Racial Bigotry in Games . .

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#1 Xsan3
Member since 2009 • 2618 Posts

I play a lot of Online Multiplayer FPS's and am constantly reminded how secretly racist people are. I say secretly - because I rarely ever hear Racial comments from folks in public.

Here's what I mean. InCOD MW2 for example, I hear the "N"-word persistantly being used from match to match - person to person.The remarks are typically derived towards African American folks, but all races other than white are commented in vain. Even thier character names will usually share a racial epithet.

I'm sure that I'm just stating the obvious to all of you who read this. Since I'm sure many of you out there play similar online types.

My issue is - why? If you yourself are the type to slander on race while online - what's your problem? Of course, I seriously doubt that if you are the typical multiplayer - Closet Racist Bigot, that you would actually own up and admit it here. . . But what are you trying to prove?

And for those who don't usually play Online games - what is your view of this? I'd wager that this is probably a HUGE disappointment to you . And what do you have to say to those who constantly remark racial comments in gaming?

My last word - if you are that person who feels tough online and thinks they're cool for saying racist ^%$^ about others, please stop. IMO - muting is only a small solution. . I'd like to think the world is getting better at tolerating each other .

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#3 branketra
Member since 2006 • 51726 Posts
Even though I'd rather go without racism, I don't care. If they can beat me in the game, more power to them, but up close and personal is a different story.
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#5 Foxh0und666
Member since 2008 • 479 Posts

IMO anyone who uses racial slurs online (most I hear are about blacks and asians) is a moron. Period. They're stupid, uneducated, and think they're cool and/or funny when they aren't. I don't care if it's being used as a joke, or if they mean it. When I do come across these disgusting individuals, I usually leave the room/channel and join another one, which unfortunately I have to do all too often.

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#6 muthsera666
Member since 2005 • 13271 Posts
I would assume that many of the people using such language are younger individuals trying to make themselves sound older. Many of the adults are still racist, and their children try to emulate them in order to sound older. It's just like cursing in general. However, this is a rather large assumption, and I would make no claims as to the actual number of individuals this explanation represents.
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#7 Nifty_Shark
Member since 2007 • 13137 Posts

Obviously I can't stand anybody who actually would think or behave like that and actually believe it but one of my friends likes to role play different stereotypes online and I laugh so hard with all the nonsense trash talk that ensues when we are waiting for a game to start. Odd that he is a really friendly guy otherwise.

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#8 The_Enfamous_B
Member since 2010 • 68 Posts

Racism is now one of those necessary evils like drugs and prosititution. People are covered over the veil of a TV, computeror a chatroom and can let their innerselves comeout. Funny or not anymonomy is like people being drunk,in a funny way or form the truth and their inner feelings come out. Because no one can physical critize or make them pay they'll tout there nonsense.

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#9 Bigboi500
Member since 2007 • 35550 Posts

That's why I don't pay for Live. Almost every time I was on it I'd hear constant racial remarks. And don't think white people are free of it. I hear all kinds of racist hate towards white people online on forums and in games. Every race gets hate these days.

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#10 Tropictrain
Member since 2010 • 4863 Posts

I don't play online. Never really got into it. My Girlfriend plays online in Halo and such, so I've come across the people you mentioned. Thankfully, she isn't one of the people who acts in the way you mentioned. You also forgot to mention all the derogatory homosexual slangs used, which from my limited experience, is even more common. It's disgusting that people behave this way, but as someone else mentioned, it's probably the younger people that act this way the most. I'm studying Prejudice and Discrimination in university, and hoping to make a career our of researching it professionally, and prejudice attitudes reach their peak around 13 or 14. They decrease dramatically by 17 or 18. Also, the more anonymous someone feels, the more their willing to admit their true feelings. This is probably obvious to most people I suppose, but I figured I'd at least mention that there's a great deal of empirical support for it.

But prejudice attitudes are lower now than ever, believe it or not. Even when measured anonymously, results for racist prejudice are decreasing every generation. Unfortunately, over half the population still holds negative attitudes towards homosexuality. And a lot of people don't even try to hide these feelings...

