Does Microsoft have any plans to Compete with the PS4?

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#151 John_of_Rivia
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@LJS9502_basic: Too bad you're the one spewing BS and nonsense. Haven't refuted I've said. You made a blanket statement and couldn't support it. Oh well.

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#152  Edited By QuadKnight
Member since 2015 • 12916 Posts

@waahahah: actually we don't know that FF7 is coming to Xbox, stop spewing shit. It could be the SFV scenario all over again. Sony has more games and far more studios with worldwide appeal than MS and its yearly rehashes of GearsHaloFlopza. There's really nothing MS can do to catch up with Sony. In Asia they are pretty much dead and in Europe they are only doing slightly better than WiiU thanks to UK. In U.S. they are struggling and PS4 beats them every month with the occasional or 2 months they win in a year. Sony is just one price drop away from demolishing them again in the U.S. this holiday. Elsewhere like in Africa and the Arabian peninsula they are nonexistent. The answer to the OP's question is, no they can't compete, even if they drop to $199 with a free date with Kate Upton I doubt they would catch up in the U.S. much less worldwide.

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#153 OhSnapitz
Member since 2002 • 19282 Posts

Neither one are "competing" at the moment. Both lineups (save for a few gems) are pretty meh.

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#154 waahahah
Member since 2014 • 2462 Posts

@quadknight said:

@waahahah: actually we don't know that FF7 is coming to Xbox, stop spewing shit. It could be the SFV scenario all over again. Sony has more games and far more studios with workdwide appeal than MS and its yearly rehashes of GearsHaloFlopza. There's really nothing MS can do to catch up with Sony. In Asia they are pretty much dead and in Europe they are only doing slightly better than WiiU thanks to UK. In U.S. they are struggling and PS4 beats them every month with the occasional or 2 months they win in a year. Sony is just one price drop away from demolishing them again in the U.S. this holiday. Elsewhere like in Africa and the Arabian peninsula they are nin-existent. The answer to the OP's question is, no they can't compete, even if they drop to $199 with a free date with Kate Upton I doubt they would catch up in the U.S. much less worldwide.

M$ has a lot more than rehashes this and next year. So OP is wrong in that comparison.

FF7 is not PS4 exclusive... its timed. So OP is adding games that don't "count" in system wars... I don't see tomb raider on the OP

PS4 is doing better but M$ is actually competing quite a bit. To say they aren't is pretty much stupid.

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#155 cainetao11
Member since 2006 • 38036 Posts

@quadknight said:

@waahahah: actually we don't know that FF7 is coming to Xbox, stop spewing shit. It could be the SFV scenario all over again. Sony has more games and far more studios with worldwide appeal than MS and its yearly rehashes of GearsHaloFlopza. There's really nothing MS can do to catch up with Sony. In Asia they are pretty much dead and in Europe they are only doing slightly better than WiiU thanks to UK. In U.S. they are struggling and PS4 beats them every month with the occasional or 2 months they win in a year. Sony is just one price drop away from demolishing them again in the U.S. this holiday. Elsewhere like in Africa and the Arabian peninsula they are nonexistent. The answer to the OP's question is, no they can't compete, even if they drop to $199 with a free date with Kate Upton I doubt they would catch up in the U.S. much less worldwide.

Who needs to catch up? They're giving me the games and features I want to play. There's more than Halo gears and Forza coming to this console. You don't have to like them, play them or care. I own a PS4 and the only thing that has gotten any real time from me is Bloodborne. I wont ever buy/play Disgea, Persona, Tales, FF or those types of games.

Yes Sony will out sell them, that's a forgone conclusion. Is that important to you? Why? Do you have a financial stake in this? Or is it you like being just like the majority? Following the herd? I own SNE shares. Do you?

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#156 david61983
Member since 2013 • 288 Posts

I just bought an Xbone after being a Sony person for a while. Probably 90% of the games I play are multiplats and there isn't much difference between the two consoles. I can't really tell the difference after watching comparison videos on Youtube. MS is also offering BC which is a huge plus. It's also a lot cheaper than the PS4. I got my Xbone with 2 wireless controllers, AC Unity and BlackFlag, the Witcher 3, and 3 months of Gold all for $349 from Amazon. MS Store has a similar deal going on now. Seemed like the way to go for me, and I'm sure many will start to agree. MS is just starting to flex itself.

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#157  Edited By j2zon2591
Member since 2005 • 3571 Posts

They're competing specially with the decent bundles and deals at least in N/A.

As for wanting a neck and neck global competition, don't think that's likely to happen.

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#158 NoodleFighter
Member since 2011 • 11821 Posts

@MonsieurX said:

Résolution doesn't matter for consolites, it's written 1080p on the back of the box of the game...just like it was last gen.

And obligatory do you have any plans to stop making terrible threads?

LMAO I wonder what happened to that line, I wonder how stupid they feel now that they see real 1080p and all these years kept saying it was 1080p cuz the back of the box said so or how upscaled is just as good.

