It's different from any other Final Fantasy you've played.

User Rating: 9 | Final Fantasy Tactics (PSOne Books) PS
I remember going over to my buddy's house one day back in my elementary school days to hang out and maybe play a little playstation. When I walked in to his room, him and another friend of mine were sitting watching the screen intently, with only one of them holding a controller. I stared for a moment at the little 2D sprites scattered along the playing field like pawns in chess. I watched with little interest as they were moved about one by one, executing an attack here and there.

"What is this?"

"Final Fantasy Tactics"

"Why aren't aren't you playing something two player, or anything better than this?"

"Shut up and watch"

I obeyed.

Soon enough I was roped in as I learned the different rules of combat. The advantages of attacking from the side or behind. The different areas of effect for different spells and how to position your men so that they could do their worst while gaining the benefits (or avoiding the detrements) of these spells. I found myself intrigued by the different customization options and how each class and skill set contributes as a whole to your band of misfits in battle. The story drew me in with suspense, betrayal, heartache, and redemption.

I've considered buying a PSP just for the remake, and if you're looking for a Final Fantasy game that strays from the classic formula, this is the one. Definately don't go with FFT Advance, its plot is nowhere near on par and they ruined the class customization system. Either wipe the dust off your playstation or pick up War of the Lions for the PSP, you'll be pleasantly surprised.