How long will we ignore Vista

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#1 Sokol4ever
Member since 2007 • 6717 Posts

I ask myself this question every day for the last few months as I'm trying to figure should I cash out 160$ Canadian for premium edition.

It's not that i don't have money to do it, however is the system ready for gaming? Why I'm having a hard time believing that 3 GIG of Ram that I have is not enough?

The Nvidia/Ati drivers are much better now then they use to be, or I they? Microsoft is already working on SP1 for Vista and Service Pack 3 for XP, how will that work out?

We keep saying Vista suck for gaming, does it really suck that much? If I'm running todays games at 50 FPS and not 60, would that really be an overkill in performance considering Vista will eventually be our gaming machine.

Do you remember how much XP had issue when it was released? Look at it know. The way Vista is going, it can pretty much turn be same. And I don't think we're far away from it.

I agree, when Vista was released it was terrible for us to even think to switch, it was to unreliable.

What about today, Vista had many fixes, again Video drivers company is releasing monthly updates. So, maybe Shadowrun and Halo 2 are nothing to droll about, but Directx10 if not around the corner, it certainly isn't far away.

The question then, that I'm struggling with: Is it good to update today, or wait until Windows Vista "Only" games keep coming, with Direct X 10 games?

Certainly it wasn't a good choice to upgrade five months ago, however how about today?

What are your thoughts on this matter.

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#2 BounceDK
Member since 2005 • 7388 Posts
For now it sucks, maybe that'll change but I doubt it.
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#3 Deihmos
Member since 2007 • 7819 Posts

For now it sucks, maybe that'll change but I doubt it.BounceDK

How do you know it sucks?

The majority of PC owners buy their PC in stores and it comes with Vista. If anyone is avoiding Vista it's the tiny community that build their own computer.

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#4 BounceDK
Member since 2005 • 7388 Posts

[QUOTE="BounceDK"]For now it sucks, maybe that'll change but I doubt it.Deihmos

How do you know it sucks?

The majority of PC owners buy their PC in stores and it comes with Vista. If anyone is avoiding Vista it's the tiny community that build their own computer.

I tried it and it stinks. Waste of money.
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#5 ttomm1946
Member since 2004 • 1871 Posts
one thing for has a bug that a lot of people have been getting including a friend of mine where you can't delete mail from internet mail.....if the mail program has problems what about the whole os?
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#6 Swiftstrike5
Member since 2005 • 6950 Posts
Until DX10 actualy shows a massive improvement in graphics or increases in preformance.
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Member since 2004 • 3398 Posts
XP isn't offered so much anymore on most pc retailers like HP, dell, and its inevitable
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#8 -AK47-
Member since 2007 • 3277 Posts
until a service pack comes out?
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#9 MyndFlyte
Member since 2005 • 1103 Posts
I'm going to build a new PC in about a month and I think I'm going to load up XP on it. I have just heard some bad stories about Vista. I'm sure once they come out with a service pack for it and it becomes more stable, I'll upgrade then.
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#10 stif42
Member since 2004 • 110 Posts

I'm completely in love with Vista. I have no bugs at all, games run very well, and applications launch much faster on Vista than XP.

In fact when I wtach XP running right now I' afraid ^^

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#11 generalish
Member since 2004 • 87 Posts
Vista is actually not as bad as what people say it is. However, there is not currently a large enough draw for the general public to upgrade their computers and dish out a couple hundred dollars for software to upgrade to a modified version of XP. The reason why it sucked in the beginning is because its a major memory hog and had enough bugs to drive a person crazy. I am going to wait to buy Vista because in time there will be a price gouge to encourage people to move from XP to Vista. Also the office package for Vista costs twice as much as the Operating System; so I wonder why i should upgrade my current system to an advanced version for the simple pleasure of glossy looking buttons that feature more sparkle.
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#12 vicsrealms
Member since 2003 • 2085 Posts
When they come out with the first service pack, work out all the driver problems, and I upgrade to a better system. For now WinXP Pro is all I need for my current system.
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#13 domke13
Member since 2006 • 2891 Posts
I dont know if i should go for Vista or not to. I am afraid tha my card wont run DX10 games such as Crysis well. Should i go for it???
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#14 FlameMe
Member since 2006 • 1165 Posts
for anyone who is good with windows and knows the ins and out of windows, will probably dislike Vista. Vista is very pretty, but they tried to make it so my Grandma could understand everything, and its really annoying IMO.
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#15 Unstoppable_1
Member since 2003 • 2005 Posts
Vista will be ignored till Micro$oft changes it's attitude.
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#16 Nitrous2O
Member since 2004 • 1813 Posts

I never ignored Vista, when I built a new machine ground up a few months ago, I knew it would be silly to buy another copy of XP. I went ahead and picked up Vista, and this was also a good excuse for me to move to a 64-bit version of an OS (which incidently, if you choose to upgrade over your current 3GB of ram and want it all available to your apps, you need 64-bit).

