"A final farewell to Final fantasy on the ps2"

User Rating: 10 | Final Fantasy XII PS2
After many years of waiting square enix delivers us another master piece, FF12
is by far another best in the series with a few new changes. first up i like the free roaming battle they took from ff11 even i hated that sequal cause now we don't have to deal with the whole wait for an enemy then switch to battle scene mode instead we attack the enemy move on to the next one then go to the next area. another thing i like which i know some of you will complain about is the gambit system, big deal it makes some of the fighting less complicated especially in boss battles, another big change is the lincense board, this system feel like the job system in previous titles but choosing abilites and weapons for everyone is a nice idea. after witnessing all these changes ff 12 is the best of best with excellent graphics, strong storyline and new changes to the gameplay this is the one game you can not miss, until ff13 arrives on the ps3.