Does anyone think that next gen consoles will beat PC? I don't. Do you?

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#1 SoraX64
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Disclaimer: I love console gaming, I've been mainly a console gamer my entire life, and I plan to continue being a console gamer on top of being a PC gamer. Disclaimer 2: This is about GRAPHICS only. I'm not a graphics whore, but I'm here to talk about graphics right now because they are the main form of comparing different platforms. Disclaimer 3: With the screenshots I posted below, I am not trying to say for certain that those are the best that each had to offer, I'm only using them to show the general idea. Now, we know that the current consoles are outdated, but are still making small improvements in their graphical fidelity because of the developers and their skillful optimizations. The consoles run old hardware, and are in dire need of replacements if they want to advance their graphical capabilities; we've pretty much reached their limit with games like Gears 3 and Uncharted 3. Let's just say, for the sake of this thread, that the best looking PC game is Crysis 2. Is it the best looking PC game? Maybe, maybe not, but that isn't the important part here. It's one of the best looking games, and that's what we need here. Compare Crysis 2 to Uncharted 3 and Gears 3. Would you say that Crysis looks only a little better, or a lot better? I would say that it looks a lot better; higher resolution, DX11, textures, and so on make Crysis 2 on the PC superior to any console game, graphically. And to play a game like Crysis 2 at the maximum settings, you're going to need a GPU about on the level of an HD6950. With that being said, what kind of GPU do you think we will be seeing in future generation consoles? Will it be on the level with an HD6950? No, probably not, unless we are planning on having watercooled, $700 consoles that look like PCs. I will venture the guess that the next generation of consoles will use a GPU about on the level of a GTX460 or an HD6850, or lower. Why is this? Because of: A) Heat - we have to be careful with heat in our consoles, they are smaller and more confined than PCs. B) Power - better components require more power, in MOST cases. C) Size - consoles have a small form factor, always. They aren't meant to be big and bulky like PCs. D) Affordability - better components cost more money. And after the PS3 started poorly due to its price, I doubt the big three are going to make incredibly expensive consoles. They want to appeal to the market that will sell the most units and make the most money; this market would, arguably, be the casual market. Thus, I predict that the big 3 will aim for a $350-$500 price point for their new consoles. Keep in mind this is just my own prediction. With all of that taken in to mind, even an HD6850 seems to be pushing it. Consoles can utilise their hardware better than PCs because they are designed for gaming; this is why we get such good looking games on dated hardware (optimization is a big factor as well, though). This leads me to believe that we will see GPUs on level with the lower end HD6000 series, or something like the GT550. With those, a console could play games at 1080p and 30fps, most likely. BUT we forget one thing: the time it takes for devs to move on to a new hardware set. We see this every generation! As a console generation goes on, the graphics get better, because developers get more accustomed to the hardware and they start to optimize better. Early PS3 games don't look NEARLY as good as later PS3 games like Uncharted 3, Killzone 3, and so on. This is the trend with new console hardware. So, let's go back to Gears 3 and Crysis 2. Let's call Crysis 2 the "plateau" of graphics. The highest attainable point at this time. Let's say Gears 3 is about 3/4 up the mountain, it's getting close to that plateau but it isn't quite there. That is the limit of the current consoles. The new consoles will release, and the hardware will be able to reach the plateau; Crysis 2 won't be king anymore, there will be many kings. Unless a PC game comes out before the new consoles that looks better than Crysis 2 (which is likely), that is. Here's the punchline: graphics aren't just going to get better at that point. The consoles will be able to match Crysis 2, but the developers won't be able to have their games fully optimized yet. That usually takes quite a while, since they are constantly working on that. During that time period, newer, better PC hardware will be released, and the PC will get better looking games. Also, as developers improve graphics, time will pass the PC will be able to run these improved engines better. Let's look at it like this: The PS4 will release in a few years, and along with it will come some great looking launch titles. Third party developers will have spent only a little time with the console, and so the first year or so of games will only look good, not great. Improvements will slowly start to be made. At the same time of the PS4 release, let's assume we get "Crysis 3". Crysis 3 is an improvement over Crysis 2, and it is being made as a launch title for the new consoles, as well as the PC. Crysis 3 is ALMOST equal on all platforms; the consoles have weaker hardware, but better utilisation and optimization allow them to -almost- match the PC, maybe even match it.. But it won't be better, because the PC still has more advanced and expensive hardware. Eventually, the developers get really good at making games on the new consoles, so they start to look better. So let's say by the release of "Crysis 4", the consoles have come a long way and look really really great. Crysis 4 comes out about two years after Crysis 3, so the developers are all over this. By then, though, the PC will have gotten better hardware. Do you see what I'm getting at now? The consoles still have the same hardware as they did when they released, but the PC has newer and more advanced hardware. Two years ago, the consoles were about equal to the PC. Now, the consoles have the same hardware, but the PC has improved. Opimization can't make up for the difference yet, because the hardware is starting to limit itself. So in the end, the consoles touch the PC, but then the PC slowly lifts itself out of the consoles' grasp, just like what happened this generation. PC 2006: [spoiler] [/spoiler] Console 2006: [spoiler] [/spoiler] PC 2007: [spoiler] [/spoiler] Console 2007: [spoiler] [/spoiler] Let's look at what we have there. In 2006, Gears of War on the 360 was arguably the best looking console game available. On the PC, a game like Company of Heroes was considered up there. (note: I took these from IGN's awards for best graphics technology for each year, since I don't have a 360 and didn't follow PC gaming back then as much) Gears of War looks, I would say, maybe even BETTER than Company of Heroes. Consoles have some pretty good technology for the time, and their better utilisation and optimization caused Gears to look on par or better with a PC game (it's up to you to decide which looks better, though I think it is Gears). In 2007, the winner of the award on IGN for the 360 was Bioshock, and on the PC it was Crysis. Crysis is still, to this day, considered one of the best looking games. From those screenshots, it is clear, to me at least, that Crysis beats Bioshock. Basically, in 2007 PC beat consoles. Why is this? Because console optimization wasn't enough to match advanced technology on the PC. Almost, but not quite. As the years go on, this starts to get a little bit more noticable, until today, where Crysis 2 beats Gears 3 by about 1.5x, in my eyes. So I speculate that consoles will not surpass the PC for the next generation, graphics-wise. Maybe for a while the games will look similar or even a little better, but I think history will repeat itself again. I'm mostly interested in seeing the poll results, so we can get a general consensus to look back on in a few years. I'm not trying to start a flame war or say that the PC is NUMBAH ONE AND BETTER THAN THE PLEBIAN CONSOLE RACE, because I don't think that. I'm just looking at it the way I see it, and trying to see if other people think that way too, or, if not, what they think will happen. What do you think, SW?
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#2 Lucianu
Member since 2007 • 10347 Posts