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#11 Foxh0und666
Member since 2008 • 479 Posts

I don't play online. Never really got into it. My Girlfriend plays online in Halo and such, so I've come across the people you mentioned. Thankfully, she isn't one of the people who acts in the way you mentioned. You also forgot to mention all the derogatory homosexual slangs used, which from my limited experience, is even more common. It's disgusting that people behave this way, but as someone else mentioned, it's probably the younger people that act this way the most. I'm studying Prejudice and Discrimination in university, and hoping to make a career our of researching it professionally, and prejudice attitudes reach their peak around 13 or 14. They decrease dramatically by 17 or 18. Also, the more anonymous someone feels, the more their willing to admit their true feelings. This is probably obvious to most people I suppose, but I figured I'd at least mention that there's a great deal of empirical support for it.

But prejudice attitudes are lower now than ever, believe it or not. Even when measured anonymously, results for racist prejudice are decreasing every generation. Unfortunately, over half the population still holds negative attitudes towards homosexuality. And a lot of people don't even try to hide these feelings...


Wow....13-14? That's unreal. I completely agree on the homosexual comments too. I think it's more common to be called a fa**ot then a ni***r. In public if someone says the N word, everyone will suddenly look at them, assume they're a bad person, and go on with their lives. But if someone uses the F word, then people are like, "well they're entitled to their own opinion".

Just kind of off topic, but since you mentioned that you're girlfriend plays online, have you seen the way that females are harassed/insulted? It's just so insane. Even the slightest hint of a "girlish" name, and you'll have people whispering you, asking you to perform sexual acts on them, be told to go fetch a sandwich, be questioned as to why they're playing games when they should be in the kitchen (or stupid crap like that). Atleast that's what I noticed when I had a female character on Diablo II and on Demon's Souls lol.

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#12 Archangel3371
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Yeah I play a lot online and it's definitely an issue, unfortunately asking people to stop won't really do anything. Personally while it is racist and qualifies that person as such I think the main reason is simply something that is used to antagonize people and racist remarks are the quickest way to achieve that goal. I think it's a much deeper issue in that some people enjoy being hateful to others and getting them upset. I'm not sure why this is but they have little to no empathy for other individuals and being comfortable in their own surroundings with no fear of reprisal only empowers them further. The only thing I suggest is to ignore by not responding and file a complaint against that/those individuals. That's what do and I like to think that it makes a difference. If everyone else follows that advice then I'm sure the message will be sent loud and clear.

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#14 Tropictrain
Member since 2010 • 4863 Posts


I don't play online. Never really got into it. My Girlfriend plays online in Halo and such, so I've come across the people you mentioned. Thankfully, she isn't one of the people who acts in the way you mentioned. You also forgot to mention all the derogatory homosexual slangs used, which from my limited experience, is even more common. It's disgusting that people behave this way, but as someone else mentioned, it's probably the younger people that act this way the most. I'm studying Prejudice and Discrimination in university, and hoping to make a career our of researching it professionally, and prejudice attitudes reach their peak around 13 or 14. They decrease dramatically by 17 or 18. Also, the more anonymous someone feels, the more their willing to admit their true feelings. This is probably obvious to most people I suppose, but I figured I'd at least mention that there's a great deal of empirical support for it.

But prejudice attitudes are lower now than ever, believe it or not. Even when measured anonymously, results for racist prejudice are decreasing every generation. Unfortunately, over half the population still holds negative attitudes towards homosexuality. And a lot of people don't even try to hide these feelings...


Wow....13-14? That's unreal. I completely agree on the homosexual comments too. I think it's more common to be called a fa**ot then a ni***r. In public if someone says the N word, everyone will suddenly look at them, assume they're a bad person, and go on with their lives. But if someone uses the F word, then people are like, "well they're entitled to their own opinion".

Just kind of off topic, but since you mentioned that you're girlfriend plays online, have you seen the way that females are harassed/insulted? It's just so insane. Even the slightest hint of a "girlish" name, and you'll have people whispering you, asking you to perform sexual acts on them, be told to go fetch a sandwich, be questioned as to why they're playing games when they should be in the kitchen (or stupid crap like that). Atleast that's what I noticed when I had a female character on Diablo II and on Demon's Souls lol.