Anyway, I think Vista has been great for games!!! I've had less problems with games on Vista's initial release than I did with XP. Yeah, you can encounter some issues, such as with old starforce protection (yuck), but overall compatibility and performance has been extremely solid.

I definitely can't complain about gaming on Vista :D It'd be interesting to see some new Vista/XP comparison benchies.

Don't be scared of Vista, if you have some favorite app/game that doesn't work on Vista for some reason, you can dual-boot. I've been able to go Vista-only with no worries or on 2 machines...

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#17 the_hsoj
Member since 2006 • 1289 Posts
ill wait a while ive tried it at a friends house and i think can wait right now i dont think i would be worth the money
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#18 giantraddish
Member since 2002 • 307 Posts

I believe most of the driver issues and serious bugs have been ironed out by this time. However Vista just benchmarks lower than Windows XP on identical hardware. Until something happens to change that (maybe driver updates, or OS fixes, or DX10) or until a critical mass of software shows up that only runs on Vista, I'll be sticking with XP.


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#19 Questlove711
Member since 2006 • 700 Posts
I'm gonna wait for a little while... I won't buy it until it gives me a good reason to.
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#20 lokstah
Member since 2005 • 1213 Posts

The majority of PC owners buy their PC in stores and it comes with Vista. If anyone is avoiding Vista it's the tiny community that build their own computer.Deihmos

That's bonkers. There's also the enormous community of PC owners who purchased (or built) their machine prior to the release of Vista, and have to consider whether or not to upgrade.

I, like gazillions of others, fall into that category. And I plan to ignore for a while longer. I've never bought into a new OS in the early wave; I always tend to wait until it's obviously the best thing for me, my machine, and the software I use. A year or two of troubleshooting, patches, upgrades, fixes, compatabilitybugs and community consensusdown the road, I'll take the plunge. Always works for me. No rush.

Plus, I'm a little strapped for cash right now.

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#22 Bryn5774
Member since 2004 • 469 Posts
I'm not upgrading to Vista for a long long time. Why? Because of the bugs, but mostly because I cannot afford to shell out a couple hundred bucks for it, nor can I afford to shell out a couple hundred bucks for an awesome video card that supports DX10, nor can i afford to shell out the couple hundred bucks for a new copy of Microsoft Office,(being a student, i do kinda need to work with Word), as well as a new stick of RAM . All in all, it'll cost between 500-800 dollars for me to upgrade ($239 for Vista Home Premium, $199 for current version of Microsoft Office, between $200/300 for DX10 Video Card in the winter, and 50-100 dollars for more RAM).
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#23 666OrGaZmO666
Member since 2003 • 72 Posts

unless you have a geforce 8800 (or the ati one) and at least 2 gis of ram, its very inefecient for games which is all i care about. you can play the same games on xp with up to 50% better frame rates! so hoipefuly they will fix that because i really love directx 10, but untill it runs as smothly as DX9 on my xp then no go. plus i think there are people trying to get dx10 to work on xp. that would be cool lol..


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#24 ballsadragin
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I built my pc and all of my friends did also. We have had Few problems with Vista and they are working on the others just like whenXP was new it had many problems but I didn't make a choice ofXP or Vista I did a duel boot and haveXP and Vista on the same machine.
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#25 JeffreyCor
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Yes, it does suck that much and is extreamly unstable. Theoritical benifits will not even start to show up for another 5 months or so and the base OS has a long way before it truly becomes useful. It has nothing to do with ignoring Vista, my company has been testing the thing since beta and continues to do so on a regular bases. With this in mind we will not install Vista on any new systems which should tell you something by itself. It isn't being ignored, it is not ready for consumer use plain and simple.
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#26 osan0
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i still have the disc sitting pretty waiting for SP1 beofre i try again. my first experience with it was a complete disaster. it went boom in 3 weeks. not a very good start. in fairness this was very close to launch so the drivers were probably a bit crap but i think ill stick with XP until SP1.
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#27 RobertBowen
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I don't plan on getting Vista at all.

