Where and how did you get YOUR Wii?

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#51 Mike1978Smith
Member since 2005 • 2012 Posts
My wife bought me one last April ('07) as an anniversary present.
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#52 ice05052005
Member since 2005 • 311 Posts

I camped out at gamestop a month before launch to get a preorder... picked up my wii at their midnight launch.ag1052

Exactly the same for me

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#53 meteorgun7
Member since 2003 • 25135 Posts
Got mines at launch, waiting in line at Target for 3 hours to get it.
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#54 ice05052005
Member since 2005 • 311 Posts

My story is funny and sad:
I got it at Wal Mart on June 14th 2007.

6:36AM: My friend (who is a manager at wal mart) called me saying they had a bunch of wiis. I called a taxi and got ready. The taxi got home, I went into the taxi and the guy says "where are you going" (Haitian accent) I told him "wal mart". We got to walmart at 7:00 am

7:00 am: I went running to the Video game deparment, this kid at the shoes department had a Wii on his hands and I was like "Oh *****, maybe thats the last one" When I got to the videogame deparment there were no more left. I was like "damn, I wasted $10 for the taxi now I have to get home, thats $20". But I remembered the kid with the Wii so I went to the shoes deparment. The Wii was on top of the chairs where you can sit and try the shoes. The kid was in the other side. I was thinking for a moment then I grabbed it and ran to the register. I payed for the Wii and started running away from Walmart. 5 min after running, I took a deep breath and called a taxi.

7:25 am. The taxi came and it was the same guy. I got home and started to play Wii Sports, but then I was thinking about the kid when my boss called me to go to work on sunday, my day off. I got at Dunkin Donuts at 10:00am. This kid dropped his milk so I had to clean it, when I looked at his face, it was the same kid from Walmart, I was like WTF. The kid was about 7-9 years old. I hope the kid found a Wii.


Dude! That was totally my brother! ...I hate you now. My brother lost all hope that day. Now all he does is sit in the backyard and plays on the swing. All day he just swings. He barely eats. He doesnt talk. Just sits there on the swing... He doesnt even play with the Wii we got him.


yo duuude. . . .that is sooo sad, bra! I cant believe he did that! and this guy laughs his butt off is slightly funny thou

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#55 mylsd
Member since 2004 • 1190 Posts

US launch

Woke up at 9:45am, went to Toys R Us at quarter past ten, got in line, got a Wii


Mine was the same exact situation, by the time I woke up on Sunday, everyone was sold out, but Toys R Us didn't open till 11, and I was number 16 out of 36 to get mine. good times, good times

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#57 chelosera91
Member since 2007 • 778 Posts

My story is funny and sad:
I got it at Wal Mart on June 14th 2007.

6:36AM: My friend (who is a manager at wal mart) called me saying they had a bunch of wiis. I called a taxi and got ready. The taxi got home, I went into the taxi and the guy says "where are you going" (Haitian accent) I told him "wal mart". We got to walmart at 7:00 am

7:00 am: I went running to the Video game deparment, this kid at the shoes department had a Wii on his hands and I was like "Oh *****, maybe thats the last one" When I got to the videogame deparment there were no more left. I was like "damn, I wasted $10 for the taxi now I have to get home, thats $20". But I remembered the kid with the Wii so I went to the shoes deparment. The Wii was on top of the chairs where you can sit and try the shoes. The kid was in the other side. I was thinking for a moment then I grabbed it and ran to the register. I payed for the Wii and started running away from Walmart. 5 min after running, I took a deep breath and called a taxi.

7:25 am. The taxi came and it was the same guy. I got home and started to play Wii Sports, but then I was thinking about the kid when my boss called me to go to work on sunday, my day off. I got at Dunkin Donuts at 10:00am. This kid dropped his milk so I had to clean it, when I looked at his face, it was the same kid from Walmart, I was like WTF. The kid was about 7-9 years old. I hope the kid found a Wii.


