MGS4 is far from ready

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#1 waza000
Member since 2005 • 1906 Posts

don't start the bashing too fast
OKAY MGS4 will the the game to sell ps3 consoles
OKAY everybody wants to know the end of the story and you hype this game so much that you don't even want to see the work that left to be done on the game

in this gameplay demo i think everybody who watched it became even more hyped for this game

but there are some major flaws and aspects that need to be taken care of by Konami

- Snake's animations aren't realistic at all
i mean, you can't walk crouched like that all the time, nobody in real life can do it, your back will hurt so bad
the way he moves and does actions, you clearly see the lack of animations in it, it doesn't look natural and it's specifictly one animation, when that one ends he goes back to normal position, an other animation, and so on (like in the old days) (all that is what could have been one full action sequence)
it's not fluid ... *uncharted will just be revolutionary for the character animations*

the animations for the dead people suddenly falling from the top of the building (after being shot) was all done wrong too ...

- THE SOUND, a sniper shot makes some extremely loud sound, and the ennemies just behind the window doesn't wonder what is going on

- this brings us to the AI ... where the ennemie see a friend's body and don't wonder what is going on

- plus ... i guess those persons have something to do in the area they are in to, they should have a job to do for the terrorist unit can't just be standing there waiting to get killed (if it's to transport boxes of w/e ...)
now don't tell me their job was to do the security, because you can not provide security when you are hidding in a building, they should have been placed in strategic positions

one last thing
first person view controled with the sixaxis (uhhh ... disaster ?!)

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#2 worthyofnote
Member since 2007 • 21896 Posts
Well it would seem that these few minor issues can be fixed seeing that it's still early. The game's release won't be until 2008. And even then no real exact date has been announced has there? There's still plenty of time.
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#3 SolidSnake2020
Member since 2006 • 2180 Posts

It is just a playable demo and we know the game is far from ready thats why it is coming out in 2008, and about snake animation you got a point but if you notice snake kept holding his back like if he is in pain.

The problem is we only focus on the small things



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#4 Krigon
Member since 2005 • 5591 Posts

don't start the bashing too fast
OKAY MGS4 will the the game to sell ps3 consoles
OKAY everybody wants to know the end of the story and you hype this game so much that you don't even want to see the work that left to be done on the game

in this gameplay demo i think everybody who watched it became even more hyped for this game

but there are some major flaws and aspects that need to be taken care of by Konami

- Snake's animations aren't realistic at all
i mean, you can't walk crouched like that all the time, nobody in real life can do it, your back will hurt so bad
the way he moves and does actions, you clearly see the lack of animations in it, it doesn't look natural and it's specifictly one animation, when that one ends he goes back to normal position, an other animation, and so on (like in the old days) (all that is what could have been one full action sequence)
it's not fluid ... *uncharted will just be revolutionary for the character animations*

the animations for the dead people suddenly falling from the top of the building (after being shot) was all done wrong too ...

- THE SOUND, a sniper shot makes some extremely loud sound, and the ennemies just behind the window doesn't wonder what is going on

- this brings us to the AI ... where the ennemie see a friend's body and don't wonder what is going on

- plus ... i guess those persons have something to do in the area they are in to, they should have a job to do for the terrorist unit can't just be standing there waiting to get killed (if it's to transport boxes of w/e ...)
now don't tell me their job was to do the security, because you can not provide security when you are hidding in a building, they should have been placed in strategic positions

one last thing
first person view controled with the sixaxis (uhhh ... disaster ?!)


- Snake isn't a normal human.

- I agree about the snipe sound. i didn't understand why no one noticed the shooting.

- which part did they see the body?

- You talking about PMCS? the ones that where shooting him? or the militia the ones that where pinned down and trying to shoot back against an armor tank?

- i think the sixaxis is optional.

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#5 antking61
Member since 2004 • 102 Posts

You think that because they don't wonder what happened to their buddies it's weird? They're in a war. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what happened.

AI has always been weak in MGS. That's half of why I like it. I like teasing the guards. It's fun.

When Snake stopped running at the end of the demo he held his back to the bottom as Kojima pointed out.