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#159 360ru13r
Member since 2008 • 1856 Posts

@ProtossX dawg here have a snickers. You turn in a troll when your hunger, high, and drunk. Geez

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#160 Strutten
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@tormentos said:
@SecretPolice said:


You're simply weak after week after weak after week.... nuff said.

Butbutbut Halo will last me until next

Next holiday ? wuut, as far i know there is games coming out in early/mid 2016 ?..
who am i kiddin' right ?, its the dude talking out of his a**..

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#161 Strutten
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@ProtossX said:

1080p batman on ps4 / 900p on xbone = Which means the 900p version is stretched over the screen and is not built for my TV. I hate stretched shit I want it to be built for the ground up for my television I don't want a stretched image period for my console experience.

Downloads speeds are horrible on xbox one, it took me 18 hours to download halo mcc I have 60 mbps connection xbone was capping my speed at around 5-15 mbps my ps4 i get 25-35 thats almost double. Its the same internet on both same wifi hitting both there both in the same spot so WTF?

Phil spencer didn't say shit about increasing download speeds he didn't say a word about it this e3 The disc installs take 3 times longer. When I put in dragon age inq on xbone took hours to install put the same game disc into ps4 took 5 minutes WHY WHY WHY WHY? that is not competitive it's just not why is this happening still why are you not competing this is a business you have to compete you have to do it.

Microsoft is not a good software company anymore. The ps4 and sony are the superior software company now as seen by the UI being faster, cleaner, crisper. They are the best software company now imo. There stuff works fast the downloads and disc installs are faster this stuff all comes to software. Sony is now the superior software company.

Xbone online and services down all the time everytime I log into the website some services are down (with the little red message saying warning some services limited every fucking time i login I see this basically. I haven't seen ps4 go down once not fucking once since I've had it not one service has went down.

They didn't fix the xbone controller the bumpers are LOUD as **** on the new ones even the 150 dollar one the bumpers are still loud and are made out of cheap as shit material, this is nothing like a 360 remastered controller quality no just no.

The only upgrade is the headphone jack thats it and the bumpers are still loud as **** and d-pads looks like a steam machine one now and still uses batteries, its plastic not hard like the 360 one and cost 150 dollars doesn't make any sense at all why not fix the all problems instead of just one if your gonna revamp it.

The backwards compatibility was running games like mass effect at 10 fps during intro stage not a big city i am scared. I am scared of what those games look like during big battles. I'm not even gonna try it out still have my 360 so no point at all.

They have none of the big IP's they said you can get fallout 3 ONLY if you buy fallout 4 so if you have fallout 3 disc you can't even run it on this service, this is not free backwards compatibility those big IP games mean nothing from what i've seen which is basically my whole library of games.

So Microsoft repeatedly aren't giving what i want sony is giving me everything they have messed up once the system just flat out works and games, I pop in disc i'm playing 10 mins, i download from the store way faster than the xbone. why the hell would i complain about ps4 at all at this point they've done nothing wrong at all an xbone does everything wrong.


FF7 Remastered (so far not coming to pc)

Horizon (not coming to pc)

Uncharted 4 (not coming to pc)

Persona 5 (not my kinda game but NOT coming to PC)

Bloodborne (not coming to PC you can only play this on ps4 right now right?)

MLB the show (not coming to pc XBOX DOESNT EVEN HAVE a fucking official baseball game right now nor does PC)

DriveClub (free version coming out tomorrow i hate racers but i still wanna look at it for free)

Order 1886 (not on pc)


Ryse (went to pc)

Dead Rising 3(went to pc)

TitanFall (went to pc sequel coming to ps4 WTF prolly 1080p best version)

MCC (rumors of coming to PC even though it said only on xbox one on the game consumers might want to contact lawyers for lying to consumers if this does make its way over they said only on xbox one on the box so thats a lie to consumers if it goes to pc) - that guy major nelson said message received when someone asked him for this an sunset overdrive on pc.

So PS4 has none of its games that are really going to PC and thats why pc gamers embrace the ps4 thats why its selling 25+ million 2x as much as xbone. Microsoft stop embracing pc, your doing it wrong microsoft your so far off course you dunno what course your on and that's why the system isn't selling and your losing tons of market share to sony when you should be even with them at the very least competing.

They need Xbone only exclusives / faster downloads than ps4 / faster installs than ps4 / higher resolution than ps4 / exclusives that are good like bloodborne

Were sick of this being treated like crap by microsoft as an xbone owner i've totally stopped buying multiplats on it, and the exclusive its on pc i don't touch it anymore i'm never using that level of backwards compatibility either id rather use neither ps now or this one.

Oh and im not buying Rise of the Tomb Raider for 60 on xbone release because most of the original tomb raider games probably sold when the game was 20 dollars on ps4

Thats what im gonna wait for since I have both systems ill wait till it comes after it comes out on xbone then wait awhile for pc/ps4 and ill probably get the 20 dollar ps4 version that is 1080p looks sexy and doesn't cost me an arm leg for a new age movie game. I don't want to buy this game brand new on xbone that's the problem I think I wouldn't want to buy it new on ps4 either im waiting for 20 dollars on this, and if doesn't come to ps4 ever ill check it out on pc or xbone, like i said that be better be a full fledged exclusive or your screwed on it cuz people wanna wait for price drops.

