Alpha Protocol Role-Playing/Chioce-Consequence discussion {spoiler}

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#1 teardropmina
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*Spoiler minefield, come in at your own risk*

imo Alpha Protocol is the best in handling Role-playing/choice-consequence since the old infinity days.

Obisdian does this with old-school approach -- role-playing experience depends on how thoroughly you explore the gameworld and diaolg options.

miss any hackable computer and unlockable safebox, you very possibly will have a very different AP walkthrough from others. and of course different dialog/choice will oftentime affect your AP playthrough.

I create this thread hoping that AP gamers can share their most and least impressive AP role-playing/c-c experiences.

for me, the most impressive role-playing "cluster" involves Madison, Alan Parker, and Marburg.

with my first playthrough, I was a bit disppointed with the Madison/bomb choice; it seems only about your mindset and situation after the event -- Madison leaves you since she couldn't let you be so selfish or you begin to worry about those who you care. and later on, whether you mainly go for revenge or justice.

then, after a more thorough playthrough, I found out that the Madison/bomb choice is actually part of the best realized role-playing cluster of the whole game (so far as I've played).

the basic varibables:1. you discover that Madison is actually Parker's daughter; 2. defusing the bomb is the designed most sensible choice since Madison, be her a lover or just a innocent hostage is too insignifcant by comparison; 3. you have a different feeling toward Marburg: hating him for killing Madison and being a conspiartor of the whole Halbech scheme; or, you're very sympthetic of Marburg's history with agency as a rogue agent.

now, choice-consequence:

1. you see Marburg as fellow mistreated agent; you won't tell Parker about the Madison death, and just reason him into collaborating with you to expose Halbech as usual. in the end, after you finish off Leland for good, Marburg will show up and express his feeling of liberation. you at once free yourself and Marburg from the nightmare of agency.

2. you determine to get every important person invloving in the Halbech scheme, for revenge or justice. you will tell Parker about Madison's death -- Madison is Paker's daughter and Marburg killed her! later, Parker will try to kill Marburg for revenge, but Marburg kills him instead; however, you get the chance to fight Marburg again after you miss the chance in the museum. eventually you kill Marburg, for justice or revenge.

these two pathes, different choices, different conseuqnces, mostly importantly two Mikes! you decide which Mike you're with different playthrough.

quite honestly, I've never gotten this kind of role-playing thrill since Torment. overall, Torment is still better, but this particular cluster is the closest to what Torment had achieved in terms of role-playing.

in comparison, the Taipei President/Riot chioce, I don't see much meaningful role-playing impact or maybe I just didn't figure it out.

I think this game is rushed and many things got cut off. Sis' locket is one of the most obvious -- it doesn't seem to have any way to probe deeper.

Romance role-playing overall is also quite unimpressive to say the least. though SIE's table treatment is quite a sight and the final "sailing" conversation with Scarlet is quite interesting compared to the one with Mina.

more to come maybe, and any AP gamer drop in is welcome.

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#2 Gladestone1
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Gamespot should re-review the game..Play it in its full form an not partial..Its a sad thing they gave this fun great game a 6..People where bashing this game before its release..Saying the devs where not happy with it blah blah blah..It was a enjoyable game well except the mini games couldve been left out of it..Other than that ive had fun developing my character..Some of the boss mobs took me awhile to figure out how to kill them, so they where challenging..Im shocked such a fun game got such a low score..In some ways the choices where close to that of me2..People are like omfg the graphic suck..Wish people would get over the graphics thing on these boards..Game-play is where its at an this game has plenty of game-play..Obsidion im a fan an will be for some time now..Neverwinter nights 2 was a good game an people loved it..Im sure alpha protocol will grow on people..You guys should be proud you guys made one hell of a find game kudos..

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#3 Planeforger
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I didn't discover that Madison was Parker's daughter, although I figured that she must be someone important (from various things, including the email at the museum - I actually thought she was Marburg's daugher) and thus assumed that he wouldn't kill her, thus I thought defusing the bomb would be the all-round best option. It's fun being proven wrong in an unexpected way. :P From there, I convinced both Parker and Marburg to side with me, and neither of them got hurt - although it sounds a little different from the way your option 1 played out. In any case, I've got to replay this game, pronto.
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#5 lge777
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IGN even gives it a 6.3 and it just not very good

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#6 Planeforger
Member since 2004 • 19600 Posts

Are we so desperate for some PC games that we consider AP to be a great game, I was playing it at my friends house last night for about 3-4 hours and it was weak to So-So at best i would give it a 5 for playable but not good...A 6 is saying it's fairly good and it's just not.lge777

The first few sections are a bit slow, but the game definitely picks up as it goes along.

Also, how did you play it? I often wonder if the people who hate it played it like a shooter.

Oh, and Eurogamer gave it a 7 and generally liked it: Review scores aren't everything, and a lot of player feedback from old-school RPG fans has been very positive, so...

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#7 teardropmina
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Are we so desperate for some PC games that we consider AP to be a great game, I was playing it at my friends house last night for about 3-4 hours and it was weak to So-So at best i would give it a 5 for playable but not good...A 6 is saying it's fairly good and it's just not.


