Final Fantasy VII is, quite simply, the best game I've ever played.

User Rating: 9.6 | Final Fantasy VII PS
Final Fantasy VII is a masterpiece, a game that combines unparalled gameplay with one of the best stories ever seen in a video game. The characters are endearing, and by the end of the game, you will care deeply for each and every one of them. Final Fantasy VII, at the time it was released, featured mind blowing graphics. Well, 3 and a half years into the PS2 generation, I can still go back to FFVII and not be distracted by the dated graphics. The CGI cutscenes are still beautiful, as are the summon spells. FFVII's soundtrack might be the best game soundtrack ever. Nobuo Uematsu, whose name I know I butchered, has come up with a soundtrack that, if you listen to seperatly, still tells a great story. One Winged Angel is, without a doubt, the most epic video game soundtrack cut of all time. The music goes along with every single second of the game. The most unique thing about Final Fantasy VII is the materia system. Basically, materia are orbs that contain special abilities or magic spells. Each weapon that a character carries has a certain amount of materia slots. So, for instance, a Nail Bat might have only 2 materia spots, as compared to a Great Sword, which has 5. It really doesn't sound like much, but the strategy that goes into fitting certain weapons with certain materia really makes the gameplay great. Exploring the overworld for the most powerful materia is a blast as well. If you're reading this review, then it's obvious that you're a gamer. It doesn't matter if you play 5 hours a month, or 5 hours every night, if you haven't played Final Fantasy VII, then you aren't a REAL gamer.