She's come across that as well. Although she's also received a lot of positive attention with friend requests and such, just by being a girl gamer. lol Which she finds hilarious. So the reactions she's gotten are kinda mixed. Although I'm usually not around when she's playing, so I'm not sure how frequent it really is.

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#15 Rammstein_1986
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I hate the fact that it swings both ways i've heard a lot of the N word floating round but i've been called a cracker a few times. My main problem being Welsh is everyone says tally-ho tea and crumpets and all that jazz. Its just not funny and possibly the most irritating thing you can do. I don't play online now unleass i got someone in private chat with me because i just can't play a game with people constantly calling me s**t or some such thing.

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#16 Shame-usBlackley
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Maybe they're just parroting what they hear on their rap records.

Maybe they are racists.

Who cares? You've got mouth-breathers on both sides of the spectrum -- from the dork on LIVE who poops out the N word like a phalanx to people like N'Gai Croal, who see racism in a white protagonist killing dark-skinned zombies. I think despite the pledge otherwise, people are still just as racist as they've ever been, just in different ways. I see just as much racism from minorities as I do from others.

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#17 SteelAttack
Member since 2005 • 10520 Posts
People are a-holes, regardless of their skin color. It's just that now they have more ways of flinging their crap and get away with it without getting a kick in the teeth.
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#18 Diablo-B
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I generally grow up play single player games and that hasn't changed. However I've been think about whether or not to join live. This doesn't surprise me but as I don't have much experience playing online I would like to ask, does the behavior of those online make the multiplayer experience not worth it of worth it?
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#19 Mash_Affect
Member since 2008 • 631 Posts

all races other than white are commented in vain.


Please. i have seen racism from blacks and other races against whites on Live as often as I've seen it the other way around. Hell, I've witnessed more racial slurs from blacks against whites in everyday life without a hint of reprisal. Because every white knows too well that retaliating with a racial slur is a big no no if you're white.

It goes both ways. Just because movies and media are only willing to portray racism when it's coming from whites, doesn't change the fact that you're wrong to assume that it doesn't exist throughout all races. Particularly in American culture where whites are stricken of racial consciousness and any sort of pride for what they are, and thus, are a bigger target for being ridiculed for their race with impunity.

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#20 AAllxxjjnn
Member since 2008 • 19992 Posts
Everyone gets attacked on Live, just deal with it. I just ignore that kind of stuff, because it won't change anytime soon. I'm sure most of the people don't even mean what they say, they're just talking ****.
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#21 Aslyum_Beast
Member since 2008 • 975 Posts

Thats one thing i experience in TF2 on the PC alot nowadays. there is always that one person on a server that says 'i hate *******' or something like that, but thats not as bad. Most of the time, people rip on me because of my Avatar and how it portrays someone from an anime and/or a 'furry'.

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#22 X360PS3AMD05
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Just fling it back by making fun of heterosexuals and white imperialism.
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#23 LongZhiZi
Member since 2009 • 2453 Posts

Maybe they're just parroting what they hear on their rap records.

Maybe they are racists.

Who cares? You've got mouth-breathers on both sides of the spectrum -- from the dork on LIVE who poops out the N word like a phalanx to people like N'Gai Croal, who see racism in a white protagonist killing dark-skinned zombies. I think despite the pledge otherwise, people are still just as racist as they've ever been, just in different ways. I see just as much racism from minorities as I do from others.

Pretty much my sentiment. It's hard to tell if people are calling each other n***** because they're racist or because most rappers throw the word around constantly and these kids are just parroting them.
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#24 caityful
Member since 2010 • 1210 Posts

I'm not sure if it's considered racial bigotry, however I've since given up using a microphone headset for online play - once other players hear my Australian accent, the slurs don't stop.
Apparently Australians copulate with kangaroos. According to several American wasters.