WinXP Pro SP2 does everything I need (work and hobby wise) and runs the vast majority of my games (even though DOSBox is needed for some of them). DX10 doesn't really seem to offer a great deal more when you weigh performance/benefit against cost of implementation, and I've never been a graphics whore anyway.

Why should I pay out for a new graphics card, more RAM and a new OS just so that I can have the joy of trying workarounds to get some of my older games and applications working (or not at all), and seeing a few more graphical effects in other games while they run at the same framerate or more likely worse? I don't like the concept of Games For Windows LIVE, and the Aero interface doesn't interest me. Some of the 'new' security measures are already available as updates for WinXP (like Defender etc.).

Vista just doesn't offer anything compelling that I absolutely need. If games start coming out that are DX10 only, well so be it. I'll miss out on some games. That's not a big deal to me, because I use my PC for a great deal more than just gaming.

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#28 lokstah
Member since 2005 • 1213 Posts

[QUOTE="Deihmos"] The majority of PC owners buy their PC in stores and it comes with Vista. If anyone is avoiding Vista it's the tiny community that build their own computer.Deihmos

That's bonkers. There's also the enormous community of PC owners who purchased (or built) their machine prior to the release of Vista, and have to consider whether or not to upgrade.

I, like gazillions of others, fall into that category. And I plan to ignore for a while longer. I've never bought into a new OS in the early wave; I always tend to wait until it's obviously the best thing for me, my machine, and the software I use. A year or two of troubleshooting, patches, upgrades, fixes, compatabilitybugs and community consensusdown the road, I'll take the plunge. Always works for me. No rush.

Plus, I'm a little strapped for cash right now.

The vast majority of Pc owners buy their PC in stores. In comparison the PC building community is tiny.

Yes, but again, the vast majority of current PC owners--even those who buy, and don't assemble, their machines--purchased them before the release of Vista. (In other words, if you look at all the PCs currently running on all the desks around the world, for the time being, the considerable majority run XP rather than Vista). That fact will shift and eventually reverse, but for the near future, the majority of the PC owning world will in fact be dealing with this question. What about that are you having trouble understanding?

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#29 Bedhouin
Member since 2002 • 469 Posts

If you're not going to buy or don't already have a DX10 card, then don't bother.

Otherwise do as I did, and set up a dual boot boot system with both. My Vista installation is pretty much unused and lying dormant until some DX10 games come along.

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#30 erodaland
Member since 2004 • 25 Posts
Ignore Vista for another 6 to 12 months, because it was full of bugs, incompatibility, unstable and slower for almost all games i played! I will wait for a good SP1 on Vista before downloaded it!
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#31 kweeky
Member since 2003 • 278 Posts

The problem with Vista is that sloppy developers have been using shortcuts, exploits and other holes in the code to get things to work as they want. Vista locks down on most of these shortcuts, exploits and so forth, which is why we have so much compatability issues.

For example, I downloaded a shareware text editing tool (just wanted to try it out), and for some ungodly reason it was trying to use something imbedded deep in DX8. That's right DX 8. Because the DLL wasn't bundled, the text editor just screamed at me.

Now, presented with this, a lot of users are going to associate the reason why the software doesn't work is due to Microsoft as this dodgy little text editor worked happily on their old XP machine.

Unless you compile everything you use, when a major system update arrives, you WILL have compatability issues. You can wait, or you can actually find alternatives (which are probably better anyway).

And in regards to it being crappy for gaming, I'm using Vista extensively at the moment, and the only thing I had to use ACT5.0 for was Dungeon Keeper 2. Everything else works fine, and *runs* fine despite my dying 7900.

The fact is, in a couple of years we'll have the majority of users on Vista with a handful of faithful devouts on an unsupported and ultimately outdated Windows XP (like we do today with 2000 holdouts.

All those games work with no problems on my Vista rig. :)

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#32 mega_deth
Member since 2006 • 659 Posts
until crysis comes out
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#33 RobertBowen
Member since 2003 • 4094 Posts
The fact is, in a couple of years we'll have the majority of users on Vista with a handful of faithful devouts on an unsupported and ultimately outdated Windows XP (like we do today with 2000 holdouts.

All those games work with no problems on my Vista rig. :)


Nice selection of games, and good to see some older ones working. But my problem is that I have a library in excess of 200 games I would want to get running, and that is more likely to cause a big headache. For a list of them just check my profile (link in sig).

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#34 Yosmel2006
Member since 2005 • 294 Posts

It's funny I remember seeing hundreds of threads just like this one several years ago when XP had just arrived. Just about anyone you would ask would tell you how horrible it was and that it was a piece of trash that needed to be scrapped. Sound familiar?