Also, who the hell cares about realism? It's Sci-Fi. Ninja that block bullets, Homosexual Vampires, Arms that posess people...

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#6 tgschmidt
Member since 2004 • 3167 Posts

Also, who the hell cares about realism? It's Sci-Fi. Ninja that block bullets, Homosexual Vampires, Arms that posess people...

what? you're kidding? dang, now i got a ninja sword that does me no good.
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#7 Sephiroth228
Member since 2006 • 1109 Posts
The difficulty (AI, etc)was obviously toned down for the demo. of course he wouldn't want the PMCS after him and killing him and looking like a noob. That wouldexplain the sniper shot, the part you made up about them seeing the body, and the fact that they didnt see him when he was using the camo, even if it was in their periferal vision. The part about the animations however I don't agree with, they look better than any of the other MGS games, which were pretty good anyway. i don't play games and think "wow these animations are great...I love this game." nobody does that. It's a demo meant to show the main features of the gameplay, not all the technical prowess behind the hood.
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#8 antking61
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Mine shattered when I tried...j/k

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#9 E_x_i_l_e
Member since 2007 • 1908 Posts
MGS game's AI is always like that on easier modes and it's a hostile battlefield and the sniper echoes through it, it could've been from anywhere
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#10 Sephiroth228
Member since 2006 • 1109 Posts
Oh and he said that in the FPS part, the sixaxis only leaned around corners and nothing more. you still walk and look around with the analog sticks.
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#11 c0mplex
Member since 2002 • 15382 Posts
a lot of the things you mentioned are pretty small details that can be ironed out right before release.
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#12 BigBoss712
Member since 2005 • 13742 Posts

In previous MGS games when the AI sees a friend's body they call of reinforcements and search the whole area and I don't think its going to be any different in MGS4. Other than the enemies falling of the building, which I agree doesn't look right , I don't have any problem with the animations. And the sniper sound it was the same in MGS3, I guess they only hear you if you are near them, many of it depends on the difficulty level, the higher the difficulty the smarter the enemies reactions.

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#13 goat_of_doom
Member since 2005 • 1293 Posts

don't start the bashing too fast
OKAY MGS4 will the the game to sell ps3 consoles
OKAY everybody wants to know the end of the story and you hype this game so much that you don't even want to see the work that left to be done on the game

in this gameplay demo i think everybody who watched it became even more hyped for this game

but there are some major flaws and aspects that need to be taken care of by Konami

- Snake's animations aren't realistic at all
i mean, you can't walk crouched like that all the time, nobody in real life can do it, your back will hurt so bad
the way he moves and does actions, you clearly see the lack of animations in it, it doesn't look natural and it's specifictly one animation, when that one ends he goes back to normal position, an other animation, and so on (like in the old days) (all that is what could have been one full action sequence)
it's not fluid ... *uncharted will just be revolutionary for the character animations*

the animations for the dead people suddenly falling from the top of the building (after being shot) was all done wrong too ...

- THE SOUND, a sniper shot makes some extremely loud sound, and the ennemies just behind the window doesn't wonder what is going on

- this brings us to the AI ... where the ennemie see a friend's body and don't wonder what is going on

- plus ... i guess those persons have something to do in the area they are in to, they should have a job to do for the terrorist unit can't just be standing there waiting to get killed (if it's to transport boxes of w/e ...)
now don't tell me their job was to do the security, because you can not provide security when you are hidding in a building, they should have been placed in strategic positions

one last thing
first person view controled with the sixaxis (uhhh ... disaster ?!)


- Snakes animations are fine, infact they are great ( uncharted is better though)
- They are fighting a battle field, i think one sniper shot would not startle a man who is hearing bomb go off just to the left of him
- They do react, the only time that the guy doesnt react is the dumpster scene because he is wearing big ear muffs.
- Recon, break, secruity all valid excuses.
- kojima had to do first person
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#14 Sephiroth228
Member since 2006 • 1109 Posts
MGS game's AI is always like that on easier modes and it's a hostile battlefield and the sniper echoes through it, it could've been from anywhereE_x_i_l_e
great point.
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#15 cmoney6770
Member since 2007 • 25 Posts

