Bored Of PC/Gaming

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#1  Edited By Hoyzon
Member since 2016 • 14 Posts

Hello guys, i came here to share something that have been happening to me and i want to know if it happens to you aswell.

Well, i finish the high school have been already 5 months, since then, i've been searching for a job, so i could be able to help my parents and also buy my stuff, such as upgrade my Gaming PC, Buy other Games and stuff like that.

I've been addicted to games since i was 11, that i first addicted to Perfect World, playing more than 11 hours a day. Then, in 2009 i move to a game called Digimon Masters Online Korean, which i have been playing more than 13 hours a day easily, somedays i didn't even sleep. I always have been a fan from MMORPGs.

But something started to boring me, the fact that even with all that time spent playing these games, i never accomplished anything in these Games. I also had a terrible PC that couldn't even run YouTube without crash, i been through a lot of rage during this time, i've got sick many times because i didn't sleept.

Last year i built myself a Gaming PC. Since i built it, i never played any current Gen games, only the same old damn Game, all the others, even those AAA Games, i only tested them, after 2 hours i get bored and stopped. All i do right now it's watching videos from PC Enthusiats, reviweing PC Parts that i'll never buy cause i'm simply bored of Games, and the only thing that is fun, is watching Anime, because it's the only thing i'm not bored yet.

What do you guys think it's going on, my age, or other things? I really like PC and Gaming, i would appreciate reading your suggestions for me.

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#2 Jaysonguy
Member since 2006 • 39454 Posts

Not everyone does everything they like all the time

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#3 deactivated-642321fb121ca
Member since 2013 • 7142 Posts

Gaming gets boring, take a break.

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#4 raugutcon
Member since 2014 • 5576 Posts

I took a 10 year break.

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#5  Edited By kingcrimson24
Member since 2012 • 824 Posts

I'm 20 and pretty at the same situation as you , busy with University and work and stuff

I also tried some of the games of these days and got bored after a few hours . far cry 4 , Halo 5 , Rise of the tomb raider , even got bored of Fallout 4 after 20 hours .

I thought I'm losing interest in games , but a few weeks ago i Installed and Played Star wars KOTOR from 2003 and gosh , I enjoyed and finished it for the 4th time . I realized it isn't me who is losing interest in games , it's the new games that are just boring .

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#6 Yams1980
Member since 2006 • 2862 Posts

I'm feeling the same way. So many games are boring to me even though other people seem to love them. Last big game i played was the witcher 3, and its a great looking game and nice voice acting. But i get bored very fast in it, its been almost a year and i still haven't finished it... and its the type of game i should like.

I think its just a factor of what mood your at and if the game fits what you want. Theres just a very small handful of games i could pick that i've liked in the last 5 years, and maybe thats good in a way because when i find one thats just right for me it will become a classic.

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#7 hrt_rulz01
Member since 2006 • 22416 Posts

As said above, take a break. I'm sort of on a similar situation atm too, where there's just nothing out that interests me. I'm taking a break & waiting for Quantum Break in a couple of weeks.

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#8  Edited By KHAndAnime
Member since 2009 • 17565 Posts

If you like anime, I think there's something else wrong with you entirely. Cut the anime out and your sense for good taste will eventually return.

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#9 PimpHand_Gamer
Member since 2014 • 3048 Posts

You should really divide hobbies. Find other things you enjoy doing and don't game until you actually feel in the mood to do so.

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#10 Hoyzon
Member since 2016 • 14 Posts

Thank you so much guys, i really appreciate, i believe i need to take a break for a while, and also find other hobbies so i won't get bored everytime.

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#11 deactivated-5cf0a2e13dbde
Member since 2005 • 12935 Posts

I was in your shoes. Senior year, San Andreas on XBOX was a game I would play until like 5 am. Then after that I kind of got bored with games for about 2 years or so. Got a 360, switched to PS3 for a year, replaced it with another 360, and during this time (2007-2013) My interest in gaming would wax and wane. Since Ive had a pc, 2013, I seem to have less interest in gaming in general. Im the type to get like 20 games, then hardly play any of them over the course of a week. Gaming, like everything, changes it's relationship with you over time.

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#12 deactivated-58183aaaa31d8
Member since 2015 • 2238 Posts

@hoyzon: It is likely if you had a genuine addiction to gaming in the past to the point where it had serious side effects for your health, that your attitude towards games in general is non-typical. By which I mean your frame of mind as to WHY you play games will be different to the average person.