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#25 deactivated-5ac102a4472fe
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read the title and thought you ment the games themselves at first :S

Anyways... Yeah it is annoying, its not just racism tho, a fair deal of neo-nazism and other aswell. Ive long since come to the conclution that the people who constantly run off thier mouths, are the same 12 year old geeks who gets beaten up by the girls in thier classes at middleschool.

It is also a reason why I prefer the PC in MP... You can kick them out as soon as they are dumb enough to open thier mouths.

I think everyone agrees that it is due to the fact that they know they would not be beaten to a pulp when saying stuff over an online game, and because they want to act oh so tough.

Small unimportent creatures as they may be, I care very little about them, I do not really feel hate, or annoyance (partly because they get banned as soon as they utter a word), they are teh kind of people who will always stay at the bottom of society, too afraid to open thier mouths in public, and hiding thier whole lifes out of fear of the physical world...

I do see a problem with them on consoles tho, since the option for booting people is alot more limited, you can mute them tho, right?

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#26 d-rtyboy
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People don't always use the big 'N' word in a racist context. I hear it all the time from blacks.
My issue is - why? If you yourself are the type to slander on race while online - what's your problem? Of course, I seriously doubt that if you are the typical multiplayer - Closet Racist Bigot, that you would actually own up and admit it here. . . But what are you trying to prove?Xsan3
Anyway, you can't come here and defend a racist attitudes, as it's against the ToU (TOS?, whatever) in Gamespot, so you're not going to find anyone to answer your question.
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#27 Sins-of-Mosin
Member since 2008 • 3855 Posts

And for those who don't usually play Online games - what is your view of this? I'd wager that this is probably a HUGE disappointment to you . And what do you have to say to those who constantly remark racial comments in gaming?

I wouldn't take betting advice from you thats for sure. Most my gaming friends are solo or friends only co-op so we couldn't care less about MP or the people who play MP. What people do online either on a game server or on a forum such as this means little to me. All it does is help kill time until I can get back to what I want to be doing.
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#28 UT_Wrestler
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I'd estimate that only about 1 in 10 people is racist; you can't avoid them wherever you go, and believe it or not, there are just as many blacks, latinos, etc that are racist as there are white people who are racist. The mute option is there for a reason, use it.
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#29 _BlueDuck_
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I think it has less to do with racial bigotry and more to do with people wanting to spew out the most hateful, shocking (attention grabbing)word they can quickly come up with. Not that it makes it justified, but I doubt many of the people who say that are truely expressing their racial sentiments.

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#30 Xsan3
Member since 2009 • 2618 Posts


And for those who don't usually play Online games - what is your view of this? I'd wager that this is probably a HUGE disappointment to you . And what do you have to say to those who constantly remark racial comments in gaming?


I wouldn't take betting advice from you thats for sure. Most my gaming friends are solo or friends only co-op so we couldn't care less about MP or the people who play MP. What people do online either on a game server or on a forum such as this means little to me. All it does is help kill time until I can get back to what I want to be doing.

No sure what you mean by "Wouldn't take betting advice from you" ? I'm not giving advice - I am saying that those who would be effected of racial remarks may be Disappointed in hearing racial remarks from someone hiding behind a monitor. "Internet Tough Guys" are what they're usually referred to.

And someone else here mentioned that they see more racism portrayed from minorities.....From where exactly? Music and Videos maybe - - - But when do you ever actually hear a minority making racial remarks around you ? ? Meaning in public or even in gaming ? ? For one - I don't think Ive ever actually met a black person who even plays COD online--and I'd imagine for good reason. Most Ive ever met are Latin descent, and the only reason theyve ever slandered a race is because they're usually provoked by someone else being intolerant of thier race. . . . This is just my observation.

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#31 muthsera666
Member since 2005 • 13271 Posts

And someone else here mentioned that they see more racism portrayed from minorities.....From where exactly?Xsan3

Usually from in-person encounters. White males aren't allowed to indulge in any racial-directed or gender-directed remarks, but many women and minorities will make remarks about men and whites. I don't game online, so I can't speak for that situation, but I know at college, many of the 'liberated' women disparaged men a lot of the time. And many of the minorites felt that whites owed them something because there were less of their ethnicity on campus. And, like I said, white males can't say anything because it would be racist, but because women and minorities were, and are in some places, downtrodden by men and whites, then it is culturally acceptable for them to disparage white males.