For the AI part the demo was being played on very easy every mgs fan can ell u that if u shoot a enemy with the traquilizer

one time in any part of the body thay will fall sleep immediately when plaing on very easy as shown in the demo

and when playing on very easy soilders are very very low on AI

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#16 Luxen90
Member since 2006 • 7427 Posts
The motion sensor in First person is only to lean. Also like what everyone said its pretty obivous its being play on easy because on all metal gears they get on alert if someone is knock out in front of them.
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#17 Dlacy13g
Member since 2003 • 361 Posts

Ok, so first and foremost...graphically and audio wise the game is outstanding. I am very impressed with it, just has a great look and feel to it. So from that stand is a sure winner in the eyes of the public. Now that said...I have some major/minor knocks on this game from what I saw in the demo. First game play and style. Its the same as MGS2 & 3. Tried and true formula...not getting away from it which isnt a bad thing but more or less.

Enemy AI - I find it funny that you can blow away the guy right behind someone and somehow they can't hear the body hit the floor and react to it.....or they fail to see the large human shaped thing that is colored like the floor or at minimum be on alert when they see the form as it is obviously not flush to the floor. I mean a 3 year old would notice Snake laying there even with the camo so how come the soilders don't?... instead they just walk right by. Plus he is looking right at his buddys dead body in the door way that Snake had just humped and he doesn't react at all. It's a very similar problem I have noticed with the Splinter Cell games and the previous MGS games. Enemy AI just isn't that smart in terms of noticing the obvious.

Second item on game play....the guy has 50 thousand gadgets and guns and hides them exactly where? Cause his suit is pretty much skin tight and only has a couple of pockets....I am still trying to figure out where the sniper rifle fits.

Lastly....he magically gets a can out of thin air to hide under...then sneaks out and rolls (ala bowling) through two guys with a decidedly metal sounding thud meaning the can is real and has real weight to it. He gets out of the can and POOF it just magically disappears? Hello? Why in the heck could they not keep the can on the ground, etc...

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#19 Rakuho
Member since 2007 • 7008 Posts

You think that because they don't wonder what happened to their buddies it's weird? They're in a war. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what happened.

AI has always been weak in MGS. That's half of why I like it. I like teasing the guards. It's fun.

When Snake stopped running at the end of the demo he held his back to the bottom as Kojima pointed out.

Also, who the hell cares about realism? It's Sci-Fi. Ninja that block bullets, Homosexual Vampires, Arms that posess people...


hell yeah, now that's what's up!

but seriously, as soon as you want your game to be ultra realistic, then it's about that time to put down the controller and step outside, lol. i get enough realism as is, i want my games to be fake. easily fooled a.i, non-normal/realistic human appearances, etc.

give it a break tc, how can you enjoy anything if you're always so nit-picky. MGS4 will be great with or without the points of criticism that you mentioned.

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#20 Rakuho
Member since 2007 • 7008 Posts

For the AI part the demo was being played on very easy every mgs fan can ell u that if u shoot a enemy with the traquilizer

one time in any part of the body thay will fall sleep immediately when plaing on very easy as shown in the demo

and when playing on very easy soilders are very very low on AI


also a good and factual point.

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#22 BigBoss712
Member since 2005 • 13742 Posts

Ok, so first and foremost...graphically and audio wise the game is outstanding. I am very impressed with it, just has a great look and feel to it. So from that stand is a sure winner in the eyes of the public. Now that said...I have some major/minor knocks on this game from what I saw in the demo. First game play and style. Its the same as MGS2 & 3. Tried and true formula...not getting away from it which isnt a bad thing but more or less.

Enemy AI - I find it funny that you can blow away the guy right behind someone and somehow they can't hear the body hit the floor and react to it.....or they fail to see the large human shaped thing that is colored like the floor or at minimum be on alert when they see the form as it is obviously not flush to the floor. I mean a 3 year old would notice Snake laying there even with the camo so how come the soilders don't?... instead they just walk right by. Plus he is looking right at his buddys dead body in the door way that Snake had just humped and he doesn't react at all. It's a very similar problem I have noticed with the Splinter Cell games and the previous MGS games. Enemy AI just isn't that smart in terms of noticing the obvious.

