Do you have any friends on the opposite side of the political spectrum?

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#51 fenriz275
Member since 2003 • 2387 Posts

My girlfriend was and it wasn't really an issue for most of the relationship. Seriously how often do you think about politics on a daily basis unless you're glued to MSNBC or FOX news? Then she got sucked into the maga cult. I watched her basically fall down that rabbit hole and soon everything was some stupid maga talking point or fake outrage over and over again all the time. It's was sad, depressing, and frustrating all at the same time to watch someone completely lose themselves to a cult.

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#52 KathaarianCode
Member since 2022 • 3504 Posts

The people that went into cult mode I just had to cut ties with. Not because of their ideas but because they won't shut the **** up about politics and conspiracy theories and I have no patience for that brain dead shit. Not 24/7 for sure.

In some cases it still hurts but the few people I tried to reconnect with just keep bringing their propaganda insanity into the conversation and I don't need that sewage. Best of luck but I'm not falling into that.

Maybe they'll eventually manage to escape it but when you are that brainwashed, in most cases it takes professional help even to reach the point where you admit to yourself that you've been tricked. So I'm not holding my breath.

But it is sad, I always had friends from every spectrum of the political field but things changed a lot. Many people became indoctrinated.

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#53 Stevo_the_gamer  Moderator
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Of course and besides, I'm married to one. I'm slowly converting her though. It's the long game.

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#55 Litchie
Member since 2003 • 34770 Posts

I don't consider myself to be of a political spectrum, so can't really have friends on the opposite one. Pretty sure all my friends have common sense though. They wouldn't support someone like Trump.

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#56 Serraph105
Member since 2007 • 36047 Posts

A couple, yeah. I also have family members who are conservatives.

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#57  Edited By Maroxad
Member since 2007 • 23992 Posts

Well yeah. We don't talk much about Politics though. Especially as, politics has gotten a lot less interesting. As things move more towards partisan lines rather than any resemblance of accuracy or consistency. Due to the Sweden Democrats' many failures even the friends I had that did support them are getting disillusioned and increasingly apolitical.

I was even in a romantic relationship with one who disagreed with me politically. Our political differences didn't bother me as much as it clearly bothered her though.

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#58 Willy105
Member since 2005 • 26114 Posts

My friends range from apolitical to far, far, far left. I didn't filter my friendships down to this though, it just happens naturally, because I generally doesn't feel comfortable speaking with people who have certain personality traits, and it just so happens those personality traits tend to align with conservatism.

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#59  Edited By mrbojangles25
Member since 2005 • 58503 Posts

@Willy105 said:

My friends range from apolitical to far, far, far left. I didn't filter my friendships down to this though, it just happens naturally, because I generally doesn't feel comfortable speaking with people who have certain personality traits, and it just so happens those personality traits tend to align with conservatism.

Yeah that's sort of how I feel, it just occurs organically. I'd probably find any MAGA types to be assholes because they obviously like assholes (birds of a feather...), but I would know this before their politics anyway.

Conversely I feel the need to point out a few differences: Republican voters are not necessarily card-carrying Republicans, nor are Republican voters direct supporters of the far right (though, at this point, they kind of are you could argue).

If you actually like Trump or identify with many far-right policies, you're a jerk. But if you support traditional Republican and conservative policies, well, I can work with that. You have a right to be pro-life provided you factor in a bit of common sense and reason (as most folks do, I found) and I don't take issue with that despite being pro-choice myself, just to use one example.