Dude! That was totally my brother! ...I hate you now. My brother lost all hope that day. Now all he does is sit in the backyard and plays on the swing. All day he just swings. He barely eats. He doesnt talk. Just sits there on the swing... He doesnt even play with the Wii we got him.


yo duuude. . . .that is sooo sad, bra! I cant believe he did that! and this guy laughs his butt off is slightly funny thou

dude, I was kidding, check my other post >_>

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#58 jjr10
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Preordered, picked it up on AU launch.
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#59 Thiago26792
Member since 2007 • 11059 Posts
I received it as my Christmas present, in 2006. I have no idea of how my parents got one for me. It was a great surprise.
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#60 neelyboy99
Member since 2003 • 1391 Posts

My story is funny and sad:
I got it at Wal Mart on June 14th 2007.

6:36AM: My friend (who is a manager at wal mart) called me saying they had a bunch of wiis. I called a taxi and got ready. The taxi got home, I went into the taxi and the guy says "where are you going" (Haitian accent) I told him "wal mart". We got to walmart at 7:00 am

7:00 am: I went running to the Video game deparment, this kid at the shoes department had a Wii on his hands and I was like "Oh *****, maybe thats the last one" When I got to the videogame deparment there were no more left. I was like "damn, I wasted $10 for the taxi now I have to get home, thats $20". But I remembered the kid with the Wii so I went to the shoes deparment. The Wii was on top of the chairs where you can sit and try the shoes. The kid was in the other side. I was thinking for a moment then I grabbed it and ran to the register. I payed for the Wii and started running away from Walmart. 5 min after running, I took a deep breath and called a taxi.

7:25 am. The taxi came and it was the same guy. I got home and started to play Wii Sports, but then I was thinking about the kid when my boss called me to go to work on sunday, my day off. I got at Dunkin Donuts at 10:00am. This kid dropped his milk so I had to clean it, when I looked at his face, it was the same kid from Walmart, I was like WTF. The kid was about 7-9 years old. I hope the kid found a Wii.


AHAHAHAHAHA dang that's bad but still ballin' dude.

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#61 manueru
Member since 2006 • 116 Posts

on december 2006 y went to calexico and to El centro California, i expend a lot of hours looking a Wii in every store in both towns, i didn't found, so i was sad, i keep lookin some weeks later and a find nothing, i found one in a wal-mart here in Mexico, but was very expensive so i didn't buy it, some day my dad ask to me if a want go with him to Oceanside california and i said yes, i pick my money for a Wii if i found one there. was a large road, we arrive in a aunt house, some hours later my aunt said that there a Wal-mart near there, i went to wal-mart and didn't found a Wii, but i found a Gamestop and i ran to there, i read a letter in the door that said "Wii in stock" so i ask for a Wii and the guy said to me "We don't have Wii now" but other guy said "No, i look one in the storage" the first guy go to found it and when he comes said "no, there no Wii there" i was sad, and the other guy said "i will go there" and he gones, i time later he comes with a Wii and he said "is the last one, lucky boy" i paid itand i was very excited, hours later my dad and me take road to back to Mexico, and was another large road, when i go home, was very night so i went to sleep, and the next i had to go to school, so i play it the next day after buy it, actually i have Wii sport, Wii play, Metroid Prime 3, Super Mario Galaxy and No more Heroes

PS. sorry if i commit some grammar mistakes, i didn't know English very well

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#62 fluffy_kins
Member since 2006 • 2553 Posts
i amazingly got mine 3 weeks after the release. It was at a Hastings and I got like the last one in the city. I have not seen a Wii in any store since I got mine. Pretty lucky I guess.
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#63 suker009
Member since 2007 • 391 Posts