I'm not desperate of anything, this thread is to share different AP role-playing experiences...if you don't have anything on-topic to contribute, you can just stay out?

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#8 teardropmina
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I convinced both Parker and Marburg to side with me, and neither of them got hurt - although it sounds a little different from the way your option 1 played out. In any case, I've got to replay this game, pronto.Planeforger

I haven't yet gotten Marburg to show up during the last mission except for his final conversation as mentioned.

I'm certainly not done with the game yet, there are some more role-playing possibilities I want to try out:)

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#9 Planeforger
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[QUOTE="Planeforger"]I convinced both Parker and Marburg to side with me, and neither of them got hurt - although it sounds a little different from the way your option 1 played out. In any case, I've got to replay this game, pronto.teardropmina

I haven't yet gotten Marburg to show up during the last mission except for his final conversation as mentioned.

For me, I think he only appeared when he escorted me out of the interrogation room (which is when I persuaded him to side with me), and then again in the final scene after sparing Leland - Leland ordered him to kill me, and he just casually walks by and lets me do my thing.

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#10 teardropmina
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[QUOTE="Planeforger"]I convinced both Parker and Marburg to side with me, and neither of them got hurt - although it sounds a little different from the way your option 1 played out. In any case, I've got to replay this game, pronto.Planeforger

I haven't yet gotten Marburg to show up during the last mission except for his final conversation as mentioned.

For me, I think he only appeared when he escorted me out of the interrogation room (which is when I persuaded him to side with me), and then again in the final scene after sparing Leland - Leland ordered him to kill me, and he just casually walks by and lets me do my thing.

ok...lo...if you choose to kill Leland, he'll just show up and say his "liberating" piece:)

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#11 Mazoch
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- One segment that I thought fell kinda flat was the final part of the Taiwan story. You 'enemy' (Ogedon or something like that) was never really introduced very well (you meet him once earlier) but he seemed somewhat boring and generic. After your fight with him the whole thing is made pointless anyways because Scarlet was the assassin.

I thought it would have been a lot more interesting if Scarlet actually was who you confronted / fought against. It would have offered some very interesting choices, options and dilemmas. Would you even be willing to attack her to try and stop the plot?

- I thought the whole 'Russian babe with the machine gun' fell a little flat. Most characters in the game seem more muted; this made her stand out as something of a sore thumb. She seemed like she'd be a better fit in Metal Gear Solid than Alpha Protocol.

The things that tended to stand out for me were generally more subtle. I enjoyed how your choice to harm police or US personal in the embassy would affect not just that mission but the outcome of that area as well as the overall story.

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#12 teardropmina
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Omen Dang is actually quite well constructed character. my favorite relationship with him is mutual respect and empathy -- both Mike and Omen are pawns in Halbech scheme. weaker to the endgame connection of course.

as for Scarlet, you do have the chance to kill her in the endgame mission.

if you choose to download the PDA file from Omen in the endgame mission and told Scarlet out right that Mike was a secret agent whem Mike and Scarlet first met, you will have a great dialog exchange between Mike and Scarlet in the endgame.

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#13 Planeforger
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if you choose to download the PDA file from Omen in the endgame mission and told Scarlet out right that Mike was a secret agent whem Mike and Scarlet first met, you will have a great dialog exchange between Mike and Scarlet in the endgame.


Is this different to the exchange you have when you max out her respect and don't download the PDA data, so instead she reveals her secret to you in person?

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#14 teardropmina
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if you choose to download the PDA file from Omen in the endgame mission and told Scarlet out right that Mike was a secret agent whem Mike and Scarlet first met, you will have a great dialog exchange between Mike and Scarlet in the endgame.


Is this different to the exchange you have when you max out her respect and don't download the PDA data, so instead she reveals her secret to you in person?

yes, you go into the interrogation room knowing that she's the assissin, and there's a whole new converstation set with which you can choose to either kill or spare her.

as mentioned, if you told her Mike's true identity when first met, you will get the best written lines in this set.

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#15 kozzy1234
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The game is awesome and yes the decision making was done extremely well. Your choices actually have a HUGE impact on the story and what happens.
I dont have one time that was better then the others, I just find it amazing how they where able to do such a good job at making the decisions so hard to make. If you go back and try differnt parts with differnt answers youll be amazed at how differnt things can turn out.

Awesome game is awesome.

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#16 kozzy1234
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IGN even gives it a 6.3 and it just not very good


so what...1UP even gave it 83%.

Who cares about review scores, we enjoy the game and thats all that matters.

Im honestly not surprised that someone with a Gears of War avy doesnt like Alpha Protocol, this game is not about mindless shooting with no story, its about choices, decisions, role playing and pulling you into its well done story.

This thread was made to chat about the decision making in Alpha Protocol, not to bring up review scores and how its not very good game.

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#17 lge777
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IGN even gives it a 6.3 and it just not very good


so what...1UP even gave it 83%.

Who cares about review scores, we enjoy the game and thats all that matters.

Im honestly not surprised that someone with a Gears of War avy doesnt like Alpha Protocol, this game is not about mindless shooting with no story, its about choices, decisions, role playing and pulling you into its well done story.