Second item on game play....the guy has 50 thousand gadgets and guns and hides them exactly where? Cause his suit is pretty much skin tight and only has a couple of pockets....I am still trying to figure out where the sniper rifle fits.

Lastly....he magically gets a can out of thin air to hide under...then sneaks out and rolls (ala bowling) through two guys with a decidedly metal sounding thud meaning the can is real and has real weight to it. He gets out of the can and POOF it just magically disappears? Hello? Why in the heck could they not keep the can on the ground, etc...


It has been like that since the beginning of the series and you are missing the point...MGS has never been based on realism andKojima is not going to change the gameplay formula which has been very successful.

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#23 ERoBB
Member since 2005 • 1104 Posts

Ok, so first and foremost...graphically and audio wise the game is outstanding. I am very impressed with it, just has a great look and feel to it. So from that stand is a sure winner in the eyes of the public. Now that said...I have some major/minor knocks on this game from what I saw in the demo. First game play and style. Its the same as MGS2 & 3. Tried and true formula...not getting away from it which isnt a bad thing but more or less.

Enemy AI - I find it funny that you can blow away the guy right behind someone and somehow they can't hear the body hit the floor and react to it.....or they fail to see the large human shaped thing that is colored like the floor or at minimum be on alert when they see the form as it is obviously not flush to the floor. I mean a 3 year old would notice Snake laying there even with the camo so how come the soilders don't?... instead they just walk right by. Plus he is looking right at his buddys dead body in the door way that Snake had just humped and he doesn't react at all. It's a very similar problem I have noticed with the Splinter Cell games and the previous MGS games. Enemy AI just isn't that smart in terms of noticing the obvious.

Second item on game play....the guy has 50 thousand gadgets and guns and hides them exactly where? Cause his suit is pretty much skin tight and only has a couple of pockets....I am still trying to figure out where the sniper rifle fits.

Lastly....he magically gets a can out of thin air to hide under...then sneaks out and rolls (ala bowling) through two guys with a decidedly metal sounding thud meaning the can is real and has real weight to it. He gets out of the can and POOF it just magically disappears? Hello? Why in the heck could they not keep the can on the ground, etc...


All true. But these games have never been about realism. And neither is this one. It just seems to be a bit more realistic than the past ones. If I can shoot Vamp in the head only for him to return for a sequel, I'm ok with a compactable sniper rifle.

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#24 milkweed989
Member since 2005 • 150 Posts
OK well its a warzone ppl of course their not gonna wonder were the sniper shot was fired from unless it hits near them or hits them come on seriously u cant be flinching for every single little thing that makes a sound and the FPS with sixaxis is an amazing idea u can turn it off from ur menu Kojima already said that and actually crouching like that is very common and normal in todays armies especially special forces.. the movements are very realistic if you saw the demo then u have had to see the new CQC moves they were more realistic then any other vide game ive seen and wen snake is patting him down very realistic tru there are a couple flaws for example wen snake was laying on the floor and the guard passes right by him which wasnt too sneaky of him but i mean this game is coming out next year they still have time
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#25 rrric
Member since 2003 • 2408 Posts
hey geniuses they are in a WAR. When they hear a loud noise they dont say oh crap they shot jimmy outside.....
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#26 feel_freetwo
Member since 2006 • 1888 Posts

don't start the bashing too fast
OKAY MGS4 will the the game to sell ps3 consoles
OKAY everybody wants to know the end of the story and you hype this game so much that you don't even want to see the work that left to be done on the game

in this gameplay demo i think everybody who watched it became even more hyped for this game

but there are some major flaws and aspects that need to be taken care of by Konami

- Snake's animations aren't realistic at all
i mean, you can't walk crouched like that all the time, nobody in real life can do it, your back will hurt so bad
the way he moves and does actions, you clearly see the lack of animations in it, it doesn't look natural and it's specifictly one animation, when that one ends he goes back to normal position, an other animation, and so on (like in the old days) (all that is what could have been one full action sequence)
it's not fluid ... *uncharted will just be revolutionary for the character animations*

the animations for the dead people suddenly falling from the top of the building (after being shot) was all done wrong too ...