Your spoiler pics are definitely not good, at all. Are you kidding me, man?

Far Cry 1, HL2 and Doom 3 look infinitely better, at max, compared to every single one of those shots. And those were released in 2004. How about FEAR, which was released in 2005.


Apart from 2007.

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#4 BrunoBRS
Member since 2005 • 74156 Posts
TL;DR :P anyway, putting it simply, it's technically impossible for consoles to outdo the PC. anything a console can have, the PC can have too. it's much more powerful in that matter. and PC is much more flexible too. most people own a computer that can play at least some low-end games, while consoles are sort of this separate experience. regardless, i'll still buy a wii u, and if i get the chance, a PS4.
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#5 SoraX64
Member since 2008 • 29221 Posts

Your spoiler pics are definitely not good, at all. Are you kidding me, man?

Far Cry 1, HL2 and Doom 3 look infinitely better, at max, compared to every single one of those shots. And those were released in 2004. How about FEAR, which was released in 2005.


My apologies, like I said, I didn't exactly follow those games at that point. If you have better shots to share, I'd love to use them. I only had IGN to go by for that. They weren't the main point of my post anyway. :P
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#6 SoraX64
Member since 2008 • 29221 Posts

You have 28k posts. I cant believe you would start a pathetic thread like this.

I don't think it's pathetic at all, in fact, if you read it all (which I doubt you did, given how quick your response is), you would see that my goal here was to see what people thought. I know that my opinion might not be the general consensus. [QUOTE="BrunoBRS"]TL;DR :P anyway, putting it simply, it's technically impossible for consoles to outdo the PC. anything a console can have, the PC can have too. it's much more powerful in that matter. and PC is much more flexible too. most people own a computer that can play at least some low-end games, while consoles are sort of this separate experience. regardless, i'll still buy a wii u, and if i get the chance, a PS4.

I think you tl;dr'd it yourself. :P "anything a console can have, the PC can have too. it's much more powerful in that matter."
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#7 balfe1990
Member since 2009 • 6747 Posts

Maybe for a fleeting second at launch but it wouldn't make sense mathematically speaking that console games will look on par, or better, than PC games a year after launch, especially when you take Moore's Law into consideration.

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#8 Silverbond
Member since 2008 • 16130 Posts

Consoles have never been able to beat the PC...

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#10 Lucianu
Member since 2007 • 10347 Posts

My apologies, like I said, I didn't exactly follow those games at that point. If you have better shots to share, I'd love to use them. I only had IGN to go by for that. They weren't the main point of my post anyway. :PSoraX64

Ah, not atm. since truth be told, i am lazy.. But if those aren't important then it doesn't really matter anyway.

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#11 HaloinventedFPS
Member since 2010 • 4738 Posts

Gears looked way better on PC when it was ported like a year later

and by the way, Fear 1 on PC looked better then Gears 1 on 360, problem was very few PC's could max Fear 1 at something above 1280x1024, so i guess Gears was better for its time.

Higher resolution/AA/AF really helps old games age well

Doom 3 with mods beat Gears aswell, but same problem as Fear, very few PC's could max it

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#12 SoraX64
Member since 2008 • 29221 Posts

[QUOTE="SoraX64"]My apologies, like I said, I didn't exactly follow those games at that point. If you have better shots to share, I'd love to use them. I only had IGN to go by for that. They weren't the main point of my post anyway. :PLucianu

Ah, not atm. since truth be told, i am lazy.. But if those aren't important then it doesn't really matter anyway.

I wanted the screenshots mainly as a visual way of comparing, but they weren't really necessary, I think. I realise a thread like this doesn't really have a point, in retrospect, but I was curious to see how many people think one way or another. Because I think it IS possible for consoles to maybe reach PC level, if graphics hit a standstill. Also, I have seen people that genuinely seem to think that the current PC games don't look much better than current console games, and since this type of thing is up to the opinion of the viewer, I think this thread has a place. It's not a dominance thread, but a "share your thoughts" thread.
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#13 mattuk69
Member since 2009 • 3050 Posts

Well considering consoles hold back PC and devs dont give a fooook.


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#14 deactivated-5d6e91f5c147a
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No, never.
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#15 commonfate
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I don't expect next gen's consoles to take as significant of a graphical leap as we have seen in previous gens.

I think the Wii U might be the biggest graphical improvement respective to the Wii.

Microsof's recent dip into the casual market might mark them as the Wii of next gen if they keep up this mass market appeal. While they may surprise us all, I don't expect the 720 to have amazing graphics by any means.

There is an interview floating out there somewhere where Sony states that they will not be going for the expensive hardware that they did in 2006. They will be keeping things much cheaper this time around in terms of hardware so I don't expect anything better than what we see on PC right now.

If PC devs want to stay competitive with consoles, then PC hardware will advance at an even slower rate next gen and ultimately become much more affordable.

Of course all stated above is just what I think :P

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#16 commonfate
Member since 2010 • 13320 Posts

Well considering consoles hold back PC and devs dont give a fooook.



I'm just going to assume this is a sarcastic post and laugh with you :lol:

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#17 ohthemanatee
Member since 2010 • 8104 Posts

Consoles have never been able to beat the PC...

in terms of graphics they did for the longest time. Of course that was before video cards
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#18 Sushiglutton
Member since 2009 • 9899 Posts

So if u build a decent rig now (~gtx 580) u'll be able to game on "medium" (aka >= console standard) through the entire next gen?