This thread was made to chat about the decision making in Alpha Protocol, not to bring up review scores and how its not very good game.

AP just isn't very good, If it was a great game like DAO,Dirt 2,ME2.Napoleon Total War,Warhammer 40000 i would come right out and say it's a great game But the game is just not good,And as for my Avatar GEARS OF WAR was another bad game that every band wagon'er jump on and the game just wasn't very good...BUT IT IS A SWEET ICON AND THATS WHY I USE IT

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#18 kozzy1234
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IGN even gives it a 6.3 and it just not very good


so what...1UP even gave it 83%.

Who cares about review scores, we enjoy the game and thats all that matters.

Im honestly not surprised that someone with a Gears of War avy doesnt like Alpha Protocol, this game is not about mindless shooting with no story, its about choices, decisions, role playing and pulling you into its well done story.

This thread was made to chat about the decision making in Alpha Protocol, not to bring up review scores and how its not very good game.

AP just isn't very good, If it was a great game like DAO,Dirt 2,ME2.Napoleon Total War,Warhammer 40000 i would come right out and say it's a great game But the game is just not good,And as for my Avatar GEARS OF WAR was another bad game that every band wagon'er jump on and the game just wasn't very good...BUT IT IS A SWEET ICON AND THATS WHY I USE IT

But this thread isnt a thread for "DO YOU LIKE ALPHA PROTOCOL OR HATE IT?" talk. Its for talk about the decisions and choices that people have made while playing the game. There is another thread for discussion about weither you like or hate Alpha Protocol.

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#19 teardropmina
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Surkov - Brayko - Moscow ending

well, Brayko is the least satisfying mainly because he's one of the main characters mentioned/shown during Mike/ Leland conversation cutscenes.

Surkov is colorful enough; encounters/hanling of him is of a wide variety. at bigger scale, Brayko may be your last Moscow mission if you just get PDA from Surkov and don't collect any intel along the way...that's you're "too dumb to figure it out" the Surkvo/Halbech connection. then, you may or may not fight Championchik and etc.

what I like the most are the little things when you deal with Surkov. my favorite is when I team up with SIE, by the end of the US Embassy mission, Surkvo has the nerve to point a gun at Mike, I just proceed to disarm him and shoot him in the leg...later, during Mike/ Leland conversation, Leland comments something like "I was wondering why Surkvo limping like that..."


a nice little bit on Surkvo/Brayko closure; if you get postive rep. on Brayko and negative on Surkvo, Brayko will show up in the end of the preventing Surkvo espcape mission. he will take care Championchik, and you can watch him finish off Surkvo.

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#20 teardropmina
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just finish another playthrough, on hard and got every "bad" guy in endgame: Parker killed by Marburg, kill Marburg, kill Darcy, deal with Westridge and Leland.

if you decide to "betray" the US prior to entering the endgame, Westridge will be the main guy giving orders in your attempt to escape and the final boss. you will not fight Leland in this case, but he's the last guy and you'll have the same ending as those without fighting Westridge.

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#21 kozzy1234
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Im on my 2nd playthru aswell, its crazy how differnt things are when compared to the first time thru because of how I am doing the decisions this time.

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#22 teardropmina
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the most satisfying ending so far for me actually comes with siding with Halbech...yet betray Leland! punch him to the ground, letting him face the AP mess ^^

then, the new Halbech reigme under Mike is born, working together with G22, SIE, Scarlet, Steve Heck, Brakyo, Al Samad and Shahee...:)

also, choose to side with Halbech, Mina's identity as double agent, who cut Mike loose and turn rogue, is confirmed (something is hint on if you go all "professional" with her before entering endgame).

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#23 dinuattila
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Well it seems I made A different choice in a conversation somewhere, because as far as I'm concerned I didn't encounter Marburg at the end, and yes I killed Leland and every Halbech/AP operative... except him.

Though, before all hell broke loose in the AP center I had a discussion with Marburg and the end was something like this : "I will be coming for you", or something similar.

Got to love this game. Now if we could get a sequel and could import saves... that would make things even more complicated in a positive way.

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#24 teardropmina
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Well it seems I made A different choice in a conversation somewhere, because as far as I'm concerned I didn't encounter Marburg at the end, and yes I killed Leland and every Halbech/AP operative... except him.


you get a second shot at Marburg only if you discover that Madison is Parker's daughter and tell Parker about it.

Mina was right at the museum after Marburg escaped..."there'll be another time..."

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#25 teardropmina
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Well it seems I made A different choice in a conversation somewhere, because as far as I'm concerned I didn't encounter Marburg at the end, and yes I killed Leland and every Halbech/AP operative... except him.


you get a second shot at Marburg only if you discover that Madison is Parker's daughter and tell Parker about it.

Mina was right at the museum after Marburg escaped..."there'll be another time..."

an update on Marburg; from a checkpoint replay I actually killed Marburg right at the museum, and so no second chance is needed.

the key is whether you can successfully taunt him to fight Mike rather than run away.

the scope/variety of choice-consequence of this game is just too impressive...