Most people play games for fun, and to waste time. A small minority of people will play games to escape things in their every day lives though. It seems to me you are probably closer to the gamers looking to escape.

For example for me I play games for the story. I love reading, I love movies, I love a good story. I am also feeling like I'm getting bored of games a lot of the time these days but that is because games now are getting bigger and shinier but with increasingly terrible writing. Which means they don't engage me as much.

So really what I would do if I was you is take some time off. A month or more at least. Go find something else to do instead. Then later when you are ready come back and pick a game you like the look of. Don't think too hard about it. And just sit down and play it. Stay away from MMOs. Then when it ends, move onto something else. Don't fixate on it too much. Get involved with the experience and then when the fun stops move on.

You have to be honest with yourself because it might be that in the past Perfect World and the games you played excessively you weren't playing because you LIKED them as such. You played them because they allowed you to escape. It might be that you don't actually like 99.99% of games and what most games offer you. Which is fine. Gaming isn't for everyone.

You need to figure out which you are and either make the decision to leave gaming behind OR to change your relationship with games in general and learn to love games as they are.

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#13 RSM-HQ
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I find P.C. gaming best not left as an exclusive solution to ones gaming fix. I'm sure not everyone will agree (I'm looking at you Master Race!) but consoles work for a reason. & let's not forget handhelds.

Every generation I tend to upgrade my P.C., buy the latest handheld and the current PlayStation. & even then I might break temptation and buy the latest Nintendo or Xbox, which ever has the most games I really want to play. (I'm an extreme example so perhaps not follow my footsteps lol)

So, what I'm getting at is don't narrow your solutions. Expand them. Which ever system has games you're itching to play. Chances are you won't regret the purchase.

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#14 Twalls27
Member since 2016 • 30 Posts

Sounds like you need to try some outdoors time. Go out in the sunlight. Take a break. Read a book. Play some sand volleyball. Go rollerblading. Play a pick-me-up game of football. Watch TV with your family. Have dinner at a fancy restaurant. Or Burger King. Or Check E Cheese. Where a kid can be a kid! Games can't be life. They are a hobby. I enjoy gaming to entertain myself when I get bored. Just try some other things and stay active and eat healthy. You'll feel loads better.

Also, a lot of AAA games just suck lately. Battlefront, Titanfall, Watchdogs, Destiny, The Division..... Anybody seeing a trend? These giant sandbox games with the same objective over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.........starting to feel like a Family Guy episode yet?

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#15 Hoyzon
Member since 2016 • 14 Posts

@twalls27: You're so right, games aren't life. I must do something else, thank you so much for being so kind.

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#16 311Music
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MMO's can kill your love for gaming as a whole, meaning, you simply play one game way too much or genre like MMO and then suffer from a burnout. It happened to me back when I jumped into WoW when it first launched. It was the only game I played and my god, did I ever play that damn game. Then there was the stress of playing it hardcore...the PvP , the PvE.. I was like a candle burning at both ends, it wasn't even fun anymore, more like a second job. There was never any time for anything else in my life, let alone other games. It wasn't until I left WoW did my love for games really return. I'd just give it some time though and it'll come back to you, no doubt! A good lesson I learned from that experience was that moderation is almost always key to enjoying anything in life.

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#17 LuminousAether
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I'm in my 30s and I've never been tired of games, never had that phase.

I definitely got exhausted with MMOs though, around WoW: Cataclysm. Played some since then, but never been hooked.

I play a lot of various game genres. Late 2015, early 2016 I was playing Fallout 4, then I played XCOM 2, since then I've been playing a lot of indie permadeath games (Nuclear Throne, Sunless Sea, Dungeon of the Endless). Going to play Dark Souls 3 day one, very excited for that.

Gaming is just my favorite pass-time. I do get bored very, very easily of most AAA games though. I'm more into strategy games, RPGs, platformers, indie games, etc. I do enjoy a good open world game, but I've played all the big ones outside of recent Ubisoft titles. If it's a cover shooter like Uncharted, or most FPS games, I'll take a pass. Not my cup of tea.

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#18 jun_aka_pekto
Member since 2010 • 25255 Posts

If you feel bored, quit.