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#19 SoraX64
Member since 2008 • 29221 Posts

So if u build a decent rig now (~gtx 580) u'll be able to game on "medium" (aka >= console standard) through the entire next gen?

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#20 ohthemanatee
Member since 2010 • 8104 Posts

So if u build a decent rig now (~gtx 580) u'll be able to game on "medium" (aka >= console standard) through the entire next gen?


Decent? no, but if you build a very good rig now it should last you until next gen
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#21 GeneralShowzer
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So if u build a decent rig now (~gtx 580) u'll be able to game on "medium" (aka >= console standard) through the entire next gen?

Very difficult to say. Probably not.
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#22 Sushiglutton
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So if u build a decent rig now (~gtx 580) u'll be able to game on "medium" (aka >= console standard) through the entire next gen?



Will u pay for upgrades if u're wrong :P?

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#23 Sushiglutton
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So if u build a decent rig now (~gtx 580) u'll be able to game on "medium" (aka >= console standard) through the entire next gen?


Very difficult to say. Probably not.

Ah ok. But there are at least two years of glory anyways!

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#24 TrapJak
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Not really, seeing how PC can be upgraded with ease.

But it can reach PC graphics of today next-gen, probrably.

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#25 ArchoNils2
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I would be extremly happy with any console next gen is only slightly worse than my GTX 570 xD

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#26 SoraX64
Member since 2008 • 29221 Posts


So if u build a decent rig now (~gtx 580) u'll be able to game on "medium" (aka >= console standard) through the entire next gen?



Will u pay for upgrades if u're wrong :P?

No, I won't. :P It's a risk you should take though. I would say that it would last at least 3/4 of the generation.
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#27 deactivated-5cf4b2c19c4ab
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If the consoles target being high end, then they will have the advantage for a year or so, but PC hardware advances too rapidly, and the same with game tech.
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#28 AGM3002
Member since 2003 • 901 Posts

You have 28k posts. I cant believe you would start a pathetic thread like this.


I'm more shock that he has 28k posts and only been here for a few years, and I have under 1k posts and been here close to nine years...

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#29 SoraX64
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You have 28k posts. I cant believe you would start a pathetic thread like this.


I'm more shock that he has 28k posts and only been here for a few years, and I have under 1k posts and been here close to nine years...

There was a time when I used GS almost non-stop. The past half year or so I've been dead activity wise.
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#30 SakusEnvoy
Member since 2009 • 4764 Posts

TL;DR :P anyway, putting it simply, it's technically impossible for consoles to outdo the PC. anything a console can have, the PC can have too. it's much more powerful in that matter. and PC is much more flexible too. most people own a computer that can play at least some low-end games, while consoles are sort of this separate experience. regardless, i'll still buy a wii u, and if i get the chance, a PS4.BrunoBRS
Technologically, yes, the PC can have anything that a console can have. But, in a certain sense, due to optimization on developers' part, it is technically possible for the graphics on a console to exceed even the best PCs on the market at the time of release.

I point at The Witcher 2's direction, in this case. The videos and screenshots coming out of Gamescom seem to indicate the game is running near medium-high on the Xbox 360. No untouched, non-upgraded computer from 2005 could possibly play The Witcher 2 on medium-high.

Therefore, if someone was to ask me: what would be a better deal? Getting a top of the line PC in 2005, or buying an Xbox 360 for $299-399? If I had the foresight to know that a game like The Witcher 2 would come out on consoles in 2012, and still look beautiful, I would have been forced to say buying the 360. Hands down.

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#31 BrunoBRS
Member since 2005 • 74156 Posts

[QUOTE="BrunoBRS"]TL;DR :P anyway, putting it simply, it's technically impossible for consoles to outdo the PC. anything a console can have, the PC can have too. it's much more powerful in that matter. and PC is much more flexible too. most people own a computer that can play at least some low-end games, while consoles are sort of this separate experience. regardless, i'll still buy a wii u, and if i get the chance, a PS4.SakusEnvoy

Technologically, yes, the PC can have anything that a console can have. But, in a certain sense, due to optimization on developers' part, it is technically possible for the graphics on a console to exceed even the best PCs on the market at the time of release.