- THE SOUND, a sniper shot makes some extremely loud sound, and the ennemies just behind the window doesn't wonder what is going on

- this brings us to the AI ... where the ennemie see a friend's body and don't wonder what is going on

- plus ... i guess those persons have something to do in the area they are in to, they should have a job to do for the terrorist unit can't just be standing there waiting to get killed (if it's to transport boxes of w/e ...)
now don't tell me their job was to do the security, because you can not provide security when you are hidding in a building, they should have been placed in strategic positions

one last thing
first person view controled with the sixaxis (uhhh ... disaster ?!)

i wonder if your a splinter cell fan? although i dont agree with the animations totally. although they are not totally realisitc, they are done EXACTLY the same as everyother game out there, with the exception of drakes fortune. the Ai isnt perfect, but no game is. and it doesnt matter to a large degree. incase you didnt realise.....realism isnt fun. if it was we wouldnt be on the forums or playing games at all. this is why i ask about splinter cell, ai and realism. the first person isnt controled with sixaxis, the peaking in fpv is controller with sixaxis. also the placment of characters is based on fun gameplay not realistic placment.
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#27 amapi
Member since 2005 • 2404 Posts

Personally I thought MGS4 looked amazing already, and if the "early 08" is correct (which is Jan-Mar) they have plenty of time to iron out the kinks.

The animations were great, and of course will need a little bit of work to look fluid. Graphics were also incredibly impressive, with dust and dirt particles flying everywhere etc. And the frame rate suprised me the most, keeping a solid 30 fps majority of the presentation demo.

If that demo is anything to go by, i'd expect it to come Jan the earliest and probably late March the latest. Its definately not far off. And theres plenty of great games to keep us occupied till MGS4 rolls around for GOTY. :)

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Member since 2006 • 2971 Posts

don't start the bashing too fast
OKAY MGS4 will the the game to sell ps3 consoles
OKAY everybody wants to know the end of the story and you hype this game so much that you don't even want to see the work that left to be done on the game

in this gameplay demo i think everybody who watched it became even more hyped for this game

but there are some major flaws and aspects that need to be taken care of by Konami

- Snake's animations aren't realistic at all
i mean, you can't walk crouched like that all the time, nobody in real life can do it, your back will hurt so bad
the way he moves and does actions, you clearly see the lack of animations in it, it doesn't look natural and it's specifictly one animation, when that one ends he goes back to normal position, an other animation, and so on (like in the old days) (all that is what could have been one full action sequence)
it's not fluid ... *uncharted will just be revolutionary for the character animations*

the animations for the dead people suddenly falling from the top of the building (after being shot) was all done wrong too ...

- THE SOUND, a sniper shot makes some extremely loud sound, and the ennemies just behind the window doesn't wonder what is going on

- this brings us to the AI ... where the ennemie see a friend's body and don't wonder what is going on

- plus ... i guess those persons have something to do in the area they are in to, they should have a job to do for the terrorist unit can't just be standing there waiting to get killed (if it's to transport boxes of w/e ...)
now don't tell me their job was to do the security, because you can not provide security when you are hidding in a building, they should have been placed in strategic positions

one last thing
first person view controled with the sixaxis (uhhh ... disaster ?!)


Well...I do agree thatthe animations aren't as fluid as they could be but everything else you said would have to be debated. But in the end's just a video game.

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#29 kenshinhimura16
Member since 2005 • 7009 Posts

Ok, so first and foremost...graphically and audio wise the game is outstanding. I am very impressed with it, just has a great look and feel to it. So from that stand is a sure winner in the eyes of the public. Now that said...I have some major/minor knocks on this game from what I saw in the demo. First game play and style. Its the same as MGS2 & 3. Tried and true formula...not getting away from it which isnt a bad thing but more or less.

Enemy AI - I find it funny that you can blow away the guy right behind someone and somehow they can't hear the body hit the floor and react to it.....or they fail to see the large human shaped thing that is colored like the floor or at minimum be on alert when they see the form as it is obviously not flush to the floor. I mean a 3 year old would notice Snake laying there even with the camo so how come the soilders don't?... instead they just walk right by. Plus he is looking right at his buddys dead body in the door way that Snake had just humped and he doesn't react at all. It's a very similar problem I have noticed with the Splinter Cell games and the previous MGS games. Enemy AI just isn't that smart in terms of noticing the obvious.