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#32 stormdrill27
Member since 2009 • 196 Posts

the other F word with a G is constantly use.

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#33 Vari3ty
Member since 2009 • 11111 Posts

IMO anyone who uses racial slurs online (most I hear are about blacks and asians) is a moron. Period. They're stupid, uneducated, and think they're cool and/or funny when they aren't. I don't care if it's being used as a joke, or if they mean it. When I do come across these disgusting individuals, I usually leave the room/channel and join another one, which unfortunately I have to do all too often.


Totally agree with this.

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#34 Pvt_r3d
Member since 2006 • 7901 Posts
Video Games releases the inner evil. But seriously, I stay away from people like that online. If I have to play with those people it's either a mute or a ignore.
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#35 KHAndAnime
Member since 2009 • 17565 Posts
Oh no, not the n-word!
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#36 Treflis
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That's why most online games have the Mute option.
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#37 Tropictrain
Member since 2010 • 4863 Posts

[QUOTE="Xsan3"]And someone else here mentioned that they see more racism portrayed from minorities.....From where exactly?muthsera666

Usually from in-person encounters. White males aren't allowed to indulge in any racial-directed or gender-directed remarks, but many women and minorities will make remarks about men and whites. I don't game online, so I can't speak for that situation, but I know at college, many of the 'liberated' women disparaged men a lot of the time. And many of the minorites felt that whites owed them something because there were less of their ethnicity on campus. And, like I said, white males can't say anything because it would be racist, but because women and minorities were, and are in some places, downtrodden by men and whites, then it is culturally acceptable for them to disparage white males.

Strange, you're university campus is quite different than mine. I encounter plenty of minority groups at my university, and most of them don't express any prejudice. But yes, prejudice works both ways, it's true. But whites still have it easier. There's a reason there are more blacks and other minority groups in poverty than whites. They're often rated more poorly by interviewers, graded more harshly by teachers, and so on. This has been studied empirically by psychologists, for example, by giving different teachers identical papers, claiming one was written by a white, and the other a black. Blacks were most often graded lower.

This is slightly off topic, but don't try to claim the tables have turned. Minority groups still have itfar worsethan we do.

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#38 uso_outkast
Member since 2006 • 114 Posts

IMO people will always say whatever they like behind a screen because they know they don't have to face the reality of the consequences in person.

It's kind of sad but I actually got used to hearing all the racisim online...and its become a Norm in gaming it seems.

Its almost like playing online should have a Rated Mature for everygame (not sure if it does already or not aside from the warning)

because this level of racism is a shame for kids/people to hear...let alone use.

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#39 uso_outkast
Member since 2006 • 114 Posts

and as far as the Racism vs sexuality issue..........

i think that they are similar but racism has a harsher feel to it. The "N" word seems more offensive than "Fa**ot".

I think its simply because there was a time in America where people were discriminated....in wide open public....by the color of there skin....

At least G*y people were able to blend in with crowds. Where as targets of racism weren't able to hide there flesh.

So thats my opinion on why Racism always has more offense than sexuality....if that makes any sense...

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#40 muthsera666
Member since 2005 • 13271 Posts
[QUOTE="muthsera666"][QUOTE="Xsan3"]And someone else here mentioned that they see more racism portrayed from minorities.....From where exactly?Tropictrain
Usually from in-person encounters. White males aren't allowed to indulge in any racial-directed or gender-directed remarks, but many women and minorities will make remarks about men and whites. I don't game online, so I can't speak for that situation, but I know at college, many of the 'liberated' women disparaged men a lot of the time. And many of the minorites felt that whites owed them something because there were less of their ethnicity on campus. And, like I said, white males can't say anything because it would be racist, but because women and minorities were, and are in some places, downtrodden by men and whites, then it is culturally acceptable for them to disparage white males.