I point at The Witcher 2's direction, in this case. The videos and screenshots coming out of Gamescom seem to indicate the game is running near medium-high on the Xbox 360. No untouched, non-upgraded computer from 2005 could possibly play The Witcher 2 on medium-high.

Therefore, if someone was to ask me: what would be a better deal? Getting a top of the line PC in 2005, or buying an Xbox 360 for $299-399? If I had the foresight to know that a game like The Witcher 2 would come out on consoles in 2012, and still look beautiful, I would have been forced to say buying the 360. Hands down.

well i never said "keeping the same technology". it might be more expensive, but PCs can be tuned to be better than they were a year back. case in point, you think the 360 shots look like medium-high PC shots. it shows that the PC was able to produce the prettiest, fps-est (lol), HDest version. it's up to the player to choose which path to take.
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#32 aroxx_ab
Member since 2005 • 13236 Posts

Lol, topic title confusing me with the poll, do i agree with "next gen console beat PC" or do i agree with "you not believe it" if i vote agree?:P

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#33 SakusEnvoy
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Technologically, yes, the PC can have anything that a console can have. But, in a certain sense, due to optimization on developers' part, it is technically possible for the graphics on a console to exceed even the best PCs on the market at the time of release.

I point at The Witcher 2's direction, in this case. The videos and screenshots coming out of Gamescom seem to indicate the game is running near medium-high on the Xbox 360. No untouched, non-upgraded computer from 2005 could possibly play The Witcher 2 on medium-high.

Therefore, if someone was to ask me: what would be a better deal? Getting a top of the line PC in 2005, or buying an Xbox 360 for $299-399? If I had the foresight to know that a game like The Witcher 2 would come out on consoles in 2012, and still look beautiful, I would have been forced to say buying the 360. Hands down.


well i never said "keeping the same technology". it might be more expensive, but PCs can be tuned to be better than they were a year back. case in point, you think the 360 shots look like medium-high PC shots. it shows that the PC was able to produce the prettiest, fps-est (lol), HDest version. it's up to the player to choose which path to take.

Oh sure, yeah, PCs can always advance beyond console technology. That's just not even fair for consoles really... consoles are a fixed box, intentionally locked into the same hardware for 6+ years. The best a console can ever hope to do is match a high end PC in the same year of its release, and maybe as a result of optimization produce games that look better than it graphically.

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#34 Gamingclone
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Nope. It is my understanding that console hardware is derived form PC hardware. So, as PC hardware advances every few months, consoles advance every 5 years (though this is probably going to change to 10 years for sony and microsoft). For ever new generation of consoles, there are already PCs out there that can do everything they can do and much more.

Ofcorse now, I love consoles. But just because I do, doesnt mean that Im going to ignore the fact that the multiplat games I enjoy so much (which actually, i dont really play multiplats, guess thats why I go with Nintendo's consoles) probably look better on a properly optimized PC.

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#35 coasterguy65
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Personally I think PCs always beat consoles. With the amount of R&D time it takes before a console is released of course the components are for the most part already obsolete.

That being said in bang for the buck it is hard to beat a console. Yeah sure a $1000 PC can max stuff out, and will look good, but it's very unlikely that a PC that you buy now at $300 will still be able to play the latest games in 6 years like a console. Not without a video card or memory upgrade at least.

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#36 04dcarraher
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The problem is the economy, then costs in production and design. MS and Sony started this generation with some prototype technology spending bucket loads in R&D and each console themselves didnt make any profit for either company until years later. MS rushing their system out, with design flaws and poor quality parts really hurt them. By the time Sony released their PS3, they had issues with developing games, and Pc hardware already did a leap and bound over both consoles. Now it seems both companies have learned their mistakes in the past.

