Fight Night round 2 is without a doubt the best boxing game i've ever played.

User Rating: 9.3 | Fight Night Round 2 XBOX
Fight Night round 2 is exactly what a boxing game should be like. even if you don't like boxing this game is gonna be fun. It tops off any other boxing game with it's graphics, controls, and just about anything else about it. The previous Fight Night was also good, but round 2 improves every element of the last game. The career mode is good but I think theres lot's of room for improvement. The graphics are nice with the boxers looking identical to the boxers themselves. Knockout animations are cool, and often fun to sit and watch. The new haymaker punches i think are a good addition to the game.The controls are just right using the second analog stick. Playing with a friend is fun too. If you want a boxing game this is without a doubt the one to pick up.