A good way to pass time, if you are in to story telling games

User Rating: 7 | Firewatch PC
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When I first heard about Firewatch, I was kind of sceptical. Mainly, because I usually stay away from any games that are played in first-person perspective. Something about games that you play while looking through the eyes of the character is off-putting for me. But, nevertheless, I decided to give it a shot, because I came upon many reviews on one website I visit frequently and majority of the opinions where positive.

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So, I got the game. The first thing I have noticed was the graphics. It was not something I had seen in very long time. The graphics looked as if something was being pulled out of a pastel painting, It was colourful, it was lively and the colours of that pastel painting changed in accordance with the game day-nigh cycles. On the day you could see clear blue skies with sun light streaming above the tree-tops. At the night you could see pale moon, grimly shining on the ground, lighting up a trail for you to follow. It was really nicely done.

Second thing I've noticed was the gameplay. It's no action-adventure game that's for sure. You don't have nor need to use your fists in this game at all (or any other action moves). Every minute and every second of the game is being used up on hiking through the forests and talking through your walkie-talkie with your colleague about the things you find scattered in the wilderness. The most action sequences you shall get in this game is to press Spacebar in order to descend or ascend those hard to reach terrains. The majority of the game consists of finding clues, garbage or whatnot that the campers have left behind them. Maybe, this kind of thing would be unappealing for some who initially do not like adventure games (mainly in point-and-click style, where stuff gathering is essential for progressing in the game), but for me it was a nice pass of time.

Third thing I've noticed was the voice-over. Henry's and Dellailah's characters were voiced superbly good. You could have believed Dellailah's frustration, the unknowing of what is happening in the forest, and Henry's sour mood that stemmed from the fact that he had to leave his sick wife somewhere in Australia with his in-laws.

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The game's story-line is nothing special in these kind of games, and it would have been boring, if not for the fact that the game is essentially only a couple of hours long. You're a playing as Henry something who decided to join the forest watch group somewhere in Wyoming in order to get away from life's burdens. His job mainly entails shooing away bratty teens who do not know the meaning of sanctuary and reporting wild-fires. However, he's not alone in his job. Through constant radio wave frequencies he's talking with another forest look-out named Dellaillah. While throughout the game they do not see each other, only hear, Henry becomes with Dellailah some sort of acquaintances, if not friends (not colleagues). However, the idyllic atmosphere is disturbed when Henry notices that he's being followed by a strange man. Afterwards, mysterious things begin happening. While, I've read on most websites that people did not like the ending, I'm going to put my two cents in and say, well, Henry is not a detective nor a police-man. He's stranded out there in a forest (mind you, he does not want to be there (although, maybe some of you chose that he wants to be here) and just wants to go back to safety. Sure, he may be inclined to figure out what is going on. But the man is not armed. What he's going to do with the perpetrator? Say hi and run for his life? No, in my opinion, it was a nice ending. However, some things do seem not to add-up (the back-pack in the forest, two teenagers with the shredded campsite). But, that's for another time.


Graphics: 8/10

Gameplay: 5/10

Voice-over and music: 8/10

Story-line: 7/10

FINAL: 7.0