MS is planning on using an AMD based APU based on the line of APU's coming out in 2012 which allows smaller size console, uses less power, produces less heat , cheaper to produce. However this also puts a limit on what they can do. At best your only going to see jump equal to what mid ranged Pc's could do back in 2010. ATI 5670-5770 type of graphical abilities. then Sony has stated they are not pumping a crap load of R&D money into the PS4, which means that they will most likely used a some what beefed up Cell, more memory and a better gpu(no one what they will use) however it wont outpace mid ranged gpu's. then Now the WiiU its suppose to have a quad core cpu, 512mb of system memory, and 1gb of video memory using an ATI based gpu (R770) which is the 4800 series gpu's from 2008-2009. which will just mop up what current consoles can do. Needless to say the next gen of consoles wont have anything on current mid ranged gaming PC out today

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#37 SakusEnvoy
Member since 2009 • 4764 Posts

[QUOTE="BrunoBRS"]well i never said "keeping the same technology". it might be more expensive, but PCs can be tuned to be better than they were a year back. case in point, you think the 360 shots look like medium-high PC shots. it shows that the PC was able to produce the prettiest, fps-est (lol), HDest version. it's up to the player to choose which path to take.SakusEnvoy

Oh sure, yeah, PCs can always advance beyond console technology. That's just not even fair for consoles really... consoles are a fixed box, intentionally locked into the same hardware for 6+ years. The best a console can ever hope to do is match a high end PC in the same year of its release, and maybe as a result of optimization produce games that look better than it graphically.

I should add, though, that in this day and age it may be increasingly more difficult for a console to equal a high-end PC. There are a few reasons for this: Desktop PCs now take advantage of their large form factors to provide 600 Watt+ power supplies, and as a result the high end of graphics cards are designed to consume as much as 365 Watts, like the GTX 590.

That is a LOT of power. Even the PS3 Phat, with its (by console standards) large size, heavy weight and brilliant construction, was only fitted with a 380W power supply. The Xbox 360's was even smaller, 203 Watts total, and it regularly had problems with overheating.

The other issue is that many desktops now have the ability to do CrossFire/SLI, matching up two very powerful graphics cards to achieve even greater performance. This was new and rare in 2005, which helped the 360 exceed what most PCs were capable of, but now it's pretty commonplace today.

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#38 SparkyProtocol
Member since 2009 • 7680 Posts

So if u build a decent rig now (~gtx 580) u'll be able to game on "medium" (aka >= console standard) through the entire next gen?

Who knows. Tech is improving and changing faster and faster.
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#39 SakusEnvoy
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The problem is the economy, then costs in production and design. MS and Sony started this generation with some prototype technology spending bucket loads in R&D and each console themselves didnt make any profit for either company until years later. MS rushing their system out, with design flaws and poor quality parts really hurt them. By the time Sony released their PS3, they had issues with developing games, and Pc hardware already did a leap and bound over both consoles. Now it seems both companies have learned their mistakes in the past.

MS is planning on using an AMD based APU based on the line of APU's coming out in 2012 which allows smaller size console, uses less power, produces less heat , cheaper to produce. However this also puts a limit on what they can do. At best your only going to see jump equal to what mid ranged Pc's could do back in 2010. ATI 5670-5770 type of graphical abilities. then Sony has stated they are not pumping a crap load of R&D money into the PS4, which means that they will most likely used a some what beefed up Cell, more memory and a better gpu(no one what they will use) however it wont outpace mid ranged gpu's. then Now the WiiU its suppose to have a quad core cpu, 512mb of system memory, and 1gb of video memory using an ATI based gpu (R770) which is the 4800 series gpu's from 2008-2009. which will just mop up what current consoles can do. Needless to say the next gen of consoles wont have anything on current mid ranged gaming PC out today


Meh, I wouldn't believe a single report about the CPU or GPU in a "next-gen" console from Microsoft. None of those reports are any more credible than our own random speculation on System Wars - or those nonsense reports that Nintendo and Sony would use Tegra in their handhelds.

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#40 tomarlyn
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They'll give the PC a run for its money to begin with but then they'll fizzle out again. Although I still think the 360 and PS3 continue to punch above their weight at the moment.
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#41 SparkyProtocol
Member since 2009 • 7680 Posts
They'll give the PC a run for its money to begin with but then they'll fizzle out again. Although I still think the 360 and PS3 continue to punch above their weight at the moment.tomarlyn
How so? All of the "graphics kings" are linear corridor games with 720p or lower, lots of blur, and other tricks. Nothing impressive at all.
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#42 lazerface216
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...and like every other gen, console gamers won't care. if you're all about graphics and playing on a console, you're doing it wrong.