It still amazes me how ignorant some people can be when they trash Vista with so much zeal and so little knowledge. Installing Vista and toying with it for a few hours gives you no credit to say the operating system is beyond salvage, like most of the people out there trashing it. The same goes for those individuals who stop by their local Best Buy and purchase a PC filled to the teeth with bloatware and then go online telling anyone willing to listen how horrible Vista is and how much Microsoft had screwed up. Ignorance is running rampant everywhere I go and finding an honest opinion of what the real Vista experience is like online is neigh impossible.

Most people load Vista for the first time and are instantly appalled by the annoying UAC (User Account Control) that forces them to confirm just about every little thing you can possibly imagine doing (from renaming a shortcut to copying and pasting your documents). For thousands this was the end of their experience as they quickly uninstalled the "piece of trash" operating system in fustration and go online to voice their completely ignorant experience with Vista. Had these people taken two minutes to search the control panel most would have discovered that UAC is easily turned off.

Many others are shocked by how much memory Aero sucks up when they first load up Vista. For those that have under 1G of RAM Aero is a nightmare for anyone wanting to run Vista. Once again thousands of people rush to their online communities to complain about Vista and how much of a memory hog it is and that once again it's a piece of trash. I dont think it occured to any of these people that Aero can also be easily turned off by simply right clicking on your desktop and hitting display settings. Anyone complaining that Windows Vista as an operating system is beyond salvage because of it's memory usage better come up with a damn good argument because otherwise I will disgard you as ignorant, as 85% of Vista haters out there are. There are also those that take things WAY out of proportion. I cant count how many people have gone on forums complaining that they have 3GB of RAM and that it would barely be enough to run Vista. Unless you're running the cheapest PC3200 RAM that one can possibly fathom, 3GB of RAM is overkill for Vista, aero and all. 2GB of DDR2 memory is more than sufficient to run Windows Vista with all of it's bells and whistles enabled - and dont let anyone else tell you otherwise.

I will completely agree that gaming still isnt up to par with Windows XP. Anyone claiming that as their reason for waiting to upgrade is being a completely sensible person. Nvidia drivers are only now beginning to do what they should have done months ago, and DX10 games are still a few months away. All that being said, however, I honestly dont notice a single framerate of a difference when playing all my games in Vista over XP. Oblivion, F.E.A.R, Titan Quest, Rainbow Six Vegas, Half Life 2 - you name it. I play them all on my PC and have not noticed even a slight difference in performance for me to even begin contemplating going back to XP. Sorry to say but gaming benchmarks detailing the differences between XP and Vista mean absolutely nothing to me, although im sure this isnt the case for everyone.

I guess what im trying to say is dont listen to what ignorant people ramble about when forming your own opinions of Windows Vista. Sit down with it, turn off the annoying features that many use to boost their "Vista is Crap" arguments such as UAC and Aero if your computer cant handle it, and actually use the operating system for several days before forming your own opinion. Im not a Microsoft or Windows Vista "Fanboy" by any stretch of the imagination, im just being realistic. Many of you will completely disagree with what I have to say, many others will flame. So be it. This is my opinion and unlike most of you I've had months to form it.

For those wondering I bought Vista a few days after it was launched and have used it ever since. Im running an AMD FX-55 with 1GB of PC3200 Ram and a 7800GTX. I do indeed have Aero turned on and I have no complaints about performance.

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#35 Bedhouin
Member since 2002 • 469 Posts

It's funny I remember seeing hundreds of threads just like this one several years ago when XP had just arrived. Just about anyone you would ask would tell you how horrible it was and that it was a piece of trash that needed to be scrapped. Sound familiar?

It still amazes me how ignorant some people can be when they trash Vista with so much zeal and so little knowledge. Installing Vista and toying with it for a few hours gives you no credit to say the operating system is beyond salvage, like most of the people out there trashing it.


Thats the point. In it's current shape and form it's broken and not as stable as XP. How could it be? XP has years of fine-tuning behind it. After SP1 comes out I'll take a look again. But right now MS needs to fix it, and I imagine I'll be relying on a number of third party tweaks too.

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#36 Yosmel2006
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In it's current shape and form it's broken and not as stable as XP.


You say it's broken and unstable, I completely disagree. You make a hard accusation and fail to provide any evidence or examples. What exactly makes Vista "broken" in your opinion? Give us some facts. It's one thing to say the moon is red and another thing entirely to prove it.

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#37 Wedge598
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I'm personally waiting for a couple things to happen.