Second item on game play....the guy has 50 thousand gadgets and guns and hides them exactly where? Cause his suit is pretty much skin tight and only has a couple of pockets....I am still trying to figure out where the sniper rifle fits.

Lastly....he magically gets a can out of thin air to hide under...then sneaks out and rolls (ala bowling) through two guys with a decidedly metal sounding thud meaning the can is real and has real weight to it. He gets out of the can and POOF it just magically disappears? Hello? Why in the heck could they not keep the can on the ground, etc...


I bet you havent played any MGS game actually. Enemy AI is great, even in normal (easy is for newcomers or losers). They notice everything, from leaf sounds, to steps, and such, its been like that since MGS2. I would had agreed if it was for MGS since its old and couldnt be done, but as in this demo that is played on the easiest diff, the games too when on easy show no AI, even Kojima said that easy has barely any use of interactive AI.

Again, you have never played a MGS game. The items are like that, is there any problem with it, does it removes the fun form playing it? Do you complain about this, something that happens in 99.9% of games??

You havent played any MGS game, the fact you didnt got the can jokes are proof enough.

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#30 SikKwuN
Member since 2007 • 1442 Posts

Ok, so first and foremost...graphically and audio wise the game is outstanding. I am very impressed with it, just has a great look and feel to it. So from that stand is a sure winner in the eyes of the public. Now that said...I have some major/minor knocks on this game from what I saw in the demo. First game play and style. Its the same as MGS2 & 3. Tried and true formula...not getting away from it which isnt a bad thing but more or less.

Enemy AI - I find it funny that you can blow away the guy right behind someone and somehow they can't hear the body hit the floor and react to it.....or they fail to see the large human shaped thing that is colored like the floor or at minimum be on alert when they see the form as it is obviously not flush to the floor. I mean a 3 year old would notice Snake laying there even with the camo so how come the soilders don't?... instead they just walk right by. Plus he is looking right at his buddys dead body in the door way that Snake had just humped and he doesn't react at all. It's a very similar problem I have noticed with the Splinter Cell games and the previous MGS games. Enemy AI just isn't that smart in terms of noticing the obvious.

Second item on game play....the guy has 50 thousand gadgets and guns and hides them exactly where? Cause his suit is pretty much skin tight and only has a couple of pockets....I am still trying to figure out where the sniper rifle fits.

Lastly....he magically gets a can out of thin air to hide under...then sneaks out and rolls (ala bowling) through two guys with a decidedly metal sounding thud meaning the can is real and has real weight to it. He gets out of the can and POOF it just magically disappears? Hello? Why in the heck could they not keep the can on the ground, etc...


Im still wondering where he hides his wet cardboard box and his unlimited supply ofrounds when he had the bandana equipped O.o

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#31 kenshinhimura16
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Ok, so first and foremost...graphically and audio wise the game is outstanding. I am very impressed with it, just has a great look and feel to it. So from that stand is a sure winner in the eyes of the public. Now that said...I have some major/minor knocks on this game from what I saw in the demo. First game play and style. Its the same as MGS2 & 3. Tried and true formula...not getting away from it which isnt a bad thing but more or less.

Enemy AI - I find it funny that you can blow away the guy right behind someone and somehow they can't hear the body hit the floor and react to it.....or they fail to see the large human shaped thing that is colored like the floor or at minimum be on alert when they see the form as it is obviously not flush to the floor. I mean a 3 year old would notice Snake laying there even with the camo so how come the soilders don't?... instead they just walk right by. Plus he is looking right at his buddys dead body in the door way that Snake had just humped and he doesn't react at all. It's a very similar problem I have noticed with the Splinter Cell games and the previous MGS games. Enemy AI just isn't that smart in terms of noticing the obvious.

Second item on game play....the guy has 50 thousand gadgets and guns and hides them exactly where? Cause his suit is pretty much skin tight and only has a couple of pockets....I am still trying to figure out where the sniper rifle fits.