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#43 tomarlyn
Member since 2005 • 20148 Posts
[QUOTE="tomarlyn"]They'll give the PC a run for its money to begin with but then they'll fizzle out again. Although I still think the 360 and PS3 continue to punch above their weight at the moment.SparkyProtocol
How so? All of the "graphics kings" are linear corridor games with 720p or lower, lots of blur, and other tricks. Nothing impressive at all.

They still look good even if they're ''gimped''. Games like Killzone 2, Gears 3, Uncharted 2 and others would be worthy titles as PC exclusives in their current form.
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#44 NoodleFighter
Member since 2011 • 11816 Posts

[QUOTE="SparkyProtocol"][QUOTE="tomarlyn"]They'll give the PC a run for its money to begin with but then they'll fizzle out again. Although I still think the 360 and PS3 continue to punch above their weight at the moment.tomarlyn
How so? All of the "graphics kings" are linear corridor games with 720p or lower, lots of blur, and other tricks. Nothing impressive at all.

They still look good even if they're ''gimped''. Games like Killzone 2, Gears 3, Uncharted 2 and others would be worthy titles as PC exclusives in their current form.

Nope >.> a lot of them textures look heavily relied on art style then res

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#45 SparkyProtocol
Member since 2009 • 7680 Posts

[QUOTE="tomarlyn"][QUOTE="SparkyProtocol"] How so? All of the "graphics kings" are linear corridor games with 720p or lower, lots of blur, and other tricks. Nothing impressive at all.NoodleFighter

They still look good even if they're ''gimped''. Games like Killzone 2, Gears 3, Uncharted 2 and others would be worthy titles as PC exclusives in their current form.

Nope >.> a lot of them textures look heavily relied on art style then res

Yep and the game design is too small scale/linear for what a game exclusively developed for PCs should have. At least, ones that are hyped like Gears, KZ, and UC.
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#46 tomarlyn
Member since 2005 • 20148 Posts

[QUOTE="tomarlyn"][QUOTE="SparkyProtocol"] How so? All of the "graphics kings" are linear corridor games with 720p or lower, lots of blur, and other tricks. Nothing impressive at all.NoodleFighter

They still look good even if they're ''gimped''. Games like Killzone 2, Gears 3, Uncharted 2 and others would be worthy titles as PC exclusives in their current form.

Nope >.> a lot of them textures look heavily relied on art style then res

They still look nice during gameplay, even if they're muddy up close.
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#47 tubbyc
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They could possibly for a short time because there could be a situation like this gen where Gears of War was not available on the PC for about a year. It wouldn't be by much though if it happened.

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#48 Puckhog04
Member since 2003 • 22814 Posts

I didn't realize anything had to be beaten to begin with.

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#49 tomarlyn
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[QUOTE="tomarlyn"] They still look good even if they're ''gimped''. Games like Killzone 2, Gears 3, Uncharted 2 and others would be worthy titles as PC exclusives in their current form.SparkyProtocol

Nope >.> a lot of them textures look heavily relied on art style then res

Yep and the game design is too small scale/linear for what a game exclusively developed for PCs should have. At least, ones that are hyped like Gears, KZ, and UC.

Should have or does have? There's a difference

Consoles are getting Skyrim after all among already having Fallout 3 and NV, granted they don't/won't look as good but if you want to talk scale then the PS3 and 360 have that too.

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#50 SparkyProtocol
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Nope >.> a lot of them textures look heavily relied on art style then res


Yep and the game design is too small scale/linear for what a game exclusively developed for PCs should have. At least, ones that are hyped like Gears, KZ, and UC.

Should have or do have? There's a difference. Consoles are getting Skyrim after all among already having Fallout 3 and NV, granted they don't/won't look as good but if want to talk scale then the PS3 and 360 have that too.

Yes, but if Skyrim was exclusive to PC it'd be grander. It was confirmed on Bethesdas forums for example that it won't have any big battles like Oblivion didn't have any big battles because of consoles.