A quite frequently overlooked, but great game.

User Rating: 9.3 | Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (w/Game Boy Advance cable) GC
Well, I've owned this game for a while now, and haven't really started playing it until now. And it surprised me how good it was. I've played it before, but it just seemed to aggitate me when I played it because I couldn't figure out how to pass most of the stages. But once I got over the fact that the game is hard and the controls are hard to master without an instruction manual, I realized it was a pretty good game with everything considered.

Graphics- 10
The graphics are superb. The characters, Moogles, backgrounds, stages, bosses, enemies, chalice, etc. are highly detailed but never give you the impression that this game is all graphics.

Sound- 9
Well, the song that plays when you begin a new game is just awesome, and if you don't like it, too bad, I do, and this is my review. The rest of the music is good, too, although if you stay in an area too long, the music might get annoying.

Reviewer's Tilt- 10
I'm not really sure what this means, but I think it means something along the lines of "What do other people think about this game?" And if that's the case, I only know one other person who has it, but it's their favorite game.

Value- 10
Well, I only payed $15 for this game about 3 months ago, so it might be less now, but wither way, you'll get your money's worth from this game if you're anything like me.

Gameplay- 8
Well, in my opinion Gameplay consists of many parts, so here's a breakdown of it-
Storyline: It seems a little repetitive to me....
Controls- A bit agitating, especially when you're carrying the chalice and can't attack, have to change the Command List, and have to charge magicite. Tee controls are also hard to master at first, but you get more used to them further into the game.
Statistics- Pretty fairly rationed, but It'd be nice to be able to gain stats in places other than the end of each stage..
Everything Else- Well, the weapons are good, so are the armors, magicite, magicite fusions, length of the game, etc.

So overall, this game is a great value, has awesome graphics and sound, and will keep you playing for a looooong time. Sounds good to me, what about you?