Lastly....he magically gets a can out of thin air to hide under...then sneaks out and rolls (ala bowling) through two guys with a decidedly metal sounding thud meaning the can is real and has real weight to it. He gets out of the can and POOF it just magically disappears? Hello? Why in the heck could they not keep the can on the ground, etc...


Im still wondering where he hides his wet cardboard box and his unlimited supply ofrounds when he had the bandana equipped O.o

I still laugh when I remember the joke near the end of MGS

When Snakes points his bandana to Raiden and says: "Infinite Ammo"

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#32 SikKwuN
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i dont remember that at the end of mgs2!!! all i remember was the col. was talking crazy :D :lol:
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#33 macabre190788
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"Nobody can do that in real life, your back will hurt so bad".

Didn't you see the end of the presentation? Snake was holding his back obviously in pain.

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#34 legalize3
Member since 2007 • 1670 Posts

WOW comparing a game with real life amazing

why not compare mario to real life ?


if we going to nitpick on little things lets jump to the holywood movie section....

look rambo3 killing the whole army in his own not possible right ? this movie is far from done

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#35 kenshinhimura16
Member since 2005 • 7009 Posts

"Nobody can do that in real life, your back will hurt so bad".

Didn't you see the end of the presentation? Snake was holding his back obviously in pain.


And Kojima even said it when he used the position at the begining, and ended with the joke of stoping because Snakes back was hurting.

i dont remember that at the end of mgs2!!! all i remember was the col. was talking crazy :D :lol:SikKwuN

Just after that loco sequence, were you run dodging enemies while naked, when you enter the tunnel, Snake gives you your clothes and the sword, then you ask him something, and he points to his bandana and says infinite ammo.

Still the best parts are the crazy col stuff lol

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#36 PowerCharged
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don't start the bashing too fast
OKAY MGS4 will the the game to sell ps3 consoles
OKAY everybody wants to know the end of the story and you hype this game so much that you don't even want to see the work that left to be done on the game

in this gameplay demo i think everybody who watched it became even more hyped for this game

but there are some major flaws and aspects that need to be taken care of by Konami

- Snake's animations aren't realistic at all
i mean, you can't walk crouched like that all the time, nobody in real life can do it, your back will hurt so bad
the way he moves and does actions, you clearly see the lack of animations in it, it doesn't look natural and it's specifictly one animation, when that one ends he goes back to normal position, an other animation, and so on (like in the old days) (all that is what could have been one full action sequence)
it's not fluid ... *uncharted will just be revolutionary for the character animations*

the animations for the dead people suddenly falling from the top of the building (after being shot) was all done wrong too ...

- THE SOUND, a sniper shot makes some extremely loud sound, and the ennemies just behind the window doesn't wonder what is going on

- this brings us to the AI ... where the ennemie see a friend's body and don't wonder what is going on

- plus ... i guess those persons have something to do in the area they are in to, they should have a job to do for the terrorist unit can't just be standing there waiting to get killed (if it's to transport boxes of w/e ...)
now don't tell me their job was to do the security, because you can not provide security when you are hidding in a building, they should have been placed in strategic positions

one last thing
first person view controled with the sixaxis (uhhh ... disaster ?!)


didn't snake crack his back at the end of the trailer because his back was in pain:?

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#37 SikKwuN
Member since 2007 • 1442 Posts
^^ haha thanks i remember now... in that tunnel thingy. eh well, im going to play it one more time just because i want to laugh at the col.
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#38 bigstokes
Member since 2004 • 114 Posts
Your putting to much into a demo, bugs and improvements are done at the end before the game is released the demo just shows you were they are at in development, they have plenty of time to fix the issues you are complaining about. That why most demos have the warning that this is work in progress.
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#39 Peter_147
Member since 2005 • 631 Posts

hey geniuses they are in a WAR. When they hear a loud noise they dont say oh crap they shot jimmy outside..... rrric


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#40 The_Great_Samu
Member since 2006 • 458 Posts
How stupid. lol at the topic and first post. Just stupid. U should've just ignored this topic... I mean y'know. BTW I thought that u used SIXAXIS to take a sidestep I mean like when u used L2 and R2 to move left and right in MGS2 and MGS3. Maybe I wasn't paying attention...
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#41 TheTenn
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I think the game is coming along quite well and like the people have said before me Mr Kojima and the rest of his team has alot of time before the game comes out to fix bugs and animations etc.

