6'2" and 232 lbs. I'm pretty sure I could kick that guys ass ;)

Wow. E-Thug returns again. So what if you could. Why should people look up to you because you can beat them up. That makes you awesome. :|

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#43 rowzzr
Member since 2005 • 2375 Posts

hmm... although i still think ff games are terrible, your defense against the point that 'ff games have girly characters' was quite good i must saynaval

i agree. :p i like FF's. but they have to stop sometime. and, why do people have to defend FF? the games have enough fanbase as they come.

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#44 jalexbrown
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I want to know where all the old quality franchises are. Why can't Square make a new Parasite Eve game? Parasite Eve was an awesome series, and I'd love to see Parasite Eve 3. It won't happen, though, because Square has abandoned anything that's not Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts. What a shame. Final Fantasy is in their top three IPs, but Kingdom Hearts definitely isn't.
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#45 Hoobinator
Member since 2006 • 6899 Posts

[QUOTE="Dopemonk736"]LOL, who looks up to that guy? I could kick that guy's ass with my pinky finger.Prid3r

Oh I'm sure...

um yeah :roll: I work out Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays and Weekends. I'm 6'2" and 232 lbs. I'm pretty sure I could kick that guys ass ;)

the weight you can lift wont make you beat somebody in a fight .

no matter how much weight you can lift , if you don't know how to fight , there no point .

That's why I mastered the 4 Wude. ;)

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#46 Koalakommander
Member since 2006 • 5462 Posts

[QUOTE="naval"]hmm... although i still think ff games are terrible, your defense against the point that 'ff games have girly characters' was quite good i must sayrowzzr

i agree. :p i like FF's. but they have to stop sometime. and, why do people have to defend FF? the games have enough fanbase as they come.

feel free to copy and paste the girly men argument whenever someone tries to use it against FF =P

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#47 Animal-Mother
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I'll still say the series started losing its magic after VII.DucksBrains
i'd say 8 because that game, literally took me on a 2 year ride
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#48 kingfire11
Member since 2005 • 1498 Posts

I'm sorry to say that FF went down after FF10, I was really hyped for X-2 and what I got? a girly game with a terrible story, it just sucked, then I waited for the next one, I got it, I actually liked the new combat system, but disliked everything else, the story is laughable, voice acting is zero, the charctars have no life or depth, they're just suddenly their, I was expecting soemthing amazing from a huge franchise like FF but it didn't happen.

as for reviews and score, I don't believe in them anymore after what happened to Jeff.

the best in the seires was FF7, and after all these years they couldn't make a better one, what a shame.

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#49 aznfool07
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I wonder what would happen if the next FF main character was a bald (or buzzed cut), muscular guy...
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#50 SkullboyX
Member since 2004 • 6407 Posts
Square needs to make a Fantasy that's actually................................ Final