Final Fantasy 12 Rules The Gaming World

User Rating: 10 | Final Fantasy XII PS2
I haven't finished the game yet, but ive gotten to see as much as i need to give this review. Final Fantasy 12 is showing me that its the best game in the series.i mean i love 7 but this Final Fantasy is a whole new view and i still have no trouble playing, i love the story line it still has all the classic twists and turns of the previous Final Fantasy Game. Voice Acting is spectacular. The New Battle System is very good, the Gambit systems works very well. The Liscense Board isnt too much different than 10's Sphere Grid making it easy to graspe the concept. Its defently not an easy game, you will die many times, but it makes for some intresting strategy's. Final Fantasy 12 is Highly Addictive and The Best In The Series. FINAL FANTASY 12 IS ON TOP OF THE GAMING WORLD.