Now as for the AI again as people have said before me it does look like he is playing it on very easy and it is just a demo so there is really nothing to gripe over considering its only one, still-unfinished morcel of game, the issue that people are having with the camo system and the gaurds walking right by you is silly if you want something that real go dress up and play hide'n go seek outside with your friends, if a game is that real it takes all fun out of it and makes it rediculously hard take Silver surfer for the NES for example you couldn't touch anything in that damn game or else you die to quote the angry nintendo nerd "to far to the left y'die to far to the right y'die to far up y'die to far down y'die y'die y'die y'die y'die die die die die DIE". No one needs a game that tough even Ninja Gaiden was't that tough even though it did beat my butt on more than one occasion.

Now unless you have played any MGS before you know the Item system is like that know one knows where any of the main characters keep their stuff I mean Raiden in his skin tight skull suit kept an RPG, Stinger, and Nikita on him plus several assault rifles, handguns grenades as well as 5 DIFFERENT boxes.

I think the MGS games have been more about realism of the environment over realism of enemies i mean really in MGS1 Soldiers were brainwashed and had been given another persons Genes, and they will one day die of some kind of disease.

Well thats my two cents my point is that people are taking this demo as if its the real game when they really shouldn't, as I have already stated its a demo and unfinished little piece of a game that is barely playable. Can't wait for this game i really want to play the demo myself just to hold me over like i did for MGS1 and MGS3.

-Fairwell Mr.Kojima good luck with the movie.

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#42 jelopek
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Topic creator please don't be like that...Get a life

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#43 Tlahui
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dude belive me, this game was demoed in very easy or easy, only that things happen on that difficulties, and when you crank it up to hard, its a different story, it has always been.
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#44 gaa0c85
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Thats great video footage.
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#45 Thomas-Crown
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You think that because they don't wonder what happened to their buddies it's weird? They're in a war. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what happened.

AI has always been weak in MGS. That's half of why I like it. I like teasing the guards. It's fun.

When Snake stopped running at the end of the demo he held his back to the bottom as Kojima pointed out.

Also, who the hell cares about realism? It's Sci-Fi. Ninja that block bullets, Homosexual Vampires, Arms that posess people...


lol... You got a point there. :D

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#46 watdahello
Member since 2007 • 283 Posts

hey geniuses they are in a WAR. When they hear a loud noise they dont say oh crap they shot jimmy outside..... rrric





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#47 minox2109
Member since 2006 • 144 Posts
the snipers point that u made makes some sense... but maybe u can think of it this way u are shooting the gun meaning its alot louder for the shooter then the people around... and you are at a warzone they hear gun shots all the time and this also dulls the senses... and snake isnt normal and if you wanna consider the fact tht people cant walk around like tht constantly... wel most people dont hve a health bar u get shot u die n u cant be back to 100% health wit jst a bandage....
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#48 wormace1313
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Jesus, the people who are complaining about how it lacks realism have obviously jumped on the band wagon and have not played a single metal gear solid game. This type of gameplay has always been. Someone posted about how dumb it was that snake could pull a barrel out of nowhere...again, someone who has not played a metal gear solid game. People, please go play the first three games and get informed on what's going on in the game and how it plays. I hate how people are finding every little flaw in the demo. Although, I do agree that the jump number off the building after the PMC's got shot was a little flashy. A simple tumble over the railing would do.
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#49 waza000
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i didn't make up anything for the ennemies looking at bodies ..... the first kill, he stays in front of the doorway, how come his friend didn't see him after ??!

later on, when the patrol comes by, his friend is shot and felt on the floor, the other one was still in his animation of asking for help or for showing him something (w/e it was, it was stupid)

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#50 Flame_Blade88
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It actually looked as if he was playing on Very Easy mode, just to show the demo with the greatest ease without actually dying in the middle of something and having to restart.