my story might be kinda long, So... its the middle of july and i'm calling everywhere and anywhere. couple days pass and "Toys RUs"(TRU) says that their gonna a HUGE shipment on saturday, i was pumped. so its friday night and i clean my room and make a whole new setup with new chairs and changed everything in my room just for the wii lol. i was tryin to fall asleep that night because i obviously had to get up early but it was impossible- i think i fell asleep round 4 o'clock. I wake up 2 and a half hours later 6:30. My mom, bro and me were getting ready brushing eating changing quickly. We left round 7ish, I had no clue what to expect, weather there was gonna be a big line or even anybody. We get there and there's one kid, i was happy. I grab my chair and grabed a seat next to him while my mom and bro went to next door wal-mart. I ask the kid, your number one right, he says no, that guy in that truck overthere is, and i was like wow that guy is old lol, so we talk for like 45 minutes and i never knew i could have such a deep conversation with an 8 year old haha. my mom comes back with chicken wings and i was hungry so it was perfect timing. she grabed me like 8 or 10, and i started devoring them, i look over at the kid and i could seriously hear his stomach growling, i felt bad and gave him one. When i called TRU, they said they would open up at 9:45 and i look up at the store hours sign and it says 10:30, i was pissed but than got over eat while eating more chicken wings. so now its round 8:40 ish and this car pulls up right infront of us and this huge guy comes out wearing a tye dye shirt and says whats goin today, me and the kid respond, wii!!!, and the guy says whats that, i was about to shoot myself, "how would not know wat a wii is, seriously" so i really said its a new video gaming system and the guy says oh and leaves- pretty strange. this is completley off topic but my 9th grade spanish teacher drove by and that was also kinda strange, it all felt surreal for a moment. so its 9:20ish and a car parks and 3 kids come out and get behind us in line. we talked and i figured out they were all brothers and i also figured that they bought a **** load of games for the wii without even having a wii lol. at this point were all tired of waiting and we start peeking inside the store and we notice more employees are coming in. I see one emplyee at the register and i swear to god this is completley TRUE, someother employee comes and touches him on the shoulder and the guys just started running as fast he could down the ailes and i was like wtf?? and than i see more running and now it was getting really wierd, so i came to a conclusion the employees play TAG before the store opens or something. ok so its 9:50, and a girl comes out of the store and says something like, we are opening in 40 minutes and in about 20 minutes i'm going to walk out here and give out vouchers for wii's, we have 23 wii's so there will be 23 vouchers and than she just goes back in. me and the other kids got wicked excited cuz it felt cool. so the grandpa guy, who was waiting in his truck for about 4 hours, gets out of his truck and asks us wat the girl said, we tell him and he says "ok i gotta to wal-mart and go to the bathroom, could u grab a voucher for me:"- he was talking to the 8 year old. so the kid says sure and the grandpa leaves. now within the next 15 minutes cars just started coming out of every direction and line was very lengnty but it didnt look like there was 23 customers just yet. so the girl employee comes out of the store and starts handing out vouchers, and the vouchers was a booklet about the nintendo big three entertainment systems, game boy, DS and of course the wii. I was so excited reading through it with my brother that i didnt even notice the 8 year old forgot to grab one for gramps lol so as i read through it and i look over to the 8 year old and ask him did u grab one for the guy and kid says no camly, i said wat!!, he just says i forgot very calmy, and i was flabbergasted lol i look back and told the 8 year old u better hope they didnt pass out 23 vouchers and kids like watever. the grandpa comes back and notices the vouchers and asks the kid for one, when the kid responded i thought he was about to die, i though he was about to take out the kid and start curb stomping him or something. so the grandpa cools down and waits patiently. a guy comes out and practically yells out the store is now open, i book it in there. i knew where everything was. the grandpa has no clue where the electronic sections is and i could tell he was confused and he started going towards Clothing, and this guy comes out from the register and seriously started screaming "THE WII"S ARE OVER THERE!!!!!, THE WII"S ARE OVER THERE" grandpa notices and changes direction. i somehow got behind the grandpa, the kid, and the three brothers while running. we get right outside the electronic section. Everybody started going around to the entrance of the gaming section and i notice this collage of xbox posters and **** and i notice this gap behind it that led straight to the register in the gaming section, and i was thinking should i brake through this and maybe be 1st at the register or should i go around. so out of quick thinking i just bursted through it like a maniac and was 1st, the lady at the register just kinda looked and thought WTF just happend. she didnt even check our vochers so gramps was alright and got my wii and we all lived hapily ever after. THE END

** This story is 100% absolutley TRUE.

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#64 Expo_Smacko
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I am not gonna make a huge letter like some of these people.

I walked in Wal-Mart and saw they had one so I bought it.

The end.