Strange, you're university campus is quite different than mine. I encounter plenty of minority groups at my university, and most of them don't express any prejudice. But yes, prejudice works both ways, it's true. But whites still have it easier. There's a reason there are more blacks and other minority groups in poverty than whites. They're often rated more poorly by interviewers, graded more harshly by teachers, and so on. This has been studied empirically by psychologists, for example, by giving different teachers identical papers, claiming one was written by a white, and the other a black. Blacks were most often graded lower.This is slightly off topic, but don't try to claim the tables have turned. Minority groups still have itfar worsethan we do.

My first year of college, I accidentally got a letter in the mail that was for someone else. It was to congratulate him for getting a scholarship for being black and going to college. Now, I recognize that there are less blacks in college than whites, but why does he deserve money any more than I do? Because of the color of his skin, he was given money. If I were to have gotten a scholarship because I was white, it would be racism, but in his case it's different...
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#42 Conan1985
Member since 2007 • 99 Posts

So what they finished talking about your mom already? Come on grow up they are going to be as insulting as they possibly can be, Why? I dont knowbut it seems to be the way some people play. Just ignore them they are idiots but so are the other people who just insult people with other moronic insults...morons online arent exactly a new thing.

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#43 Quaker-w00ts
Member since 2009 • 1646 Posts

Oh no, not the n-word!KHAndAnime

lol yepppp

i get harassed by other "races" all the time in L4D2. I try to ignore it until i just say something they get angry about.

and to the people who say racist are morons: why? their entitled to their opinion (even if their opinions are sometimes ridiculous)

i think really stupid people should be put on an island and have the island destroyed. Am i a moron cause i have an opinion? nope :P

you CANT ignore it all the time (unless you mute) so your gonna have to fight back.

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#44 Mash_Affect
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[QUOTE="Tropictrain"][QUOTE="muthsera666"]Usually from in-person encounters. White males aren't allowed to indulge in any racial-directed or gender-directed remarks, but many women and minorities will make remarks about men and whites. I don't game online, so I can't speak for that situation, but I know at college, many of the 'liberated' women disparaged men a lot of the time. And many of the minorites felt that whites owed them something because there were less of their ethnicity on campus. And, like I said, white males can't say anything because it would be racist, but because women and minorities were, and are in some places, downtrodden by men and whites, then it is culturally acceptable for them to disparage white males.muthsera666
Strange, you're university campus is quite different than mine. I encounter plenty of minority groups at my university, and most of them don't express any prejudice. But yes, prejudice works both ways, it's true. But whites still have it easier. There's a reason there are more blacks and other minority groups in poverty than whites. They're often rated more poorly by interviewers, graded more harshly by teachers, and so on. This has been studied empirically by psychologists, for example, by giving different teachers identical papers, claiming one was written by a white, and the other a black. Blacks were most often graded lower.This is slightly off topic, but don't try to claim the tables have turned. Minority groups still have itfar worsethan we do.

My first year of college, I accidentally got a letter in the mail that was for someone else. It was to congratulate him for getting a scholarship for being black and going to college. Now, I recognize that there are less blacks in college than whites, but why does he deserve money any more than I do? Because of the color of his skin, he was given money. If I were to have gotten a scholarship because I was white, it would be racism, but in his case it's different...

Not only does affirmative action promote inequality, but it creates bitterness among races that don't benefit. It's like like trying to make a right with two wrongs.

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#45 Shame-usBlackley
Member since 2002 • 18266 Posts

Not only does affirmative action promote inequality, but it creates bitterness among races that don't benefit. It's like like trying to make a right with two wrongs.


Not only that, it IS racism -- to the benefitting party. By the implication of: Oh, your skin is that color, you need help because you obviously can't do this on your own. My brother-in-law is black, and he would almost come to blows every time someone implied that he should get assistance from the government or land a job because of his skin color. He put himself through college and paid for every dime of it by working two jobs, because like me, he thinks nothing is more offensive than being on the government's teat. I don't think that's a black or white issue, it's an American one. Getting away from the reach of big government is, by and large, why we Americans broke away from England to begin with, and it's sad to see so many suckers think they're promoting some kind of 'social justice' by holding their goddamn hands out.