One of the best and only RPGs on the Wii as of 2007. This title also explores many elements of the series console games

User Rating: 9 | Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn WII
This game is easily one of the most messed up games in the franchise. Although you can play as both armies for the first time this adds a sense of confusion or frustration when forced to kill a charcter you've played as on the other side. With its large cast of around 50 playable charcters its a good choice for gamers who like RPGs with alot of customizable options. Every charcter in the game redeems their own class and can go through either one or two class changes throuout the game based on the class at which you recieve the charcter. For attacks there is Light, Dark, Wind, Fire, and Thunder magic or if you prefer weapons there are Swords, Lances, Axes, Bows, and Knifes. There are also laquz in the game that can shift into tigers, lions, cats, hawks, wolves, crows, dragons, and heroins. Although the graphics aren't much improved from Path of Radiance for the (GC), they are still better and this game also brings back almost all charcters from PofR and allows hidden conversations and possible stat boost with the use of a GC memory card with PofR saved data. Although this games plot is seriously lacking no other aspects of the game have really changed except maybe a steeper difficulty setting but you should welcome the challenge. For all RPG goers that own a Wii this should be a must buy or at least rent it to check it out.

WARNING: If you do rent it note that the game has 39 chapters + prologues to each section so don't plan on beating it if rented unless you do practically nothing else.