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#65 Leanitus15
Member since 2008 • 25 Posts
I got my Wii on day 1 at Zellers. I pre-ordered it on October 10th and counted down the days impatiently to 11.19.06.
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#66 Tigerman950
Member since 2005 • 2517 Posts
Meijer, a couple months after it came out. My brother and I rushed to the games section and asked them if they had a Wii. They said no at first, and we started to walk away but then they stopped us and said "Wait, we have one more" and that's how I got my Wii.
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#67 Bass7
Member since 2004 • 6614 Posts
Launch day, called my connections to Nintendo, asked if they minded if I bought a Wii, they invited me in, and I gots a Wii. I still have the box with the NOA sticker to prove it. "NOA Stricly prohibits resale..." or whatever it says.
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#68 BilliePopK
Member since 2006 • 194 Posts
Got it as a late birthday present last year on August. More than 7 months late! D:
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#69 Lord_Omikron666
Member since 2007 • 4838 Posts
Camped outside Best Buy on launch day with a friend, waiting 17 hours. I learned that next time I do that kind of thing, I need to make sure I have enough entertainment, or enough batteries, to keep me occupied through the long night since it wasen't exactly dreamland trying to sleep outside in the November cold on a lawn chair.
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#70 bluebox237
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I got my Wii at Best Buy during November of 2007. I was with my dad a week before I got it and asked a guy who worked there when they were getting wiis. He said,"Next Sunday." Next Sunday we get there a around 6:00. We have to wait 4 hours in the cold and their was already about 8 people in line. One person said they waited in line ever since 12:00 am and this was a year after the wii launched! I was playing my DS to pass the time and then I look up and the line was huge. When it was getting closer for the store to open a man came out and counted us and their was 62 people in line! Then every one cheered because the man said every single person would get Wii. They passed out the tickets and me and my dad got a ticket. (He wanted to sell one on eBay.) Then we sold the ticket to a man for $60. We got inside and bought the Wii and Super Mario Galaxy.(with the 60 dollars.) I had a happy Christmas that year.:D

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#71 budweiserpett
Member since 2007 • 189 Posts
i got my wii from ebay it was the only place where i could find one at the time
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#72 RK-Mara
Member since 2006 • 11489 Posts
I got mine at the Euro launch - or actually I didn't. I was 27th in the line and the store had 26 Wiis. Fortunately they gave me one from the next shipment. And I only waited 30 minutes :D
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#73 freek666
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My brother preordered it and pick it up when it was released here in Australia. Its technically his but I'm the one who uses it and buys the games.
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#74 RRR23
Member since 2007 • 2495 Posts
wal-mart always low prices i was looking for a wii for 2 weeks going to stores on sunday (when shipment come) going to a website i think it was called ps3finder/wii.com something like thar
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#75 pikma
Member since 2004 • 483 Posts

where? ebay?

how? bidding :P

how much? $350 plus shiping

ouch... yeah, i did pay that much
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#76 Stoufzilla
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Off ebay a good while after launch. It was barely used (the guy forgot to format the Wii System memory, I had a good nosey at his play times and they barely touched the thing) It came with a Wii Remote, Nunchuk, Twilight Princess, Rayman Raving Rabbids 1, Open Season (which I promptly traded in to the suckers at GAME) and Wii Sports.

The price I paid for it (£200 and something.. I can't remember right now) was a good price when I added up how much it would cost new with the games and such, I've been enjoying it ever since :) i don't think I'll ever be one of those people with the patience to wait in line for hours or camp out at a store.

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#77 jim1991my
Member since 2004 • 64 Posts
I just got a voucher from Toys R Us this morning and I'm gonna pick it up when they open. I got the early edition of the paper and saw that they would have Wiis in so I decided to show up early(like 6:10) and waited with a couple for like 5 minutes. An employee came out and gave us vouchers. I so excited to get my wii!
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#78 Travo_basic
Member since 2003 • 38751 Posts

I actually went to the future and bought a wii when they had plenty in stock. Jakendo

I can tell you're lying when you said they had plenty in stock.

