While it starts to get a bit tedious near the end, FF6 is a must have for any RPG fan.

User Rating: 8.5 | Final Fantasy VI Advance GBA
+ Lengthy quest that took me 30 hours and had plenty of interesting sidequests
+ GREAT music
+ Terrific storyline for the first 20 or so hours
+ Great cast of characters that are sure to grow on you
+ Character customization system is deep and exciting
- Plot for the last 10 hours feels unnecessary and downright boring
- Gameplay near the end of the game turns into "all 4 characters cast Ultima" which makes battles not only extremely easy, but also boring and repetitive
- Final dungeon requires 12 characters to be levelled up and ready to fight even though chances are you've been focusing on 4 up to that point

If you're a fan of Final Fantasy, or RPGs in general, then you've probably already played FF6. However, if you haven't, and own a GBA, there's absolutely no reason why you should miss out on this game for any longer. While the game definitely feels tedious near the end, to the point where I was saying "when is this going to be over?", there's no doubt that the opening 20 or so hours were extremely enjoyable and epic. Definitely a must play.