Simple, stupid.. and really addictive... go figure.

User Rating: 7.5 | flOw PS3
Y'know.. I got this game for the wife/kids because most of the titles coming out for the PS3 are racing and shoot-up titles. Neither of which my wife finds appealing. I figured "well.. this will be good for 5 minutes and then I'll review it with a '2' and call it done".

Not so... I have to admit.. this game is oddly addicting, fun to play, and fun to watch! The rules are simple enough.. eat.. grow.. advance to the next level. Then eat some more.. grow some more.. advance some more. You never die.. if you "lose" or get damaged enough, you get bounced back up to the previous level to build yourself back up and continue on.

Yea it's repetitive and and I guess the only ending is when you get tired of playing. But for 10 bucks it's not all that bad if you're looking for mindless amusement.