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#20 Employee427
Member since 2016 • 489 Posts

One word: Indie

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#22 thereal25
Member since 2011 • 2074 Posts

Hm, I can't deny that with the exception of a select few, I've kind of been feeling like I've been forcing myself through games lately.

That said, instead of playing less, I intend to play MORE. The theory being that maybe if I devote more time to the hobby then I'll appreciate it more - because I'm sure part of the frustration is in the simple fact that time is so limited.

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#23 MondasM
Member since 2008 • 1897 Posts

if you really love something, let it go, if it loves you it'll come back...

thank you indecent proposal... :D

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#24 ivaturk
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Well I'm 56, and have been playing pc games for a while now, a long while. Mostly I prefer the strategy games on WW2. Blitzkrieg, CN Panzers, PE Action and the like, as WW2 is my passion. As some have said, take a break. I have found that taking a break for a few weeks or longer refreshers the mind, and gives you a new found enthusiasm when you return. I found that I needed to take a break after playing all the theaters of battle in Napoleon Total war. It took me over 10 months to get it all played, and I loved it.

The only thing about PC gaming that pisses me off, is that many of my old games won't play on my new computer running windows 10. The only way I can play my old games is to fire up my old dell computer, running windows xp again, that actually still works as good as the day I first bought it way back in 2003. It's a pain having to do this, and not being able to play them on my new one. It did let me play Order of War though. Thankfully.

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#25 thehig1
Member since 2014 • 7537 Posts

@hoyzon said:

Hello guys, i came here to share something that have been happening to me and i want to know if it happens to you aswell.

Well, i finish the high school have been already 5 months, since then, i've been searching for a job, so i could be able to help my parents and also buy my stuff, such as upgrade my Gaming PC, Buy other Games and stuff like that.

I've been addicted to games since i was 11, that i first addicted to Perfect World, playing more than 11 hours a day. Then, in 2009 i move to a game called Digimon Masters Online Korean, which i have been playing more than 13 hours a day easily, somedays i didn't even sleep. I always have been a fan from MMORPGs.

But something started to boring me, the fact that even with all that time spent playing these games, i never accomplished anything in these Games. I also had a terrible PC that couldn't even run YouTube without crash, i been through a lot of rage during this time, i've got sick many times because i didn't sleept.

Last year i built myself a Gaming PC. Since i built it, i never played any current Gen games, only the same old damn Game, all the others, even those AAA Games, i only tested them, after 2 hours i get bored and stopped. All i do right now it's watching videos from PC Enthusiats, reviweing PC Parts that i'll never buy cause i'm simply bored of Games, and the only thing that is fun, is watching Anime, because it's the only thing i'm not bored yet.

What do you guys think it's going on, my age, or other things? I really like PC and Gaming, i would appreciate reading your suggestions for me.

how old are you ?

if your aged 16-20 then its normal to go off gaming for a while, and do other stuff like drink too much and try to get laid. At some point in your 20s you'll settle back down and gaming is interesting again. Just a thought thats what happend to me.

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#26  Edited By AFBrat77
Member since 2004 • 26848 Posts


Which older games don't work on Windows 10?

I've been thinking of upgrading from 7 but I like older games as well.

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Member since 2015 • 861 Posts
@KHAndAnime said:

If you like anime, I think there's something else wrong with you entirely. Cut the anime out and your sense for good taste will eventually return.


On-topic: OP, it's the best time to pick up books. Not just of the curriculum but random books. Go at it!

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#28 Myron117
Member since 2013 • 1449 Posts

I've gotten to this point MANY MANY times. You need to take a break from it. A few months maybe. Maybe even a year.

You'll appreciate gaming once you get back into it

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#29 ivaturk
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Well for a start the ones I mentioned in my comments, but I expect many other old ones not to play either. If you are a geek then you may have the knowledge to be able to adjust the system to enable these older games to work, and there are you-tube videos on how to do it. But if your just a user like I am, then you will be a bit scared to delve into making setting changes in your operating system for fear of some sort of system failure, that then needs to be fixed.

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#30 mrbojangles25
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part of being an adult, i suppose.

I Still love gaming, but I'm finding if I'm not productive, video gaming seems more like a habit than a reward [for good behavior lol], and that makes me feel icky.

ALso, how much time have you traditionally spent, per day, gaming? Might be you just need to cut back and you're in that grey "transition" area where you feel like you don't want to game at all, when the truth is you just need to game less.