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i got it at a few days after it came out in Toys R Us
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#80 A7Xfan
Member since 2004 • 3962 Posts
I waited in line 14 hours on launch day. I was excited to do it, but my friends were creeped out at the people around us. Got it at Best Buy.
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#81 deactivated-5967f36c08c33
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Circuit City,day after launch; I walked into the store and bought it.
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#82 bdhoff
Member since 2003 • 4104 Posts
I bought mine from eBay. I waitied in line at Wal-Mart on launch day to find that I was number 32 out of 30. So that weekend I fired up eBay and bought one for $287.50, including shipping. I'm pretty sure the guy I bought it from was upset that it didn't go for the $1,000 his Buy It Now price listed. They were only going for about $350-$375 right after launch, so I'm guessing his price scared other bidders away. He didn't have a reserve listed, and he didn't complain about selling it to me at what was probably a loss after he shipped it.
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#83 spendinbig
Member since 2004 • 698 Posts
I preordered mine at Zellers with rayman and excite truck 6 months befor launch (I was #1). Then I just walked in on Nov 19th and picked it up. Getting a second remote, now that was a challenge.
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#84 fraz1776
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I just walked into Gamestation in Inverness on June 15th and got one.
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#85 incredibletlee
Member since 2007 • 144 Posts
i got mine at circuit city and i waited 6 hours out side of there to get the wii
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#86 JayGonDS89
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December 3, 2006. I "camped" out at Toys R Us. I was the 7th person to get one.

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#87 crankypinoy
Member since 2007 • 170 Posts
All I did was walk into a store give the clerk my money and I got out with a Wii
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#88 zmantsunami
Member since 2005 • 437 Posts
waited outside a target for bout 4 hours in FREEZING weather january 07. was cool cuz i met someone there bout my age who was prty cool and were still friends.
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#89 whitefirex
Member since 2006 • 839 Posts
I waited outside of wal-mart for 11hr for the midnight launch it was worth to^^
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#90 wiicube64
Member since 2007 • 371 Posts

Check my sig thats how i got mine

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#91 aLexanderrness
Member since 2008 • 333 Posts
Just got my wii today at toysus, woke up 5:40, went to toysrus at 6, waited till 12 in the freezing cold with a couple of weird people, toysrus handed out vouchers to a crowd of nearly 40 people, and i was 7th. yay!! no games tho.. only wii sports, wiating for brawl..
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#92 yummynoodles
Member since 2003 • 25 Posts
Mine was funny. Got it at November 2007, when i got my grant from university. Decided to get a wii, so went out to a mall. it was sold out everywhere, bestbuy, wal-mart and toys r us. i went to my friend's futureshop and then asked customer service to find out if theres any wii in any location. She called and found a futureshop with several wiis, but it was kinda far to drive to. So , iwas like, thanks and didnt want to hold up the customer service line. I talked to my friend to call for any futureshops close by. He couldnt get through. Then i drove off to the futher futureshop with wiis in stock. I went in and asked if they have it and the lady was like, no. I was so pissed. When i was about to leave in disappointment, i was like, but i came from another futureshop that called and said you had several in stock. the lady was like, oh you were the one that reserved a copy? of course the customer service didnt reserve a copy for me, becasue customer service only called for availablility. So, of course i was like, yeah that was me! hand my wii over. i quickly paid for it and ran away.
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#93 Tim_Drake
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I got mine in September 2007, and I went to Target with my friends, and I saw three Wii consoles there, I went back home and told my Dad and he went that night and picked up the last Wii console thank god.
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#94 haziqonfire
Member since 2005 • 36390 Posts
December 19th, 2006. Gamespot User Haziqonfire was expecting to walk into futureshop in mississauga, ontario, canada, asking for a wii, but only to be disapointed with a 'Were sold out' response.

Haziqonfire walks into the store, and to his surprise, one Wii was left. Haziqonfire was extremely happy to the point of hugging the Wii box.

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#95 cfarag
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I got mine direct from nintendo after emailing multiple times complaining I couldn't find one. They said they would make and exception to sell me one. It is arriving tomomorrow! Cant wait
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#96 gtawoof
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Nintendo Store in Manhattan in November 07'.
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#97 OrangeTurtle472
Member since 2007 • 2636 Posts
wow so many different stories... and i thought mine was intense... :P
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#98 anthonybrea
Member since 2004 • 94 Posts
purchased from my fellow associate at Circuit City for $300 (included HD Cables, Wii Zapper w/ game, Wii Sports, 2 Nunchuks, 2 Remotes & great conditioned Wii)
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#99 Nad_oh_henry
Member since 2003 • 555 Posts
Was at a party the night before, got drunk, and i didnt sleep cause i knew id sleep in and miss the chance to get one on launch day so i went to an EB games in Toronto an hour before stores open, and they had about 10 in store that weren't reserved, i was 9th in line, just barely got one :) woot
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#100 Junior_AIN
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I bought mine in a store.... Not that epic I guess.....