  1. SP1 to come out
  2. A blow me away DX10 only game to come out that makes me want to invest in a new Vid card and OS
  3. The video card devopers to iron out all the glitches in their drivers
  4. The sound card drivers to get updated to support 3D sound and EAX without silly wrapper workarounds.

Until all of those things happen I'll be sticking to XP which has worked great for me for years.

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#38 KalidorBR
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I'm completely in love with Vista. I have no bugs at all, games run very well, and applications launch much faster on Vista than XP.stif42


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#39 Valkyrie_44
Member since 2004 • 898 Posts

Right on Yosmel!

I am running Vista, I have had no problems.

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#40 42316
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I'm not ignorin vista.....I just can't afford it :P:P:P
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#41 Sup11722
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How Long Will We Ignore Vista?

As Long As We Can

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#42 RedSpiDer22
Member since 2006 • 25 Posts

I think it`s the same thing that happened when the XP was launched and many people said that it sucked,it was to bugy and other stuf like that, and now the same people are recomending the XP everywhere.

So we have to just wait a couple more months and more and more people will be using Vista.

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#43 BaldursGate18
Member since 2006 • 73 Posts

I think since we're still using XP and we haven't seen batches of new p.c games that use direct X 10 support until this fall and early next year I would doubt that Vista is a failure it's just that many of the games coming out like Crysis,COH:oppoeing fronts and World in Conflict have direct X 9 support for XP it really doesn't make sense to upgrade to Vista unless you absoulutely want to play games on vista with the direct 10 feature on it.So I just think people don't see the investment to buy vista until microsoft can have that must-buy title that is vista exclusive but I still would'nt rule vista out.

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#44 sammilo
Member since 2006 • 127 Posts

Anybody heard of a OS called ME.Vista is ME 2.From 98 to Me was a joke.ME got more drivers & patches & people said its the same path as 95.Windows 2000 was used with 98 & ME ended up being a Microsoft joke.Vista is much like Xp but with a lot more problems.

If the corporate world tells Bill to go take a hike, Xp support will continue till the next OS arrives & Vista will go sit on the shelf with ME.Vista has nothing anyone needs that Xp hasn't got already

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#45 Wasdie  Moderator
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For now it sucks, maybe that'll change but I doubt it.BounceDK

I built my PC with Vista and I actually love it. The new interface rocks.

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#46 Karl319
Member since 2005 • 4390 Posts
What's this Vista you speak of :o ... but seriously, Vista right now fails, if they manage to make it more stable, worth it and better than it is ... I'll consider it. Dx10 is not worth suffering on a bad platform for, in my view.
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#47 Mooch174
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Once in a while I'll come across a program that doesn't work with Vista very well (I can't seem to get NWN to run) but most of the time I haven't had any problems. :)
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#48 Manly-manly-man
Member since 2006 • 3477 Posts
Vista is just as stable as XP, unless you have some weird unheard of parts or don't know how to use a PC. Vista has given me absolutely no problems. No crashes, nothing. A few third party apps I use from time to time don't work, but anything important I use everyday works 100%. Games run JUST as well in Vista as XP, and if you think otherwise (like that guy earlier who said it runs 50% worse) you haven't used Vista very recently, if at all. If you are builidng/buying a new PC and can afford it, there is no reason at all not to upgrade.
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#49 Deamon321
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For now it sucks, maybe that'll change but I doubt it.BounceDK

I strongly disagree, well ok its trash now, but i believe it will surpass xp in the future, then again xp sp3 will be even better, hmm....

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#50 Nitrous2O
Member since 2004 • 1813 Posts

Vista is just as stable as XP, unless you have some weird unheard of parts or don't know how to use a PC. Vista has given me absolutely no problems. No crashes, nothing. A few third party apps I use from time to time don't work, but anything important I use everyday works 100%. Games run JUST as well in Vista as XP, and if you think otherwise (like that guy earlier who said it runs 50% worse) you haven't used Vista very recently, if at all. If you are builidng/buying a new PC and can afford it, there is no reason at all not to upgrade.Manly-manly-man

That pretty much sums up my experience also.

In particular, it's baffling to hear people call Vista "unstable" :? I don't doubt that some people have had problems, but is this is some way hardware related, are they running on older hardware? What exactly are they trying to do that is making it unstable. I have not seen any indication of instability on my hardware, every bit as stable as XP could hope for.

And yes, I also agree that if you are building/buying a new pc, and asking for a recommendation, Vista all the way! For current XP users, at the moment there aren't that many incentives to unload cash for a new OS, sticking to XP for now isn't a bad decision either.