I'm not some random 1% forum user I talk to friends all the time about how shitty xbone is so if you think were not affecting the market your living in a alternate reality. Were on the forums were on the comments section, were on twitter, if you don't want to please us thats fine. The casuals will see what were saying all over the fucking internet so its time you fucking listen now before the casuals see what were saying fix your fucking console even big media sites like ign and gamespot are ragging on you let alone hardcore forum people.

Strecthed image Dude what the f are you talking about lol ? i really shouldnt go on with this - but here goes ;

As for download speed and such, care to take 2 screencaps one being "detailed network statistics" on xbox, and one to prove that you got 60.. asked you this once before.. but you refused ergo no hold in that argument.. xbox doesnt cap your speeds lol.. either lying or router/modem problems.
on the other hand, ps doesnt let me get full speeds at all, wired or not.. though its through ps3... only tried ps4 for a day (friend brought one, seems better though)

As for install speeds, you used dragon age, again just tried what you said.. didnt even take 20-30mins, incl patch.. (got 90/90) for patch and install via disc.

As for xbox being down all the time, is a flat out lie also.. im online every day, no issues at all.. even sites like "isitdown and all the other sites showing which and what is down - says otherwise". again another lie.

and the controller, dude you cant even get em' yet.. lol

Backwards thing, you do know its not finalized yet right as in beta, since you use GAF quite often and such, you should know all the above stuff is a flat out lie.

also last thing, why are you showing upcoming games for ps, and only show what 4 games for xbox one ? Dude get a life, just that you believe all this BS you are saying, is seriously unhealty..

ALSO : ARE MODS SLEEPING, how in the effing can threads like this not be locked, or just how can you allow users to either attack/make threads just to troll or just make flat out lies?.. just wondering thats all.

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#162 LJS9502_basic
Member since 2003 • 178883 Posts

@john_of_rivia said:

@LJS9502_basic: Too bad you're the one spewing BS and nonsense. Haven't refuted I've said. You made a blanket statement and couldn't support it. Oh well.

Wrong again. YOU made the blanket statement. I called you out on it. You can't support it. You can't deflect the fact.

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#163  Edited By John_of_Rivia
Member since 2015 • 232 Posts

@LJS9502_basic: Still with this? Lol.

The only thing I said was: Sony lets you play your PS3 games for a fee. There's a little thing called reading comprehension. It lets a reader know that: A) because I was referring to BC, it only stands to reason that I was referring to PS3 games on a PS4 and B) that I never said they make you do anything. You're given a choice and I laid out the choice: pay to play PS3 games on your PS4 or don't. It's you who tried to be clever and say they let you play PS3 games on your PS3, which had nothing to do with what I was talking about. Just can't admit you're wrong. You have yet to point out ANY blanket statement I made which is false. But here let me lay it out so you understand.

Have a PS3? Play PS3 games (maybe older games depending on the model.

Have a PS4? Play PS4 games.

Want to play PS3 games on your PS4? Sure, but there will be a fee.

So from this list, which is a "blanket statement" that can't be backed up with everything I've said.

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#164 LJS9502_basic
Member since 2003 • 178883 Posts

@john_of_rivia said:

@LJS9502_basic: Still with this? Lol.

The only thing I said was: Sony lets you play your PS3 games for a fee. There's a little thing called reading comprehension. It lets a reader know that: A) because I was referring to BC, it only stands to reason that I was referring to PS3 games on a PS4 and B) that I never said they make you do anything. You're given a choice and I laid out the choice: pay to play PS3 games on your PS4 or don't. It's you who tried to be clever and say they let you play PS3 games on your PS3, which had nothing to do with what I was talking about. Just can't admit you're wrong. You have yet to point out ANY blanket statement I made which is false. But here let me lay it out so you understand.

Have a PS3? Play PS3 games (maybe older games depending on the model.

Have a PS4? Play PS4 games.

Want to play PS3 games on your PS4? Sure, but there will be a fee.

So from this list, which is a "blanket statement" that can't be backed up with everything I've said.

LOL this is too easy.

You want to talk about the various ways to play old games on new consoles then yes we can. Just stop trying to do mental gymnastics for your own bias.

Any game you are playing on either machine as has a fee. PERIOD. Yes SOME games from the 360 can be played on the one. The game was bought at some point in time however. It's not a free game you are getting. Therefore there is really no difference with the person who never played the game on the PS3 buying it on the PS4. Old game played on new console.....not for free.

You continue to assume someone that played a PS3 game is going to repurchase the game. I have asked repeatedly for your evidence that this is happening to ANY degree and you have provided none. In fact you tried to shift the burden to me. You do know some 360 gamers switched this gen? They wouldn't have had a chance to play those games. New people come into gaming all the's why it's not a dead industry....they wouldn't have had a chance to play those games. Some people missed games on the first run through....they wouldn't have had a chance to play those games. There is nothing wrong with making games available. And yes....those 360 games had a few attached. Hypocrite.

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#165 applefan1991  Moderator
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This thread started out very poor and just continued to get worse.